How to HOLD a “Live” Exciting & Energetic Team Meeting...

How to HOLD a “Live” Exciting & Energetic Team Meeting that Nobody Wants to Miss! A Special Report for Leaders in Direct Sales by Gale Bates, CBC Gale Bates LLC © 2013

Transcript of How to HOLD a “Live” Exciting & Energetic Team Meeting...

Page 1: How to HOLD a “Live” Exciting & Energetic Team Meeting… · If you want people to attend, you must promote your

How to HOLD a “Live” Exciting & Energetic Team Meeting that Nobody Wants to Miss!

A Special Report for Leaders in Direct Sales

by Gale Bates, CBC

Gale Bates LLC #© 2013# # # # # #

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Why hold a “live” Team Meeting In today’s world of high technology, cyber learning, webinar and teleconferences, it would appear that holding a “live” team meeting is just one more thing to add to the plate of a busy leader.

In my coaching practice, I hear from leaders who say, “people are too busy and very few want to attend my meetings,” or, “everyone prefers a team teleconference once a month.”

Some of you may remember, or have read about the days of yore when women got together for a quilting bee, or to cook for a festival, or to read the bible, and the synergy of people greeting each other, learning about each other’s challenges and successes built camaraderie and most of all good will in a very positive environment.

And that’s the reason you want to hold a “live” team meeting. When you attend a “live” team meeting, you communicate through eye contact and body language. You make friends with like-minded people who have a common goal of building a successful and profitable direct sales business. When people meet at a team meeting, they have animated conversations and learn from each other, they engage in building rapport, they support each other, and grow strong friendships. That’s what bonds a team together.

In this E-Report, I have laid out a step-by-step guide to holding a successful “live” team meeting. It covers nine basic sections on how to run a team meeting that will excite and energize your people to

• Learn from each other

• Build strong friendships with each other

• Achieve goals and success helping each other.

My experience in running my own “live” team meetings built my own confidence and leadership skills in growing a million dollar team. I hope this outline will help you build your confidence and strengths as a leader holding a “live” team meeting. I began with two people around my kitchen table. It was this synergy of good will, meeting every month, supporting each other in a positive environment that made the difference in our team growing to the million dollar circle and moving to the number one position in the company.

Gale Bates LLC © 2013# # # # # # #

Introduction Leaders who grow mi&ion do&ar teams have great success holding “live” team meetings every month.They become great facilitators, confident leaders and keep their team’s energy, morale and momentum consistently high. They respond to challenges with efficiency and become more powerful in supporting the success of everyone on their team.

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Table of Contents

Create Energy & Excitement at your Team Meeting# # # # Page 4

How to Promote your Team Meeting# # # # # # Page 5

How to Prepare for your Team Meeting# # # # # # Page 6

A Business Opportunity “Take a Look” before Team Meeting# # Page 7

Focus on Nine Sections for a fun, successful Team Meeting# # # Pages 8 & 9

Team Meeting “Agenda” Template# # # # # # # Page 10

How to Praise & Recognize your Team# # # # # # Page 11

How to Deliver an Expert Training at your Team Meeting## # Page 12

Example Training Topic (Hostess Coaching Training)## # # Page 13

Connect with Gale and # # # # Page 14

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A “Live” Team Business Meeting The goal at your team meeting is for every team member to leave that meeting ready to book her next party, or get on the phone to increase her business. Your team meeting should include the following elements where each team member..

• Learns new ideas

• Participates as an active contributor

• Laughs, jokes and has fun

• Learns tips on selling your products

• Gets recognized as being part of an exclusive team.

• Takes notes because they hear some great new ideas

• Attends because they don’t want to miss being with fellow team friends

• Love “belonging” to this special group in this wonderful company!

Energy and ExcitementKeep your meeting filled with energy by involving people on your team. Create interaction and ask for feedback. Get everyone comfortable in contributing their ideas and experience. Ask people to “stand” when speaking.

Use interactive learning. Break the team into groups and have each group brainstorm a challenge or how to achieve an incentive, and share their feedback from the discussion.

Celebrate success often! Use “standing” recognition technique, asking everyone to stand who achieved a simple goal. Have everyone “applaud” with loud clapping. (This builds lots of energy in the room.) Then ask each person to stay standing who achieved a higher goal. More clapping! And keep doing this til you have the top people standing!

Keep the “fun” in the meeting. Have prizes for the “best outfit,” “best presentation,” “Best display.”

A meeting with energy & excitement inspires team members to take action!

