How to create an exciting web design for your landing pages

How To Create An Exciting Web Design For Your Landing Pages Landing pages are the one that are designed for accomplishing conversion goals. These goals include everything right from making a purchase to making a request for free information. Once the goal is set, and you have understood the market, you can create, optimize and test the landing page that will help in better accomplishment of goals. In other words it brings all your traffic together. It acts as a final destination for all the visitors who are led by an email or other marketing campaigns, to a single page with one purpose – to take appropriate action. It also prompts its customers to share on social media or give feedback on any products or services. Image Source :- Marketers always make a mistake by sending traffic of advertisements from any campaigns to the home page which can confuse the visitor. A landing page therefore can be directly connected to the campaign and thus the visitors are guided as to what exactly you want them to do while there. There are different web design services which offer the facility of designing the landing pages. Here are some practices that these web design services follow to make the best of landing pages. People usually get mixed up by thinking that a landing page is just similar to their home page. They add a lot of information about themselves, their business etc,. This diverts the attention of the users between calls – to – action.


Landing pages are the one that are designed for accomplishing conversion goals. These goals include everything right from making a purchase to making a request for free information.

Transcript of How to create an exciting web design for your landing pages

How To Create An Exciting Web Design For Your Landing


Landing pages are the one that are designed for accomplishing conversion goals.

These goals include everything right from making a purchase to making a request for

free information. Once the goal is set, and you have understood the market, you can

create, optimize and test the landing page that will help in better accomplishment of


In other words it brings all your traffic together. It acts as a final destination for all the

visitors who are led by an email or other marketing campaigns, to a single page with

one purpose – to take appropriate action. It also prompts its customers to share on

social media or give feedback on any products or services.

Image Source :-

Marketers always make a mistake by sending traffic of advertisements from any

campaigns to the home page which can confuse the visitor. A landing page therefore

can be directly connected to the campaign and thus the visitors are guided as to what

exactly you want them to do while there.

There are different web design services which offer the facility of designing the

landing pages. Here are some practices that these web design services follow to

make the best of landing pages.

People usually get mixed up by thinking that a landing page is just similar to their

home page. They add a lot of information about themselves, their business etc,. This

diverts the attention of the users between calls – to – action.

Everyone wants that there should be enough clarity on their page on the deal they

offer, asking people to sign up or whether giving a download. You increase the

chance that your customer might fall of the path of conversion if you put non –

essential links. They distract the customer. The formula to follow the right method is

one landing page = one action.

Limit conversation goals

Each landing page should have only one conversational goal. More than one goal

may divert the attention diluting the effect of the goal. So you have to decide as to

which the most important goal is and keep your focus on that.

The Most Important Element- calls to action

The main purpose of a landing page is to get customers to take specific action.

Therefore it is the most important element on the landing page. The call to action on

the page is generally a button and sometimes a link or form. Most call to actions has

a number of parts. To increase the number of conversions you can change the

possessive pronouns. Optimising the call to action element on the page will increase

the number of conversions.

Keeping the attention ratio low

The attention ratio on a landing page indicates the number of links compared to the

conversions that take place. If you have more than one goal, you should have more

landing pages along with more than one campaign.

Image Source :-


Headline plays a key factor on a landing page. It takes into account that who is the

target market and what are they looking for. It focuses on the main benefit that your

service or product will provide.

It should be clear and dynamic. It should give a positive vibe to the customer. It

should have sufficient impact on the client.

4 C’s = Clear, Consistent, Compelling and Concise

These four are an essential hallmark of a great copy of a landing page. If you

integrate these four, your page will be a customer conversion engine. These actions

should to very clear to the visitor, and when you call out benefits you have to keep in

mind to use simple understandable language. This all should seem easy to the

customer and at the same time the information to be conveyed should be in bit- size

pieces. They should be simple enough to attract the customers’ attention.

Clean design

It is easy to lose a potential customer if the web design has too many clip arts,

shabby colours and fonts. It is very important to have a simple design of the landing

page as it will make it easy for the customers to follow the page. Complicated

designing may distract the customer on the message you are trying to convey.

Keep sharing

Just as traffic is useless if the visitors aren’t taking any actions similarly a high

conversion rate is useless if there is not enough traffic. To make your landing page

successful, you have to get linked to as many people as possible. Advertisements,

social media, carrier pigeons, marketing emails and any other form of

communication you have, should be used for sharing your landing page. A best way is

to include social media sharing buttons on your landing page.


An excellent landing page can increase the conversion rate. Understanding and

knowing how to make a successful landing page makes you a good designer. They are

not very complicated to design but they require proper and different knowledge and

best practices. In order to have a good landing page a suitable web design service

needs to be approached.