How to Migrate from Etsy to PrestaShop wih Cart2Cart

How to Migrate from Etsy to PrestaShop

Transcript of How to Migrate from Etsy to PrestaShop wih Cart2Cart

How to Migrate from Etsy to PrestaShop

2. Pre-migration tips.

1. Cart2Cart benefits.

3. Migration stages. 4. Post-migration tips.

Step-by-Step Guide

Cart2Cart Benefits

No programming skills required

No software to install

Absolutely automated

Free Demo migration


Plenty of tutorials and FAQs

No data loss or duplication

Fast and affordable

Technical support


Step 4. Choose entities you want to transfer

1. Choose entities you would like to transfer.

2. Check additional options if needed.

Step 8. Try Demo Migration Check how the service works for free and just in 10-30 minutes.

Note: You can skip this step. However, it's highly recommended to proceed with Demo Migration since it will clearly demonstrate how the whole process is going to run.

Now you only need to double-check the entities you are going to migrate and apply a discount coupon code, if you have one.

After you click Start Full Migration your Etsy will be transferred to PrestaShop.

Step 10. Complete Full Migration

Check the results of your migration and enjoy a brand new PrestaShop store.

Therefore, don’t waste the time and make step forward to your dreams!