how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79...

Animal milk and its derivatives -nata, custards, yogurts, ice cream, milkshakes, etc. are currently among the most widely consumed foods in the world. its nutritional properties boast, how rich they are and what which they are essential to maintain healthy bones thanks to its richness in protein, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. But is that true or rather is not exactly healthy products that cause a variety of diseases? The human being is unique in nature for many reasons including highlighting the fact that it is the only mammal that eats milk from other animals last lactation. And it does so despite knowing that milk produced by each mammal is specific to their species and that nature has made it ideal for the needs of their breeding and not for another. Indeed, Mother Nature envisaged that say -that mammals, animals maman- obtain breast milk directly from their mothers without contact with any external agent because it is a substance that alters and contaminates easily . Humans, however, in the belief that it is healthy to continue taking as adults have altered even the laws of nature to keep it in proper conditions of use. And yet, many evidence that precious liquid is behind many of the ailments that afflict us today. Obviously the composition of each milk varies depending on the animal, race, food you have received, their age, the lactation period of the season and milking system, among other variables. And while his main component is water its presumed nutritional interest is that also contains fat (saturated fatty acids and cholesterol), proteins (casein, lactalbumin and lactoglobulin), carbohydrates (lactose, mainly), vitamins (moderate amounts of A, D and B group) and minerals (phosphorus, calcium, zinc and magnesium). And proportions depend treatment has been given to the raw material so that there is the same fat "whole milk" that "skim milk" ( see material so that there is the same fat "whole milk" that "skim milk" ( see box attached thereon). But is it really healthy eating milk and dairy box attached thereon). But is it really healthy eating milk and dairy products? Because there are only so many researchers who disagree with that view but more and more studies that question this assertion. THE PROBLEM OF THE CALCIUM……………………... ............................................................. The fundamental reason why Western -not so the Orientals nutritionists recommend taking milk and dairy products is because they consider it very nutritious and especially rich in calcium adding that regular intake of this mineral is essential to maintain health, especially Of bones. And this conviction many people drink it important to point that some -is the case of millions of Americans-almost taken instead of water quantity. However it is in the United States, the world's largest consumer of milk, where more incidence of osteoporosis between its population. Can anyone reasonably explain this singular paradox? Logically it is not surprising that more and more experts speak out openly stating that

Transcript of how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79...

Page 1: how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, immunologist, biologist, professor

Animal milk and its derivatives -nata, custards, yogurts, ice cream,

milkshakes, etc. are currently among the most widely consumed

foods in the world. its nutritional properties boast,

how rich they are and what

which they are essential to maintain healthy bones thanks to its

richness in protein, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. But

is that true or rather is not exactly healthy products that cause a

variety of diseases?

The human being is unique in nature for many reasons including

highlighting the fact that it is the only mammal that eats milk from

other animals last lactation. And it does so despite knowing that

milk produced by each mammal is specific to their species and that

nature has made it ideal for the needs of their breeding and not for

another. Indeed, Mother Nature envisaged that say -that mammals,

animals maman- obtain breast milk directly from their mothers

without contact with any external agent because it is a substance

that alters and contaminates easily . Humans, however, in the

belief that it is healthy to continue taking as adults have altered

even the laws of nature to keep it in proper conditions of use. And

yet, many evidence that precious liquid is behind many of the

ailments that afflict us today.

Obviously the composition of each milk varies depending on the

animal, race, food you have received, their age, the lactation period

of the season and milking system, among other variables. And

while his

main component is water its presumed nutritional interest is that

also contains fat (saturated fatty acids and cholesterol), proteins

(casein, lactalbumin and lactoglobulin), carbohydrates (lactose,

mainly), vitamins (moderate amounts of A, D and B

group) and minerals (phosphorus, calcium, zinc and magnesium).

And proportions depend treatment has been given to the raw

material so that there is the same fat "whole milk" that "skim milk" ( see material so that there is the same fat "whole milk" that "skim milk" ( see

box attached thereon). But is it really healthy eating milk and dairy box attached thereon). But is it really healthy eating milk and dairy

products? Because there are only so many researchers who

disagree with that view but more and more studies that question

this assertion.



The fundamental reason why Western -not so the Orientals

nutritionists recommend taking milk and dairy products is because

they consider it very nutritious and especially rich in calcium adding

that regular intake of this mineral is essential to maintain health,

especially Of bones. And this conviction many people drink it

important to point that some -is the case of millions of

Americans-almost taken instead of water quantity. However it is in

the United States, the world's largest consumer of milk, where

more incidence of osteoporosis between its population. Can

anyone reasonably explain this singular paradox?

Logically it is not surprising that more and more experts speak out

openly stating that

Page 2: how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, immunologist, biologist, professor

Milk and milk products are not suitable not only food for humans

but not even a good source of calcium for one thing is that the

amount present in it quite another mineral bioavailability. It is also

seen if the need for it is needed by the body which companies



Are illustrative in this respect the results of the study with 78,000

women aged 34 to 59 conducted over 12 years, several professors

at Harvard University in the United States and was published in the American at Harvard University in the United States and was published in the American

Journal of Public Health in 1997. Because their findings disproved Journal of Public Health in 1997. Because their findings disproved

the thesis that increased consumption of milk or other food sources

of calcium by adult women protects them from own osteoporosis

and fractures are the hip or forearm. It is also interesting to

remember the Cornell Oxford-China Project on Nutrition, Health and remember the Cornell Oxford-China Project on Nutrition, Health and

Environment which it began in 1983 with a detailed study of the daily Environment which it began in 1983 with a detailed study of the daily

habits of 6,500 people in 65 provinces scattered rural China

because it is one of the most rigorous and conclusive investigations

on health. And that work showed among other things that animal on health. And that work showed among other things that animal

milk demineralized To adults. That is, it was found that women who milk demineralized To adults. That is, it was found that women who

did not drink cow's milk and their only food were rice, vegetables,

soybeans and their derivatives They not had osteoporosis . And yet, soybeans and their derivatives They not had osteoporosis . And yet, soybeans and their derivatives They not had osteoporosis . And yet,

if they stopped that diet and introducing cow's milk calcium levels if they stopped that diet and introducing cow's milk calcium levels

down and increased the

incidence of that pathology.

