How to manage your Study Hours by Tosif Ghazi

HOW TO MANAGE YOUR STUDY HOURS? Presentation prepared by Tosif Ghazi… Change the Way you Work…!

Transcript of How to manage your Study Hours by Tosif Ghazi

Page 1: How to manage your Study Hours by Tosif Ghazi


Presentation prepared by Tosif


Change the Way you Work…!

Page 2: How to manage your Study Hours by Tosif Ghazi


Hard work is a method of working in which we are striving hard to get something done. We do hard work to accomplish our mission when it is hard to get. We try harder and harder until we are done with that matter.

Hard work is always a time consuming and resource consuming matter to do but it’s worth it because due to hard work we get what we want. As a student working hard can give you good grades and as a professional working hard can give you more opportunities of success.

It is a way of working in which you make use of your full potential andyour full ability to do the work. In it you strive really hard and dedicate most of your time, even sleeping time…!

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Working hard is always beneficial. We can sail over the seas of uncertainty to the shore of success on the ship of hard work. To get on the shore and to drive the ship we need to put in more effort and more enthusiasm in our work so that we would become successful.

But don’t you think is there any other way to get success other than hard work…?

I may say NO!

But there is an easy way, a way which is a bit easy than hard work.

It is not any other way but it is the alternative of hard work.

And that is SMART WORK…!

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Smart work is the way of doing work which we do smartly to get our work done without consuming much of our energy and time.

Smart work is neither opposite nor detached of hard work. Working smart doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t work hard, instead working smart is a way of working which is as productive as hard work but is less time, energy and resource consuming than hard work.

While you work smart you save more than 50% of the time that you used to do the same work by the method of hard working. We can minimize the amount of effort, time and energy that we need to work with.

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As we are students, we need to read more and more books, we need to get information from other sources like newspapers, magazines or notes etc.

Let’s take example of two students student ‘H’ and student ‘S’.

Student H is a user of hard working method and on the other hand student S is a smart worker.

Student H will go to market then he will search for the particular book, he will go to find the notes, magazines and newspapers to another market, after a long tiring session of walking from one market to another, at the end of the day he will get all the stuff, while on the other side the smart worker will use his laptop or any other tech accessories like smart phone or PC (these accessories are almost in reach of everyone nowadays) to find the same books, notes, newspapers or magazines on the internet.

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Student S will use the internet facility to get the stuff in no more than 1 hour but the student H will do the hard job and if he is fortunate enough he will get the same stuff from the market in at least 4-5 hours.

Student H loses more money, more time and more energy and get’s the same stuff that student S got using less money, less time and less energy. So student S will have more time and energy to study as compare to student H.

While studying it is also possible that the book you purchased will be stolen or any of your friend will take it from you and will forget to give it back to you or the pages may get tear or may get dirty.

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But the books, notes, newspapers or magazines any of these can’t be stolen from the S student. He can have thousand of copies of the stuff and he can also share his stuff with his colleague without being afraid of the stuff to be damaged.

Student H and S are studying in the same class and if both of them just didn’t got the concept of optics chapter in physics then student H will go to the teacher and there is much possibility that the teacher may be busy or s/he may also get angry on the H student.

The teacher will also lose his time and the H student will also get only one time more lecture from the teacher but looking on the other side student S will surf through the web he will go to websites like or to get the concept from a virtual teacher which he can watch as many times as he wants and he can also get new concept or new ideas from the virtual one while on the other hand student H will again get the same ideas from the same teacher.

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We need to put in the quality not the quantity to get success. Smart work gives equal quality in less quantity of time than Hard work. Hard work is a best way but smart work is better than the best. Why to waste our time if we are able to do the work of same quality in less time and by using less energy.

Work smarter, give out your best, make use of each and every bit of technology around you to get your work done more easily and more efficiently.

Someone once said,“Change is not given to you bring change by yourself”.

Let’s change from today,

Let’s work more accurately,

Let’s use less resources,

Let’s come up with the best quality and show our full potential…


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How to manage your study hours?

If you need any help regarding this topic contact me…

Tosif Ghazi on Fb / [email protected]
