How to Grow Yourself to Health. - Michael...

How to Grow Yourself to Health.

Transcript of How to Grow Yourself to Health. - Michael...

Page 1: How to Grow Yourself to Health. - Michael · Decreases Inflammation – Most diseases today are involved with inflammation.

How to Grow Yourself to Health.

Page 2: How to Grow Yourself to Health. - Michael · Decreases Inflammation – Most diseases today are involved with inflammation.

How to Grow Yourself to Health.

My personal journey to health. Ten years ago, when I was going through a personal health crisis, I

suffered from several nutrient deficiencies – I was completely unaware of it. My entire body suffered

including my legs and feet because I was not giving my body the fuel it needed, and the most

significant negative aspect was that my brain was on the losing end. I decided to find a solution. I

have called my solution “The Outer-e Grow-Tool”.

Grow yourself to health is not a diet; it’s a tool that will launch you, as it did for me, into a total

health transformation Journey. I designed this trial and error approach to hopefully help myself

triumph over diseases that I suffered from, like: Sore legs and feet, Diabetes, Heart Disease,

Digestive disorders, Fatigue, Depression, and to prevent Cancer which ran in my family. I succeeded

by growing and eating my own home-grown food and with the help from “the product”.

THE “Grow-Tool” TARGETS SIX ASPECTS OF YOUR HEALTH. And will help you gain a start to the process of achieving victory over any illness:

1. Decreases Inflammation – Most diseases today are involved with inflammation.

Inflammation, unknowingly, damages your cells and arterials walls and the symptoms

are painful joints, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, and digestive disorders

like Crohn’s disease to name a few. By reducing inflammation through the Grow-Tool

process, and with the product, your body is better able to heal from any disease, as it

did mine.

2. Alkalizes body – Your body should have an average pH of about 7.3. A can of soda has a

pH of 2.5, and it would take approximately 30 glasses of water to balance things out

after drinking one. Most health problems including weak and painful legs, infections,

Osteoporosis and Cancer, thrive in an acidic environment. By alkalizing your body and

blood through the Grow-Tool, your cells can heal and regenerate at the highest level.

3. Lowers blood glucose – One of the primary causes of fatty liver disease, cardiovascular

events, cancer, diabetes and weight gain are burnt out insulin receptors. By naturally

lowering blood glucose levels, insulin receptors can heal, and your body can begin to

produce reasonable amounts of insulin to treat diabetes, and produce leptin. The Grow-

Tool and the product will help in this task.

4. Eliminates Toxins – Toxicity has become epidemic in our society today and is a

significant cause of our increase in hormonal imbalance, autoimmune diseases, brain

and nervous system damage, immune system and reproductive system failure and toxins

“Grow” means grow

vegetables yourself on

your balcony in pots

and boxes for your


Page 3: How to Grow Yourself to Health. - Michael · Decreases Inflammation – Most diseases today are involved with inflammation.

also cause mitochondrial dysfunction. The “Grow-Tool” helps these problems and many

others like female disorders, infertility, hypothyroidism and headaches. It balances

hormones and aids in a reversal of autoimmune diseases like Fibromyalgia, Chronic

Fatigue, Alzheimer’s, and Autism.

5. Optimum Nutrients – Many of today’s illnesses are due to nutritional deficiencies. Most

of the foods we eat today are processed and stripped of all vitamins, minerals, anti-

oxidants and enzymes. Even if we are eating healthy organic foods, we do not know if

our body is producing all the enzymes for absorbing and using the nutrients. The Grow-

Tool with the product, deals with all the above which also slows the ageing process

improves mental capacity and increases energy levels.

6. Feeds the Endocannabinoid System - Located in all the major organs of the human

body, the Endocannabinoid System has been scientifically observed to be a key system

that regulates almost every process in the body. This powerful communication and

regulatory mechanism works in the cellular system. Endocannabinoids, together with

their counterpart Endocannabinoid receptors, are the chemical keys that open doors in

your body to get its processes moving and to close the door when it needs to stop. They

help maintain optimal balance in the body, also known as homeostasis. The Grow-Tool

along with the product, helps in the essential feeding of the Endocannabinoid system’s


Recently, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published a landmark report

examining the vulnerability of human and natural systems to climate change. The report

highlighted a lack of resilience in the global food system, rooted in a radical decline in food


What does the Grow-Tool health journey aim to achieve? “The Healing Grow-Tool” plan consists of correctly eating balcony-home-grown, tasty, super-foods;

grown in clean, unpolluted, nutrient-rich, organic soil consisting of compost, manure, trace

elements, fulvic acid and many other nutrients – this vegetable-potting soil can be bought from your

local plant-nursery, then you add any of the essential nutrients that are missing in this organic


Fulvic acid has proved to be one of nature’s most potent organic electrolytes, and it serves to

balance cell life. When these powerful organic electrolytes are introduced, the individual cell is

restored to its normal chemical balance. Because fulvic acid has the outstanding ability to

Diversity is one of the

secret keys to unlocking

the optimum efficiency

and effectiveness of the

immune system.

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accomplish this objective in multiple ways, I decided I needed it in my body because it is nature’s

way to process and refine minerals and turn them into readily absorbable bio-available forms.

The soil and the selected super-plants will ensure you receive a balance of micronutrients and

macronutrients. Nutrients are environmental substances used for energy-communication, growth,

and bodily functions by organisms. Depending on the nutrient, these substances are needed in

either small or more significant amounts. Those that are required in large quantities are

macronutrients which are required for your healthy growth and are stored in the body.

Did you know we need: • About 90 nutrients to maintain optimum health, including 59 minerals, 18 vitamins, 21

amino acids, three essential fatty acids and trace elements galore. The number depends on

how we define “essential”. An element was until recently considered essential, only if the

organism could not grow or complete its life cycle in its absence, and if any other element

could not replace it.

• Good carbs, which are “macronutrients”, which contain leptin and burn protein.

• Good protein to make enzymes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Protein is an essential

building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Protein is a “macronutrient,”

meaning that the body needs relatively large amounts of it, mainly as a younger adult.

• Good fats, which are also macronutrients, which help lower cholesterol levels, fight

inflammation and prevents heart disease. The body cannot make good fat but need fats to

store energy, insulate us and protect our vital organs. Good fats act as messengers, helping

proteins do their various jobs and helps the body stockpile certain nutrients.

• Structured Water, the living crystal-pure water inside your body is the key to ultimate

hydration, better nutrient absorption, improved brain activity, improved immune responses

and longevity.

• Fibre - Fibre slows the rate that sugar is absorbed into the bloodstream. When you eat foods

high in fibre, such as beans, the sugar in those foods is absorbed slower, which keeps your

blood glucose levels from rising too fast.

• Fulvic acid - Its primary function is to help the body absorb other nutrients such as

antioxidants, minerals, and fatty acids.

• Nucleic acid - they are a biological chain composed of building blocks for our DNA and RNA.

• Micro-nutrients - Although required in very small amounts, trace elements such as iron,

iodine, fluoride, copper, zinc, chromium, selenium, manganese and molybdenum are vital

for maintaining health and producing enzymes.

• Biome - have been found to be crucial for immunologic, hormonal and metabolic

homeostasis of our bodies. Gut biomes are crucial to your growing back to health.

Everyone’s individual microbiome is constantly changing. The Grow-Tool plus the product, is

a formula rich in prebiotic foods that have a positive impact on the health of the microbiome

in the gut.

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ENZYMES ARE ONE OF THE SECRET KEYS TO GROW-TOOLS. Enzymes, a substance produced by a living organism, which acts as a catalyst to bring about a

specific biochemical reaction. You are what you digest and not what you eat, and digestive enzymes

are critical to both better digestion and nutrient absorption.

The role of digestive enzymes is primarily to act as catalysts in speeding up specific, life-preserving

chemical reactions in the body. Essentially, they help break down larger molecules into more easily

absorbed particles that the body can use to survive. All the macronutrients are broken down into

molecules small enough to be carried in the bloodstream and boost metabolism to ensure it runs

effectively. Micronutrients, if they haven’t already been cleaved in the stomach acid, are released

and transported into the bloodstream, too.

Enzymes are another essential key to our Grow-Tool health journey.

Four very broad classifications of enzymes are:

• Food enzymes – occur in raw food and, when present in the diet, begin the process of


• Digestive enzymes – produced by the body to break food into particles small enough to be

carried across the gut wall.

• Metabolic enzymes – produced by the body to perform various complex biochemical


• Detoxifying enzymes – Glucosinolates stimulate what are known as Phase II enzymes, the

body’s natural antioxidant system. Glucosinolates trigger the liver to produce detoxifying


o that block free-radical attack on your DNA.

o Are anti-inflammatory

o Contain antibacterial and antiviral properties

o Inactivate carcinogens

o Reprogram cancer cells to die-off

o Prevent tumour formation and metastasis

• Intestinal enzymes include the following key (but complicated!) processes:

o Aminopeptidases degrade peptides into amino acids.

o Lactase, a dairy sugar, converts lactose to glucose.

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o Cholecystokinin aids digestion of proteins and fats.

o Secretin, as a hormone controls, the secretion of the duodenum.

o Sucrase converts sucrose to disaccharides and monosaccharides.

o Maltase converts maltose to glucose.

o Isomaltase converts isomaltose.

• Pancreatic enzymes deal primarily with fats and amino acids:

o Lipase converts triglycerides into both fatty acids and glycerol.

o Amylase converts carbohydrates into simple sugars.

o Elastases degrades the protein elastin.

o Trypsin converts proteins to amino acids.

o Chymotrypsin converts proteins to amino acids.

o Nucleases convert nucleic acids to nucleotides and nucleosides.

o Phospholipase converts phospholipids into fatty acids.

• Digestive enzymes aren’t just beneficial, they’re essential! They break down food into amino

acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, simple sugars and nucleic acids, which help make DNA.

Micronutrients are required in trace amounts for the normal growth and development of

living organisms. Vitamins and minerals are the two types of micronutrients found in various

categories of carbs.

Vitamins are available in two forms:

• water-soluble and

• fat-soluble.

Water-soluble vitamins are easily lost through bodily fluids and must be replaced each day. Water-

soluble vitamins include the B-complex and C vitamins. Fat-soluble vitamins tend to accumulate

within the body and are not needed daily.

The fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the body for long periods of time and generally pose a greater

risk for toxicity when consumed in excess than water-soluble vitamins. Eating according to the

“Grow-Tool” approach to regaining health, will not lead to toxicity in otherwise normal individuals.

The fat-soluble vitamins are A, D, E and K: 1. Vitamin A: Carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, wheatgrass, cantaloupe and egg yolks.

Artichoke Lemon grass Mint Parsley

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2. Vitamin D: Spending about 15 minutes mid-morning or afternoon, in direct sunlight onto

your skin is one of the most effective ways of raising your D3 levels. Eggs, oranges,

mushrooms and fatty fish such as salmon and sardines.

3. Vitamin E: Spinach, sunflower seeds, broccoli, butternut and squash.

4. Vitamin K: Brussels sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, cabbage.

Water-soluble vitamins: There are a total of nine water-soluble vitamins:

1. The B vitamins: folate, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B6 and

vitamin B12. To obtain all these nutrients, you will need to choose to grow spinach, parsley,

broccoli, beets, turnip, asparagus, romaine lettuce, dried beans, lentils and free-range,

organic eggs if you have a backyard.

2. Vitamin C. Foods to grow on your balcony include bell peppers, wheatgrass, lettuce,

broccoli, kale, berries, tomatoes, and peas.

Macro-minerals are needed in more significant amounts and include the following as an example:

1. Calcium – Grow wheatgrass, spinach, sardines, Kale, cabbage, spinach, turnip greens,

mustard greens, beet greens, bok choy(Chinees cabbage), okra, swiss chard, and broccolini.

2. Magnesium – Grow Wheatgrass, Spinach, lettuce, broccoli and dark chocolate.

3. Phosphorus – Grow Wheatgrass, nuts, beans, lentils, squash and pumpkin seeds.

4. Sodium – Grow wheatgrass, celery, sweet potatoes, spinach.

5. Potassium – Grow Wheatgrass, avocado, spinach, bok-choy, sweet potatoes.

Micro-minerals are only needed in trace amounts and include the following as examples:

1. Iron – Grow Wheatgrass, bok-choy, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, dried beans, broccoli and

spinach – the seeds and beans may also be effectively sprouted in your kitchen.

wheatgrass will increase the amount of oxygen your blood can

store. It is loaded with 17 amino acids and iron which will

stimulate your body to produce more red blood cells. For

maximum benefit, it needs to be taken with other essential foods

in the Grow-Tool building Plan.

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2. Copper – Grow Kale, shiitake mushrooms, hemp seeds, pumpkin and sesame seeds, cashew


3. Iodine – Grow, fennel, spinach, broccoli, cranberries, strawberries, navy beans, and use

coconut oil, Sea or Himalayan salt. Do not eat fruit with leafy green vegetables in the same


4. Zinc – Grow spinach, wheatgrass, kale, kidney and Lima beans, pumpkin seeds, garlic,

Shiitake Mushrooms, green peas, lentil sprouts, asparagus, beet greens and broccoli. Eggs.

5. Fluoride – Limit fluoride intake - pickles, potatoes, cooked spinach and carrots, asparagus,

raisins, beans. Black tea.

6. Cobalt – Grow wheatgrass, broccoli, spinach, cabbage, and lettuce

Essential chemical compounds: Fulvic acid – Critical to regaining your health. One of Grow-Tool’s most potent organic electrolyte.

Fulvic acid is a natural organic electrolyte that can balance and energise biological properties it

encounters. An electrolyte is a substance that is soluble in water or other appropriate

medium that can conduct electrical current. It promotes electrochemical balance as Donor or

Receptor. Found largely in sweet-potatoes, radishes, beets, carrots and other root vegetables.

Nucleic acid - The first biomolecules to support life. The primary role of nucleic acids is to store

information that is used to make proteins. The body uses the data stored in DNA to create proteins,

which are made up of subunits called amino acids. Found in dried-beans, peas, lentils, spinach,

asparagus, cauliflower and mushrooms are all vegetable sources of nucleic acids, specifically purines.

Rapidly growing foods like asparagus have the highest amount of nucleic acids of the vegetables.

Master Foods for the Grow-Tool Health restoration process.

Protein: Seafood: Sardines, Salmon and Trout (not farmed). Game Meat: Venison and Ostrich.

Protein Vegetarian: Hemp Seed is essential for meat and non-meat eaters; Optional extras are, Pea

Protein Powder, Buckwheat, Lentils, Chia seed, Hemp Protein Powder.

Vegetable Starch Carbs: Dried beans, sweet potatoes, beetroot (their leaves are an optional benefit)

and carrots are essential to eat, alternatives include, pumpkins, peas, turnips, and squash.

Non-Starch Vegetable Carbs: Tomatoes, onions and Bell Peppers are essential to eat, alternatives

include, Lentils, Bok Choy, Lettuce (Romaine/Cos), Chia Seed, Hemp

Tomatoes and Kale are a power

house of nutrients and benefits

if eaten in combination with the

Grow-Tool vegetables.

Impressive amount of vitamin A,

C, and K, B6, folate, thiamine.

Between them, they are also a

good source of potassium,

manganese, magnesium,

phosphorus, and copper.

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Cruciferous vegetables: Organic Broccoli or Kale are essential to eat, alternatives include,

cauliflower, turnips, radish, cabbage, garden cress, brussels sprouts and bok-choy.

Fats (good): Hemp seeds and Avocados are essential to eat, alternatives include Raw Nut Butter,

Walnuts, Almonds, Macadamia, and Cashews; All types of Cheese; Chia, Sunflower and Pumpkin

Seeds. Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Butter from grass-fed cows. Dark chocolate. Organic eggs.

Wild Fatty fish – salmon, trout, sardines (not farmed).

You can get almost all the nutrients in fruits from vegetables, even though fruits are a quick and easy

way of getting nutrients, they are challenging to grow. Fruits are not part of the Grow-Tool process

but are not prohibited if eaten on an empty stomach.


Top Carbs - Cook dinner with any proteins, plus Sweet potatoes, any dried beans, Potatoes, Beets,


Top Fats - Can be eaten ALL DAY – avocado, Coconut oil, Grass-fed butter, all cheeses, dark

chocolate, salmon, sardines, chia seeds, olive oil, nuts, eggs, full-fat plain Greek-yogurt with live


Top Proteins - Eggs, Salmon, Tuna, Quinoa, Greek full fat yoghurt, all fish, protein powder, beef,

chicken, cottage cheese, almonds, oats, high-fat milk, broccoli, quinoa, lentils, pumpkin seeds,

turkey, organic peanut butter.

Top Cruciferous carbs – as a dinner or possibly also in a soup or PM snack. Broccoli, Kale, Cabbage,

Bok choy, Brussels sprouts, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Collard greens, radish, mustard greens, turnip,


Top Green Leafy carb salad foods - PM or AM snack or 20 minutes before dinner. Avocado, egg,

spinach, Romaine Lettuce, broccoli, celery, cucumber, Kale, Swiss Chard, Watercress, feta, prunes.

Structured water – throughout the day, including for green tea and organic coffee.

One way to increase the nutritional content of what you grow is to pay attention to your soil and be

sure that you are replacing all essential trace minerals.

Fermented and Pickled foods. Eating fermented (or “cultured”) foods is the most convenient way to obtain a daily dose of

beneficial probiotic bacteria. Some of the many ways that fermented foods support overall health

include by improving digestion and cognitive function, boosting immunity, helping treat irritable

bowel disease, providing minerals that build bone density, helping fight allergies, and killing harmful

yeast and microbes that cause issues like candida.

Grow your own cultures, make Sauerkraut, Kombucha, yoghurt, Kefir (even better than yoghurt).

No need to take supplements besides Aruca, unless your practitioner insists on it. It is easy to

overdose with vitamins and become ill. Too much vitamin C or zinc could cause nausea, diarrhoea,

and stomach cramps. Too much selenium could lead to hair loss, gastrointestinal upset, fatigue, and

mild nerve damage; and so the list goes on – you cannot overdoes using the Grow-Tool fresh veggies

for your nutrients.

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If this kale plant represented you, then you would need to take corrective action to avoid dying from

the attack by foreign bodies. Before starting on growing yourself back to health, you need to stop

certain illness-promoting lifestyle habits that are eating you away:

1. Removing the BAD FATS – Replacing them with GOOD FATS.

Bad fats such as hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, trans fats, soybean oil, canola oil and

vegetable oils cause painful legs and joints, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer, chronic fatigue,

Green peas pack in tons of nutrients and health

benefits. Rich in both pea protein and fibre to

boost weight loss and digestion, also boast a high

number of antioxidants as well as micronutrients,

such as vitamin K, vitamin C and manganese. Peas

reverse insulin resistance in diabetes. Peas are

nutrient-rich food and MUST be eaten frequently.

Artichokes have a strong tie to preventing

serious conditions, such as heart disease and

cancer, their nourishing effect on the liver

and digestive tract, ability to reduce

dangerous body-wide inflammation - the

leaves are where many of the most powerful

nutrients in the artichoke are stored.

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and neurotoxic syndrome to name only a few. Bad fats create chronic inflammation throughout the

body inducing disease.

2. Change the MEATS that you EAT.

There are hundreds of studies that link commercial meats with diseases. The grain fed to animals

that were created to eat grass, changes fatty acid ratios and denatures good fats, leading to modern

day diseases. The bioaccumulation of commercial pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, and hormones

in meats are causing a toxic onslaught, which leads to many cancers, neurological disorders and

chronic illness. You should change to free-range, grass-fed animals and eggs.

3. Remove ALL Refined SUGARS and GRAINS from your Diet.

This includes white rice, white pasta, and white bread. Watch out for the hidden sources like: lunch

meats, pizza, sauces, soups, crackers, fruit drinks, canned foods, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc. Just

eating the above elevates insulin leading to sore legs and feet, premature ageing and degenerative

diseases such as type II diabetes, heart disease (inflammation of the arteries), and cancer.

• Sugar is an anti-nutrient robbing your body of precious nutrient stores. This inevitably leads

to diseases such as painful joints and muscles, chronic fatigue, ADD, ADHD, heart disease,

diabetes, and cancers.