Thanks to research carried out by nutritionist Dr. John

McDougall-doctor St Helena Hospital Napa (California, USA) - we McDougall-doctor St Helena Hospital Napa (California, USA) - we McDougall-doctor St Helena Hospital Napa (California, USA) - we

also know that women of ethnic Bantu They do not drink milk but also know that women of ethnic Bantu They do not drink milk but also know that women of ethnic Bantu They do not drink milk but

calcium from plant sources and yet, despite having an average of

10 children and breastfeed for long periods do not suffer from 10 children and breastfeed for long periods do not suffer from

osteoporosis . osteoporosis .

Another example of the relationship between milk and osteoporosis it is

the work of Dr. William Ellis, former president

of the American Academy of Osteopathy Applied who established of the American Academy of Osteopathy Applied who established of the American Academy of Osteopathy Applied who established

that people who take 3 to 5 glasses of milk a day have lower blood

calcium levels. Adding that drink lots of milk involves eating large

amounts of milk proteins and they produce an excess of acid that

the body tries to compensate by

the release of alkaline minerals.

Along the same lines expressed a study published in the

American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which states that excess American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which states that excess American Journal of Clinical Nutrition which states that excess

protein in milk is one of the most important factors in the

progression of osteoporosis . In this study-published in 1983 and it progression of osteoporosis . In this study-published in 1983 and it

showed that until the age of 65 women who did not drink milk and

are vegetarians have a 18% loss of bone while omnivores suffer

bone loss of 35%. And recent studies show that a daily intake of 75

grams of milk protein more calcium is lost in the urine is absorbed

through the diet. To all this must be added that the calcium /

phosphorus ratio of cow's milk is not suitable for humans because

its content is too high in phosphorus and therefore their intake

acidifies the body. With the many negative health implications


L A VIEW OF JEAN Seignalet .......................................................L A VIEW OF JEAN Seignalet .......................................................

As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y

79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist,

immunologist, biologist, professor

Medicine University of Montpellier for many years and author of Medicine University of Montpellier for many years and author of Medicine University of Montpellier for many years and author of

over two hundred publications in prestigious journals Medically he

denounced in his work Food, Medicine 3rd many pathologies and denounced in his work Food, Medicine 3rd many pathologies and denounced in his work Food, Medicine 3rd many pathologies and

the current proliferation of others is basically due to five reasons:

consumption of domestic cereals, intake of animal milk and dairy

products, cooking food, refining oils and food contamination with

consequent lack of vitamins and minerals. Affirming what refers to

milk the following:

"Many people think that without milk can provoke calcium loss and

problems like

Page 3: how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, immunologist, biologist, professor

osteoporosis as television, the press and most doctors repeat that

the strength of your bones depends on calcium and only daily

consumption of milk products can provide them in sufficient

quantity that precious calcium. However, I firmly say NO. The

danger of a lack of calcium is an illusion. It is true that cow's milk is

rich in calcium but once in the human digestive tract the vast

majority of it is precipitated as calcium phosphate and expelled

through the feces. Only a small part is absorbed. Assimilable

calcium is provided in more than enough for the vegetables:

vegetables, pulses, vegetables, raw meats and dried fruits and

fresh. Besides calcium is a very abundant in the soil where it is

recovered by plant roots mineral. Ultimately, eliminate food animal

milk does not cause calcium deficiency. Instead, the system

hipotóxico -desprovisto derivatives of magnesium and silicon

lecheacompañado blocks 70 times out of 100 the development of

osteoporosis and even allows sometimes recover part of

lost ground. "

MILK CASEIN ...............................................................

We mentioned in describing the composition of milk that one of its

main proteins is the casein. Well, it is known that the infant child main proteins is the casein. Well, it is known that the infant child main proteins is the casein. Well, it is known that the infant child

completely assimilated caseins of breast milk ... but not cow's milk . completely assimilated caseins of breast milk ... but not cow's milk . completely assimilated caseins of breast milk ... but not cow's milk .

Such proteins are only partially digested by the neutralizing effect

of milk on gastric acidity, essential

for its breaking off.

What effects does this goo that is animal casein in our body? Well I

must say that in some people adhere to the lymph follicles of the

intestine by preventing the absorption of other nutrients (in fact

casein is used as glue for paper, wood, etc.). In addition its partial

hydrolyzation has other consequences. For example, to get rid of

their metabolic waste entails an additional energy expenditure for

the body and can cause immune problems. Thus, in people who


IgA immunoglobulin deficiencies this protein into the bloodstream

and generates variety of autoimmune reactions (the mentioned

later when discussing related diseases milk consumption). And if

we take into account, as stated in a report of Kettering Memorial we take into account, as stated in a report of Kettering Memorial

Hospital New York (United States) - antigens that IgA deficiency is Hospital New York (United States) - antigens that IgA deficiency is

one of the most common problems regarding immune deficiencies

the problem happens to have dimensions

much plus worrying.

THE milkfat ............................................................ ..

Human milk contains 45 grams per liter of lipid which 55% are

polyunsaturated fatty acids and 45% saturated. Y is especially high

in linoleic acid, precursor of prostaglandins and leukotrienes

antiinflammatory. Instead cow's milk

-the consumida- contains 70% saturated fatty acids and 30%

polyunsaturated. A structure that favors the formation of

prostaglandins and leukotrienes

inflammatory. Also that 30%

polyunsaturated loses its properties by heat when between 40 and

45 Cº- denature and can no longer be precursors of

anti-inflammatory substances. So the treated milk to be consumed

is A

substance 100% inflammatory!

Moreover pasteurization and homogenization saturated fats cause

penetrate the intestinal walls as small particles undigested which

inexorably It increases levels of cholesterol and saturated fat in inexorably It increases levels of cholesterol and saturated fat in

blood . In addition, the cholesterol content of milk is higher than blood . In addition, the cholesterol content of milk is higher than

other foods famous for being rich in this element. In fact some

countries have already removed milk from the list of basic foods for

the diet because it has been observed that

children who tend to drink several glasses of milk a day have their

arteries worse off than those who do not take . Information which, arteries worse off than those who do not take . Information which,

curiously, seems not to have come to America because according

to the Department of Agriculture nearly 40% of food

Page 4: how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, immunologist, biologist, professor

Americans ingest daily that consists of milk and / or dairy products.

