How to Make Money

can do to make As a Housewife Or a Stay-at-home Mom By JoDee Mason


How to Make Money As a HousewifeOr a Stay-at-home Mom

Transcript of How to Make Money

  • can do to make

    As a Housewife Or a Stay-at-home Mom

    By JoDee Mason

  • Thank you to my mom who is very creative

    and passed that on to me- giving me creative

    ideas as well, and to Tosha for telling me to

    put my ideas into a book!

  • Index of Categories:

    Anyone Can Do It





    Use Your Talents!

    Be Teachable

    Living on a Budget

  • Anyone Can Do It- In order to make money wherever you are you need to sit down with a pen and

    piece of paper and map out your plan with these steps. The first two things you

    need to figure out go hand in hand:

    First: What is needed in your area-

    That is to say, what is something that people would want or need done that is not

    readily available or too expensive or would be inconvenient.

    Second: What is something you can do easily and enjoy doing that other people

    would pay to have done-

    Figure out what you have or can do that someone else cant or doesnt have the

    time/skills to do. For example- you may be a stay at home mom with some extra

    time, whereas other moms are working- unable to get everything else done.

    Third: How can you make it practical-

    You dont want to go in debt trying to earn money. Anything you do to earn your

    money should be at least 30-50% profit. To make what youre going to do

    practical, and balance out make a chart or graph. Decide how much its going to

    cost you in time and materials and how much you can reasonably sell it for. You

    dont want your costs so high that when you double them its way too much for

    someone to spend. For example- Make sure your final cost is cheap enough to buy,

    yet high enough to cover your costs, and the time and effort you put into it.

    Fourth: Find Uniqueness about what youre doing-

    List how different, unique and of course BETTER your service or product is and

    the reasons why. Let people know your offering something no one else can.

    Fifth: Extra things you can do to increase your profits-

    Even though they may be able to buy close to the same thing somewhere else-

    yours is unique and people will often pay for uniqueness and the convenience of

    having something delivered. For example- if your delivering something, have a

    delivery charge. Always have those little extra things you are able to add on by

    request and even though you only charge them an extra dollar or two, your cost is

    already absorbed in the original order.

    Sixth: What do you need to start your business-?

    If there are legal issues such as- food handlers permit, licenses, etc. Call your local

    City offices or search online to find out.

  • Seventh: What expenses are you going to have to start-?

    Make a list of inventory needed, get prices for things. You can always go online

    and find wholesalers to get things really cheap, the only down fall of this is you

    usually have to buy in bulk- but if its something youll go through it will save you

    money. Wholesalers will often send you a catalog if you ask for one. Also check

    eBay. Become the online queen of research! The internet provides many tools

    today take advantage of them, all you have to do is be willing to spend some time

    doing the research. In the end youll save yourself a lot of money. Dont forget

    added expenses most people dont think of - such as business cards,

    advertising, fliers etc.

    Eighth: What are you going to call your Business-?

    You want a name thats catchy and lets people know what you do. Dont pick a

    business name that only means something to you, your family or friends- arent the

    ones you want all your business from. Look at other businesses, good names let

    you know if theyre what youre looking for by the name.

    Ninth: Make a To Do list-

    List the things that you need to do in order to achieve your goal. The easiest way to

    do this is to start at the top of the planning list youve just made and go from top to

    bottom listing things to do, then start crossing things off that list!

    Tenth: Have a timeline-

    Create a timeline of when you want to achieve certain things. Give yourself

    deadlines. Figure out the dates to have your business set up, order inventory,

    advertising & any other things you need to get done.

    Eleventh: Advertise your business-

    Depending on what you decide to do, advertise in the best way for people in that

    market to hear about you. In newspapers, fliers, ads or even just calling around to

    your friends and family to let them know what youre doing and have them spread

    the word! After all, word of mouth is the BEST advertising you can get!

    As mentioned before, have a plan. This is a guideline to help you get started. In

    this book you will find suggestions and ideas, feel free to use any of these or

    modify and create your own. However as mentioned before, whenever you create a

    new way to make money make sure you take care of all the legal sides of it to

    protect yourself and your business.

    Anyone can find a way to make money- use what you know best to earn the extra

    cash you want.

  • Some of the following money making ideas are ones that I have tried myself and

    have enjoyed doing. I hope you put these ideas to good use for yourself and earn

    the extra money that is nice for all of us to have!

    Dont forget to put your name, phone number and any other information on ALL

    of your products. This way if they give it to a friend youve got potential new

    business. There are many make your own things you can buy in the stores that

    combined with a computer make life much easier and allow you to look

    professional at a minimal cost. I use my computer and the things bought at the

    store to make my own stickers, labels, business cards, and return address stickers.

    All you need is a cute little logo and the font of your choice. This adds so much to

    your product or service and makes you look professional. They also look like you

    took the time and money to order personalized things for your business- only you

    will know that you made them at a fraction of the price!

    Also, make sure to remove any information about your wholesalers on any

    products you sell- you dont want customers to be able to undercut you and go

    directly to your sources!

    Keep in mind, the price suggestions in here are only suggestions and depending on

    the area you live in they may need to be adjusted.

