How mobile sites can revolutionise your marketing strategy-NeotericUK


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Technology has never been more widely available or more regularly used than it is today. With a huge percentage of the world’s population owning or having access to mobile handheld tablets and phones and Wi-Fi hot spots, you can now connect to the internet almost anytime anywhere.

Transcript of How mobile sites can revolutionise your marketing strategy-NeotericUK

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How mobile sites can revolutionise your marketing strategy

Technology has never been more widely available or more regularly used than it is today. With a huge percentage of the world’s population owning or having access to mobile handheld tablets and phones and Wi-Fi hot spots, you can now connect to the internet almost anytime anywhere. Gone are the days when people relied upon trawling directory enquiries to locate a business service, the 21st century tech savvy generation simply opens an app to access thousands of listings under their favourite search engine. Businesses have become all too aware of the importance of featuring highly on the search engine results, and so have

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harnessed the power of search engine optimisation to make the most of their business website and raise their online profile. In a nutshell, SEO is the process of reviewing current digital marketing channels such as websites, blogs and social media and updating them regularly with engaging and informative content that is relevant to both you and your prospective clients. This content must be rich in keywords and key phrases that meet the search engine algorithm requirements in order to rank highly within the results page, and with the help of social media you can share your content to your heart’s content. Social media is taking the world by storm, and is helping millions of businesses to quickly build networks and business relationships with a much wider target audience, and allowing new products or events promotions to go viral within minutes.

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As a result of the consumer demand for better online information and customer experience, brands and businesses have had to embrace the digital age and look into developing a mobile version of their website that fits the average mobile screen. Mobile optimisation is a popular additional service provided by search engine optimisation experts, and with digital marketing showing no signs of slowing down, now is the perfect time to invest in a UK digital marketing agency. By creating a mobile version of your website, you will be able to make your brand and business services accessible to millions of potential customers worldwide. A mobile website will streamline all the relevant information directly from your full site but customise the data and graphics to allow it to be viewed and scrolled through easily on today’s most popular mobile devices. A mobile site is an asset to any digital marketing strategy as our busy lifestyle and hectic schedules mean that we end up doing a lot of our internet browsing and shopping on the go. Offering a mobile version of your website is a wise investment to

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maximise your SEO, as it enables your target audience to learn about you, your products or service and follow through into reserving items and making that all important purchase. With so many enquiries converting to sales, mobile websites offer a high return on investment, making them one of the most cost effective marketing tools. If you want to create a mobile App too then visit us :