How To · your best on a...


Transcript of How To · your best on a...

Page 1: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:
Page 2: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

After following the diet and workouts I gave you in The Fat Loss Solution Manuals, you’re now leaner than you’ve ever been.

But how do you ensure that you take that last step and sculpt a body that would be the envy of any fitness magazine cover model ? How do you create a body that’ll draw looks of envy when you hit your beach vacation? How do you fine tune a body that’ll be at it’s very best for your wedding or some other big occasion?

Well, you don’t have to wonder anymore because this ebook contains the exact secret to looking shredded, toned, and sculpted on any day you want to.

This manual entails your “final 4 week formula.” It’s a collection of preparation tips, nutrition strat-egies, and manipulations to filling up your mus-cles with glycogen, water, and good fats to make them “pop,” while simultaneously shedding any excess water under your skin to make sure your hard work is seen by everyone! Sound a little bit too technical for you? Don’t worry, I’ll take care of everything. All you have to know is that I’m going to make you look amazing!

Before going any further, I have to emphasize to you that the final 4 weeks of “putting the cherry on the sundae” for physique preparation entails both art and science.

How To Be Beach-Ready Using the Exact Methods of Professional Models

Page 3: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

Key Point:It is absolutely critical that you perform a practice run of the final week’s preparations (Week Four), 5-6 weeks out from your big day. This is the only way to see exactly what works for you and how your body will adjust to the ma-nipulations.

Otherwise, you’re just guessing and could end up looking worse on the day of your photo shoot or beach vacation and nobody wants that!

I should also mention that this manual isn’t for everyone. Many of you will probably be in your ideal condition just by completing the workouts and diet plans in the FLS manuals, leaving no unnecessary modifications before your beach vacation or photo shoot. If this is you, then just keep on truckin’ with your FLS plans and save this manual for another time.

This manual includes a week-by-week break-down of EXACTLY what you need to do to get peeled and dry for your big day. Make sure you’re following all of the steps with precision and accuracy if you want to turn heads with your physique. I should note that by this point in the game, you should already be very lean and in good condition.

This is NOT a major fat loss phase (although you’ll probably get a little bit leaner during the program), but rather a fine-tuning phase that ma-nipulates a variety of hormones and substances in your body such as aldosterone, sodium, water, glycogen, intramuscular triglycerides, vasopres-sin, and renin-angiotensin to name just a few. Again, don’t worry, I won’t dig deeply into the sci-ence behind why everything is programmed the way it is, since this is a “how-to” manual and not a “why does this work?” manual. Just know that every little intricate detail that is programmed into the cycle is done for a reason: to get you as lean, hard, and bone-dry as possible to look your best on a specific day.

The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases: The Setup Phase (Weeks 1-3), and the Final Week. Each week begins on a Sunday and ends on Saturday, and the assumption is made that you want to look your best on the morning of the final Saturday. If your schedule is different, simply align the last day on your big day and plan everything back-wards. Since this is a final prep manual, there is no whining, no excuses, and no substitutions, either you do this as planned or not at all. Got it? Good. Here’s what to do:

Page 4: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

The Setup PhaseThe Setup Phase (Weeks 1-3) Overview

For the first 3 weeks, you will do a bout of fast-ed walking first thing in the morning for a pre-scribed time on Sunday through Friday, with Saturdays as an “off” day altogether. Do not eat anything prior to this training, however black coffee with no cream or sugar, plain green tea, and water are acceptable beverages. Please keep this to a walk, and do not let your heart rate get above 130 bpm. Here is how long you’ll walk each morning:

Week 1 – 30 minutes each morning Sunday through Friday

Week 2 – 40 minutes each morning Sunday through Friday

Week 3 – 50 minutes each morning Sunday through Friday

If you do your weight training in the morning, perform your fasted walking first, then have your first solid meal, and then hit the weight room. If you weight train in the evening, just do your walks in the morning and train in the even-ing as usual.

NutritionStarting in weeks 1-3, take both your sodium intake (salt) and water intake to a high level. A good target for sodium is 25mg of sodium per pound of bodyweight, and a good target for water is 0.65 ounces of water per pound of bodyweight. These calculations for a 200 pound male would be around 5,000mg of so-dium per day, and a little over 1.5 gallons of water per day. Whatever you start with, make sure you stay at that consistently high level for the first 21 days (all of weeks 1-3) of the cycle. If you’re a 125-pound female, then you’ll need to take in 3,125mg of sodium

and 82 ounces of water per day. Eat clean, healthy, solid food 5-6 times per day, with your only liquid meal being your post-workout (PWO) shake

If you are male, consume 1-1.5 gram of pro-tein per pound of bodyweight from white-meat animal sources (chicken, halibut, turkey, cod, grouper, shrimp, lobster, etc). For females, 0.6 -1 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight will suffice.

If you are female, consume 2 tablespoons of healthy fats per day such as organic grass-fed butter, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil. Cook your vegetables in these healthy fats. Males consume 3 tablespoons of healthy fats per day.

