How-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput · PDF fileHow-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput ... On the first...

How-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput Page 1 z 12 How-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput Summary How-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput ........................................................................................................ 1 Part 1. MM01 Recording in SAP GUI ................................................................................................... 2 Part 2. MM01 Script processing in EasyInput...................................................................................... 6

Transcript of How-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput · PDF fileHow-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput ... On the first...

How-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput

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How-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput

Summary How-To-Guide: MM01 in EasyInput ........................................................................................................ 1

Part 1. MM01 Recording in SAP GUI ................................................................................................... 2

Part 2. MM01 Script processing in EasyInput...................................................................................... 6

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Part 1. MM01 Recording in SAP GUI In SAP GUI run the SHDB transaction (the simplest way is to type SHDB in the transaction panel)

Than press New Recording button:

In the Create Recording window only few details need to be changed as transaction MM01 is best

served with standard batch input mode. The user should enter any Recording name and Transaction

code to be recorded (MM01). Important: If reading values from the SAP system would be required,

than CATT mode option and Not a Batch Input Session should be changed.

When all the required fields are filled than press Start recording button.

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On the first material creation screen fill the Material, Industry sector and Material Type and press

Enter. The Select Views window will appear. At this moment one should select only Basic Data 1. This

is because in reality, the options depend on customizing and their sorting/ accessibility can change.

So to be sure, that in future the recorded script will work seamlessly, one should choose only the first

always existing option Basic Data 1 and press the green Continue (Enter) sign.

Enter all the necessary Basic Data to the first material screen and afterwards select the next tab to be

filled from the panel selection icon as shown on the second screen below (important!)

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If organizational levels are required for the next tab than enter them.

Fill the data on the next tab.

When all data is entered correctly on the required tabs, save the recording with the SAVE button.

Important! If there are any errors during saving (e.g. additional fields needs to be filled in before

saving), please rerecord the transaction to avoid them. After pressing, the save button, the

material should be simply created without any other popup/ screens.

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After finishing the recording, the recorded script will be shown:

One should save the script as file by pressing the Export Icon and selecting the folder in which the file

will be stored:

When the file is saved, one can start the EasyInput tool to process the recorded script further there.

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Part 2. MM01 Script processing in EasyInput To start processing the previously recorded screen one should open the EasyInput workbook

template in MS Excel.

On the EI_ScripName worksheet please enter the desired script name, script ID and select the Script

Type (Transaction Script).

Switch to EI_Script_TR as this is Transaction Script (not to EI_Script_FM).

Select EasyInput ribbon menu and choose the option Import Script File:

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After successful import further script processing and mapping script lines to the EI_Data worksheet

will be done. Before that one should enrich the script with the technical field descriptions. To do so,

the EI_Logon data (SAP connection parameters, and logon credentials) will have to be filled.

When the EI_Logon data is OK one can return to the EI_Script_TR worksheet.

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Please select the Create Descriptions button on the EasyInput ribbon menu.

After providing the correct password, the descriptions in the column K should appear. It will be easirt

to process the script having the descriptions.

Fill all the three first columns with the same value at the beginning:

Script ID Run Type Level

MM01 C - All run types 0

Script ID should be the same as defined on EI_ScriptName worksheet RunType will for almost all lines be common for test and actual run. At first we will set all lines to C (common for actual/test run). The level should be 0 as there are no line items in material script (no sublevels).

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The order column will not be used in this script (no various sublevels on the same level).

Some lines will be check as inactive (not needed). These lines could be as well completely deleted.

The most part of processing will be the assignment of fields transferred in the script to columns on

the EI_Data worksheet – filling columns L and M for selected lines.

The 9th row will not be linked to the EI_Data worksheet as it is cursor (BDC_CURSOR) setting script

line. In this script all the cursor setting lines are irrelevant and can be left unchanged.

The rows 11-13 in turn will be assigned to selected data columns.

Than the other script rows should be assigned to chosen data columns. In case one want to change

the order of the data columns, than EasyInput ribbon menu Column Tools buttons can be used:

If the field entered is always the same (for example the organizational unit) one can leave the data

row without the reference to the EI_Data worksheet. Then, the constants from column J will be used.

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In case of repetition of the fields previously linked to a data column in the script, one should set the

unnecessary script rows as Inactive (X at Inactive column). In this way the recorded constant does not

overwrite the data transferred from the data sheet.

At the end one should adjust the test script for the test mode. What to enter can be found by

recording the script once more with pressing Enter, instead of Save, and selecting No button when

the question to save appears. The changes are very small and are shown on the screen below.

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The script is almost ready to be tested. Let’s now generate the EI_Data column descriptions with the

button Create references in data sheet columns.

Now the script can be tested. Firstly, one should enter an example data on the EI_Data Screen. The

best would be different values than during the recording, to check, whether some data field in the

script is not overwritten with a recorded constants (repeated entry not checked as inactive).

If everything is OK, one could clear the data, hide the configuration panel (and possibly lock it with

password by setting it on EI_Config!C40 cell) and save the workbook.

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In case there are errors in the script one can use debugging option. To activate it, go into EI_Config

workshhet and select the debug all screens value for TR settings.

Than Process the script once more with pressing enter until the error occurs. If one can diagnose the

error, than the script can be adjusted. If it is too difficult, then rerecord the script and try doing the

configuration once more. If it does not solve the problem ask for help on forum

in the section EasyInput Discussion Room or if you think this is a bug in the section EasyInput Service
