How Lucky Max Defeated Two Giants and a Dragon

How Lucky Max Defeated Two Giants and a Dragon An Illustrated Adventure Story for Children Rohi Shetty Happywriter Books


This is an illustrated story about a brave lad called Lucky Max who defeated two fearsome giants and a dragon.

Transcript of How Lucky Max Defeated Two Giants and a Dragon

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How Lucky Max Defeated Two Giants and a Dragon

An Illustrated Adventure Story for Children

Rohi Shetty

Happywriter Books

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How Lucky Max Defeated Two Giants and a Dragon

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How Lucky Max Defeated Two Giants and a Dragon

An Illustrated Adventure Story for Children

This story is based on an ancient English fable.

It celebrates the courage and ingenuity of a poor young village boy.

This story proves the truth of these two wise quotations:

“The defining factor for success is never resources; it’s resourcefulness.” ~Tony Robbins

“Everything is figure-outable.” ~Marie Forleo

Max is lucky because he’s plucky.

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Once upon a time, a brave young boy named Max lived in a small village with his aunt in the kingdom of Prosperus.

A giant named Monstrus lived in a castle near the village. The villagers lived in constant fear because he would knock down their houses and carry away their cows.

When he heard of this, King Alexus announced a reward of a thousand gold coins to anyone who could save the villagers from the harassment of Monstrus.

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When Max heard of the reward, he immediately decided to go after Monstrus and collect the reward but his aunt, Kautious, wouldn’t let him go.

One day, however, Monstrus carried away three cows from the village, including Max’s one and only cow.

“This is the last straw,” declared Max to his aunt.

“I’m going to get rid of Monstrus and also claim the reward of the thousand gold coins.”

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Max didn’t have a weapon so he took his spade, his trumpet, a strong rope and his other farming tools.

Then he mounted his farm horse, Coolix, the smartest horse in the world and his best friend.

“Farewell aunty,” he shouted, waving cheerily with his trumpet.

“All the best, Max.” she said. “Remember to have your dinner on time and don’t be rude to Mr. Monstrus.”

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Max rode into the village to inform Mayor Humerus that he intended to get rid of Monstrus and claim the reward.

“Max, let me get this straight. You plan to get rid of Monstrus the fearsome giant all by yourself with your spade?”

“Yes sir, you got it right the first time.”

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Much to Max’s surprise, Mayor Humerus and his clerk, Hilarix, first smiled, then sniggered, then chuckled, and finally started rolling on the floor laughing.

Max waited for a while but it seemed both of them wouldn’t be able to stop laughing any time soon.

“Sorry, sirs, I really must be going,” he said. “I’ll be back soon to collect the reward.”

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After riding for a while, he reached the giant’s castle, which was on top of a high mountain.

“Well, Coolix, we’ve reached his castle. I have thought of a great plan to get rid of Monstrus. It’s going to be hard work, though.”

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Max waited until it was dark. Then, when he was sure Monstrus was asleep, he climbed the mountain.

Using his spade, he started digging a hole near the edge of the cliff. It took him several hours to dig a deep pit.

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Then Max covered the opening of the pit with branches.

“Well, Coolix, this was the easy part. Now comes the hard part. Be prepared to run for your life.”

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“Coolix, now I’m going to blow on this trumpet and wake up Monstrus. He’s going to be really mad when he wakes up so watch out.”

Max blew hard on the trumpet and it shattered the silence of the night.

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Monstrus had feasted on three cows and was fast asleep.

He continued to sleep in spite of the loud blaring sound of the trumpet but ultimately it broke his sleep.

Sleepily, he looked out of the window. He couldn’t believe his eyes—a young boy was standing outside his castle and blowing on a trumpet.

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Monstrus was so angry that he couldn’t wait to get his hands on Max.

He clambered out from the window, yelling at the top of his voice,

“How dare you! You wait, you rascal.

I will tear you into little pieces.”

