How one can Motivate Yourself to Workout: A Stack of CRAP!

How To Motivate Yourself To Workout Posted by Coach Todd on Oct 30, 2013 inMotivation | 0 comments Hey thanks for visting! I gave P90X a shot more than once and failed every single time. 7 times in fact...But then it clicked and I found the tools to get ripped! I want to share that with YOU - consider joining my team! Joining RIPPEDCLUB been a game changer for hundreds of people. Lets get you starte today! 9 Share Tweet Share 20 Pin Mail Share Workouts Nutrition Motivation RIPPED Results Supplements Review Home Join RIPPEDCLUB FREE! Join A Challenge Group Becoming Nutrition Zone Fitness Programs » Challenge Packs Supplement

Transcript of How one can Motivate Yourself to Workout: A Stack of CRAP!

Page 1: How one can Motivate Yourself to Workout: A Stack of CRAP!

How To Motivate Yourself To WorkoutPosted by Coach Todd on Oct 30, 2013 in Motivation | 0 comments

Hey thanks for visting! I gave P90X a shot more than onceand failed every single time. 7 times in fact...But then itclicked and I found the tools to get ripped! I want to share

that with YOU - consider joining my team! Joining RIPPEDCLUB hasbeen a game changer for hundreds of people. Lets get you startedtoday!


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Page 2: How one can Motivate Yourself to Workout: A Stack of CRAP!

There are a few different facets to this debaclewe often find ourselves in…trying to figure outhow to motivate yourself to workout . WhatI am going to show you in this article is howyour mindset makes all the difference and howyour goals are slowing you down. I wont justleave you hangin though – I gots a few ticketsfor a ride on the solution train for you and tryingto figure out how to motivate yourself toworkout will be an issue of times past!

…I am so sorry…that was the most ridiculouscomment I have ever made (solution train???lol) – But I’ll leave it!

The Hard Truth About Howto Motivate Yourself toWorkout…A lot of people think that you NEED motivation in order to workout. I am going to be pretty blunt withyou here and tell you that motivation is a crock!

As I have progressed in my fitness journey I have experienced all the ups and all the downs over the past3 years… I lost 60lbs, gained 1olbs while bulking, then got super ripped with P90X2…Then tried my handat bulking again and gained 20lbs (NOT COOL!). I have fallen off the wagon, missed weeks worth ofworkouts…gotten BACK on track and gotten re-ripped… Serious, I know what a roller coaster ride life andyour health/fitness can be.

What I have come to learn is that motivation is just an excuse we use to NOT do what we know weshould be doing. We wake up bright and early and we just dont feel “motivated” enough to not hit thatsnooze button. You are at a birthday party and you just dont have enough “motivation” to resist thatpizza and cake. Motivation schmotivation!

Motivation has NOTHING to do with it. Its a matter of priorities! We prioritize the things that areimportant to us in every aspect of our lives. If you actually are serious about reaching your goals, thenyou will prioritize the activities that promote the result you want! Some people want it more than others,hence the different degrees of stick-to-itiveness.

okay…so if “motivation” is just a myth then the question still remains and your doomed, right?


“So how are you supposed to motivate yourself to workout?”

Page 3: How one can Motivate Yourself to Workout: A Stack of CRAP!

The secret lies within your MIND and getting BEYOND just your “goal”…

My Jedi Mind Trick – How to Motivate Yourself to WorkoutAlmost the entire battle lies within your MINDwhen it comes to finding the push needed toworkout. Try this little mind trick called auto-suggestion.

auto-suggestion: the hypnotic orsubconscious adoption of an idea thatone has originated oneself, e.g. throughrepetition of verbal statements tooneself in order to change behavior

Here is what I have done in the past. I hate waking up early and I know that I have to “just DO IT”. Sobefore I go to sleep I repeat to myself OUT LOUD “just DO IT”, 50 times. Sounds crazy right? No,literally…you will sound crazy to anyone that hears you, lol…But it WORKS! When that alarm goes off,guess what phrase is ringing in my mind!

You can do this with ANY goal and its incredibly effective! Give it a try and dont hate.

Your Goal Doesnt Work – How to Motivate Yourself toWorkout

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Here’s what I discovered about goals. Doesn’tmake me an expert, but it’s been myexperience that unless you have HUGEEMOTIONAL REASONS behind those goalsthat drive you to the point ofOBSESSION…there’s practically no chanceyou’ll actually achieve it.

WHY you want to reach your goal is just asimportant as the goal itself. I would go fartherand say that its MORE important. And this is themissing link for many of you reading thisnow. For years I wrote down my goals, how toachieve them … and I almost never hitthem. Heck, I didn’t even come close.Remember…I failed P90X 7 times. For me,goal setting and thinking about my goals turnedinto a depressing activity. Instead of adding fuelto my “motivation”, it turned me into a negative Nancy, thinking about all these times I wrote down mygoals and didn’t achieve them.

Try determining your “why” and your emotionally backed reasons for wanting to reach your goal byusing the “so that” method.

I want to lose 35lbs so that…I want to fit into this dress so that…I want to be able to take my shirt off at the pool so that…I want to get ripped so that…

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout is irrelevant when you start practicing these two tips! If you wantdouble rainbow-style motivation…try coupling your “WHY” with the power of auto-suggestion! You willsoon find your priorities aligning with your goals and the idea of motivation will be a result of SEEINGRESULTS!

Now its time to BRING IT and inspire others to do the same!

Coach Todd

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