How to Disciple a Teenager Well by Jonathan McKee

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    Home Youth Leaders Youth Leaders Blogs

    How to Disciple a Teenager Well

    by Jonathan McKee

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    n the nineties, youth ministry was so focused on "effective outreach" that often "effective spiritual

    growth" was moved to the back burner.

    This went on for about a decade, until the church had to begin doing triage with kids who had been rai

    n the church, but never discipled to own their own faith.

    Now, the most common questions I hear from youth workers and parents are:

    How can we equip teenagers to truly live out their faith in a world full of distractions?” 

    What is the secret to helping kids own their faith by the time they move out on their own?” 

    How do you actually disciple teenagers today, connecting them with positive adult role models who w

    mentor them on how to walk like Jesus?” 

    A few years ago, in our book Ministry by Teenagers, my good friend David R. Smith and I addressed th

    proverbial elephant in the room: the growing number of teenagers raised in the church who will walk

    away from their faith during or shortly after high school. It’s a sad reality, one plagued by conjecture o

    what the real problem is.” Rather than throwing stones, David and I offered some tried and true

    methods to disciple teenagers, help them live out their faith in word and action, giving them opportuni

    o serve on their own as well as in a student leadership team.

    But what does this specifically look like?

    n other words, we can use words like “disciple” and “mentor” all day long, but what does this look like

    with teenagers in the church today? Simple questions like, “What discipleship material works well with

    oday’s kids?” 

    think that’s what my blog reader Rich was asking:

    ’ve been reading your book Ministry by Teenagers , and I totally love it. I’m going to be modeling my 

    student leadership team after those principles this school year. It’s been a tremendous help as I seek 

    o give my SLT some structure, direction and purpose.

    did have a question for you. What kind of discipleship materials do you recommend for the student a

    mentor to use? 

    Good question, Rich. This blog is a good format to give specific and current examples of effective

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    discipleship material. I find that there isn’t just one rubber-stamp, “catch all” discipleship material that

    use. It really depends on the kid, their gender, their age, their maturity, their passion, their questions,

    heir struggles …

    So, I really try to adjust the content to the kid.

    Here are some examples of effective discipleship material I recommend:

    1. If I have a kid who has a lot of questions about faith or Jesus, I might take them through Lee Strobe

    A Case for Faith or A Case for Christ . Or Tim Keller’s A Reason for God. (Is it just me, or do you think T

    Keller might just be the C.S. Lewis of the new millennium?)

    2. If I have a kid who is a showing great leadership potential, I might take them through a John Maxwe

    book about leadership, or one of my favorites still, Finishing Strong by Steve Farrar. (I still think this is

    he best book to take a leader-guy through.)

    3. If I have a normal teenager (guy or girl) who is going through typical teenager stuff (peer pressure,

    emptations, disagreements, enduring through difficult times … ) then I’d probably take them through

    brand new THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR TEENAGERS, coming out in two weeks. In

    his fictional premise, I was able to deal with real world issues that teenagers struggle with today.

    The book is a devotional that tells the story of three teenagers struggling to survive “against the odds,

    and it comes with 27 sets of discussion questions pointing them to the truth from the scriptures. It’s la

    out so kids can read it and go through the questions on their own, in a small group or with a mentor.

    Doug Fields describes it well: “Jonathan’s Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenager s is exactly t

    ype of devotional teenagers will actually read. In a fun and interesting way, Jonathan helps teens tack

    ough issues like coping with pain and depression, drinking, loving difficult people and the temptation t

    ndulge in fleshly desires. The teenagers in my small group will be blown away that there’s a Christianauthor who uses the popular post-apocalyptic fictional premise to address their real-life issues.” 

    4. If I had girls that were going through the typical pressures girls face, I’d probably have my female

    adult leaders take them through books from Hayley DiMarco. Doug Field’s daughter Tori recommended

    ome of her books to my daughter Alyssa and she really liked Sexy Girls: How Hot Is Too Hot?  and

    anything from the God Girl series.

    5. But I also like to use scripture. Sometimes I’ll just take a kid through the book of Matthew or Galati

    or Ephesians. If I have an adult leader who would prefer a “study guide,” then I might give them

    omething like the WELCOME TO THE FAMILY  book that we provide as a FREE download on our websit

    on this “FOLLOW UP” page. I’ve used this with brand new believers and kids that have been in the chu

    heir whole lives.

    6. I just wrote another devotional for guys coming out next April called The Guys Guide to God, Girls .

    and the Phone in Your Pocket . If you get my free blog and/or book emails, then you’ll hear about that

    when it comes out.

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    n all of these situations, I like to meet with the kid regularly in a casual place (an ice cream shop, Tac

    Bell … ) and talk about real life. If we go through a book, we’ll say, “Read chapter 1 by next week and

    et’s talk about it.” When we meet, I start with laughing, joking, asking about his week (doing way mor

    stening than talking). Then we review what we read. If it’s a book with discussion questions, I’ll go

    hrough those discussion questions.

    Discipleship goes way beyond youth ministry. Followers of Christ are going to be compelled to use the

    model that He used so effectively: Go and make disciples.

    My church is learning this right now. We’re developing some mentor programs that go beyond the typic

    youth leaders.” We’re trying to train adults from all over the church and connect them with young peo

    who have a desire to grow in their faith. Last month, we had a training after church and had about 30

    adults (mostly nonyouth-staff) attend. Our hope is to have these 30 people sitting in coffee shops and

    amba Juice with a kid several times a month this next year, talking about real life and even using som

    of the materials I recommended above to help young people draw closer to Jesus.

    What are you doing to make disciples?

    What resources do you use?

    Print version

    Jonathan McKee, president of The Source for Youth Ministry, is the author of 

    numerous youth ministry books including the brand new Connect: Real Relationsh

    in a World of Isolation, and the award winning books Do They Run When They Se

    You Coming? and Getting Students to Show Up. He speaks and trains at camps,

    onferences, and events across North America, and provides free resources for youth workers

    nternationally on his website, Used with permission from

    More from Jonathan McKee or visit Jonathan at

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