    No Matter what you end up doing, remember quality, quality, QUALITY! You

    want people to know theyre getting their moneys worth.

    Good luck with your future endeavors!

  • Cooking

    Bread Orders- Most people love fresh homemade bread! Offer to deliver fresh homemade bread

    one day a week to peoples houses. You can have standing orders or special orders

    each week. You may even want to do a few different kinds of bread such as:

    White, Wheat, Cinnamon Raisin, etc. You could charge a delivery fee on top of the

    bread if they want it delivered, or they can come to your house and pick it up

    saving you time and them the delivery fee.

    Cooking Club- Start a cooking club! If you know how to cook really well and people are always

    telling you that you make such nice meals, offer to teach a class once a week on

    how to cook.- You could explore this from the basic learners (maybe someone

    would send their kids to learn to cook basic stuff) to even doing special, deluxe or

    gourmet food. The nice thing about this is you teach it right in your house at the

    times you set. Have each person pay an attendance fee of maybe $5-$30 (or

    whatever you see fit) and that would give them the knowledge of the night, recipes

    of the things cooked and a taste of the things cooked. (or if you were doing the

    whole meal- they would get to eat the meal)

    Meals on the go- Offer to deliver a full meal to someone. Make up a menu of about 5 different

    complete dinners of which someone could choose to order from you. Most main

    dishes can be frozen easily- especially since youll want to freeze and sell them in

    disposable (but oven safe) containers. So you can make up most of your meals

    ahead of time ready to pop into the oven when someone calls. Salad, bread and a

    dessert are easy things to put with a meal and fast to put together. I would suggest

    having 3 different serving sizes such as serving for 2, 4, or 6 people. You could

    also have individual things on your menu such as soup, bread and a dessert for one

    person. Or a special dessert-like cheesecake or fried ice cream that a person could

    order for just one. Maybe even have things like a meal of the week. Again with this

    you could charge a delivery fee.

  • Pre-Made Mixes- These are so easy to make and easy to store! Put all the dry ingredients of a recipe

    into a Ziploc or large bag, then place it into a decorative bag. (cellophane, sewn or

    even decorated white paper bag) Type up a nice little label of instructions on what

    to add to the mixture, and how long to bake etc. include a small ingredients list,

    then tie it up with a ribbon and there you have it! You can do anything from

    cookies, brownies to even breads! I know someone who sells these pre-made for

    $4.50 each- theyre great gifts! And if you put your name and number on the label,

    then give some away as gifts youll be getting calls when they want more!

    Homemade Ice Cream & Root beer- In the summer time its always nice to have homemade ice cream and root beer and

    even better homemade root beer floats! On a busy day during the summer have a

    sign in your yard or go somewhere people will be to sell homemade ice cream, root

    beer, or root beer floats!

    Boxed Lunches-

    Make up some boxed lunches for hikers or for a youth activity. You could include

    in each lunch a sandwich, drink, apple or orange, and cookie or dessert. Most of

    these things you can buy in bulk and save money. You could put the lunches in

    boxes ordered online or even a brown lunch sack. Place some order forms where

    hikers would go- supply stores, restaurants or gas stations close to attractions. They

    may not order last minute when they see your ad, but theyll remember you for

    next time. Also Boy Scouts and other groups that go on hikes would be a good

    market to advertise to.

    Create your own cook book- If you find you get a lot of compliments on your cooking, or even just have a large

    collection of recipes compile them all together! You could go as far with this as

    you wanted. If you were looking at little to no budget start by typing up all your

    recipes, print on both sides of the paper to save money and put a cardstock cover

    on top, staple them together, thats a quick, easy, and cheap money maker that you

    could then sell for $3-8 depending on how many recipes are inside. You could

    make a book for each category or start a series of books.

  • Saturday Morning Cinnamon Rolls- Every Saturday make cinnamon rolls and have your kids walk the neighborhood to

    sell them. Who wants to cook breakfast on Saturday, besides its hard to turn down

    a cute little face at your door with some wonderfully smelling hot cinnamon rolls!

    Again you could do standing orders, or buy whats made type of orders. Tell

    people you will guarantee them delivered by 8:00am every Saturday morning.

    Wedding/Party Refreshments- Make silver dollar sandwiches, ribbon sandwiches, meatballs, mini chicken pieces,

    sugar mints, or dipped Teddy Grahams. Each of these is very easy- Silver dollar

    sandwich rolls can be custom ordered at any grocery store. All you have to do is

    cut them in half, spread a mixture of mayo/mustard inside and then close it with a

    slice of meat. Easy! Ribbon sandwiches are a little more work- custom order the

    colored bread from a bakery, cut off the crust (an electric knife works best for this)

    then with your squared off slices spread a mixture of fillings such as: Cheese

    spread, pineapple mixed with cream cheese (you can also do this with cherries)

    Ham (or spam) mixed with mayo & mustard, Etc. then layer the bread. The layered

    loaf can be frozen and cut into sandwiches later. Once the one-inch slices have

    been cut there should be 3-4 fillings in each slice. Meatballs can be bought at any

    wholesale store- then in a crock-pot put them with a nice barbeque sauce and

    theyre done! The same can be done with the mini chicken pieces. Sugar mint

    recipes can be found about anywhere and are easy to do, once you have them

    mixed up just roll a small amount into a ball, then roll in white sugar, and press it

    into a mold. The molds you can find at just about any craft store and also some of

    your Wal-Marts. Theyre reasonably priced at around $2-3. Another easy

    refreshment is chocolate dipped teddy grahams. Get some colored chocolate (found

    at craft stores) melt it according to the directions, then dip the head of each Teddy

    Graham into the chocolate, set them on wax paper to set up and you have a cute

    little snack specially made in whatever colors you want!