Create Energy and Excitement at your Team Meeting

Teleconference Team Meeting

If most of your team is long distance, then hold a Teleconference Team

meeting using all the information you learn in this Report.

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Promote it on a& platforms!If you want people to attend, you must promote your team meeting on all platforms throughout the whole month. Don’t just send out an invitation one week before. Make it a regular part of all your communications to your team.

Create an invitation and send to every team member via email.

Post it on social media - Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest.

If your team is small, then send the invitation via snail mail. You want “everyone” to attend, and bring a guest!

I strongly suggest you hold your team meeting on the same day every month! When you change the time and date around, you’ll find people won’t take you seriously. When you have your team meeting on the same day every month, you’re role modeling consistency in your team.

Always promote the team meeting in your weekly newsletter.

Post your invitation on social media, especially your Team Group Page.

Delegate jobs for team members. Make a special call and ask for their assistance.

Always have a team member share the “product demonstration.”

When team members are assigned special tasks, it shows you value their contributions.

Share fun photos of your team meetings on social media and in your newsletter.

Highlight team members who have been recognized for their achievements.

Promoting a fun, exciting team meeting attracts others to join your Team!

Promote your # # Team Meeting

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“Be Prepared” Girl Scout Motto Having a successful team meeting is all in the planning and being prepared helps you feel confident with your training and presentation. Preparation helps you handle any last minute glitches in a professional manner and keeps the team focused on learning and enjoying the meeting.

First, prepare a checklist of materials you need for the meeting.• Product Display• Hostess and Recruiting Packets• Easel and chart pad• Gifts for recognition• Recognition list• Application forms and handouts.

Next, assign tasks for team members. Giving them important jobs, gets them involved and contributes to making your team meeting a success. People love to help out. Some key tasks

• Greeter at the door - you might have two people standing with happy smiles greeting all team members and helping them find comfortable seating.

• Registration person. If you want people to sign in, have someone seated with a sign-in sheet.

• Product Demonstration. Assign your top sellers to this task and have someone different at every meeting. This is great training for others to hear selling verbiage on presenting products.

• Other jobs might be someone to handle raffle tickets, team announcements and testimonials

• Usually you, the leader are the trainer, but consider having successful team members train also.

There are NINE areas to follow when presenting at your team meetings. (See template on Page 10. ) Review the nine areas before your meeting and be prepared to offer a fun and learning experience that your team members don’t want to miss every month.

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success” Alexander Graham Bell

Prepare for your # # Team Meeting

Gale Bates LLC © 2013# # # # # # #

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Encourage team to bring guests to every team meeting and take 20 minutes before the meeting to share your Business Opportunity. Follow these seven steps to share the opportunity and make the guests feel special!

Step 1. Give a warm welcome to all guests. Allow guests and/or sponsors to introduce themselves. Ask them why they want to learn more about your company.

Step 2.    Share the benefits of owning a home based business and tailor these benefits to what you heard from the guest introductions. Talk about the flexibility, the great part time income, being your own boss and having great support from you and the team.

Step 3. Have one or two team members share their testimonial. Why they love their business and the difference it’s made in their lives. This is a critical piece, so be sure to ask team members ahead of the meeting so they are prepared.

Step 4. Share your wonderful products. Keep it brief and explain they’ll learn more if they stay for the whole meeting. Let them know the product display is available for them to learn more.

Step 5. Income Potential. Segue from the talking about your products to talking about the income streams in your compensation plan. Keep it simple (don’t overwhelm them) and refer to the hourly income potential holding parties and working part time.

Step 6. Then move right into showing them how to get started. Pass around application forms, or have someone sitting at a laptop ready to sign them up online. Share the contents and value of the kit and how soon they can start their new business.

Step 7. Close with Confidence. Ask them to join the meeting and let them know you’re ready to help them sign now, or if they want to think it over for the next 24 hours. Make sure you mingle with the guests at the meeting to answer any questions.

A closing script might be

We appreciate you attending this meeting and taking the time to hear about an opportunity that we know changes lives for many women.

Business Opportunity “Take a Look” before the Team Meeting

Gale Bates LLC © 2013# # # # # # #

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Welcome Open your meeting with a BIG SMILE and a WARM WELCOME! Be upbeat and energetic. Set the tone for the meeting. Welcome new team members! And share from your heart!

Share Success Stories Ask team members to stand and share a success with the group! Write a word on your whiteboard like EXHILARATING or POWERFUL, and ask team members to share something “exhilarating” or “powerful” that occurred in the previous month in their business. This gives you fantastic feedback on how to support your team. It’s also great feedback for other team members who are learning verbiage and ideas to grow their business.

