How to handle rejections

How to Handle Rejections By Daniel Harper

Transcript of How to handle rejections

Page 1: How to handle rejections

How to Handle Rejections

By Daniel Harper

Page 2: How to handle rejections

Rejection is probably one of the most saddening and inevitable experience for a person. It happens in different

ways like when applying for a job, confessing your love, proposing marriage, or asking for a salary increase.

As much as possible no one wants to be rejected, but one way or another, this will happen to a person

regardless of age. Fortunately there are ways to deal with it without making you feel weak about yourself.

Don’t take it personally. People who get rejected usually take it personally. They think that there’s

something wrong with them that’s why they didn’t get what they were expecting. This results to self-

pity and huge decrease in self-esteem. When you are turned down, do not always assume that it’s your

fault or something is wrong with you. Try to understand that there are other factors in play that results

to being rejected like wrong timing.

Stay positive. It’s not the end of the world. Think of rejection like an old door closed on you but

opened a new one. It will be difficult to digest rejection at first but if you keep a positive attitude it

will be easier for you to move on. Encourage yourself and keep your hopes up that you will have

another chance. Think of it like a blessing in disguise because no one knows what will happen next.

Page 3: How to handle rejections

Listen. When you are rejected, make sure that you listen to the person bringing the sad news. People

tend to mentally black out when they are rejected, probably because of disappointment. Maintain an

open mind and listen so you can get hints on why you were rejected. Of course, do not take this

against yourself but rather use this as a guide so you can do things differently the next time.

Stay confident. Rejection is a sure confidence downer. But make sure that you recover that

confidence right away. Continue to believe in yourself and on the things that you can do. Never stop

doing things that you love and consider it as a chance to improve. So the next time you get rejected,

smile and keep your chin up, then move on.

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You are not alone. Everybody gets rejected. Even kids feel rejected when they don’t get the things

that they want right away. The feeling of rejection is universal and just happens in different ways to

everyone. So stop thinking that you are a victim and that the whole world conspired against you. We

all get rejected, and like everybody else, you should move on.

Just keep trying. One of my favorite lines whenever I get rejected is “Just keep swimming” which I

got from Dory from the movie Finding Nemo. When you get rejected this is what you should be

doing. Keep swimming, keep trying. Realize that rejection is not failure. It just means that you have to

try again, probably in a different time or place. So keep trying and don’t give up.

Page 5: How to handle rejections

How you handle yourself when you get rejected will show the difference between failure and success. Give up

and wallow in self-pity will surely grant you a one-way ticket to failure. But if you keep your confidence up

and stay positive, you will turn rejection into a stepping stone to success.

“A rejection is nothing more than a necessary step in the pursuit of success.”

~Bo Bennett

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