    Cake Decorating- Most craft stores have cake-decorating supplies including books on how to

    decorate them. Once you buy a few basic tools and get a good frosting recipe you

    can do about anything! The best thing about making wedding or birthday cakes is

    theyll taste much better then store bought! So find yourself a good cake recipe and

    maybe a filling for layered cakes. Cakes are always easier to decorate when theyre

    frozen so if you have the time freeze the cake before you decorate it. When

    frosting the cake dip your smooth knife into warm water to help give you the

    smooth look on the cake.

  • Children

    Sell to your 2nd hand store- Most childrens second hand stores will buy clothing and toys that are in

    reasonable shape. Take your kids out grown clothes and toys to them. Especially

    bigger items like swings, cribs, and big toys are always in demand so they will

    almost always take those!

    Tutor- Be a tutor for the subjects you know well. If youve attended college use your

    college class knowledge to your advantage and be a paid tutor for anyone needing

    help in that area- you could tutor anyone ages 5 through college!

    Paint a childs room-

    Even if youre not very artistic you can still paint anything! Get an overhead

    projector and project the picture desired onto the wall, from there you can trace it

    on the wall and paint away! There are lots of ideas that are simple to do if you look

    in magazines. You can paint stripes on the walls using painters tape between the

    stripes. The simplest things usually look the best as long as you take that simple

    thing and make it fun and unique- paint the window seals, door trims, and even

    closet doors a different color then the rest of the room, or paint the ceiling a fun


    Kids Craft Day- One day a week have children of certain ages come over to your house for 2 hours,

    in which time they will do 2 crafts. One kitchen craft and one art craft. (the craft

    ideas are all over the web and childrens magazines) Each child pays $5 to come

    and you have it on the same day at the same time each week. I loved doing this

    because it was fun for my kids to have playmates over, and I was earning some

    extra money. We did lots of fun crafts and games and the kids looked forward to

    coming each week.

    Kids Camp- In the summer most kids get pretty bored. Offer a kids camp where one day each

    week you will do activities for the whole summer. Each time it will only be for 2

    hours or so, but you will have a schedule of what youll be doing each week for the

    whole summer, the cost is $5 per kid per week. Some weeks you may do

    something really active like swimming, skating etc. and other weeks may be just

    easy arts and craft activities, teach the kids a new skill like pottery, painting, or

  • maybe even have some field trips where theyll get a tour of a grocery store (stores

    love to do this).

    Home Preschool-

    Start a preschool in your home. Find children at the appropriate ages and teach a

    small preschool group in your home. Again you can find lots of lesson ideas on the

    internet, and you will have to get the proper licensing. Keep in mind the average

    cost to send a child to preschool is anywhere from $55-100 per month. And the

    child attends from 2-3 days a week. If you run out of ideas for lessons, search the

    web, there are tons of ideas for free! Remember you can always do 1 letter of the

    alphabet each week- thats 26 weeks right there!

    Make quilts for babies- Ok, not everyone knows how to quilt or sew so Im going to tell you the EASIEST

    way to make a blanket that will look adorable and expensive. Buy some fleece

    fabric at the store (its the soft fuzzy material on both sides) Cut out a piece just

    about 3-4 inches bigger all around then you want your final blanket to be. Now, cut

    out a square from each corner thats about 3x3 inches. Now cut 3-inch long strips

    (1 wide) all along each edge making a fringe look. Take each strip and tie a knot

    at its base leaving a little tail. Once the blanket is done it will have a cute little

    border of knots and tails! You can do this to any size blanket, from baby size to

    adult size, just adjust the size of your fabric and if desired the size of the cut out

    squares and strips. For bigger blankets you can also only fringe the top and bottom.

    You can even make a matching pillow using the same technique but lay one piece

    on top of the other and tie the 2 pieces making a knot with 2 fringes rather than one

    and fill the middle with stuffing.

    Activity Packets- How many times do moms hear that a child is bored? Make up activity packets to

    cure boredom! These could be chore charts to earn extra money, or achieve goals,

    games, you name it! I have some games that I made up and put into file folders

    after they were laminated this way they are easily filed away and when pulled out

    theres a complete game all in one file. Theres a variety from color matching to

    addition or word finding. Something for each level!

    Family Home evening packets-

    Make up a complete family home evening packet. Include a scripture for the week,

    lesson, recipe for a dessert, and maybe even a game or role playing activity. Put

    everything they would need for the family night into one decorative container or

  • envelope. The more work you put into this and the better you make it look the

    better it will sell. Remember if you want people to buy it, it has to be good quality!