Announcements & Key DatesAssign this task to a team member. Have her set up a table with the latest brochures & business marketing materials and reminders of hostess and customer offers for the month.

RecognitionRecognizing people at the team meeting has a huge impact on building confidence and self esteem. When you recognize each person’s success, you make them feel wonderful, and this will keep them attending meetings every month. Be organized with your list of winners, so it’s simple for you to call people up to the front to receive their award. Recognizing CALENDAR GIRL winners will encourage everyone to be on the booking calendar, especially those who are part of your $500 or $1000 clubs. Read Page 11 for important ways to give praise and recognize success! Remember, what you recognize will be repeated!

Product KnowledgeNever have a team meeting without training on product knowledge. Team members thrive on learning more ways to sell their products because they are in love with the product. Always have your product display set up at the meeting to show them a first class example. Delegate this training to leaders or top sellers. This peer training for other team members is the most valuable way to increase selling on your team.

Focus on these Nine sections for a fun, successful meeting.

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Monthly Training TopicFollow the directions on Page 12 on how to master your training skills at every team meeting. Invest in an easel and chart pad and break down the training in easy steps. Prepare handouts for your training and get the team involved in role playing and interactive learning.

Incentives & Team goals Focus on using incentives with the CALENDAR GIRLS team booking system. Incentives are powerful tools to help team members have success. It’s important they understand the incentive whether it’s from the company or your own team incentive. Your job is to sell the sizzle of the incentives. The more incentive winners you have on your team, the higher your sales volume.

Create trip tracker handouts for team members to track the company trip incentive. Again, the more trip winners you have on your team, you’re creating higher sales and recruiting to grow your million dollar team.

Set up a table with the latest company announcements and incentives. Assign a team member to promote these handouts at every team meeting.

Hold Team celebrations when the team hits your Team Booking, Team Sales Volume or Team recruiting goals. Make it simple, serve “hot fudge sundaes,” or give everyone a special rose! Celebrate everyone’s success in achieving the team goals.

Follow guidelines on “How to give Praise & Recognition” on Page 11.

Powerful Close to your MeetingClose your meeting with enthusiasm and wrap up using your Agenda. Thank the team members who helped with the meeting. Thank anyone who deserves a second thank you - perhaps guests who attended the opportunity part of the meeting. Encourage them to join the team.

Have team write down “one” point that made the biggest impact on them to move their business forward, and ask some to share their golden nugget.

Use a powerful quote (Write it on your Flip chart) or inspirational story to end the meeting and give a “CALL TO ACTION.” Make your call to action compelling. Give them a sense of urgency around it and repeat the call to action in your newsletter and on social media, to get team involved in making it happen.

Meeting a*er the MeetingInvite the team for coffee or lunch “after” the meeting. This social time is one of the best ways for the team to build friendships with each other and chat with the guests on a friendly informal basis.

Use the Team Meeting Agenda to keep you on track with your meeting.

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Create your Agenda and complete the fo&owing template for every meeting. Use a timer to stay on track following this template Agenda. Meeting should be approx 2-1/2 hours.

Meeting Section Notes for Meeting

WELCOME Open meeting with a warm welcome. Be upbeat and energetic. Welcome new team members!

SHARE success! Ask team members to stand & share a success that month.

ANNOUNCEMENTS & Key Dates. Assign a team member this task. Have a special table with brochures & handouts.

RECOGNITION. Be organized with your list. Recognize Calendar Girl team successes. Read more on Page 11

PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE. Assign someone to this task. Train on specials for the month.

TRAINING TOPIC. Choose topic and write bullet points on flip chart before meeting. Read more on Page 12

INCENTIVES & TEAM GOALS. Use Team Building exercises. Role Play. Review how to earn these incentives.

CLOSE WITH CALL TO ACTION! What will your CTA be for your team this month?

MEETING AFTER THE MEETING. Invite team to coffee or lunch to build team friendships, and chat further with guests.

Print out this template before every team meeting.

Team Meeting Agenda

Gale Bates LLC © 2013# # # # # # #

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Nothing motivates people more than recognizing them for their efforts! When people on the team know they are appreciated and recognized for their accomplishments, it encourages success. Teach your team “how” to achieve the incentive. Sell the sizzle!

• Announce it with enthusiasm. Be clear in showing them the steps to earning the incentive.

• Create a hand-out or flyer. Explain “how” to earn the incentive. How many parties? How many interviews, etc?

