How to Get High Quality Search Traffic

How to get high quality search traffic @bernardjhuang

Transcript of How to Get High Quality Search Traffic

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How to get high quality search traffic@bernardjhuang

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I am Bernard HuangI’m currently a SEO & SEM consultant at Mushi Labs.

I was the growth hacker at 42Floors where I focused on driving tons of organic traffic to our website.

You can find me at @bernardjhuang.


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1. What is high quality search traffic?

2. State of SEO in 2015

3. What is content?

4. How to run a SEO-driven content campaign

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What is high quality search traffic?People who come from an organic search channel to your website that convert.


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High quality search traffic is different for

every business.

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I want more ________.

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More people buying stuff from me.

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More pageviews and leads for businesses in my directory.

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More people reading and sharing my content.

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More people reading my content and clicking on my affiliate links.

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More people paying for my SaaS.

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More people reading and subscribing to my emails.

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High quality search traffic =

People who come from

organic search that


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The State of SEO in 2015Focus on satisfying the user and all else will follow.


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From a 2015 Moz Survey

150 search experts were asked to weigh the impact of ranking signals for SEO.

6 of the top 8 factors are related to satisfying user intent with good user experience.

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4 of the top 5 ranking factors were related to backlinks.

The other top ranking factor was keyword usage.

This is drastically different than what search experts were saying in 2009

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Creating content that

satisfies a user’s search


Current SEO =

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Good News

● Content that satisfies a user’s search intent will organically rank despite having limited backlinks, social signals or domain authority.

Bad News

● Content that satisfies a user’s intent is more time consuming and expensive to produce compared to creating keyword-stuffed content.

Good news and bad news

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What is content?Just about anything that is published online.


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Content can be...

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Your product

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Information about your business

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User generated

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● Your product● Information about your business● User generated● Articles● Videos● Tools● Data● And just about anything published online.

Content can be:

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Ultimately, people are on the

internet to consume content.

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But, how do we connect this with this?

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SEO-driven content

Content created specifically to target what people are searching for.

[how to play guitar]

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To get high quality search traffic, create content

that fulfills the searcher’s intent.

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How to run a SEO-driven content campaignFigure out what people are searching for and create content that solves their problems.


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SEO-driven content campaign

keyword research

content creation

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Keyword research is the most important part of a SEO-driven content campaign because it

● calculates an approximate amount of search traffic you expect to capture

● identifies the high intent keywords that are most likely to drive conversions

● defines what your content is going to be about

Keyword research

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Keyword research (example)

● Get ideas on how to target the keyword [email marketing].

● Ubersuggest takes Google’s search suggestions and makes a list of the top 10 keyword suggestions.

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Keyword research (example)

● Use Google’s Keyword Planner Tool to get search volume data on the list of keyword ideas from Ubersuggest.

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● Export as CSV and figure out which keywords are relevant for your business and group them into content categories.

Keyword research (example)

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● The content categories define what types of content people are looking for and the keywords now define sub-headers in the content.

● You must now carefully craft content that satisfies the user’s intent.

Content creation

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[how to play a guitar]

● Google cares a lot about giving users a great search experience.

● If the search query is better resolved with a local search result or video, then they’ll display it.

Content creation (cont.)


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So the question is, would you be satisfied with your

own content given the keywords you’re


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If someone visits your content from the search results page of a search query and it doesn’t satisfy their needs…

● Google will know that they came back to the search results page, clicked on another result, and if that result satisfied the user’s intent.

Content creation (cont.)

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Google analytics view of organic traffic by landing page

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“It appears that people are satisfied with the result”

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“Hmmm, I don’t know about these…”

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See a correlation between engagement metrics and search traffic?

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● Focus on satisfying the user and all else will follow.

● Use keyword research to drive content creation and identify high intent keywords.

● Google is using user engagement metrics to grade how good your content is in comparison with everything it’s indexed.

Concluding thoughts