    Birthday Party Packages-

    Put together a collection of everything someone would need for a birthday party-

    invitations, thank you cards, treat bags, noise makers, decorations, table cloth etc.

    Have it all the same theme or colors. If you have access to stamps, or a computer

    you could be really original with these making them all the same. You could even

    include some game ideas and the supplies needed to play those games.

    Personalized books- Write a personalized book for a boy or girl where all you have to do is change the

    name and the rest of the story stays the same. You could have a few different

    books to suite different age levels. Include the childs name, pets, age, siblings &

    address. Print this book out and put it into page protectors in a binder or in a photo

    book. There are also places online you can upload your book to and they will print

    and bind it for you.

    Learning Games- Create easy learning games for all ages. Some may be matching colors, some

    matching numbers or words. You could have some to help with reading, math, or

    science. Make them into a board game or a card game, even a memory game! Put

    the game in a nice box and give it a nice label and kids will love them as much as

    any other game someone would buy at the store. You could also create them with

    your childs favorite cartoons- just be sure to check copyright info if youre going

    to sell these.

    Personalized Party Kits- For my daughters 2nd birthday I made personalized labels and put them on bubbles

    bought at the store, and also on candy bars. It adds a neat touch and looks like you

    paid a fortune to order them special made! I also made coloring books- you can get

    lots of coloring pages off the internet, just print them up small and make them into

    a little book with a cardstock cover. Offer to make personalized labels with

    whatever cartoon character the child likes and their name etc.

    Toy disinfecting-

    Charge to thoroughly disinfect toys for people. You could charge $1 per toy and

    clean them with disinfectant and q-tips. This would be a great thing to do during

    cold season when germs are spread so easily. Preschools and Daycares would be a

    great place to advertise this! You could make a sign to hang where the toys are

  • saying the date that the toys were last disinfected and cleaned. That would give

    parents the assurance that their kids are playing in a clean environment as well as

    remind the customers to call you again.

    Theme Party Hosting- Bring the party to their house! Have themes such as dress-up, tea party, circus,

    monster trucks etc. and bring everything for the party to their house. You bring the

    cake, any dress-ups or costumes, party favors, games, decorations and anything

    else that goes with your theme to the party!

    Personalized name poems- Type up a personalized poem for someones name- you could have pre-made

    sayings for each letter of the alphabet and just type them up with the name going

    down. Make the first Letter of each saying large and in bold print so they see their

    name down and the poem across. Print them up on cute paper with a boarder and

    have 4-5 choices of boarders to order the poem on. You could also frame them and

    charge extra.

    Birth Announcements- Have a saying that you can use for everyone or one for boys and one for girls and

    just add in the name. Something like: On Dec. 2nd 2004, the world was happy to

    see John Smith enter the world landing with 8lb 4oz of love and cuddles at

    8:03pm. This one could be themed around airplanes playing on the word

    Landing have the saying written in calligraphy or a neat font and pictures of

    airplanes around as a border which you could water color in or print out on the


    Name Art- Paint the childs name and a saying on a 1x4 board for a decoration. This could

    be anything from Billys Room to Princess Sadie Sleeps Here. Trace a fancy

    border, or picture and make sure to add color. You could add knobs for hanging

    things. Or add a 3D look by gluing on matchbox cars, or buttons etc.

    Wall Hangings- Paint a board one solid color then paint or attach a vinyl saying on it such as

    Twinkle, Twinkle little star, Thank Heavens for little Girls, Boys will be

    Boys, or any saying. You could also paint these sayings onto store bought wall

    hangings, coat hangers, mirrors, etc.

  • Dress-up Kits Make dress-up kits that have everything inside to dress up as a cowboy, Indian,

    princess, ballerina etc. The costumes could be easily made and accessories can be

    found cheap at dollar stores or picked up at clearances throughout the year if you

    keep your eye out for them. After Halloween stores clearance their costumes for

    50% off. You could sell these kits, or even rent them out.


    Valentines Day

    Make Gourmet Desserts for Valentines Day- Most men dont know what to get their wives for Valentines Day, make this

    decision easy for them! Most women love chocolate and what woman wouldnt

    love a basket filled with deluxe treats! Chocolate dipped pretzels are easy to make

    and you can always find amazingly easy truffle recipes online along with any other

    creative but delicious ideas. Look in recipe books for some gourmet ideas. Carmel

    dipped apples can be made fancy by dipping them in chocolate, then drizzling

    white chocolate over the top.

    Deliver Flowers Balloons, or Boxed Chocolates-

    Take orders a week or so in advance, then for flowers buy bulk at a wholesale store

    such as Costco. Divide the flowers up into amounts your selling (1 rose, 3 roses, 6

    roses etc.) be sure to put some baby breath with each lot. (you may have to buy

    extra baby breath from a flower store) Wrap the lot up with cellophane. For

    Balloons, rent a helium tank and on the day of delivery start making your balloon

    bouquets. For boxed Chocolates- you can buy them from any gourmet chocolate

    store, or even find a wholesaler and order them before hand. Make some deals and

    combos if youre doing more than one such as- $15 for 3 roses and a box of



    Fill Plastic Easter Eggs- You can either provide you own eggs and candy and charge a per dozen rate, or

    have them bring you one or both of those and charge a little less per dozen. You

    can even have your candy prices vary in price range from the jelly bean/cheap

  • candy fillers to the candy bars and chocolate eggs. Also, if they need someone to

    hide them- offer to do this for an additional $2/dozen or so.