• Share “What’s in it for them,” if it’s higher sales, stepping up in leadership, or earning more income.

Be organized with your gifts of recognition.Have your table set with gifts lined up with your list of incentive winners. Wrap your prizes with care, make them stand out. If you’re handing a certificate that is unwrapped it show’s there’s not much value attached to this prize. Put your certificate in a special folder or frame.

Bring winners to the front of the room.Put your hand on her shoulder and look into her eyes, and say “Suzie, I’m so proud of your high sales this month. Your positive and fun attitude must have shown through at every party and your customers must love you. Let’s give Suzie a round of applause for being the top se&er this month.”

Ask the winners to share how they achieved the award. When you ask a team member to share her success, others are listening intently. This peer training is one of the best ways for team members to learn success tips in selling, booking and recruiting.

Always look for reasons to praise and recognize. Don’t worry about over-doing it. You can’t praise your people enough. The best part is it motivates and inspires others. People notice praise, even when it goes to someone else, and they’re quick to copy the methods of others.

What get’s recognized will be repeated!

How to Praise & Recognize your team

Gale Bates LLC © 2013# # # # # # #

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Prepare for Training ahead!The training section is the most “important” part of your team meeting. You want everyone engaged in learning the basic skills. To feel confident in delivering your message prepare your training material ahead!

Choose your topic for the month!Look at your statistics for the month and ask yourself these two questions

1. Do I need my team selling, booking and recruiting MORE? or

2. Do I need MORE team members selling, booking and recruiting?

If you need your team selling, booking and recruiting more? Then focus on the basic skills of selling and booking to help them increase their potential in growing their business. If your present team is at it’s capacity in these three areas, then it’s time to add more team members. So, focus on their recruiting skills and developing leaders. Refer to the training grid on Page 19 of the CALENDAR GIRLS Workbook to identify Team Training Opportunities.

Use a Chart Pad or a White Board!Even in today’s world of high tech, where you could use a powerpoint presentation, a chart pad or white board are one of the most effective ways to get your point of learning across to the team. I recommend that you write your topics on the chart pad ahead of time. Then break down the topic into step by step bullet points. See Hostess Coaching Example on P. 13.

Use Interactive learning techniques!People learn when they are interacting, asking questions, providing feedback. Don’t bore your team by standing in the front and talking non-stop. Provide exercises, role playing and use handouts to help them learn the information.

How to be an expert trainer at your Team Meeting

Gale Bates LLC © 2013# # # # # # #

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Example Topic - Hostess Coaching Training Session

Purpose: To help team build Hostess relationship and have successful parties.

Chart 1. Share with team how to build a “Best Friend Forever” relationship with hostess. This rapport will have an effect on having high attendance at her party and set the right buying environment. Teach the importance of always referring to “what’s in it for her” and the free product she earns. Share with hostess how to invite 8-10 guests who want to have fun and learn more about the products. Encourage the hostess to make a personal call when inviting guests. Emphasize that building this BFF relationship with the hostess helps, her get high hostess credits and have successful parties.

Chart 2.

(Interactive) Delegate three team members ahead of time to cover “Connect #1, #2 and #3.” Using team members to train on these three important connections also builds their confidence in presenting in front of the team.

Chart 3Discuss the importance of getting the guest list from every hostess. Review how to use the hostess “Wish List” as the hostess goal and calculate the sales needed for the hostess to receive her free products. Emphasize working together as partners with the goal in mind helps build attendance at the party. Review the important hostess questions that also builds the friendship.

Handouts for Hostess Coaching• Scripts for three important calls to Hostess • List of Hostess Questions

Role Playing Break team into pairs. Have two people come to thefront of the room and role play making each call toHostess. Then have whole room practice with theirpartner. Ask for feedback after the exercise.

Have each team member Share her Golden Nugget!

Chart 1Develop a BFF

Relationship with every hostess

Chart 2 Hostess Connecting

Call # 1 24-48 hrs Call #2 Mid-way Call #3 Day Before

Chart 3 Hostess Guest List

Hostess Wish List

Hostess Questions

for more training help

check out


techniques at

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Thank you for reading this Team

I hope this short report will help you become an expert at holding team meetings and improve your skills in presenting information to help your team thrive!

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2014 Calendar Girls Team Booking system, A system that helps Leaders increase their team party sales, team volume and income! This workbook is filled with exercises training tips and tools to help team increase sales, bookings and recruiting. It will change the way you lead your team and help you become a strong, confident and prosperous thought leader.

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