How to Manage a Remote Team

How to Manage a Remote Team


Watch the full webinar here: Having remote employees and contractors is so common these days— it’s the rare business that doesn’t have at least one. And whether you got there on purpose or it ‘just happened’, managing these relationships can be incredibly tricky. In this webinar, we’ll help you think about some of these pitfalls from a new perspective. And we’ll share with you our best practices for how we’re doing it with our team.

Transcript of How to Manage a Remote Team

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© 2014 EMyth

How to Manage a Remote Team

Page 2: How to Manage a Remote Team

© 2014 EMyth

Webinar Host Panelists

Jonathan Raymond Chief Brand Officer, EMyth

@emyth @jonathanraymond

Slade Machamer, Rachel Clark, Adam Traub, and Nick Lawler

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© 2014 EMyth

The Problem

Do you really know where they are and how they’re doing?

Do you need to micromanage to get things done?

Are you wondering if you made the right choice?

Are you afraid they’re going to leave you in a lurch?

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© 2014 EMyth


Develop great long distance relationships

Create a different kind of mentoring and evaluation

Hold productive meetings

Learn about our favorite tools

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© 2014 EMyth

The Structure For Great Long Distance Relationships

Weekly check-ins

Prioritizing regular meetings

Appropriate performance tracking

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© 2014 EMyth

The Substance of a Different Kind of Mentoring and Evaluation

Focus on brand embodiment not task completion

Extra care to be with the person and not their tasks

Get creative about inviting feedback

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© 2014 EMyth

The Best Way to Hold Productive Meetings

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© 2014 EMyth

Our Favorite Tools

15Five for weekly check-ins

Hangouts, GTM and Skype for video chat

Asana for collaborative task management

Honey for internal posts of interesting ideas and articles

‘Tuesday 20’ and ‘Thursday 360’; Dedicated Mentors

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© 2014 EMyth


Develop great long distance relationships

Create a different kind of mentoring and evaluation

Hold productive meetings

Learn about our favorite tools

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© 2014 EMyth