    Sugar Easter Eggs-

    Sugar eggs are easy to make and fun to decorate. All you need is a mold, and your

    basic cake decorating supplies. Once you make the sugar egg in the mold scoop out

    the middle leaving the outer edge about 1 inch thick, then create your own scene

    inside with pictures, or nick-nacs. Decorate the outside of the egg with the same

    techniques youd use on a cake (using hard setting frosting) and you have yourself

    a pretty decoration that could easily sell for $5-15 each. You can always add silk

    flowers and ribbon for that extra touch. These keep well as long as they dont get


    Fourth of July

    Flag set up and Delivery- Go around and set up flags outside your neighborhood. This business is a good

    idea especially for elderly communities that may not be able to put up a flag on this

    holiday but still want to be patriotic. A simple fee is worth it to have someone else

    put out a flag. Make sure you get a sturdy way or place to put the flags, Ive seen

    them in cemented buckets, or you could screw a bracket in when they sign up for

    the service on a place of their choosing so early on the morning of the 4th you

    simply have to slide the flag in- this is a good idea if you are going to do this every

    year. Have an arranged time to set up and take down- such as flags will be up by

    5am and taken down by 10pm. You can also make this service a year round

    business and commit to specific holidays you will put the flags up and charge a

    yearly fee.

    Pot Luck Cooking- This is also a time of the year people are going to a lot of BBQs and potlucks.

    Those who may not know how to cook very well but still want to bring a nice dish

    that doesnt look store bought could order and purchase a dish from you. Create a

    menu of salads, side dishes, breads, and desserts. You could even sell them with

    either disposable containers- or offer a higher quality plastic bowl with lid or

    something that the buyer would keep if you think you could get your moneys

    worth. Have maybe 2 different serving sizes- a medium that would feed 6 or so,

    and a large that would feed 12. Be sure to do a cost evaluation before setting your

    prices so you dont undercut yourself on the cost of ingredients.

  • Halloween

    Make Halloween Costumes- If you know how to sew, or even if you dont theres lots of cute ideas you can turn

    into a costume. Just look around and be creative! For example, you can turn a large

    black plastic bag into a M&Ms costume. Childrens magazines around this time of

    year have lots of ideas to get you started, or make you own ideas!

    Face Painting- At Halloween time paint childrens faces. You can buy the face paint make-up at

    the store pretty reasonable and it keeps for years if sealed in a Ziploc bag. Keep a

    file or book of ideas you find in magazines or books- these could be shown for


    Wacky Hair Styles- Be the neighborhood hairstylist, doing wacky styles for Halloween. Get a good

    supply of hair spray, and spray on hair color. You can get lots of ideas from

    movies, online or in magazines.


    Be the Pie maker- At Thanksgiving time you can make a variety of specialty pies that most people

    cant even buy such as candy bar, truffle, mint ice cream and many more. Search

    your cookbooks and youll find recipes you never knew you had! Some pies will

    freeze well, and can be made 1-2 weeks in advance; others have to be made fresh.

    The faster you deliver the pies after making them the better (and more room).

    Otherwise youll need an extra fridge or freezer to store them in. You may want to

    get orders 2-3 weeks before so you know exactly what to make and how many,

    then you can always make a few extra for those last minute orders, and if they

    dont sell- youve got pies for your family for Thanksgiving!


    Santa Reply Letters- Have parents send their childrens Santa letters and wish lists to you and you will

    reply as if you were Santa, personalizing the letter about the child including

    mentioning the names of their siblings, pets etc. Charge $2 per letter and youll

  • have a lot of parents wanting them. Print them on Christmas paper to add the extra


    Original Ornaments-

    The clear glass ornaments are easily found at craft stores, if you take these you can

    make some pretty fun ornaments. Ive put flowers in them before, and have seen

    fishing flys dangled inside them. One time I just put a little glitter and rolled it

    around the inside, it looked great! Selling them for $1 per ornament makes them go


    Shop for someone- Older people who cant get out of the house to do all their Christmas shopping

    would love to have someone do it for them, or even husbands who have a hard

    time shopping for their wives. Charge an hourly rate including your gas, and travel

    time. Have the gifts wrapped up if desired and ready to give.

    Holliday decorating/un-decorating-

    Help people decorate, or undecorated their houses for the holidays. This could

    include lights, trees, any yard decorations they may have and inside the house

    decorations as well. You can choose to charge either an hourly rate or a per job


    Gift Wrapping-

    Perfect for Christmas time when no one has the time to wrap up gifts. Have a

    complete set up at your house that allows you to wrap up any size package. Have a

    basic service that includes wrapping and a bow, then maybe more deluxe services

    where you add on fancy decorations or a keepsake tied onto the bow.

