How To Increase Earnings on Fiverr

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Read more: Fiverr is a site where you can buy or sell services worth $5. You can find some amazing deals over there. People are selling awesome graphics, banners, logos, SEO services and more for an awesome price of $5. $5 seems little but people are making thousands of dollars every month from this website. When I first heard of Fiverr, I thought I wouldn’t be able to make money of it. But now when I see orders coming in, I feel it can be a platform you can use to make a nice income online provided you invest some time on your task.

Transcript of How To Increase Earnings on Fiverr

  • 1. How To Increase Earnings on Fiverr

2. Good Rating Will Give You More Orders 3. How To Get Good Rating on Fiverr Do what you loveGig DescriptionUse Attractive Gig PictureBe PunctualCommunicate with Buyers 4. Doing what you Love 5. Gig Description 6. Use Atrractive Gig Picture 7. Be Punctual 8. Communicate with buyersMake your customer feel important no matter how much the price of your service is. 9. Make Money Easily!