How To Motivate And Empower From Team 2, Ann Scott And Richard Sikes

+ Needs and Rewards How are they related to motivation and empowerment? Motivation and Empowermen t

Transcript of How To Motivate And Empower From Team 2, Ann Scott And Richard Sikes

  • 1. Motivation and
    Needs and Rewards
    How are they related to motivation and empowerment?

2. People act in order to satisfy needs
Effective leaders must find ways to meet followers needs as well as the needs of the organization.
3. Do you have a theory?They can help leaders understand.
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs - Individuals satisfy lower needs before they move on to higher needs.
McClelland - Acknowledged that people are differentand have acquired different needs.Therefore, they are also motivated differently.
Herzbergs Two Factor Theory Dissatisfiers must be removed.Motivators must then be added.
4. The carrot and the stickMost North American companies use a system of basic extrinsic punishments and rewards.
Reinforcement perspective behavior can be modified by punishments and rewards.
Expectancy theory motivation is contingent on expectations that behavior will result in reward.
Equity theory motivation is affected by perceptions of how fair treatment is in relation to others.
5. Quiz
Equity theory
B, Reinforcement perspective
C. Expectancy theory
6. Whats wrong with a carrot?
Undermines intrinsic rewards
Brings about unintended consequences
Too simple
Replaces cooperation with unhealthy competition
7. Empowerment - alternate route!
Meets higher needs of value and meaning
8. How do you do it?
Create the environment
Measure engagement
Employee ownership
Pay for knowledge
Pay for performance
Job enrichment
9. Whats in it for you?