Eat only fibrous green veggies for carbohy-drates throughout the day

Drink a post-workout shake after your weight training workouts that contains 0.25 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight and 0.4 grams of carbohydrates per pound of bodyweight. Protein should either be in the form of whey or a combination of pure branched chain amino acids and essential amino acids. Carbohy-drates can be any fast-acting carb that does not upset your stomach. Some options include: maltodextrin, dextrose, vitargo, waxy maize, cherry juice, concord grape juice, blackberry juice, etc.

Take 5 grams of fish oil per day in addition to your food

Take 10 grams of creatine monohydrate per day, either after your workouts or first thing in the morning

Page 5: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

SundayChest and Back

Monday Legs, Hips, and Lower Back

A1. Neutral Grip Dumbbell Decline Press 5 x 6, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10 Rest 90 seconds

A2. Wide Pronated Grip Pull up 5 x 6, 6, 8, 8, 10,10 Rest 90 seconds

B1. Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press 4 x 12-15 Rest 60 seconds

B2. Neutral Grip Seated Cable Row 4 x 12-15 Rest 60 seconds

C1. Standing Cable High to Low Pec Flye (cable crossovers) 3 x 15-20 Rest 10 seconds

C2. Wide Grip Push Ups hands on plates for deep stretch 3 x Max reps Rest 45 seconds

D1. Flat Bench Dumbbell Pullover 3 x 15-20 Rest 10 seconds

D2. Lean-Away Wide Grip Lat Pulldown to Sternum 3 x 15-20 reps Rest 45 seconds

A. Barbell Back Squats – heels elevated 5 x 6, 6, 8, 8, 10, 10 Rest 2 minutes

B1. Dumbbell Split Squat – front foot elevated 4” 4 x 12-15 each Rest 60 seconds

B2. Barbell RDL 4 x 12-15 Rest 60 seconds

C1. Leg Extension Machine 3 x 25-30 Rest 10 seconds

C2. Heels Elevated 3” Narrow Stance Dumbbell Squats 3 x 20 Rest 45 seconds

D1. Leg Curl with 2 second pause at top 3 x 15-20 Rest 10 seconds

D2. Standing Barbell Good Morning 3 x 25-30 Rest 45 seconds

Page 6: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

TuesdayShoulders and Arms

Wednesday Off (No weight training)

A1. Standing DB Side Lateral Raises (thumb up) 4 x1 2-15 Rest 10 seconds

A2. Seated, Bent Over 10 Degrees DB Side Lateral Raises (thumb down) 4x 12-15 Rest 10 seconds

A3. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press (elbows wide and to the side) 4 x 12-15 Rest 90 seconds

B1. Incline DB Hammer Curl 4 x 8-10 Rest 60 seconds

B2. EZ Bar Triceps Extension to Forehead 4 x 8-10 Rest 60 seconds

C1. EZ Bar Preacher Curl (Scott Curl) 4 x 8-10 Rest 60 seconds

C3. Overhead Rope Pulley Triceps Extensions 4 x 12-15 Rest 60 seconds

A1. Snatch Grip Dead Lift 6 x 8-10 Rest 90 seconds

B1. Neutral Grip DB Low Incline Press 6 x 8-10 Rest 90 seconds

B2. Neutral Grip Chin Up 6 x 8-10 Rest 60 seconds

C1. Leg Extension Machine 3 x 25-30 Rest 90 seconds

5 x 30 seconds max speed and max resistance / 3 minutes slow easy recovery

****An exercise bike is the preferred method for this interval day. It needs to have adjustable resistance so that you can really work hard. This session will not be as effective on an elliptical or rower.

Thursday – Total Body Blast Friday – Bike HIIT Interval

Saturday – Off from weight training and walking

Page 7: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

The Final WeekFinal Week Notes

Stop all fasted morning walks

Do NOT be concerned with how much weight you’re using in the workouts for the final week. The idea is to deplete as much fuel from your muscles as possible to allow a massive reload prior to your big day. Focus more on getting ALL the reps. And yes, it’s going to burn…badly.

A1. 45-Degree Leg Press 5 x 30 Rest 10 seconds

A2. Leg Extension Machine 5 x 40 Rest 10 seconds

A3. Bodyweight Squats 5 x 50 Rest 2 minutes

B1. Standing Calf Raise 5 x 30 Rest 10 seconds

B2. Seated Calf Raise 5 x 50 Rest 90 seconds

Final Week Training and Nutrition

SundayQuads and Calves

NutritionToday you will only eat protein and healthy fats. The goal is to deplete carbohydrates and intramus-cular fat stores. Follow the protein guidelines from the first few weeks, but add in some additional fat either in the form of fattier cuts of meat like bison or beef, or from additional coconut oil, olive oil, etc

