How to Exploit funding to deliver collaborative projects


Transcript of How to Exploit funding to deliver collaborative projects

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9th November 2016

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© Arcadis 2015


How Funding Has Changed

The Role of Assets as an enabler of service delivery

Collaborative Working – key propositions for One Public Estate and Successful Implementation

Case Studies

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© Arcadis 2015

Historically, the function of people and technology as enablers of change has been well understood, but the role of the asset has been unclear.

Assets are the face of an organisation and ultimately the means of delivering services – their location, functionality and appearance are both objective and subjective.

But assets are expensive to acquire, maintain, redevelop and dispose of – assets can hinder service delivery and act as a barrier to change

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Funding and Delivering Assets – Old Model

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Direct public sector intervention

from Central or Local Govt

The ‘Field of Dreams’ strategy…

Or – just shovel money at a

problem until it goes away

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New Model

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New model relies heavily on financial self


Public sector investment as seed capital

Assets to become enablers rather than

barriers to service delivery

Transformational Change of Organisations

Market is harnessed to deliver spin-off benefits

New revenue

Capital Receipts

Reduced Running Costs

Improved Service Delivery

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There are many examples where public organisations have proved themselves adept at driving efficiencies within their own estate in recent years and using assets to promote, shape and unlock change within their areas. There is an active drive to sell surplus land within Councils the NHS, Network Rail and the MoD.

The challenge is however the promotion of cross organisational estate planning based on collaboration, coordination and cooperation across a broad range of public organisations which ultimately have a wider diversity of objectives and community obligations

OPE is a critical early step in engaging local Partners in a new collaborative way of working to deliver core business objectives.

A Unified Public Estate

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Kent OPE

Successful Round 4 Bid (October 2016)

Circa £304,000 award over 12 months

Partnership establishment and revenue for specific projects

Opportunity to bid for more Funds in April 2017

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Collaborative Working – Key Propositions for One Public Estate Applications and Successful Implementation

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1. Leadership

• Collaborative working is not just a property function – it’s how organisations operate and needs ‘buy in’ a the highest level

• It is about accelerating and improving existing services using opportunities via assets

• Flexibility and innovation leads to long term sustainability

• Collaboration increases the probability of success

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2. Partnership working• Opportunities presented by Central Government and Local Government Partnerships

• Establishing common ground -EPIMS

• Health Sector, MOJ, DWP and others

• Overcoming different Operational and working practices

• How are the costs /benefits shared amongst the partners (, economic, social and functional)

• Impact on customer perception

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• Collaboration needs to operate at both a strategic and working group level – successful partnerships have divided the functions of strategy and delivery

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3. Governance

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4. Developing the Programme

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5. Definition of Success

The One Public Estate programme aims to

Deliver more integrated and customer focussed services

Create economic growth

Reduce running costs

Generate capital receipts

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6. Programme implementation

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• Balancing early wins against longer term plays

• Testing Delivery – risk management

• Blueprinting and replicating success

• Additional Funding

• Adding Value

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OPE – Appraisal Tool

An objective approach to project delivery and planning

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Case Studies

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Case Studies – Falmouth Library and Town Council – Self Funding Proposition

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Town Council Scheme with support from Cornwall Council

Multi-occupancy building that generates income to sustain local services including the library and community space

Allows for the sale of surplus space for other uses

Property to be transferred to community following completion

OPE Provided feasibility funding

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Case Studies - Cheshire Blue Light

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© Arcadis 2015

Cheshire Blue Light - Strategic Review Of Property Assets

Our brief includes for exploring:

• Opportunities for rationalisation - disposal of non-core assets / collocation and shared service delivery

• Investment to address areas of poor performanceand improve utilisation in the retained estate.

• Proposals for evolving the property operating model.

• Opportunities to increase net revenue through creating a ‘commercial’ estate including:

• Improvements to property management

• Disposal of, or investment in, poor performing properties

• Investment in new sources of revenue to diversify the asset holdings across different sectors, geographies and investment types

• Identification of options for optimisation of capital receipts through de-risking and enabling activities

• securing planning consent for change of use

• removal of restrictive covenants

• land assembly

• demolition

• Disposal routes for each of the surplus assets including the likely timing of receipts.

• Consideration of potential delivery options to optimise value and potentially retain an income stream including:

• Joint venture partnerships

• Self- development, with consultancy support

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6. Programme implementation

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• Balancing early wins against longer term plays

• Testing Delivery – risk management

• Blueprinting and replicating success

• Additional Funding

• Adding Value

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