How to Avoid Constipation and Maintain Healthy Bowel Movements


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Transcript of How to Avoid Constipation and Maintain Healthy Bowel Movements

Page 1: How to Avoid Constipation and Maintain Healthy Bowel Movements

Constipation effects most people more often than it should. It is an uncomfortable feeling and hinders healthy and regular bowel movements. It is caused when waste material moves through the colon slower than it should.

This leads to hard stools and makes it very difficult to have a bowel movement. Other causes can include:

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Not consuming enough fiber-rich foods

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Dehydration (not drinking enough water)

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Preventing a bowel movement when you feel the urge

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When it is difficult to go, you can experience pain, pressure, and the constant strain can also develop

hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids only add to the issue leading to over the counter treatments or in extreme cases

removal by a doctor. Trying to have a bowel movement with hemorrhoids makes an already unpleasant

experience that much worse.

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It is essential to eat enough fiber-rich foods and consume plenty of water. Fiber helps waste material to travel

through the large intestine. You can obtain fiber from fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains. Drinking

enough water also helps to prevent constipation because without enough of it, stools can become hard, thus

making it painful and difficult to go.

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I can share from personal experience that too much soda consumption can be a huge cause of constipation. If you drink more soda than water, you may have experienced

the same issue. You may think that drinking other beverages such as soda, juice, or coffee is sufficient for

your water intake but nothing can substitute water. How much water to drink on a daily basis is always a topic that

is up for debate. The standard recommendation has always been 8 glasses per day. It is mainly important that

you remain hydrated.

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You would be amazed how easy it is to stay regular just by increasing your fiber intake. Rather than your regular side order of potatoes or french fries, substitute with steamed vegetables more often. When you want a sweet treat, try

snacking on prunes or apples. These subtle differences can cause huge changes in your digestion.

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I have met people who are stubborn and refuse to drink water or eat vegetables. I can guarantee that constant

constipation issues will change even the most stubborn person's tune. Eating healthier is simply the way to go. Increasing fiber and water intake is simple preventive

maintenance that can save a lot of pain and stress.

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Regular bowel movements can mean a healthier colon as well as helping you to feel lighter and healthier overall.

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