No carbs in the post-training shake today, just use protein or amino acids

Page 8: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

A1. Barbell RDL 5 x 30 Rest 10 seconds

A2. Lying Leg Curl 5 x 40 Rest 10 seconds

A3. Standing Low Pulley Pull-Through 5 x 50 Rest 2 minutes

A1. Flat DB Lying Pullover 5 x 30 Rest 10 seconds

A2. Wide Grip Pronated Lat Pulldown 5 x 40 Rest 10 seconds

A3. Neutral Grip Prone Incline Chest Supported DB Row 5 x 50 Rest 2 minutes

MondayHamstrings and Abs

TuesdayBack and Biceps

B1. Hanging Reverse Crunch – knees bent / 90 degrees and up 5 x Max reps Rest 10 seconds

B2. Kneeling Pulley Rope Crunches 5 x 20-30 Rest 90 seconds

NutritionToday you will only eat protein and healthy fats. The goal is to deplete carbohydrates and intramus-cular fat stores. Follow the protein guidelines from the first few weeks, but add in some additional fat either in the form of fattier cuts of meat like bison or beef, or from additional coconut oil, olive oil, etc

No carbs in the post-training shake today, just use protein or amino acids

B1. DB Incline Curl (palm up) 5 x 15 Rest 10 seconds

B2. EZ Preacher Curl 5x25 Rest 10 seconds

NutritionToday you will only eat protein and healthy fats. The goal is to deplete carbohydrates and intramus-cular fat stores. Follow the protein guidelines from the first few weeks, but add in some additional fat either in the form of fattier cuts of meat like bison or beef, or from additional coconut oil, olive oil, etc

No carbs in the post-training shake today, just use protein or amino acids

Page 9: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

A1. Wide Grip Decline Bench Press 5 x 30 Rest 10 seconds

A2. DB Incline Flye 5 x 40 Rest 10 seconds

A3. Pec Deck Fye 5 x 50 Rest 2 minutes

WednesdayChest, Shoulders, and Triceps

Thursday Off day - No training

B1. Twisting Incline DB Triceps Extensions (supinated when hands are by head, then twist and be pro-nated when arms are extended) 5 x 15

B2. Rope Triceps Pressdowns 5 x 25 Rest 10 seconds

B3. Seated DB Lateral Raises (palm down, pinkie higher than thumb) 5 x 50 Rest 90 seconds

NutritionToday you will begin your carbohydrate loading, immediately following your weight training workout

Keep fats as low as possible today and only eat pro-tein from white meat sources at an amount of 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight if you are male, and 0.6 – 1 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight if you are female

Your post training shake should contain 0.25 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight and 0.5 grams of carbohydrate per pound of bodyweight

Eat 7-8 times today with clean, healthy carbs such as rice, sweet potatoes, or gluten free oats at every meal along with a serving of protein. Aim for a carbohydrate total of 3 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight today if you are male, and 1.5 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight if you are female, including your post-training shake.

NutritionToday you will continue your carbohydrate loading starting with your first meal of the day

Keep fats as low as possible today and only eat protein from white meat sources at an amount of 1-1.5grams of protein per pound of bodyweight if you are male, and 0.6 – 1 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight if you are female

Eat 7-8 times today with clean, healthy carbs such as rice, sweet potatoes, or gluten free oats at every meal along with a serving of protein. Aim for a carbohydrate total of 3 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight today if you are male, and 1.5 grams of carb per pound of bodyweight if you are female.

****Do not worry if you “spill over” on this day. It is normal to have a thin coating of fluid covering your muscles after this day. It will be gone by your big day on Saturday due to the other manipulations we will be making.

Page 10: How To · your best on a specific day. The training and nutrition in this guide can be divided into two phases:

FridayOff day - No training

Saturday -The Big Day

NutritionToday you will be back to eating only protein and healthy fats. Follow the guidelines from Sunday through Tuesday of this final week

Begin chugging water at 7am with the goal of get-ting in 1.3 ounces or more of water per pound of bodyweight by 4pm.

At 4pm, stop drinking water altogether

Have 1.5 - 3mg sodium per pound of bodyweight at 7am and then again at 11am

Cut off sodium intake after 11am

At this point in the game, you have 2 options, and they’re best tested out in your “trial run” that you should be doing 5-6 weeks before your actual event. With either of these options, you should only be drink-ing minimal water until after your big event. Use just enough to swallow your food, but if you can go without completely, that’s an even better option.

Option A: Eat a healthy, balanced breakfast of high quality protein, good carbs, and healthy fats. Some-thing like a few eggs with gluten free oatmeal and fish oil would fit the bill for this option. This is the best option if you wake up in the shape you’d like to show off to the world, and do not feel the need to be any more “veiny” or full.

Option B: Eat a high-sodium, high-calorie, high-fat junk food meal like a burger with fries, waffles with syrup and butter, or gluten free pizza. Choose some-thing that you know will not bloat your stomach and cause gastrointestinal distress. Many people end up looking sharper, more full, and more “veiny” with the addition of this high-fat and high-sodium meal. Every-one is different, so the only way to know for sure is to try it yourself!

That’s it! Be sure to take before and after pictures with this phase and send us your photos at:

[email protected].

Good luck!