How Social are Social Media Audiences Really

How Social Are Social Media Audiences, Really? Brad Fay COO Keller Fay Group LLC Lauren Hadley Associate Research Director Starcom

Transcript of How Social are Social Media Audiences Really

  1. 1.
  2. 2. How Social Are Social Media Audiences, Really?
    Brad Fay
    Lauren Hadley
    COOKeller Fay Group LLC
    Associate Research DirectorStarcom
  3. 3. Social Media Are Exploding & Advertisers Are Eager to Take Advantage
  4. 4. But What Social Behaviors Generate Meaningful Experiences between Consumers and Brands ?
    Participate in the conversation
    Value exchange with people
    The FourCs are SMGs proprietary framework for designing meaningful experiences between people and our clients brands
    The audience powered or curated by the brand
    Tell and extend the brand story
  5. 5. How Can We Construct Meaningful Experiences That Stimulate Conversations?
    Understand the role of conversation in creating and amplifying brand consideration
    Measure the impact of campaigns and continually improve the human experience
    Utilize social listening tools to:
  6. 6. Audience Value of
    Social Networking Online
  7. 7. Todays Data Source: Keller Fays TalkTrack
    Online survey among consumers 13 to 69
    Participants re-contacted a day later to answer questions about brands talked about during past 24 hours
    Covers all forms of WOM: Offline + online
    700 surveys weekly
    Diary-assisted reporting of a days conversations
    Respondents asked to take notes on conversations in 15 categories over 24 hours
    Brand/company names collected on open-ended basis
    Size of database
    36,000 interviews annually
    About 350,000 brand mentions per year
  8. 8. TalkTrack: A Unique Approach to Measuring WOM
    All Forms of WOM
    All Points of View
    All People
    U.S. since 2006
    • 36,000Interviews per year
    • 9. 350,000+Brand conversations
    • UK - 2010
    • 10. Australia - 2010
    All Categories
    All Dimensions
    Media Audiences
    All Brands
  9. 11. Facebook & Twitter Users Have Larger Offline Social Networks
    Compared to the national average, Facebook (+11%) and Twitter (+28%) have larger social networks
    Twitter Audience
    Facebook Audience
    Total Public
    Total Network: 18.0
    Total Network: 20.8
    Total Network: 16.2
    Source: Keller Fay TalkTrack, January December 2010
  10. 12. Facebook & Especially Twitter Users Recommend More, in All Categories
    (% of respondents who give advice in each category)
    Source: Keller Fays TalkTrack, January December 2010
  11. 13. Facebook & Twitter Users Talk About More Brands
    (Average number of weekly brand mentions)
    Source: Keller Fays TalkTrack, January December 2010
  12. 14. Traditional Media Also Offer Social Value
  13. 15. Where WOM Happens
    What percent of WOM happens on social media, blogs, chatrooms?
    Base: Brand conversations across all categories (n=194,528)
    Source: TalkTrack, January December 2010
  14. 16. Base: Brand conversations across all categories (n=165,352)
    Source: TalkTrack, January December 2010
    Multiple Touchpoints Contribute to WOM
    (Top 10 touch points shown; % of word of mouth conversations driven by media/marketing)
  15. 17. How Do Traditional Media Stack Up?
    TalkTrack identifies over 100 media audiences
    TV Channels
    We can evaluate each audience against total public in terms of various forms of social value
    How much do they talk about brands?
    How large are their social networks?
    How many are influencers?
    Some of the answers will surprise you!
  16. 18. These Audiences Have the Largest Social Networks
    (Average number of people friends, relatives, acquaintancescommunicate with fairly often; top 10 media audiences of 113 shown)
    Source: Keller Fays TalkTrack, January December 2010
  17. 19. These Audiences Are the Most Engaged in Making Recommendations
    (% of respondents who give advice regularly, indexed to total public; top 10 of 113 media audiences)
    Source: Keller Fays TalkTrack, January December 2010
  18. 20. These Audiences Have the Most Weekly Brand Mentions
    (Average number of brand mentions per week, top 10 of 113 media audiences shown)
    Source: Keller Fays TalkTrack, January December 2010
  19. 21. These Audiences Have the Most Influencers
    (% of Conversation Catalysts in audience, indexed to total public; top 10 of 113 media audiences shown)
    Source: Keller Fays TalkTrack, January December 2010
  20. 22. These Audiences Have the Most Category-Specific Influencers
    (% of Category Catalysts in audience, indexed to total public; top 10 of 113 media audiences shown)
    Source: Keller Fays TalkTrack, January December 2010
  21. 23. Constructing Meaningful Experiences & Generating Conversation SMG Coke Case Study
  22. 24. Implications
    Consumer decision making is fundamentally social
    Consumers value most the advice they get from other people, and are highly engaged in seeking recommendations
    It is part of what makes us human, and its always been an important part of how mass communications work
    All media are social
    A wide variety of media are able to reach social consumers
    Look for audiences with lots of social relationshipsoffline as well as online
    Audiences containing more influencers have the most social value
    By all means, use social media but integrate these efforts into broader strategies for media, marketing, and advertising
  23. 25. Thank You!
    Brad Fay [email protected]
    Lauren [email protected]