How Product Managers can help stop companies from screwing up technology - Product Tank 15th June...

How to avoid screwing up technology (and how product managers can help) Paul Lomax, CTO, Dennis Publishing @PaulLomax

Transcript of How Product Managers can help stop companies from screwing up technology - Product Tank 15th June...

How to avoid screwing

up technology (and how product managers

can help)

Paul Lomax, CTO, Dennis Publishing


Paul Lomax
Might drop this slide, not really product related


Felix Dennis (1947-2014)

So, how do you do tech if you’re

not a tech company?

Marc Abraham
I believe that having this additional slide would help to make things a bit more tangible for the part of our audience who don't do tech or aren't (ex) engineers or work with dev teams. It could also provide a helpful roadmap for the topics that you're looking to touch on in the rest of your talk.
Paul Lomax
One thing I haven't put in yet (will replace other weaker slides) is the role of the product team in this. 1) How tech can make or break them 2) What part they have to play in this (and it's a vital one) - they may not realise it's within their control
Marc Abraham
Good one, I like that angle!
Marc Abraham
[email protected] I was wondering whether it would be helpful to add an additional slide after this one, to outline some of the top 5 problems or challenges with respect to doing tech in a non-tech company.
Paul Lomax
Yeah I had this in the VO but might be a good slide for some bullet points.


Paul Lomax
Not sure about this slide. Trying to avoid bullet slides except for take-aways at the end.

The problem with technology is


Buy, build or rent?“If it flies, floats or fornicates,

always rent it.. It's cheaper in the long run.”

– Felix Dennis (1947-2014)

Marc Abraham
[email protected] I'm sure you'll do this in your voiceover, but it would be great if you could provide a real-life example of where you had to make a 'buy, build or rent' decision with respect to technology and/or product.
Paul Lomax
Other than felix's mansion? Sure :)


Problem people #1: Developers

Writing code should be a last


Marc Abraham
I can imagine that our audience members will be keen to learn from you how they, as product managers, can help to ensure that writing code is indeed treated as a last resort. What are the practical ways in which can make sure that code is considered as a last resort?

"We'll just build our own..."

How much work your developers think is involved.

Stuff they haven't thought of.

Marc Abraham
[email protected] Similar to my thoughts re. your last slide, I was wondering about my role as a product person in working closely with developers in ensuring they've got a clear picture of what is involved (and what isn't and why).
Paul Lomax
Yep, I need to go through and put a 'what can product do about it' theme through the whole thing. My take aways at the end will change to be product manager focused actions.


(Your job is to stop this!)

“You’re not here to write beautiful code. You’re here to create

business value.”Me, to developers

Technical debt

WUser story What was shipped

The vicious circle of technical debt

Record all borrowings

Agree a repayment plan

Problem people #2: Customers &


“I’ll know what I want when I see it…”

Problem people #3: Product managers

Solution people! Product


Product Managers

Marc Abraham
It would be great to perhaps here some of dos and don'ts that you've seen from the product people that you've worked with over the years - the good and the bad. Especially in the light of some of the challenges and outcomes which you talked about in the previous slides.
Paul Lomax
I may take this slide out. If was for an audience of companies who mostly don't have PMs. The point was PMs are the solution to all this. So I'll explain why that is rather than what a PM is (natch).




1. Something that is required; a necessity.

2. Something obligatory; a prerequisite.


Ban ‘requirements’! Everything is negotiable

As an Account HolderI want to withdraw cash from an ATMSo that I can get money when the bank is closed Scenario 1: Account has sufficient fundsGiven the account balance is \$100 And the card is valid And the machine contains enough moneyWhen the Account Holder requests \$20Then the ATM should dispense \$20 And the account balance should be \$80 And the card should be returned

Story: Account Holder withdraws cash Scenario 2: Account has insufficient fundsGiven the account balance is \$10 And the card is valid And the machine contains enough moneyWhen the Account Holder requests \$20Then the ATM should not dispense any money And the ATM should say there are insufficient funds And the account balance should be \$20 And the card should be returned Scenario 3: Card has been disabled...

Behaviour Driven Development


Be lean & agile.

Beware half-arsed agile

Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

Working software over comprehensive documentation

Customer collaboration over contract negotiation

Responding to change over following a plan

Whilst the items on the left sound nice in theory, we’re an enterprise company, and there’s no way

we’re letting go of the items on the right.

1. Eliminate waste2. Amplify learning3. Decide as late as possible4. Deliver as fast as possible5. Empower the team6. Build integrity in7. See the whole

Adopt lean principles

● Ban 'requirements'. Focus on objectives.

● Address technical debt & a repayment plan.

● Communicate business value through BDD.

● Wield a pragmatism stick:beat developers and stakeholders

with it.● Help developers spot the icebergs.● Avoid waste, prototype, spike, test &

learn. ● Control scope, focus on a quality MVP.● Kanban! Kanban! Kanban!

Paul LomaxChief Technology Officer,

Dennis Publishing

t: @paullomaxe: [email protected]

Picture creditsMen's Fitness: Way: Code: Donuts: Post-it notes: Ship-wreck: WTFs/min: debt matrix: Kanban: XKCD on Arbitrary Condiments:

Technical Debt Management Venn diagram:'ll Know What I Want When I See It: Squirrels: Startup: Manifesto: on Requirements: MVP: