How to Get Rid of Evil Spirits

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  • 7/29/2019 How to Get Rid of Evil Spirits


    How to get rid of evil spirits, demons & ghosts

    Centuries old advice on how to fight and remove evil spirits

    By: Glenn Dallaire

    This article is especially written in consideration for those

    who are being openly oppressed or attacked by demons and

    evil spirits, and are seeking to rid themselves or their homes

    of the influences or presence of malevolent spirits.

    Having spent years studying the lives of dozens of Saints andMystics for this website, one quickly discovers the role that

    God allows the demons to play for example in the lives of the

    mystic-saints. God Himself explains it when He said to St

    Gemma Galgani:
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    You will be trampled underfoot by the devils. Prepare

    yourself, my daughter, the demon at My orders will be the

    one that will add the last touch to my plan that I will

    accomplish in you, that is, your sanctification."

    -And what an incredibly hellish war the devil waged against

    Gemma! Those interestedcan read more about it here.

    But the point is that literally every mystic that I have read

    have been assailed by the evil spirits through the express

    permission of God. But then, why would God allow the demonsto attack the mystics or anyone for that matter? It is to

    draw us closer to Himself. God permits, at times, the devils

    to assail us, that we might turn to Him in prayer, with a

    renewed trust in His love and concern for us. The

    extraordinary priest St John Vianney, who's straw bed the

    devil tried to burn when he was sleeping in it, once remarked

    that "the devil is like a dog on a chain. He can only go so far asGod permits."

    So the first rule to remember is that God is always in

    absolute control, and the devil can do nothing without God's


    God always seeks to draw good out of everything, and He can

    draw good even out of evil, if we let Him. An excellent

    example of how God draws good out of evil is the Passion and

    Death of Jesus Himself. The Gospel of John says that at the

    last supper Satan entered Judas and he then went and

    betrayed Jesus. -You certainly know the story--Jesus was
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    captured, tortured, and was nailed to a Cross, and died a

    torturous death. But was the death of the Son of God, this at

    act of pure evil, a victory for satan and the demons? No! -it

    was in fact satans defeat, because through Jesus' death onthe cross we can be forgiven of our sins, if we desire to be.

    So we can readily see how God can and does transform evil

    into good.

    A spiritual battle must be fought with spiritual weapons

    So, how does all this correlate to those who are battling with

    demons, and want to rid themselves of the evil spirits? Firstlywe need to look at how Jesus fought and expelled and cast out

    the demons. Among others you will certainly want to read

    Mark 5:1, Mark 1:23, and perhaps the most telling is Mark

    9:29 in which the apostles were unsuccessful in driving a

    demon out of a boy. So afterwards they asked Jesus why they

    could not drive the demon out, and Jesus replies: "This kind

    can only be driven out by prayer and fasting."

    Prayer and fasting!Therein lies the primary spiritual weapons

    to be used to get rid of demons and evil spirits. Jesus said

    prayer first, becauseprayer is the first and most important

    weaponto be used against the devil. This can not be

    emphasised enough! Prayer unites us to God, and draws us

    closer to Him, and it is God alone who can free us from the

    demonic presences. We can do nothing without He Whom

    sustains us!

    The other weapon against the devil that Jesus mentions is

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    fasting. This is self-explanatory, but what is sometimes

    forgotten is thespirit that must accompany fasting. We are to

    fast from food in a spirit of sacrifice in reparation for our

    sins. Our sins are what separate us from God, so we are tofast in a spirit of penance and reparation for our sins, to put

    us in the proper disposition that God might forgive us of

    these sins. So, firstly prayer, and then fasting done in a spirit

    of reparation for our sins, is the primary recourse against evil

    spirits. The demons have no power over those who are closely

    united to God in prayer, and who are in a state of grace.

    The devil does not make peace treaties

    God loves us. And because God loves us, the devil and the

    demons hate us, because they hate God. "Cast all your

    worries upon him because he cares for you. Be sober and

    vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a

    roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:7)

    Satan and the demons do not make any peace treaties. Theyknow only war. They prowl about the world constantly seeking

    to ruin our souls, to cause us to despair of God's mercy, and to

    drag us to hell. So, we need to follow in Jesus' holy example

    and face the evil spirits head on, with courage. We must do

    battle and fight the good fight. We cannot run away, because

    as Father John Corapi always says "surrender is not an


    Key points for Catholics in the fight against the demonic


    Catholics are in a privileged position in the battle against the

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    evil spirits, because the Catholic church has been fighting

    against the powers of hell since Jesus instituted the Church

    upon Peter, the first Pope, and the Apostles (the Bishops)

    some 2000 years ago. For in the Holy Gospel Jesus says: "Youare Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church, and

    the gates of hell will not prevail against it."(Matt 3:16)

    Along with prayer and fasting Catholics have powerful

    weapons to be used in the fight against evil presences. The

    most important of these is Sacramental Confession (also

    known as the Sacrament of Reconciliation) where sins areconfessed to God, and forgiveness of sins is obtained. A soul

    free from sin is in a state of grace and has nothing to

    fear from the devil! Along with Confession, the Mass and

    the frequent reception of the Eucharist are the most

    efficacious means of battling with evil. Also prayers before

    the Blessed Sacrament (Eucharistic adoration) is exceedingly

    powerful, because then one is praying right at the feet of theLord.