    Christmas Babysitting-

    Have a set time 3-4 days a week where you are available to baby-sit for parents

    who need to do Christmas shopping. In this time you could help the kids make a

    Christmas present for their parents and have it all wrapped up by them! This could

    be an easy craft, drawing or even a hand/foot print on a nice piece of paper.

    Greeting Cards- If you have Stamps, a computer, or just some artsy skills put them to good use

    making greeting cards for people! You can customize them for any holiday, or

    reason you want. Charge a per card rate or value rate for every dozen.

  • Send Others Christmas Cards- Get the addresses of who they want cards sent to. Sign the familys name inside

    each card then type or print the address on the envelopes and send the cards to their

    Christmas card list. You could provide the cards ( have 3-4 for them to choose

    from) or they could provide the cards and be charged less.


    Wallpaper- Hang wallpaper in bedrooms, kitchens, or any other room in the house. This is

    quite an easy technique to do and learn. Experiment by doing your own house first

    and see if you enjoy doing it! Make sure you hang it level and match the patterns.

    Sponge Paint Walls- This is a neat way to paint a room because it gives it texture and attitude rather

    than just a plain colored wall, or overly busy wallpapered wall. Again, this is a

    VERY easy technique to do and its fun to mix and match colors to get different


    Be Willing to Help- A lot of women just need a helper to do a project, or have come to their house once

    a week to do odds and ends. Even if you watch their kids for them one day a week

    so they can get any errands done, or pamper themselves. Sometimes its nice just

    to have someone available to help if they have family coming to visit- thats where

    youll come in!

    Dog Grooming- With the proper tools and love for animals you could make a lot of money

    grooming dogs! There are books that will teach you how to groom and what hair

    cuts to use for different breeds. Most of all its just having a love for animals.

    Beginning Classes-

    You dont have to be a master at something in order to teach basic classes. Piano,

    Violin, Dance, Tap, Clogging, & Singing are all common things to enroll your

    child in. Start a beginners class that you can teach from your home. For music

    lessons you could charge $20/hour and charge a $45 monthly fee for dance lessons.

    The good thing about the dance, tap and clogging lessons is that you can have

    more than one child in the class making more money for you to earn, and less for

  • the parents to pay. More children in the class also takes up more of your time,

    making it easier to fill the 1 hour lesson time.

    Refinish Furniture-

    Sand it down and paint it a different color. Re-Paint it, or put a sealer on it. You

    can get antique, crackle or any other assortment of neat paints available today.

    Shop for someone- Often times elderly or recently hospitalized people cant get their groceries for

    themselves and would love to have someone to help them. Make sure you find out

    the sizes and brands of the foods theyre used to getting so theres no mistake.

    Reminders for Special Occasions- This one requires a lot of planning and organization on your part. You need a

    really good filing system and a computer. How this works is you offer to remind

    people of important dates throughout the year. Men are the best ones to sell this to-

    for $20/year youll remind them of 3 dates (example: wifes birthday, anniversary,

    & Valentines Day) Each time the date draws near they will have 3 reminders from

    you. The first one will be one week before the day, for this they will receive an

    email. On the same day you send the email, send a reminder letter in the mail that

    way they will receive the letter 3-4 days before. And then for the last reminder you

    call them the day before.

    Craft Fairs- Craft fairs are held almost everywhere! And if there arent any in your area see the

    next suggestion! Even if you think youre not a crafty person Im going to show

    you how anyone can sell things at a craft fair. Many of the ideas in this book could

    be sold at a craft fair, such as the baby blankets, Pre-made mixes, and Ill tell you

    my secret- Go online and you will find HUNDREDS of sayings and ideas such as

    the snowman soup and the holiday Poops. These are so easy to put together

    and anyone can do them! Make sure to make them original to you so you wont

    have a problem with copy writes etc.

    Host a craft boutique- Depending on the area you live in you can host a craft boutique in your home or

    rent a place to have one. Charge people a $15 fee to sell crafts there (or more if you

    have to rent a place), and for this you will advertise, and put up signs & balloons

    the day of. If youre holding one in your home you could collect the money at a

    central checkout place and then disperse it afterwards, and if you rent a place, have

    individual booth spaces where they collect their own money. This way if you sell

  • anything or not, youre still making a little money (from the booth fees) for the

    hassles of coordinating it.

    Scrapbook for others-

    Most people enjoy looking at scrapbooks but dont have the time to do their own.

    Once you already have all the tools to scrapbook you can have people give you

    their pictures and charge them $2-3 per page to scrap book their pages for them! If

    they want special things written in they can either tell you and have you write them

    or you can leave a space for them to write it in when they have a chance. You can

    even put together the whole kit for someone who wants a book made for someone

    else, so you would scrapbook the pages and provide a binder, page protectors and

    the pages you put together inside.

    Stamp Stationary- Using your stamps, create personalized stationary. Even if you do 20 pages and 10

    envelopes if theyre all matching and classy its something unique thats an easy


    Be an organizer- Help someone organize their house, or a closet. You may want to include some

    closet organizers or plastic bins with your service to help people get organized.

    Labeling things is another great idea when organizing; this helps to keep things

    organized. Label makers can be bought at most stores, or if you have neat hand

    writing you can write on label stickers.