This means that the average American takes daily dairy only 161

milligrams of cholesterol. And that's as much as eating 53 slices of

bacon a day! And then are surprised that a quarter of the American

population is obese or overweight suffer. finally add an important

data which provides the aforementioned Dr. John McDougall: In

the quest to increase sales dairy industry relates the fat content of

milk ... with weight. Allowing you say that the cow has "only" 2% fat

per 100 grams. And, of course, that it seems that we are talking

about a low fat product. But we must understand that 87% of milk

is water so if this rule the actual percentage of fat on the solid

substance is much higher. And let's not talk

already of the milk condensed!

THE LOAD HORMONE ..........................................

It should also know that milk contains about 59 different types of

pituitary hormones, steroid, adrenals, sex, etc. being the most

important growth hormones whose action, combined with protein

rich cow's milk, make possible the rapid growth of calves so shortly

reach double its weight. It is clear that humans do not have exactly

that need. In addition high levels of this hormone, together with

other toxic, because of the onset of various degenerative diseases

are considered today. It should be added in this regard that it is

Kafkaesque have to note that already in 1994 Food and Drug Kafkaesque have to note that already in 1994 Food and Drug

Administration (FDA)

- that is to say, the agency

norteamericana- drug approved the company

Monsanto will use Hormone Recombinant

Bovine Growth (rBGH) - also known as Bovine Growth (rBGH) - also known as Bovine Growth (rBGH) - also known as

bovine somatotropin or rbST- to increase milk production in cows bovine somatotropin or rbST- to increase milk production in cows

between 10 and 25%. Because as published in The Ecologist in between 10 and 25%. Because as published in The Ecologist in between 10 and 25%. Because as published in The Ecologist in

1998 " the use of rBGH 1998 " the use of rBGH

increases the levels of another protein hormone - growth factor 1 increases the levels of another protein hormone - growth factor 1 increases the levels of another protein hormone - growth factor 1

insulin (IGF-1) - in the milk of cows. And since the IGF-1 is active in insulin (IGF-1) - in the milk of cows. And since the IGF-1 is active in insulin (IGF-1) - in the milk of cows. And since the IGF-1 is active in insulin (IGF-1) - in the milk of cows. And since the IGF-1 is active in

humans causing cells dividan- some scientists think that an intake

of milk treated with high levels of rBGH It could give way to of milk treated with high levels of rBGH It could give way to of milk treated with high levels of rBGH It could give way to

uncontrolled division and growth of cells in human. In other words:

cancer. " In fact there are so many potential dangers of the cancer. " In fact there are so many potential dangers of the

hormone that currently use is prohibited in Canada and the

European Union as well as other


Professor Jane Plant, on whose exemplary personal experience

speak in the attached box and is author of the book Your life in your speak in the attached box and is author of the book Your life in your

hands (your life in your hands)

He explained that IGF-1 is also particularly active during puberty

and pregnancy. In the case of pubertal girls he explains this

hormone stimulates breast tissue to grow. And during pregnancy

enlarged breast tissue and breast milk ducts to promote

breastfeeding. Adding emphatically:

"High levels of this hormone increases up to three times the risk of

breast or prostate cancer by those who consume both milk and

meat of dairy cows. And against the claim that pasteurization

destroys understand that casein prevents that from happening and

homogenization facilitates the IGF-1 reaches the bloodstream. in

addition, estrogens own which are added to bovine milk are other

factors which stimulate harmful expression of this hormone and

which indirectly , they end up causing

the appearance of tumors. "

TOXIC IN THE MILK………………………………………….

We must add that milk can also be contaminated by chemicals,

hormones, antibiotics, pesticides, pus from the so frequent mastitis

in cows milked permanentemente-

, viruses, bacteria, prions ... Not to mention that today is

"enriched" both milk and dairy products with additives, vitamins and

synthetic minerals, seeds,

Page 5: how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, immunologist, biologist, professor

plants, fruits, proteins, fatty acids ... In some cases, indeed, with fat

of different animals. So you can be eating enriched milk cow

grease of pork... without I know.

And what are the toxic substances that most often can you find in a

glass of cow's milk are,

the most consumed? Well these are:

Metals and plastics . The equipment used on the farm for, Metals and plastics . The equipment used on the farm for, Metals and plastics . The equipment used on the farm for,

conducting, or storing the milk can contaminate it. In fact it has

been detected in her iron, copper, lead, cadmium, zinc, etc., or

their alloys. Which may cause a disastrous catalytic activity on

oxidation reactions that occur in


Detergents and disinfectants. We speak of formol, boric acid, Detergents and disinfectants. We speak of formol, boric acid,

benzoic acid, alkali metal salts, potassium dichromate, etc.,

substances used in cleaning and disinfection of the material is

contacted with the milk. Use is warranted since water alone is

unable to drag the remains of organic matter and destroy

contaminating bacteria facilities and

they can happen to the milk.

Pesticides and fertilizers. In the food given to cows can be found Pesticides and fertilizers. In the food given to cows can be found

chemical compounds that have been tried both increased yields

and better conservation. In this group acaricides, nematicides


fungicides, rodenticides and

herbicides. Chemical compounds - DDT, dieldrin, lindane, herbicides. Chemical compounds - DDT, dieldrin, lindane,

methoxychlor, malathion, aldrin, etc. that can cause cancer. methoxychlor, malathion, aldrin, etc. that can cause cancer.

mycotoxins . From the food given to cows when it is contaminated mycotoxins . From the food given to cows when it is contaminated mycotoxins . From the food given to cows when it is contaminated

by molds, especially

by the aspergillus flavus.

