How to Conduct a Mobile Expert Review

How to Conduct a Mobile Expert Review In the technologically advanced and incredibly mobilized world we live in today, there's constant pressure on organizations and businesses to provide customers with a great mobile user experience. According to Google’s Consumer Barometer and the Connected Consumer Survey (2014 / 2015), 57% of the population currently uses a smartphone. Moreover, smartphones play an integral role throughout various phases of product research. Simply put, people are using their smartphones to read about your business and your products, making it imperative that your mobile site be very user-friendly. Source: Consumer Barometer with Google – The Connected Consumer Survey 2014 / 2015

Transcript of How to Conduct a Mobile Expert Review

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How to Conduct a Mobile Expert ReviewIn the technologically advanced and incredibly mobilized world we live in today, there's constant pressure on organizations and businesses to provide customers with a great mobile user experience. According to Google’s Consumer Barometer and the Connected Consumer Survey (2014 / 2015), 57% of the population currently uses a smartphone. Moreover, smartphones play an integral role throughout various phases of product research. Simply put, people are using their smartphones to read about your business and your products, making it imperative that your mobile site be very user-friendly.

Source: Consumer Barometer with Google – The Connected Consumer Survey 2014 / 2015

So, how do businesses ensure that the mobile experience they're providing their customers with is a great one? Well, that's a great question, and a great start to answering that question would be to conduct a mobile usability expert review.

At its core, a usability expert review is an actual usability inspection of your site conducted by a usability specialist in order to identify potential usability issues. A usability expert review is one of the most in-demand, cost-effective usability techniques. Expert reviews are a great way to identify glaring usability blunders. They are quick, inexpensive, and provide an immediate sanity check in regards to your user experience.

I recently conducted a mobile expert review of three auto manufacturer mobile websites (MiniUSA, SmartUSA, and Fiat) in order to assess their overall user experience and ease of use. I used a handful of usability metrics and assigned scores to each of them in order to determine which mobile site was the most user-friendly. Here are some of the top-level findings and results from my review.

Usability Metrics

1. General: Mobile-Centric Usability Concerns – Is the site optimized for mobile?2. Home / Start Page – Are key tasks easy to locate on the home / start page?

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3. Navigation – Are there convenient and obvious ways to move between pages and sections and is it easy to return to the homepage?

4. Search – Is it easy to locate the search box? Can you easily filter/refine search results?5. Task Criteria – Is the info on the site presented in a simple, natural and logical order?

Top-Level Findings

1. Location of search icon was quick and intuitive on the MiniUSA site – Quick access to search is a must these days. The MiniUSA site was the clear winner in this respect, as SmartUSA and Fiat failed to provide a search feature on their homepage.

2. Uncommon, small CTAs were problematic on the SmartUSA site – Several CTA’s, such as ‘meet me’, ‘back to menu’, and ‘find your smart’, on the SmartUSA site proved to be quite confusing, as it’s not clear where users would be taken if they clicked/tapped on these CTAs. Also, with very precise touch targets, the CTAs were very small and difficult to tap on.

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3. Homepage on the Fiat site provided minimal direction - It was not intuitive where to begin a search when looking to buy/lease an automobile. Additionally, while the burger menu was easy to see and access, it provided options far too vague for users to know where they needed to go subsequently to continue their search.

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Now that I’ve shared a few examples from an expert review of my own, here are some tips for how to conduct an expert review of your own. While conducting an actual usability test of your mobile site is the ideal route, conducting a quick usability review is still a great start!

Tips for Conducting a Mobile Expert Review

1. Identify the critical goals and tasks of your mobile site - It is imperative that you identify the primary goal(s) of your site so that you can know what usability issues are wreaking the most havoc on your bottom line. For example, if you are in the clothing business and you have seen a recent decline in online sales of t-shirts, a crippling usability issue may be present that is preventing users from completing the checkout process, hence the decline in sales. In the e-commerce world, shopping cart abandonment is an extremely widespread issue. Therefore, by conducting an expert review you'll be able to uncover the specific error(s) occurring at major touch points within the checkout process that are impeding your customers from completing their purchase.

2. Define your typical users via a customer persona - The majority of web, mobile sites, and applications have typical users who share a relatively familiar set of skills and expertise when it comes to critical tasks. It's the job of your organization to identify a "Persona", which is basically a fictional representation of your typical user or customer. Constructing and modifying your mobile site based on your specific customer personas will allow you to custom tailor site attributes such as terminology, information architecture, and navigation schema precisely to the customers that will be interacting with your site most often.

3. Don't just look at your site, go use it! - This is the part of the expert review where the hands-on review takes place. Since you've already identified the critical goals and tasks of your site, as well as your customer personas, now you can put yourself in the shoes of your customers and go through those critical tasks yourself. Take the previously identified critical tasks and walk through them one at a time as if you were the customer, all the way down to completing the t-shirt purchase (using the aforementioned clothing business example).

Now that you're equipped with some tips for how to conduct a great usability expert review, you can grab your smartphone and put this recently acquired knowledge to work. Your managers, business owners, stakeholders, and most importantly your customers, will surely thank you!