    The devil flees from Jesus on the cross so if you do not

    already have one, get a Crucifix and have it blessed by a

    priest, and place it in a appropriate and worthy place in your

    home--and most especially, pray to Jesus before it each day.

    Also, if you do not have one, get a crucifix on a necklace, get

    it blessed and wear it with devotion and prayer.

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    Prayers to the Virgin Mary, the

    Saints and Angels

    (Pictured to the left is the Virgin Mary crushing the head of

    the evil serpent)

    By the express power and will of God, the most Blessed VirginMary, the Angels and the Saints assist us in our battle with

    evil. Jesus gave us His Mother while He was dying, hanging

    between heaven and earth upon the Cross (John 19:26). And

    next to Jesus, our Mother in heaven is our greatest help and

    advocate against the devil and his minions. And the greatest

    prayer asking for our Blessed Mothers help is the most Holy

    Rosary. The Rosary is a chain that binds the evilspirits. Those interested might want to read more on

    the Blessed Virgin Mary's role in the battle against the

    demons here.
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    Along with the Blessed Virgin Mary certain Saints and Angels

    are especially powerful against the wickedness of the devil. St

    Michael the Archangel for example---the prayer to him has

    been recited for over a century and is exceedingly powerful---"St Michael the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our

    defense against the wickedness and snares of the devil.

    May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O'

    Prince of the heavenly host, by the power of God, cast

    into hell satan, and all the evil spirits, who prowl about

    the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."

    Throughout the centuries, the relics of the Saints have shown

    to be exceedingly powerful against the demons. Pray to the

    Saints, and if possible keep a relic on your person.

    Catholic sacramentals

    Sacramentals, especially holy water and blessed salt should be

    sprinkled in the affected areas of the home, and the holywater and blessed salt should be sprinkled on one's food and

    drink to protect from within. (*see note about exorcised holy

    water and salt below). Along with the relics of the Saints,

    blessed medals and holy cards carry with them the blessing of

    the Catholic Church, and the protection of the Saint whose

    image is on the medal or holy card. Also, the burning

    of blessed candles and blessed incense is recognised to be a

    very powerful weapon against the demons.

    And so, to summarize the spiritual weapons needed to rid

    oneself or one's home of evil spirits:

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    First and foremost is prayer which draws us closer to God;

    fasting in a spirit of reparation for one's sins; Confession;

    Holy Communion; Eucharistic adoration; Prayers to the Blessed

    Virgin Mary, the Angels and Saints, asking for their heavenlyhelp and intercession; and the usage of Sacramentals (holy

    water, blessed salt, holy cards, medals, burning of blessed

    candles and blessed incense etc.). Abandon and renounce any

    sin in your life. Additionally, if your home appears to be the

    source of the demonic infestation, then it would be very

    prudent to get it blessed by a priest.

    Additional important considerations

    In closing, those oppressed by evil spirits should remember

    that faith, hope and love--most especially love, will help

    disarm the demons that plague them or their dwelling. The

    devil seeks to drive us to the opposite of faith, hope and love-

    -that is doubt, despair and hatred---most especially despair.

    Do not not despair! Love and trust in Jesus and He willconquer and cast out the evil spirits.

    Also, those who have ever engaged in dark practices such as

    demonic worship, invoking and calling upon the dead (thru ouija

    boards, medium and psychic practices etc) the occult, dark

    forms of witchcraft and wicca, black magic etc. MUST


    sincerely repent and ask for forgiveness for having engaged in

    them. Such practices offend God and open a portal to the

    demonic, and therefore the portal must be closed through

    sincere repentance and the desire for the mercy and

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    forgiveness of God.

    Finally, ask Jesus to pour out His precious blood upon you and

    your loved ones because the precious blood of Jesus isinfinitely powerful.

    *Note: There is a special ritual of prayer called an "exorcism

    blessing" that any Priest can recite to give salt and holy water

    a special blessing. This exorcised salt or holy water is

    especially powerful against evil spirits.

    ________________________________"....And to keep me from being too elated by the

    abundance of revelations, a thorn was given me in the

    flesh, an Angel of Satan to beat me, to keep me from

    being too exalted."Saint Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:7