Antibiotics and other drugs. Currently they used routinely in the Antibiotics and other drugs. Currently they used routinely in the

treatment and prevention of infectious and parasitic diseases of

cows but they can pass the contaminating milk. A problem

compounded by knowing that excessive and continued use of

these drugs in animals has finished causing certain strains of

pathogens have

become resistant and pass to humans they encounter difficulties to

overcome the disease with antibiotics. Why consumption is

dangerous milk from cows treated well. In 1976 the newspaper Daily dangerous milk from cows treated well. In 1976 the newspaper Daily

Herd Management published that " most factories [ milk] used about Herd Management published that " most factories [ milk] used about Herd Management published that " most factories [ milk] used about Herd Management published that " most factories [ milk] used about Herd Management published that " most factories [ milk] used about

60 kinds of chemical treatments [ antibiotics] to treat swelling nipple 60 kinds of chemical treatments [ antibiotics] to treat swelling nipple 60 kinds of chemical treatments [ antibiotics] to treat swelling nipple

after each milking and to reduce the spread of mastitis ( Udder after each milking and to reduce the spread of mastitis ( Udder

inflammation) in their herds. There is evidence that some of these inflammation) in their herds. There is evidence that some of these

dives leave chemical residues in milk that can be dangerous to

humans ". Ten years later everything was the same and the humans ". Ten years later everything was the same and the

prestigious The New York Times stated that " antibiotic residues in prestigious The New York Times stated that " antibiotic residues in prestigious The New York Times stated that " antibiotic residues in prestigious The New York Times stated that " antibiotic residues in

milk are causing allergic reactions in some people due to routine

treatments to prevent swelling of the teats of cows and programs

infusion in dairy factories. "

Radioactive contamination . It is another issue of concern today Radioactive contamination . It is another issue of concern today Radioactive contamination . It is another issue of concern today

and while the waste produced by the specific use of nuclear energy

does not cause problems but rarely necessary

lend Attention.

dioxins . These chlorine derivatives deserve special attention. dioxins . These chlorine derivatives deserve special attention. dioxins . These chlorine derivatives deserve special attention.

Besides being related to lung cancer and lymphoma exposure to

dioxins it has been linked to diabetes, child development problems

and various disorders of the immune system.


First of all the above are increasingly the voices that warn of

possible more or less directly relationship between milk

consumption and the ailments listed below:

iron deficiency anemia. Dr. Frank Oski, director the Department iron deficiency anemia. Dr. Frank Oski, director the Department

of Pediatrics, School of Medicine Johns Hopkins University ( United of Pediatrics, School of Medicine Johns Hopkins University ( United of Pediatrics, School of Medicine Johns Hopkins University ( United

States) - asserts in his book Do not Drink Your Milk! (Do not drink States) - asserts in his book Do not Drink Your Milk! (Do not drink

your milk!) that his country between 15 and 20% of children under 2 your milk!) that his country between 15 and 20% of children under 2

years are anemic iron deficiency and half of the rest of the anemias

that occur in

Page 6: how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, immunologist, biologist, professor

United States are related to the consumption of milk and dairy

products by small gastrointestinal bleeding that milk can cause.

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis . It is found that the Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis . It is found that the Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis . It is found that the

antigen-antibody complexes produced by the milk sometimes

deposited in the joints causing inflammation and stiffness. Studies

in the University of Florida ( United States) confirm that symptoms in the University of Florida ( United States) confirm that symptoms in the University of Florida ( United States) confirm that symptoms

are worse in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who consume milk.

On the other hand, in an article published in the journal Scandinavian On the other hand, in an article published in the journal Scandinavian

Journal of Rheumatology stated that in people suffering from this Journal of Rheumatology stated that in people suffering from this

pathology who stopped eating dairy and took only water, green tea,

fruit and vegetable juices between 7 and 10 days

the inflammation and They decreased pain

significantly. Adding that when one turned to a vegetarian-ovo-lacto

symptoms recurred. Meanwhile, a group of Israeli researchers

showed in 1985 -for the first time that milk can also induce juvenile

rheumatoid arthritis. The association of milk with adult rheumatoid

arthritis was already established before but had not found any

association with youth to find

of those scientists.

Asthma. It is known that milk can stimulate excessive production Asthma. It is known that milk can stimulate excessive production

of mucus in the airways and the milk allergy causes asthma. It is

fully demonstrated that children with excess mucus and breathing

difficulties that are removed cow's milk improve markedly.

Autism. Italian researchers found that autistic neurological Autism. Italian researchers found that autistic neurological

symptoms worsen when patients consume milk and wheat. It is

believed that the peptides of the milk may have a toxic effect on the

central nervous system by interfering with neurotransmitter. In their

research doctors University of Rome They noted a marked research doctors University of Rome They noted a marked research doctors University of Rome They noted a marked

improvement in the behavior of these patients after stopping

ingesting eight weeks. In his blood had high levels of antibodies


casein, the lactalbumin and the beta-lactoglobulin.the lactalbumin and the beta-lactoglobulin.the lactalbumin and the beta-lactoglobulin.the lactalbumin and the beta-lactoglobulin.

Stomach cancer. researchers National Institute of Public Health Morelos Stomach cancer. researchers National Institute of Public Health Morelos Stomach cancer. researchers National Institute of Public Health Morelos Stomach cancer. researchers National Institute of Public Health Morelos

(Mexico) found a significantly increased risk of stomach cancer in

patients who consumed dairy products. In meat eaters also risk

he He trebled.

Breast cancer. Milk is considered by many experts direct cause Breast cancer. Milk is considered by many experts direct cause

of this "type" of cancer. If we add the influence of the hormone

insulin increases the odds of suffering considerably large

consumers of milk ( DSALUD Discovery next month publish an consumers of milk ( DSALUD Discovery next month publish an

article on this important issue that concerns both women).

Ovarian cancer. The galactose - one of the milk- sugars have also Ovarian cancer. The galactose - one of the milk- sugars have also Ovarian cancer. The galactose - one of the milk- sugars have also Ovarian cancer. The galactose - one of the milk- sugars have also Ovarian cancer. The galactose - one of the milk- sugars have also

been associated with ovarian cancer. Some researchers believe

that women who drink more than one glass of whole milk a day are

three times more likely to develop ovarian cancer

what the not the ingest.

-Pancreatic cancer. Researchers Harvard University ( United Pancreatic cancer. Researchers Harvard University ( United Pancreatic cancer. Researchers Harvard University ( United Pancreatic cancer. Researchers Harvard University ( United

States) assert that there is a relationship

"Positive and strong" between pancreatic cancer and consumption "Positive and strong" between pancreatic cancer and consumption

of milk, eggs Y meat.

