How to Become a Content Marketing Expert in 3 Simple Steps

How to Become a Content Marketing Expert in 3 Simple Steps By : Jitendra Chaudhary


I believe that well-designed content with a clear, concrete message is the most powerful tool you can use right now to build your business and you community of followers and prospects. This report will help you: 1 - Improve results from your content marketing, 2 - Customize my “Content Repurposing Blueprint” to suit your specific needs, 3 - Understand how to engage your audience and entice them to take action on the concepts you teach them in your content.

Transcript of How to Become a Content Marketing Expert in 3 Simple Steps

Page 1: How to Become a Content Marketing Expert in 3 Simple Steps

How to Become a ContentMarketing Expert in 3 Simple Steps

By : Jitendra Chaudhary

Page 2: How to Become a Content Marketing Expert in 3 Simple Steps

How to Become a Visual Content Marketing Superstar in 3 Simple Steps

I believe that well-designed content with a clear, concrete message is the most powerful tool you can use right now to build your business and your community of followers and prospects.

This report will help you:

● Improve results from your content marketing,

● Customize my “Content Repurposing Blueprint” to suit your specific needs,

● Understand how to engage your audience and entice them to take action on the concepts you teach them in your content.

Have you noticed that everyone is talking about content marketing these days? Suddenly it is the hot topic!

Page 3: How to Become a Content Marketing Expert in 3 Simple Steps

Become an Authority

Step A: Understand Your Audience...................

Step B: Checklist for Great Content................

Step C: Content Repurposing Blueprints.............

About the Author.........................

Next Steps ....................................

How to Become a Visual Content Marketing Superstar in 3 Simple Steps

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Why do you need to be an authority?

Inbound marketing is the approach most often recommended in the new era, where nobody wants to be sold to anymore.

Content marketing is the most critical strategy because it accomplishes these goals:

● Shares your ideas with clients, prospects, and followers

● Lets people get to know you and develop trust in your ideas

● Teaches your followers how to do business with you

● Builds your community or tribe offans who agree with your ideas and spread them to others

How to Become a Visual Content Marketing Superstar in 3 Simple Steps

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How do you become an authority?

You can’t designate yourself as an authority; other people have to name you an authority. Becoming an authority has a lot of similarities to branding.

Telling everyone how great your ideas are will not succeed. What others say about you is much more important.

Becoming an authority relies on what others say about you when you are not in the room – just like branding.

Authority, like branding, is also about your promise. When people know you can be counted on to deliver what you promise – or even more, they confer on you the status of authority.

Two of the best ways to grow your brand and your authority are authorship and creating “Wow!” experiences.

Both of these tactics can be accomplished with good content marketing.

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Some preliminary steps

If you don’t already have these steps taken care of, you will have a harder time creating successful content.

• Make sure you’ve defined your target market or your ideal clients.

• Clarify the message you want your audience to understand – the message that will lead them to appreciate your business’s products or services.

• Clearly map out the processes that make your products or services uniquely valuable to your clients.

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Step A: Understand Your Audience

From your perspective, great content achieves your goals. Some of the most common goals for content marketing were mentioned on page 2.

From your clients’ perspective, great content helps them reach their goal, which often has to do with the pain or problem your business promises to help them solve.

But information without implementation is not worth much. We all download content we never read, let alone apply! Welcome to the information overload era. We are all exposed to way more information daily than we can handle.

Step A: Understand Your Audience

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Our subconscious brains are actually addicted to searching for more and more information, but reading and processing the content takes focus. Reading and making an action plan are logical tasks handled by our conscious brains.

Ultimately you want your audience to put your ideas to use and get results!

If they actually get results from your advice, they will be more likely to tell their friends about you. Plus they may be so impressed that they want to purchase your products or services.

How can you help them take action?

Inspiring your audience to move from downloading your free content to actually doing the work of reading and implementing involves more than just telling them to make a commitment or to get an accountability partner.

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You can create your content in a way that makes it easier for your followers to actually consume your content quickly and start using your ideas.

Step B: Checklist for Great Content

A bold visual cover or an eye catching thumbnail on the squeeze page can help your content stand out in the overwhelm.

Let your audience know that your content is easy to implement and won’t take them long to read. Seduce them to open and consume!

Shorter content is, of course, easier to read. But clarity and simplicity are important too. Teach them just a few ideas rather than a lot. Too many choices make it hard to start.

Step B: Checklist for Great Content

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Step B: Checklist for Great Content

A clear, easy-to-follow structure also helps people process your ideas (like my “3 simple steps”). Make sure you stick to the structure and eliminate random ideas that don’t fit within the topic and structure.

Headings, labels, and other visual cues can add a sense of organized structure that makes your content easier to read and process.

Chunk your content into bite-sized sections to make it easier to digest. When your audience really grasps your ideas, they will be better able to figure out ways to apply your ideas to their own situation.

Add visual images to your content not just for decoration, but to help your audience understand the ideas more easily.

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Step B: Checklist for Great Content

Graphic illustrations or diagrams can explain your concepts. Visual metaphors can help people connect your new ideas to something they already know.

Using visual and verbal information that both support the same message allows your audience to process your message more easily than reading text alone. But the pictures need to be closely related to the verbal content; otherwise they can be distracting.

For content forms that include spoken narration, avoid duplicating the narration in printed text. This redundancy is difficult to process.

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Step C: Content Repurposing Blueprints

Storytelling and emotion are also tools for making your content more appealing to the audience and easier for them to process it, agree with it, and want to start using it.

Variety and novelty are great for making your content stand out. Our brains are wired to look for what’s new, different, exciting, and surprising. If your audience is pleasantly surprised by your content, they will want to share it with their friends.

Step C: Content Repurposing Once you create some great content,use the blueprints on the following pages to get the most out of your ideas in a variety of formats.

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Content Repurposing Blueprint – Starting with Slide Presentation

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Content Repurposing Blueprint – Starting with Written Content

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How to Become a Visual Content Marketing Superstar in 3 Simple Steps

About Author : Jitendra ChaudharyJitendra is a online marketing expert. Jitendra is having experience in SEO, SEM,SMO,ASO,Email marketing, content marketing, Social media marketing and public relation.