THE VEGGIES TO GROW ON YOUR BALCONY. The Grow-Tool in the form of selected vegetables have high amounts of fibre, enzymes, vitamins,

minerals, proteins, amino acids, and antioxidants that help you age slower, improve energy levels,

lose weight, and naturally detoxify and “help grow your cells to health”.

1. Broccoli - is a nutritional heavyweight. It packs a punch of 19 nutrients.

2. Dried beans – packed with protein, carbs, vitamins, fulvic acid and minerals.

3. Green Beans - high-antioxidant food; protects from cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

4. Sweet potatoes – fibre, vitamin A, & C, manganese and other vitamins and minerals.

5. Beetroot and leaves – rich in calcium, iron, vitamins A and C, folic acid, fibre, manganese


6. Carrots – the perfect health food, highly nutritious, packed with micronutrients.

7. Artichokes - excellent source of folate, vitamin C, A, E, K, B1, 2, 3, 5, 6, choline & betaine.

8. Romaine / Cos lettuce – Believe it or not, romaine lettuce is 17% protein; loaded with B-

vitamins, super-rich in Vitamins K & A, folate, calcium, Iron, omega 3, minerals & lipids.

9. Lentils – rich sources of protein, folic acid, dietary fibre, C & B vitamins, essential amino

acids, trace minerals and antioxidants.

10. Bok Choy – rich in Glucosinolates, calcium, potassium, folate, vitamin C, and vitamin A.

11. Tomatoes – nutrient-dense superfood, outstanding Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory.

12. Red onions – High in nutrients, antioxidants, flavonoids and polyphenols —helps blood

sugar levels & in building strong bones, protective against inflammation.

13. Red Bell Peppers – have a ton of incredibly essential vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

14. Kale – Amazing health benefits, rich in vitamins K, A & C, along with other vital nutrients.

15. Avocados – Top superfood, jam-packed with essential nutrients & protein, rich source of

monounsaturated fats, protection from insulin resistance and diabetes.

16. Hemp, Flax, chia and pumpkin seeds – Seeds are packed with dietary fibre, protein,

healthy fats and many antioxidants. The nutrient-packed seeds you should be eating every


17. Organic Coconut and Olive oil - 1,500 studies proving coconut oil to be one of the

healthiest foods on the planet. Olive oil has inflammatory compounds, antioxidants and

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numerous heart-healthy macronutrients – Dr Axe says Ninety-eight percent of olive oil

sold today is not true extra virgin olive oil but rather fake – go to his site to check.

Juicing wheatgrass with any of the above greens is a good practice, not essential but

recommended. There are three main reasons why you will want to consider vegetable juicing it:

1) allows you to absorb all the nutrients from Grow-Tool vegetables,

2) allows you to consume an optimal amount of diversity vegetables efficiently,

3) will ensure you get the essential Grow-Tool combination for efficient absorption of nutrients.

Sprouting grains, beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. Broccoli and Kale sprouts are healthy food for

cancer fearing people, but they cannot substituent for eating the mature plant. Alfalfa sprouts are an

essential addition for people with blood sugar challenges.

Start slowly and buy what you cannot grow at the beginning of your program.



The product I have been refering to in this article is ARUCA.

I only recently came across this natural supplement and started taking in on the advice of a friend, it

worked for my then current ailments. I still take it. Here are some of the over 30 “Micro-Nutrient-

Inner-Cellular Food” extracts:

Eugenic jambolon, lopacho, Gotu Kola, purpure, Ashwagandha Extract, Eleuthero Extract, MSM, concentrated glycans,

Tragacanth Gum Extract, Eugenia Jambolan Extract, Pau d' Arco Extract, Wheatgrass, Fulvic Acid, Echinacea Extract,

Terminalia Chebula, Hawthorn, Icariin Extract, Tribulus Extract, PLUS many more health-enhancing organic elements and

plant extracts. The Aruca™ formula is NON-GMO and includes a nutritional glycan-mannose-powerhouse harvested from

the Aloe.

It fits well with my Grow-Tool process as it is a cellular food. The secret behind the Grow-Tool and

Aruca is not the individual plants but rather their uniquely calculated synergy that provides a real

focused daily support – powerfully and sustainably throughout the body.

Let’s live healthy longer lives, together,

Michael Plumstead