Prostate cancer. A study presented over twenty years ago at a Prostate cancer. A study presented over twenty years ago at a

meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research in San meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research in San meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research in San

Francisco and published in Oncology News and he revealed, Francisco and published in Oncology News and he revealed, Francisco and published in Oncology News and he revealed,

according to Dr. Chan -epidemiólogo of Harvard University-, that according to Dr. Chan -epidemiólogo of Harvard University-, that according to Dr. Chan -epidemiólogo of Harvard University-, that

eating a lot of milk and dairy products it is associated with an

increased risk of prostate cancer in men. Explaining that this may

be due to the high calcium content of milk decreases the amount of

vitamin D the body responsible for protecting prostate cancer

although the milk itself contains. Italian epidemiologists Aviano although the milk itself contains. Italian epidemiologists Aviano

Cancer Center They calculated that increased risk and established Cancer Center They calculated that increased risk and established

that is 1.2 times higher among those who drink 1 to 2 glasses of

milk daily than among those who do not consume. However, if two

or more glasses of milk a day the level of risk that cancer will take

increases to 5.

Page 7: how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, immunologist, biologist, professor

-Made another study by the same team of researchers from the Harvard -Made another study by the same team of researchers from the Harvard

University- It found that men who consume large quantities of milk University- It found that men who consume large quantities of milk

and / or milk have a 70% risk of getting prostate cancer. View

shared by a group of Norwegian scientists University of Oslo who shared by a group of Norwegian scientists University of Oslo who shared by a group of Norwegian scientists University of Oslo who

claim that drinking milk is a risk for prostate cancer. Adding that,

surprisingly, skim milk consumption is associated with an increased

increase what the milk whole.

Lung cancer. Dutch researchers

in 1989 they concluded that people who take three or more glasses

of milk daily are twice as likely to develop lung cancer than those

who do not take cancer. And yet -against what his colleagues say

Norwegians people taking the same amount of skim milk but seem

to be more protected. It is also especially concluded in Roswell Park to be more protected. It is also especially concluded in Roswell Park

Memorial Institute New York than among people who drink three or Memorial Institute New York than among people who drink three or

more glasses of whole milk per day increases the risk of developing

lung cancer by 200% (compared with those who never made). Also

it documented that there is direct relationship between the hormone somatotropinit documented that there is direct relationship between the hormone somatotropin

and lung cancer, and between it and dioxins that contaminate milk.

Testicular cancer. British researchers

they discovered that there is also relationship between testicular

cancer and milk intake. The risk was found

7.19 times greater than in the general population and increases by

1.39 for each additional quarter milk consumed.

Waterfalls. There is growing evidence of the relationship Waterfalls. There is growing evidence of the relationship

between milk consumption and cataracts. According to several

scientific studies of human populations that consume large

amounts of dairy products have higher incidence of cataracts than

those who avoid them. This defect has been linked to the lactose and those who avoid them. This defect has been linked to the lactose and those who avoid them. This defect has been linked to the lactose and


galactose. The most obvious relationship between women than galactose. The most obvious relationship between women than

among men. The type more

frequently is the waterfall cortical.

Ulcerative Colitis. Also milk consumption has been associated Ulcerative Colitis. Also milk consumption has been associated

to is disease.

irritable bowel. There are also several studies linking milk intake irritable bowel. There are also several studies linking milk intake

with the development of this pathology.

Type I Diabetes Mellitus Different studies show that infants fed Type I Diabetes Mellitus Different studies show that infants fed

cow milk are at increased risk for insulin-dependent diabetes,

known as type I- and diabetes since childhood. A study published

in the Journal of Medicine New England identifies milk as in the Journal of Medicine New England identifies milk as in the Journal of Medicine New England identifies milk as

"Responsible element or triggering factor in some genetically

susceptible individuals." Doctors who conducted the investigation susceptible individuals." Doctors who conducted the investigation

found that diabetics tested had levels higher than normal

antibodies reacting with a milk protein called bovine serum albumin antibodies reacting with a milk protein called bovine serum albumin

Invasive and destroy attacking her. It turns out that -¡fatal

coincidence - a section of that protein is almost identical to a

protein on the surface of insulin-producing cells so they claim

defenses sensitive to her people end up attacking its own cells thus

causing self-destruction. So Coligen to eliminate milk and dairy

products in infant diet could drastically reduce the incidence of this

kind of diabetes.

abdominal pain without lactose intolerance. There is a close abdominal pain without lactose intolerance. There is a close

correlation -no discutida- between indigestion caused lactose,

lactose intolerance and

the intolerance to the milk.

Crohn's disease . Dr. John Hermon-Taylor director of the Crohn's disease . Dr. John Hermon-Taylor director of the Crohn's disease . Dr. John Hermon-Taylor director of the

Department of Surgery of the School of Medicine St. George Department of Surgery of the School of Medicine St. George

Hospital ( Great Britain) - claims after studying Crohn's disease for Hospital ( Great Britain) - claims after studying Crohn's disease for

20 years the Paratuberculosis - a subspecies of Mycobacterium 20 years the Paratuberculosis - a subspecies of Mycobacterium 20 years the Paratuberculosis - a subspecies of Mycobacterium 20 years the Paratuberculosis - a subspecies of Mycobacterium 20 years the Paratuberculosis - a subspecies of Mycobacterium

avium It is undoubtedly associated with that disease. And that avium It is undoubtedly associated with that disease. And that

organism is primarily transmitted through milk because

pasteurization does not destroy it. In a study between 1990 and

1994 on milk cartons he found that 7% was

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contaminated with the Paratuberculosis.

coronary heart disease. Many researchers relate some coronary heart disease. Many researchers relate some

components of milk-the cholesterol, fat, high calcium content, the

presence of

xanthine oxidase, etc.- with such ailments. In the case of the bovine xanthine oxidase, etc.- with such ailments. In the case of the bovine

enzyme xanthine oxidase it is known that only causes problems enzyme xanthine oxidase it is known that only causes problems enzyme xanthine oxidase it is known that only causes problems

when the milk is homogenised and focuses its damage in blood

vessels. The possible explanation is that this enzyme would cross

the intestinal walls intact, would move through the blood and

destroy the masmógeno, one component of cell membranes forming destroy the masmógeno, one component of cell membranes forming destroy the masmógeno, one component of cell membranes forming

the heart tissue. One of these researchers is Dr. Kurt Oster, chief

of Cardiology Hospital Park City Bridgeport (United States). Over a of Cardiology Hospital Park City Bridgeport (United States). Over a of Cardiology Hospital Park City Bridgeport (United States). Over a

period of almost four years Oster studied 75 patients suffering from

angina pectoris and arteriosclerosis. However, milk their diets was

removed and given folic acid and vitamin C

-both combat xanthine oxidasa- and in all cases the pain subsided. both combat xanthine oxidasa- and in all cases the pain subsided. both combat xanthine oxidasa- and in all cases the pain subsided.

