How the United States Qualifies for Being the Undisputed Perpetrator of State Terrorism on a Global...

Name: Umar Shahzad Enrolment: 01-177142-016 How the United States qualifies for being the undisputed perpetrator of state terrorism on a global scale Apparently the American is a race of straight forward, jolly fun loving people. The ordinary American goes to work in the morning and after a hard day he heads towards the pub for a sip of beer, picks up a girl and chills. His innocent head is least bothered about what is happening in the gulf, in Iraq or Afghanistan. He simply eats drinks, answers the call of nature and satisfies his biological urges and faithfully contributes to the market economy. The average American is never able to comprehend the meaning of American imperialism or the new world order. He simply rejects that as conspiracy theories or myth. He can never figure out the nefarious aims of his government who being an international bully is addicted to war and takes pride in killing innocent people by unleashing on them hell in the form of hell fire missiles that are fired from their drones. They commit massacres and justify them by claiming that they had shot at terrorists hide outs. The indiscriminate bombing of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria etc by the Pentagon is an example of absolute tyranny and violation of all Laws, ethics, human rights and norms of civilization. Regardless of their motives whether it is for their pretended restoration of democracy or their

Transcript of How the United States Qualifies for Being the Undisputed Perpetrator of State Terrorism on a Global...

Name: Umar Shahzad Enrolment: 01-177142-016How the United States qualifies for being the undisputed perpetrator of state terrorism on a global scaleApparently the American is a race of straight forward, jolly fun loving people. The ordinary American goes to work in the morning and after a hard day he heads towards the pub for a sip of beer, picks up a girl and chills. His innocent head is least bothered about what is happening in the gulf, in Iraq or Afghanistan. He simply eats drinks, answers the call of nature and satisfies his biological urges and faithfully contributes to the market economy.The average American is never able to comprehend the meaning of American imperialism or the new world order. He simply rejects that as conspiracy theories or myth. He can never figure out the nefarious aims of his government who being an international bully is addicted to war and takes pride in killing innocent people by unleashing on them hell in the form of hell fire missiles that are fired from their drones.They commit massacres and justify them by claiming that they had shot at terrorists hide outs. The indiscriminate bombing of Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria etc by the Pentagon is an example of absolute tyranny and violation of all Laws, ethics, human rights and norms of civilization. Regardless of their motives whether it is for their pretended restoration of democracy or their fabricated claims of possessing weapons of mass destruction as in the case of Iraq the facts remains that massacres can never be justified. The Act of bombing itself which results in killing of civilians and toppling of government is strictly forbidden in the UN charter. The international criminal court is the only competent authority that is authorized to catch international criminals that includes terrorists.The convention to suppress terrorist bombing was signed (by many countries which include Canada and the US) on January 12 1998. According to article 24 of this convention which could be interpreted as follows: A terrorist bomber is a person who unlawfully and intentionally, discharges or detonates a bomb, explosive or any lethal device resulting in arson of a facility that is either the property of the government or a private owner, an infrastructure such as the electricity supply system or a train or bus station or roads that support public transport with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury or the destruction of such a place resulting in major economic loss. This could easily describe the US and NATO who have indiscriminately bombed Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria or Libya which resulted in tremendous loss of human life and colossal damage to infrastructure resulting in massive economic losses.Furthermore the UN charter forbids bombings where you cannot tell soldiers from civilians. All national and international laws forbids the killing of non combatants. The United States has lost all her integrity as a peaceful nation but has become notorious as a horde of vicious mercenaries who are virtually meddling with the affairs of all the countries of the world. The dismantling of the Soviet Union using innocent Afghans and evolving them into formidable fighters lauded as mujahedeen or holy warriors by the White House is an unforgettable example of their cunning and craftiness. As soon as their objectives were achieved the freedom fighters were re-named as terrorists. The atrocities committed by US soldiers, at Abu Ghraib Detention Centre in Iraq would always be remembered as detested chapter of American history. Never in human history has anyone, not even the relentless pharaoh or Nero indulged in such a disgusting method of human torture as did the American soldiers while interrogating the Iraqi prisoners. The plight of the prisoner of war at Guantanamo bay is no less pathetic. The United States is literally mocking the Geneva Convention and is transgressing all bounds of decency when it comes to the accomplishment of their sinister goals. The US falsely claimed that Iraq had chemical weapons and biological weapons. The issue of Kuwait could have been solved by other means .But sadists like Bush and Rumsfeld and General Schwarzkopf had trigger itching fingers and they desisted from dialogue and preferred a military solution. Thus Iraq was pounded for weeks with the most sophisticated weapons of all times and hell was unleashed on the Iraqis. The Iraqi armed forces were utterly defeated and all the infrastructure of Iraq was destroyed. Thousands of Iraqi civilian were killed during the first stage of the attack which Bush termed as softening of the targets. No chemical weapon or a biological weapon was found, let alone nuclear weapon. All US propaganda that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction was a bundle of lies and simply an excuse to destroy Iraq. There is an old English saying: Give a dog a bad name and hang him.We are very swift in condemning the Al-Qaida, Taliban or the newly emerged IS but the so called peace loving nations or the oil rich Arab states are very reluctant even to a single word of disapproval against the Americans or NATO. Why should they? The Arab monarchs of the gulf are living a life of utmost luxury and consuming 90% of their national resources. The Americans act as the champions of democracy. When it comes to Qaddafi or Saddam but are staunch supporters of despotic monarchies like Saudi Arabia or the Gulf States. Oil is the driving force. They are supporting the monarchies in order to have full control over the oil and natural resources of these countries.Is this not terrorism by a super power? The American people as I said do not accurately understand this policy of their government because their leaders easily manipulate them and cause them to believe that what they are doing is for their welfare. Little do the American people realize that their attractive pastures are irrigated by the blood of innocent human beings like themselves, but less fortunate, deprived, doomed to starve and be killed for no reason. Such policies multiply the resentment of people and provide a breeding ground for anti American sentiment which evolves into Al-Qaida or IS.Love begets love and hatred and injustice begets hatred.Though the 9/11 attacks have yet to be proved on Al-Qaida or Taliban, the US retaliation has not only butchered thousands of innocent Afghans but has multiplied the enemies of America around the globe. The US has also created security agencies such as Black Water that operate in many countries: This is another channel of their terrorism. Raymond Davis is a very close example, the man who killed two innocent Pakistanis and then managed to escape punishment. This indeed is a matter of shame and injustice.During an operation that was masterminded by US Special Forces in November 2001 at Mazari Sharif a large number of Taliban fighters surrendered. There General Rasheed Dostum packed about 400 prisoners in one container to be transported to Kundus. Nearly all the prisoners were suffocated to death. Some of them protested that they could not breathe. The soldiers then fired several rounds at the container until blood started spewing from it. All this was done under the noses of the fifth Special Forces group. The jails containing prisoners of war were bombed from above killing nearly all of them.Most prisoners which included john Walker Hind the American Taliban were transported by sealed containers despite the intervention of the ICRC. It is estimated that around 6 to 8 thousand prisoners of war were killed.Is this not sufficient evidence to qualify the US as the greatest terrorist state of the world???Resources:The convention to suppress terrorist bombing article 24. of the united nation on human rights Obama is running the Biggest Terrorist Operation That ExistsNoam Chomsky