How to answer a multi speaker question

How to answer a Multi-Speaker Question Muhammad Malik Contributed to

Transcript of How to answer a multi speaker question

How to answer a Multi-Speaker Question

How to answer a Multi-Speaker QuestionMuhammad MalikContributed to

General InformationPoints to remember 3 male voices and 3 female voices ( approximately 20 40 seconds in length) All statements are very similar, you need to listen extremely carefully. Do not use any letter more than once. If used you will be penalised! The letter must be written inside the box The most difficult question in the listening paper! Things could go all wrong here. Answers are not sequential

General Information

The instructions are to use each letter only once.

Even though this is the correct answer for speaker 5, it does not get awarded a mark as it is used twice.

General InformationThese letters are not written clearly enough to be awarded a mark.

How do I get it right? One of the best practices is to underline the keywords in the statements, so that you can lookout for those key elements when you are listening.It is better not to write any letters in the box when you hear the recording for the first time. Instead, predicting the answer and writing it near to the statement will be a better idea. When you hear the recording for the second time, you can finalise the answer and write the letter in the box. Here is a real-student sample response. Look at the method she has followed.

Sample Student Response

All keywords have been underlined!Not sure, so wrote it aside during the first attempt. Figured out the precise answer during the second time.Has tried to guess the answer on the first attemptRemember the examiners are not concerned about what you write outside the box. It doesn't really matter even if you get your paper dirty. What matters is what you write inside the box and how you write it. You cant eat chicken unless you get your hands dirty!

Example Now let us take a look at a past paper question and see how this method can be applied. This question is from June 2016 32/42 variant.

Note to teachers : 7

Speaker 1A Ive made new friends through sport.

Speaker 2B Children should spend more time taking part in sporting activities at school.

Speaker 3C Sport teaches us about rules and cooperation.Speaker 4D Im an enthusiastic fan of sport, although I dont do any.

Speaker 5E Sport keeps us fit and healthy.

Speaker 6F To play sport successfully, you need certain characteristics.G Its important to learn how to avoid injuring yourself in sport.

Here is the audio transcript for Speaker 1. ( Female, Teenager)

I just love sport. I havent always done very much, but now Ive started playing tennis with a group of my friends at a local club. Ive noticed that I feel so much better recently and havent been ill either. We have a trainer who gives us lots of exercises to do. Together we have really long practice sessions and matches against other teams I can keep going for much longer than I used to without getting tired like I did before.

Statement E contains the keywords, FIT & Healthy. All the parts underlined in RED points to being fit and healthy.

Speaker 1A Ive made new friends through sport.

Speaker 2B Children should spend more time taking part in sporting activities at school.

Speaker 3C Sport teaches us about rules and cooperation.Speaker 4D Im an enthusiastic fan of sport, although I dont do any.

Speaker 5E Sport keeps us fit and healthy.

Speaker 6F To play sport successfully, you need certain characteristics.G Its important to learn how to avoid injuring yourself in sport.

Here is the audio transcript for Speaker 2. ( Male , Teenager)

My favourite thing to do on a free afternoon is to go with my dad and my sister to watch our local football team. Id be useless at football if I tried playing it these days, though I liked being in goal when I was younger, even if I did let too many balls into the net. Our team doesnt always win, but its usually exciting to watch, especially when they score some goals. But you can see they dont always play by the rules that doesnt set a good example for the kids who are watching.

Statement D Contains the keyword which are related. Such as go with my dad and my sister to watch our local football team - means he is an enthusiastic fan. Id useless at football if I tried playing it these days mean he doesnt play anymore

Speaker 1A Ive made new friends through sport.

Speaker 2B Children should spend more time taking part in sporting activities at school.

Speaker 3C Sport teaches us about rules and cooperation.Speaker 4D Im an enthusiastic fan of sport, although I dont do any.

Speaker 5E Sport keeps us fit and healthy.

Speaker 6F To play sport successfully, you need certain characteristics.G Its important to learn how to avoid injuring yourself in sport.

Here is the audio transcript for Speaker 3. ( F, 20s)

We moved quite often when I was younger so I found it hard to get to know people each time I started at a new school. If youre a bit of a shy person like me, that can make you lose confidence in yourself. Ive always liked cricket, and when I started working, I decided to join the company cricket club. We practise once a week, and get together at other times too. The people in the team are a great bunch and when I hurt my wrist and had to stop playing for a few weeks, I really missed them!