Moreover, in this regard Dr. Kurt Esselbacher -member of the

School of Medicine

Harvard University- He says bluntly: " The homogenised milk, due to Harvard University- He says bluntly: " The homogenised milk, due to Harvard University- He says bluntly: " The homogenised milk, due to

the content of xanthine oxidase, is one of the major causes of

coronary heart disease in the United


There are also studies in Russia according to which those who

drink three or more glasses of milk a day were 1.7 times more

likely to suffer heart disease than non-ischemic consume. Also it is

known that regular consumption of dairy products increases bad

cholesterol (LDL) without affecting the good (HDL) so as in

themselves constitute a risk factor. And we must add that

consumption of milk protein seems directly connected with

coronary mortality as it has been shown that antibodies raised

against casein activate platelet system stimulating thrombogenesis.

Furthermore they are related to inflammation of the artery walls

and favoring

the arteriosclerotic process.

As for the calcium in milk can say that there seems to be

relationship between hardening of the arteries and excessive

content of this mineral in blood. Add the skimmed milk has been

associated with non-ischemic heart disease in men over 45 and

women over 75. It is believed that milk proteins contribute to the

formation of homocysteine. For many the combination of this type of

milk, lactose, calcium and homocysteine could be responsible for

calcification of the arteries.

Multiple sclerosis. Scientists University of Michigan ( United Multiple sclerosis. Scientists University of Michigan ( United Multiple sclerosis. Scientists University of Michigan ( United Multiple sclerosis. Scientists University of Michigan ( United

States) are taking place at present extensive studies on factors

associated with multiple sclerosis and although so far only partial

conclusions obtained have been established relationship between

multiple sclerosis and excessive

consumption of milk.

Constipation. Milk is known to cause constipation in children Constipation. Milk is known to cause constipation in children

and the elderly. Their elimination diet and increased consumption

of vegetables and fiber usually solves that problem. Also, both

chronic constipation as perianal lesions have been associated with

a clear

intolerance the Cow milk.

Chronic fatigue. According to a study of children in Rochester Chronic fatigue. According to a study of children in Rochester

(New York) in 1991 drinking milk increases

44.3 times the risk of developing this disease.

Fistulas and anal fissures. It could be due apparently to allergy to Fistulas and anal fissures. It could be due apparently to allergy to

milk protein goat.

urinary incontinence. Many children who wet the sheets and urinary incontinence. Many children who wet the sheets and

grown as they stop eliminate from your diet milk, and products

containing derivatives

dairy products.

Lactose intolerance. To be used by the body this milk sugar Lactose intolerance. To be used by the body this milk sugar

must first be hydrolyzed and thanks to an enzyme that is achieved

call lactase that is disappearing lactase that is disappearing

slowly they begin to step out teeth. It seems that the white race

lactase remains longer than in blacks. Something that could be due

to the relationship between the melanin and the lactase. People to the relationship between the melanin and the lactase. People to the relationship between the melanin and the lactase. People to the relationship between the melanin and the lactase. People to the relationship between the melanin and the lactase. People

living in cold places so the skin would

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whiter to maximize solar radiation and to synthesize vitamin D bind

calcium. It has also been observed that in most people do not

produce lactase or do so at low levels unhydrolyzed lactose passes

into the intestine where it is attacked by bacteria and consequences

are fermentations, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, etc. All of which

causes irritation of the intestinal walls and even microheridas with

blood loss. And if these small hemorrhages occur continuously they


causing shortcomings of iron.

Furthermore lactose may cause other less serious disorders not

because it is responsible for the uptake of heavy metals such as

cadmium, mercury and iron and

as of other substances toxic.

Lymphomas. A study in the University of Bergen ( Norway) for a Lymphomas. A study in the University of Bergen ( Norway) for a Lymphomas. A study in the University of Bergen ( Norway) for a Lymphomas. A study in the University of Bergen ( Norway) for a

year and a half with almost 16,000 patients found that people who

consume two glasses of milk a day have a 3.4 times greater risk of

developing lymphoma than those who drink less. The mechanism

by which this occurs is still unclear although it is known that cow's

milk can transmit bovine leukemia virus. This same study found an

association, although weak, between milk consumption and cancer

of the kidneys and reproductive organs


Another mechanism by which lymphomas may develop is through

dioxin-contaminated milk. In an article published in the American

newspaper The Washington Post It stated that people who consume newspaper The Washington Post It stated that people who consume newspaper The Washington Post It stated that people who consume

large amounts of dairy products such as meat and fat are 10 times

more likely to get cancer,

especially of lung.

Migraine . It has been experimentally found that when milk from Migraine . It has been experimentally found that when milk from Migraine . It has been experimentally found that when milk from

the diet of patients with migraine is suppressed significantly reduce

your symptoms.

Ears, throat and sinusitis. In 1994 the magazine Natural Health He Ears, throat and sinusitis. In 1994 the magazine Natural Health He Ears, throat and sinusitis. In 1994 the magazine Natural Health He Ears, throat and sinusitis. In 1994 the magazine Natural Health He

published a series of findings relating to milk with increased ear

infections and

throat. Studies showed that the tonsils and adenoids reduced their

size when consumption was limited

of milk.

