How to Avoid Solicitors

How to Avoid Solicitors By: Olga Kuznetsova May 5 th 2010 English 393 Technical Writing


How to Avoid Solicitors. By: Olga Kuznetsova May 5 th 2010 English 393 Technical Writing. Who, Why, and When?. Solicitors are people on the street who try to get you to do something Audience: Anyone who wants to avoid being solicited. Educated laypeople Why? Its annoying to be solicited - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of How to Avoid Solicitors

Page 1: How to Avoid Solicitors

How to Avoid Solicitors

By: Olga KuznetsovaMay 5th 2010

English 393 Technical Writing

Page 2: How to Avoid Solicitors

Who, Why, and When? Solicitors are people on the street

who try to get you to do something Audience: Anyone who wants to

avoid being solicited. Educated laypeople

Why? Its annoying to be solicited When? Anytime you are outside

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Disclaimer This tutorial means no harm to

solicitors Knowledge learned from solicitors

can be beneficial

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Materials Good shoes (tennis shoes or flip

flops, no heels) Sunglasses Cell phone, ipod, or any other

electronic device Book

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Step 1: Weather Preparation

Check the weather outside If it is raining, snowing, windy, or cold,

you are safe If it is sunny and warm, you may be in


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Step 2: Route Preparation

Decide on a route around solicitors Avoid crowded streets Avoid areas where you have seen

solicitors previously

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Step 3: Identification Identify potential

solicitors People that are:

Standing still Holding papers Looking at people/

making eye contact Walking up to/

talking to various people

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Step 4: Avoidance (part 1)

Avoid being solicited Walk as far away from the solicitor as

possible Keep other people between the solicitor

and yourself Walk fast

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Step 5: Avoidance (part 2)

Avoid looking like a target Wear sunglasses to avoid eye contact Look at phone, ipod, book, etc to seem

busy Don’t look at solicitor

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Step 6: Escape Get away from a

solicitor who is talking to you Say that you don’t

speak English Say “No” or “Not

interested” Yell “Stranger

Danger” and run

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When you say that you don’t speak English, solicitor asks what language you speak

Solution: Say “No understand” and walk away

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