Statement A contains the keywords which are related. People in the team are a great bunch get together at other times too I really miss them.

Speaker 1A Ive made new friends through sport.

Speaker 2B Children should spend more time taking part in sporting activities at school.

Speaker 3C Sport teaches us about rules and cooperation.Speaker 4D Im an enthusiastic fan of sport, although I dont do any.

Speaker 5E Sport keeps us fit and healthy.

Speaker 6F To play sport successfully, you need certain characteristics.G Its important to learn how to avoid injuring yourself in sport.

Here is the audio transcript for Speaker 4. ( F, 20s)

The athlete I most admire is Kerstin Behringer because she has such a good-natured approach - unlike many other athletes, she respects the officials and is always friendly with her competitors. You dont have to be arrogant and unpleasant when you have won a race. I think people can learn important lessons for life by doing sport, like how to work as a team and how to play fairly. I really admire someone who has managed to get where she is by relying on her own natural talent.

Statement C Contains the keywords related to respect, cooperation, rules and lessons for life.

Speaker 1A Ive made new friends through sport.

Speaker 2B Children should spend more time taking part in sporting activities at school.

Speaker 3C Sport teaches us about rules and cooperation.Speaker 4D Im an enthusiastic fan of sport, although I dont do any.

Speaker 5E Sport keeps us fit and healthy.

Speaker 6F To play sport successfully, you need certain characteristics.G Its important to learn how to avoid injuring yourself in sport.

Here is the audio transcript for Speaker 5. ( M, 30s)

As a child, I was always naturally quite fit and I loved playing football when I was at school, but I seemed to end up in hospital so many times! Ive broken my leg twice and damaged my knee quite badly once so I had to stay at home for two weeks! Now Ive learned to warm up properly before playing, and not to push myself too far. I may not be as quick as I once was, but I still look forward to getting together with my friends for a game.

Statement G contains the keywords related to injury and avoiding them.

Speaker 1A Ive made new friends through sport.

Speaker 2B Children should spend more time taking part in sporting activities at school.

Speaker 3C Sport teaches us about rules and cooperation.Speaker 4D Im an enthusiastic fan of sport, although I dont do any.

Speaker 5E Sport keeps us fit and healthy.

Speaker 6F To play sport successfully, you need certain characteristics.G Its important to learn how to avoid injuring yourself in sport.

Here is the audio transcript for Speaker 6.( M, Teenager)

We all had to do athletics and team sports each week when I was younger. I was no good at sport, so no one wanted me on their team. When we were given the choice of doing extra sport or going to the library, I went for that option as I much preferred reading books. But now Im older I think it would have been better to have done more sport as it helps young people gain confidence.

Statement B contains the details which are required.

Your turn Take a look at the following multi-speaker question. Dont forget to follow the method we have learned.

You will hear six people talking about a musical instrument they play. For each of Speakers 1 to 6, choose from the list A to G, which opinion each speaker expresses. Write the letter in the box. Use each letter only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use. You will hear each speaker twice.

Speaker 1A Doesnt like to be made to practice.

Speaker 2B Playing is the best way to learn an instrument.

Speaker 3C Is the driving force of a band. Speaker 4D Is the leader of a band.

Speaker 5E Music is not about achieving perfection.

Speaker 6F Music is about achieving perfection. G Teaching music is not very fulfilling.

Speaker 1A Doesnt like to be made to practice.

Speaker 2B Playing is the best way to learn an instrument.

Speaker 3C Is the driving force of a band. Speaker 4D Is the leader of a band.

Speaker 5E Music is not about achieving perfection.

Speaker 6F Music is about achieving perfection. G Teaching music is not very fulfilling.

Hi there, everyone. Well, I love my guitar. I've been playing since I was about 12. Just picked it up, and learned with my friends as we went along. At first, I had a cheap acoustic guitar, but as I progressed and improved I bought guitars which were made of better-quality wood to get a richer sound. I spent over $2,000 on my last guitar. I only play acoustics, though I never took to the electric guitars. I think that learning by playing is the best way, and that being in a group is therefore essential. I don't read music, as I can play everything by ear.