    Catalog the house- Catalog someones house for insurance purposes. If the house were to burn down

    they would have pictures from different angles for each room and a detailed listing

    of everything in the house. Catalog anything of value over $5 onto 3x5 cards or

    type them up on the computer and put them with the pictures to go in a fire safe


    Be a typist- Make good use of your computer! Type up things for people such as reports,

    recipes etc. Give time for them to read through the rough draft print out and then

    make any changes they see needed. You could charge per line, page, or word rate.

  • Create a book of ideas- Just like this is a book of all my ideas! Some are used and some I never put to use,

    but you will! Make an organized collection of your ideas for whatever they are.

    Examples: How to fix things, living on a budget, entertaining kids etc.

    Housecleaning help- No one wants to do it, but its sure easy to do if you have someone to do it with.

    Help clean a house, garage or yard. If youre funny about doing certain things have

    a list of things that you will not do, or even just have a list of certain things you

    will do, such as: vacuum, clean windows, scrub walls, scrub down doors and

    cabinets etc. You could charge a rate per room, per chore, or per hour.

    Service Gift certificates- Everyones seen those Good for one hug cards. Make a bunch of your own using

    pictures you draw or get from your computer. Color and Laminate them and give

    them as a set of 6 or however many you come up with, the possibilities are endless!

    Examples: Good for massage, 1 hour of cleaning, bubble bath uninterrupted,

    hug, kiss etc.

    Be a Chauffer- When someone can still get around but cant drive, do the driving for them! If

    theyre elderly, or just dont have a drivers license theyll appreciate you. Set you

    rules such as your responsibilities- pick them up and drop them off or if youre

    going to physically help them in and out of the car and go with them and be their

    helper. This you could charge an event charge, or an hourly rate.

    Print Pictures- If you have a scanner, scan pictures and then print them out using print shop or any

    other program. Be careful not to scan and print professional pictures though as they

    have copy write. This way someone could get an 8x10 of a favorite snap shot, or a

    bunch of wallets for family and friends. Most print shop programs have the ability

    to preset the picture to print in different sizes.

    Make Personalized Iron-ons- You can buy the iron-on paper at the store and put personalized messages, pictures,

    names etc. on them and then either sell them as is, or iron them on a shirt or

    something and sell them as a finished project etc.

  • Old Fashioned pictures- You can create an old fashioned picture look by black & white coping a picture,

    then lightly spraying the picture with Sephia craft spray (you can get it at any craft

    store, or something equivalent) once you have this dry mount the picture on a

    decorative frame and add nice touches like the corner inserts that give it that extra

    antique touch.

    Prom Hair Styles- Put your fancy hair knowledge to good use. Charge $15 to do a fancy hairstyle for

    prom night, or any other special occasion. Look in magazines, movies, and salon

    books for ideas on how you can do hair in a different way. You could even trade

    this service for babysitting!

    Teach a skill to others- Teach something you know how to do that may not be something too common for

    most people to know how to do. Examples: Foreign languages, Sign Language,

    Quilting, Bead making, etc. Have a weekly class for 6 weeks, and charge a flat rate

    for the complete 6 weeks. $45/person for 6 weeks, 2 hours each week.

    Make Signs and Charts- Make chore charts, emergency phone numbers, or basic information charts for

    people to hang up in their house. You could have a basic chart that wouldnt need

    any specific information such as an emergency phone number list that would have-

    911, poison control, etc. on it, or you could get personal information and

    personalize them such as lists for the babysitter that would include: childrens/pets

    names, emergency contact, cellular phone number and any other important

    information they should know. Basic chore charts are also easy to do, you could

    make them for kids or adults- just list the daily chores and divide them however

    needed (daily, weekly, personal chores etc.) The good thing about chore charts is

    that every house needs to be vacuumed, dusted, windows washed, laundry folded,

    swept, mopped, dishes done, and all the basic cleaning chores! Once you get a

    pattern for your charts (make sure they have color!) get them laminated.

    Be a Wedding Decorator- Make or buy tablecloths, backdrops and decorations for a few different colors or

    themes. Rent your decorations out for weddings, parties, or other events. You

    could also do custom color/theme requests. Make sure you stick to neutral colors

    for backdrops, or things that you can put material or ribbon on making it versatile

    for any color/theme.

  • File it away- Organize someones papers into an easy filing system. The easiest way to do this is

    with 3x5 cards on which you write a subject or key word at the top of each card.

    Then list all the papers your filing that go along with that subject or key word and

    what file they are located in. From there you can have the papers filed into

    numbered files. So if they were to look for a paper on gardening for example, the

    3x5 card might have listed #35, #122 & # 409. From there they could pull out

    those numbered files and they would all have to do with gardening.

    Deliver Fliers-

    This has got to be the coolest idea for stay at home moms! Deliver fliers from your

    local businesses to each house. Divide the area you live into sections of 500, 1,000

    or however many you want to be in your delivery route. Then tell the businesses

    youll deliver one area each week. Charge $25/500 or if you decide to do 1,000

    charge $50. Have each business print up their own fliers and have them ready by

    the Friday before. It will take time for you to collate them over the weekend, but

    then it will only take you a day or two to deliver them! Guarantee them delivered

    by a certain day of the week. Let businesses choose which areas they want to

    advertise in, and give them a discounted rate for advertising in more than one area.