Allergic reactions . Allergy proteins cow's milk has been defined Allergic reactions . Allergy proteins cow's milk has been defined Allergic reactions . Allergy proteins cow's milk has been defined

as " any adverse reactions mediated immune mechanisms to one or as " any adverse reactions mediated immune mechanisms to one or

more of milk protein (casein, lactalbumin alpha, beta-lactoglobulin)

". Currently many medical studies recognize the relationship ". Currently many medical studies recognize the relationship

between milk and allergic reactions establishing its prevalence

between 2 and 5% of the world population. Allergic reaction may be

immediate, that is, in less than 45 minutes-or late -presentándose

hours or days later.

Gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to Gastrointestinal bleeding. Gastrointestinal bleeding secondary to

intolerance to proteins in cow's milk in children has been well

documented. So serious is bleeding that is placed as one of the

causes more

Common anemia in children.

Malabsorption syndrome. Researchers Malabsorption syndrome. Researchers

University of Helsinki ( Finland) have established a relationship University of Helsinki ( Finland) have established a relationship

between milk proteins and damage to the intestinal mucosa. This

damage is responsible for the malabsorption syndrome

characterized by chronic diarrhea, vomiting and growth retardation.

Sleep disorders. Studies in the Sleep disorders. Studies in the

Free University Brussels between 1986 and 1988 confirmed the link Free University Brussels between 1986 and 1988 confirmed the link

between milk consumption and sleep disorders in children. This

and other studies have found no link between milk allergy and

sleep problems. All symptoms improved when milk was excluded

diet and worsened when it was reintroduced. The average time to

notice the improvement was five weeks. Agitation who showed

those children also he improved.

Peptic Ulcers. In the past he advised to drink milk Peptic Ulcers. In the past he advised to drink milk

people suffering from stomach problems, especially

in case of ulcers. Today this practice is discouraged because it is

considered dangerous and because it is known that milk and dairy

products aggravate all the symptoms. Temporary relief they felt

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these patients could duty simply to the fact that usually drank cold

milk and the liquid temperature was what made temporarily

improve the situation.

Other reactions caused by milk. In addition to the exposed there Other reactions caused by milk. In addition to the exposed there

are other situations and conditions that are related to milk intake.

For example severe lactic acidosis associated with allergy to cow's

milk, increased risk of preeclampsia in susceptible women, learning

difficulties in children or some cases of female infertility. Finally, it

is important to note that mothers who drink cow's milk during

lactation period expose their children to the associated risks

to this food.

José Ramón Llorente ...................................................... ..

PS: the author of this text is president of the Spanish Society of

Orthomolecular Nutrition and studies cited in the article are well

documented and if not mentioned is for reasons of space.

Problems that can cause the preparation of milk and thus be

consumed after being extracted

Nature intended that -human animalsirviera milk or to feed directly

pups at the time without mechanical, physical or chemical

intervention. However, the decision of the human being to continue

eating milk after natural breastfeeding led him to milk pets and,

eventually, to find methods that allow keep long in the most

hygienic and healthy conditions possible. Search that led to the

current systems.

Let's talk well of they.

homogenization . This is a mechanical process by which the size homogenization . This is a mechanical process by which the size homogenization . This is a mechanical process by which the size

of the particles is reduced

milk fat cream preventing concentrate on the surface. And for that

size is homogeneous milk jet pressure against a steel plate at a

temperature of between 50 and 60 ° C. shooting a white milk which

then remains liquid in the container is thus achieved. The drawback

is that this too much of the lipid and protein structures so if the milk

is exposed to artificial light for several hours break becomes a

substance unfit for consumption. In addition, some experts

decreasing ten times the size of the fat particles this procedure

may increase the risk of heart attacks in those who consume large

quantities. The possible explanation is the bovine enzyme xanthine quantities. The possible explanation is the bovine enzyme xanthine

oxidase that would cross the intestinal wall and intact, using blood oxidase that would cross the intestinal wall and intact, using blood

as a vehicle, would destroy the masmógeno, a component of the as a vehicle, would destroy the masmógeno, a component of the as a vehicle, would destroy the masmógeno, a component of the


cell phones of the tissue cardiac.

Pasteurization. It involves the application of high temperatures Pasteurization. It involves the application of high temperatures

for a certain time. This method is destroyed

most the

microorganisms that can affect the milk but not all spores (forms of

resistance of microorganisms). Through pasteurization "fresh day

milk" is obtained -so that is marketed maintained under conditions

suitable only for 2 or 3 days. There are two types of pasteurization:

the high pasteurization - which lasts for 15 seconds at a temperature the high pasteurization - which lasts for 15 seconds at a temperature the high pasteurization - which lasts for 15 seconds at a temperature the high pasteurization - which lasts for 15 seconds at a temperature

of 72 ° C and low pasteurization - which lasts 30 minutes at 65 ° C. of 72 ° C and low pasteurization - which lasts 30 minutes at 65 ° C. of 72 ° C and low pasteurization - which lasts 30 minutes at 65 ° C. of 72 ° C and low pasteurization - which lasts 30 minutes at 65 ° C.

Subsequently, the milk is subjected to rapid cooling but if this

treatment is not done correctly the risk of germinating spores have

survived the heat treatment is run. Also with this method the

coagulation of proteins occurs, the own milk bacteria that use later

for cheesemaking and is lost removed 5% of vitamins B1 and B6,

10% B12 and 25 % of vitamin


Sterilization. It is a process that combines high Sterilization. It is a process that combines high

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temperatures in quite a long time. Thus the absence of pathogens

and toxins and ensures the product is maintained in good condition

for longer. However this process vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, A,

C and D as well as some essential amino acids are lost.

UHT. We speak of milk that has been treated at high UHT. We speak of milk that has been treated at high

temperatures in a very short time. The problem is that biochemical

alterations suffering proteins with this treatment are very important.

Types of cow's milk. ................................................ ..Types of cow's milk. ................................................ ..

Whole milk. It has the highest milk fat content. Your caloric Whole milk. It has the highest milk fat content. Your caloric

intake and cholesterol is very high: a glass of milk provides 7.2

grams of fat and about 123 calories. Hence the impact of this

substance on the cardiovascular system is very significant.