Statement B

Speaker 1A Doesnt like to be made to practice.

Speaker 2B Playing is the best way to learn an instrument.

Speaker 3C Is the driving force of a band. Speaker 4D Is the leader of a band.

Speaker 5E Music is not about achieving perfection.

Speaker 6F Music is about achieving perfection. G Teaching music is not very fulfilling.

Im a violinist. I do this professionally as I regularly play in an orchestra. I learned by having several lessons a week when I was younger, with a personal tutor. She taught me everything I know. I don't really approve of learning by playing alone I think that the theory and history of the instrument is just as important. I practise mostly on my own and I have been reading music sheets since I was 5 years old. When I'm not with the orchestra, I do some teaching. However, I don't really enjoy this, as it's not very challenging. I like to be performing.

Statement G

Speaker 1A Doesnt like to be made to practice.

Speaker 2B Playing is the best way to learn an instrument.

Speaker 3C Is the driving force of a band. Speaker 4D Is the leader of a band.

Speaker 5E Music is not about achieving perfection.

Speaker 6F Music is about achieving perfection. G Teaching music is not very fulfilling.

I wasn't too keen on playing the piano when I was young, probably because it seemed such a lonely task, so I admire you for practising so much on your own. My parents forced me to have lessons and I hated it. I would rather have been out on the football pitch with my friends. I even picked up a guitar to annoy my parents, I think and got quite good at that. Mind you, when I look back, I do thank my parents now. I left school at 18 and went straight into a band, playing keyboards, and we became one of the biggest bands ever. So it turns out that the piano was actually pretty good for me in the end.

Statement A

Speaker 1A Doesnt like to be made to practice.

Speaker 2B Playing is the best way to learn an instrument.

Speaker 3C Is the driving force of a band. Speaker 4D Is the leader of a band.

Speaker 5E Music is not about achieving perfection.

Speaker 6F Music is about achieving perfection. G Teaching music is not very fulfilling.

I'm a bit more unusual than you three. I play a less well-known instrument. I play the xylophone. The word means 'wooden sound' in Greek and that's basically it, really. I hit a series of wooden bars with a mallet and as each piece of wood is tuned to a musical pitch, if you hit them right you make music! I first saw this being done when I was in Africa, on a marimba, and just got hooked. I don't do it professionally; I just play for pleasure. I play at local events, though like fairs, and I like to have a laugh. In my view, that's what music is all about, having a good time. So what if we hit a few bad notes now and again?

Statement E

Speaker 1A Doesnt like to be made to practice.

Speaker 2B Playing is the best way to learn an instrument.

Speaker 3C Is the driving force of a band. Speaker 4D Is the leader of a band.

Speaker 5E Music is not about achieving perfection.

Speaker 6F Music is about achieving perfection. G Teaching music is not very fulfilling.

I'm probably the loudest person here as I play the drums. I've always been loud, though, so maybe the drums suit my character. I'm in a band, too, and, like the piano player, went straight into professional music when I left school. Unlike the piano player, my parents didn't make me have lessons, though. In fact, they hated my drum kit and couldn't wait for me to leave home. I love the power of the drums. And let's not forget, the drummer controls the musical beat, the timing, so he's got to be the most important player in the band.

Statement C

Speaker 1A Doesnt like to be made to practice.

Speaker 2B Playing is the best way to learn an instrument.

Speaker 3C Is the driving force of a band. Speaker 4D Is the leader of a band.

Speaker 5E Music is not about achieving perfection.

Speaker 6F Music is about achieving perfection. G Teaching music is not very fulfilling.

Well, I've listened to you all and I am very different to all of you in that I don't play an instrument. But I'd say that I was the most musically aware person in the room. I'm a conductor, of a famous orchestra. My job is to make everything sound perfect. If we hit a bad note when we're playing then I ask them to go right back to the beginning and start again. No room for error in what we do. My work is my life. I travel a lot as a conductor. I was in New York last week and I'm in Rome next week, working with two different orchestras. I take my music very seriously.

Statement F

Final WordsUsing the right method really makes a difference.Remember what differentiates between a high achiever and a low achiever is the attitude and the approach. Good luck to everyone in the up coming exams.

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