    Your packets that you deliver to each house could be stapled together, or put into

    plastic bags.

  • Use your Talents! Everyone has talents, figure out what yours are and how you can use them to help

    you make a little extra cash. I promise there is something you can do that no one

    else can.

    Dont forget any education you have! Go back and read through some college

    books and remember the classes you took and what you learned, apply that. Even

    in High School some skills were taught to you that you could put to use.

    Help teach someone what you know and have learned through your experiences.

    And in turn keep an open mind to the things others try to teach you, learn from

    their mistakes and experiences.

    Last of all I would recommend you talk to someone who knows you best and get

    their input on what you plan to do, ask them for constructive criticism and be open

    to their suggestions. View your plan from all sides, and even though its the last

    thing you want to do have a plan to fall back on in case you dont succeed. (with

    the right plan and enough effort you will succeed!)

    Good luck with your business ventures! I hope you have enjoyed reading this book

    as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Hopefully now you have an eager mind full

    of ideas to start you on your way to making some money while still being a

    housewife and a stay at home mom!

  • Be Teachable These days there are a lot of TV shows that will teach you how to cook, do crafts,

    fix things, and decorate. Study the shows to learn new techniques and to stay

    updated with the latest trends and styles. Be open to learning new things- you may

    find a shortcut or idea you can use.

    If you dont know how to do something- but desire to do it as part of making

    money, seek out TV shows and internet information. There are a lot of resources

    available for free!

    Anything can be done when a person is willing to put the effort and time into doing

    it- which includes learning and knowing all you can!

  • Living on a Budget Aside from making money you need to learn how to budget and save what money

    you have. After all, what good is it to keep making money and then spending it

    unwisely- youre not getting ahead this way.

    Any of the suggestions in this book could be put to personal use in order to save

    money. Do things for yourself instead of hiring someone else to do it for you.

    When hosting a wedding, make your own cake, decorations, or refreshments. Make

    activities and games for your children rather than buying them. There are many

    ways to save money and budget aside from coupon clipping which is the first thing

    most people think of. Here are a few examples of things not listed thus far:

    Haircuts- boys especially are easy to do. This will save you an average of $8 for

    boys and $15 for girls!

    Dinners- When making a casserole, make an extra one and freeze it. Not only is

    this nice for those days when you're too tired to make dinner, but its also cheaper

    to make one double batch then it is to make two single batches. And time effective!

    Because after all- Time is Money!

    Buy Wholesale- You really will save money in the end. Buy the things that you go

    through the most.

    Make Snacks- Recipes can be found everywhere for childrens snacks that will

    save you money, and chances are theyll be healthier than store bought.

    Plan Meals Out- By planning your weekly meals and then making a grocery list

    based on those meals you end up spending less in the store. Youll know exactly

    what you need to make each meal and wont have to run back to the store during

    the week for 1-2 ingredients.

    These are just a few examples, the best way to come up with your own is to sit

    down and write down all the places you spend your money and how much. Then

    decide where you can make cuts.

  • If you make a money log for one week taking each time you spend any money and

    writing down what you bought, and how much you spent, youll be surprised at the

    end of the week how much you spend on certain things. You may not realize how

    much soda you drink, or how much gas your car uses.

    Cut down on waste by only cooking enough food to feed your family what they

    will eat. Watch for sales in the stores. Usually off seasons is the best time to buy.

    Tires for example may be $100 less in the summer, even if you dont need them

    until winter, buying them at the right time will save you $100 on something youll

    eventually buy anyway.

    Childrens clothes are the same way. For years I would buy the seasons clearance

    clothes for my kids in the sizes they would wear the next year. One year

    specifically I remember my daughter had outgrown most of her clothes almost

    overnight and I ran to the store in a panic and spent $80 and was only able to get a

    couple outfits and pajamas. From that day I started buying clothes at the season

    clearances and one year later as she outgrew her clothes I pulled out an entire

    wardrobe I had bought on clearance 9 months earlier. I totaled the amount I paid

    which was about $80 (for an ENTIRE wardrobe of MANY outfits and pajamas)

    and then I totaled what I would have paid if I hadnt bought them on clearance and

    it was over $300!! My savings of a couple hundred dollars was worth storing the

    clothes in her closet for 9 months. Now that my kids are older and not going

    through as many growth stages I can do the same thing for just a couple times a


    Being well organized and planed will save you a lot in many different areas. I have

    a chart that lists every consumable item we have in our house. It then lists how fast

    we go through each item. Using this chart I am able to have precise, organized

    food storage and know exactly how many months supply I have of everything in

    our house.

    Good luck with your future business and financial planning!

  • For more information or to order other products email:

    [email protected]

    Some books available on

    Other products by JoDee Mason:

    Little by Little

    Food Storage Preparedness list

    The Growing Up child book series

    Christmas Gift Ideas Book 1 and 2

    The Ugly Gift