How To Create Disruptive Innovation

7 Ways to Create Disruptive Innovation

Transcript of How To Create Disruptive Innovation

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7 Ways to Create Disruptive Innovation

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In order to create something of value you often have to destroy something else. So, in other words - If it ain’t broke, break it.

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If you do not constantly attempt to break it yourself, your competitors will. So, step into their shoes and think about what you would do to outcompete your own company; otherwise, you will sooner or later realize that your market disappears or your products and services become obsolete.

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Therefore, you need to constantly innovate, & without solid insight into your target group’s problems, frustrations, and challenges it is difficult to know what to aim for.

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Nevertheless, with technology and business cycles changing rapidly, you need to be fast as well - and hit the right target.

Obviously, the faster you shoot the less time you have to aim, so you need to send off multiple shots.

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In order to create disruptive innovation you must venture out into deep water. You need to do something that turns the world upside down, something that is truly unique

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It may sound counter-intuitive, but in many cases you actually need to offer less than you do today.

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Use this simple tool that forces you to think outside the box by making you look at your offerings from seven different perspectives:

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1. Eliminate: Remove it altogether

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2. Reduce: Keep doing it, but to a lesser extent

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3. Replace: Remove something and put something else in its place

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4. Reverse: Do it the other way around

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5. Combine: Add something new to what you already do

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6. Exaggerate: Do much more of what you have done so far

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7. Introduce: Do something entirely new

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If you further expand on and combine some of these “out of the box” ideas, you will have a good platform. However, ideation is not enough, now it is time for fast prototyping, which involves 3 phases.

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Fast truly is a keyword because it is OK, almost a must, to miss as long as you do it fast and early and without spending too many resources:

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Prototype: Create a number of prototypes that supposedly create value to your target group by relieving them from some of their pains

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Test: Let carefully selected people, primarily but not exclusively from your target group, evaluate your prototypes – and do it early in the process

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Refine: You need to receive comprehensive feedback from the test in order to identify areas that need to be improved

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A failure is only a failure if you do not learn from it; consequently, embracing failure must be built into the very DNA of your company.

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