Skim milk. It has fewer calories than whole milk. Depending on Skim milk. It has fewer calories than whole milk. Depending on

the amount of fat it will be called skim (<0.18%) or semi (0.5-2%). It

has a milder flavor and nutritional value decreases.

Condensed milk. It is whole milk which was removed about 60% Condensed milk. It is whole milk which was removed about 60%

of its water content and add 40% of its weight in sugar thus

preventing largely bacterial growth but would question the health

consequences of such a high amount

of sugar.

Milk powder. It is achieved by heating the liquid milk until it loses Milk powder. It is achieved by heating the liquid milk until it loses

about 60% of water containing. In the process being 25 to 50% of

water-soluble vitamins (vitamin C and B complex) they are lost. As

for the cheese raw materials used can be very diverse and

processing procedures and varieties but all have a common

denominator: they need the coagulation of casein by rennet. And

not all vegetarians know is that rennet is made from desiccated

mucosa of the fourth stomach of ruminants cavity

and sometimes pork. So when you take it is eating an animal


A real story ....................................................A real story ....................................................

The story of Professor Jane Plant, geochemistry and Chief Scientist

British Geological Survey - a prestigious British public institution British Geological Survey - a prestigious British public institution British Geological Survey - a prestigious British public institution

dedicated to research in geology-may constitute a significant

example for many women it has since survived a 5 mammary

tumors and conventional medical practices to treat their cancer.

And it has done so, as she says, in a very simple way: eliminate all

dairy from your diet. His story is similar to that of many other

women. He felt the same panic when she was diagnosed with

breast cancer and trusting in the good to know and do Oncologists

underwent a mastectomy and radiation of their ovaries because he

said so menopause caused, estrogen production is suppressed and

could cure cancer. But everything turned out false. In fact, the

Cancer he you He reproduced up to 4 times.

"I suffered the amputation of a breast, I underwent radiotherapy

and a very painful chemotherapy. I saw the most eminent

specialists in my country but in my heart I was sure I was facing

death. And I was about to throw the towel", Plant tells the professor death. And I was about to throw the towel", Plant tells the professor

in his book Your life in your hands (your life in your hands) in which in his book Your life in your hands (your life in your hands) in which in his book Your life in your hands (your life in your hands) in which

he recounts his own experience and explains how he came to the

idea that saved his life: " Following a trip to China has my husband idea that saved his life: " Following a trip to China has my husband

in his work-I started thinking about my disease was virtually

non-existent in that country. In fact only one of every 10,000

women die of breast cancer in China while only in the UK official

figures speak of one in 12. Then my husband -figures speak of one in 12. Then my husband -

which it is also scientific and myself started to investigate the

lifestyle and feeding the eastern until we came to the idea that

saved me

Page 12: how rich they are and what · As indeed already he published Discovery DSALUD in numbers 78 Y 79 also the late Dr. Jean Seignalet hematologist, immunologist, biologist, professor

life Chinese women no ill breast cancer or men developed prostate

tumors because they are unable to tolerate milk and therefore do

not take it. Moreover, we learned that the Chinese are unable to

comprehend the concern Western cow's milk. They never used and

even less to nurse their babies! And if you think about it can not be

a coincidence that more than 70% of the world's population is

unable to digest lactose. Today I think that nature is trying to warn

in time that we

eating food wrong".

Jane Plant was raised when all this was dealing with her fifth breast

tumor chemotherapy. And it was then when he decided to

completely eliminate dairy intake, including all foods containing

some milk: soups, cookies, cakes, margarines, etc. And what

happened? " In just a few days - collected in his book the tumor happened? " In just a few days - collected in his book the tumor happened? " In just a few days - collected in his book the tumor happened? " In just a few days - collected in his book the tumor

began to shrink. Two weeks after my second chemotherapy session

and one week after removing the milk and dairy products the tumor

began to itch. Then it softened and began to wane. About six weeks

later he was gone. In fact my oncologist Charing Cross Hospital London later he was gone. In fact my oncologist Charing Cross Hospital London later he was gone. In fact my oncologist Charing Cross Hospital London

could not help exclaiming one wonder ' I can not find it!' when he could not help exclaiming one wonder ' I can not find it!' when he could not help exclaiming one wonder ' I can not find it!' when he

examined the area where the lump had been. Apparently I not

expect someone with such advanced cancer had invaded my

linfáticopudiera-and survive system. " Fortunately this oncologist linfáticopudiera-and survive system. " Fortunately this oncologist

overcame his initial skepticism and currently recommends a diet

without dairy products to their patients. Convinced that stop taking

dairy was what had saved her life Jane Plant decided to translate

their knowledge and experience in the

book before

mentioned. And immediately 60 women suffering from breast

cancer contacted

her for advice. Their tumors also disappeared.

"Although it was not easy to accept that such a 'natural' substance

such as milk might have such impact on health - explains occur with such as milk might have such impact on health - explains occur with

this Now I have no doubt that the relationship between dairy this Now I have no doubt that the relationship between dairy

products and breast cancer is similar to that between the snuff and

lung cancer. But not only that because, for example, and in 1989

Dr. Daniel Cramer-from the University of Harvarddeterminó that

these products are involved in the development of ovarian cancer.

And the data about prostate cancer leads to similar conclusions.

The World Health Organization itself (WHO) says the number of

men suffering from this cancer in China is 0.5 per 10,000 while in

the UK the figure is 70 times higher. The key is therefore no doubt

in consumption

of dairy products".

Professor Plant for cow's milk is a great food ... but only for calves!

And he affirms convinced that nature has not intended to be

consumed by any other species. " In fact I am convinced - They consumed by any other species. " In fact I am convinced - They consumed by any other species. " In fact I am convinced - They

concluded that I saved my life by stop consuming cow's milk. I only concluded that I saved my life by stop consuming cow's milk. I only

wish that my experience can serve more women and men who

unwittingly may be ill from consuming dairy. "

In his book, plus details of their own experience and interesting

facts about his research on the effects of cow's milk on our health,

a number of nutritional recommendations are summarized in feed

basically soy milk, tea collected herbs, sesame seeds, tofu, nuts,

fish, eggs, lean meat (not ground beef, which can be dairy cow),

lots of fruit and fresh vegetables.