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Max held Coolix tightly and they forced themselves to wait at the spot in front of the pit.

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“Coolix, we are doomed if his foot misses the pit.”

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The next moment, Monstrus’s giant foot fell right in the pit and he tripped and fell from the cliff all the way into the valley below.

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Monstrus fell with such force that he crashed through the ground and disappeared.

All that was left was a giant crater.

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The sound of his crashing into the ground was so loud that he could be heard for many miles around the spot.

The villagers rushed to the spot and were overjoyed.

They started celebrating the fall of Monstrous and praised Max for his courage and resourcefulness.

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When they reached the village, a messenger from King Alexus was waiting to meet Max.

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“I bring bad news.

Princess Maria has been kidnapped by Dangerus, the two-headed giant.

The king wants to meet you at once.”

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King Alexus was waiting for Max.

“Young Max, we have heard about how you got rid of the fearsome giant, Monstrus.

We feel you are the only one who can rescue Princess Maria from the dreaded two-headed demon, Dangerus.”

“Your majesty,” said Max, “I will do my best to rescue the princess from Dangerus.”

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“We have one piece of news that may help you.

We have heard that the two heads of Dangerus are named Roughus and Gruffus and that they don’t get along very well.”

“Thank you, your majesty. I will keep this in mind.”

King Alexus then gave Max a map so that he could reach the palace of Dangerus as soon as possible.

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With the help of the map, Max reached the palace of Dangerus within a few hours.

He saw that the only way to get to the palace of the demon was to cross a thin wooden bridge over a deep chasm.

“Ten thousand clustering chronicles. Coolix, there’s a dragon guarding the castle!

We will have to find a way to deal with it.”

He thought for a while and then snapped his fingers,

“Got it!”

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Max tied one end of a rope around Coolix’s neck and the other end around his waist.

“Coolix, when I whistle, pull on the rope as hard as you can.

My life depends on it.”

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Max went to the middle of the wooden bridge and started to strike it with his axe.

With a few moments, he managed to cut through half its thickness.

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After Max had weakened the bridge, he advanced towards the dragon and dared it to pursue him.

“Come on, you buffoon, catch me if you can!”

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When the angry dragon stepped on the bridge and started to chase Max, he turned around and started whistling—his signal to Coolix.

The weight of the dragon was too much for the weakened bridge—it started to bend and crack.

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When Coolix heard the whistle, he pulled hard and galloped away from the bridge.

Max was yanked clear as the bridge broke and the dragon fell to his doom.

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“Thanks to you, Coolix, that’s the end of Terrorus, the dragon.

Now I will deal with Dangerus and rescue Princess Maria.”

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“First, I will cross over with the help of this rope.”

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Max crossed to the other side with the help of the rope.

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Then he climbed the wall of the castle next to the great wooden door.

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He sat on a ledge near the top of the door and started to knock on the door with his axe.

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Dangerus was having dinner—

Roughus was eating ten dozen boiled eggs while Gruffus was drinking the last of ten pots of tea.

“Did you hear that?” Roughus asked.

“Yes, go and open the door,” replied Gruffus.

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“You open the door,” shouted Roughus.

“I opened it the last time. It’s your turn this time,”

growled Gruffus.

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Finally, they opened the door.

They were surprised because there was no one outside.

“Who was it who knocked on the door?” yelled Roughus.

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Max leaned close to Roughus’s ear and said,

“It was I, Gruffus, who knocked on the door.”

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Roughus turned angrily towards Gruffus and roared,

“Gruffus, you idiot! How could you knock on the door?

You were inside with me.”

“What’s the matter with you, Roughus?

Have you lost your head?” asked Gruffus.

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“Stop being funny,” said Roughus. “What do you see?”

Max shouted at the top of his voice,

“A big fat gorilla beside me.”

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This time, both Roughus and Gruffus heard him.

Each one thought the other had said it.

They glared at each other.

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Roughus smacked Gruffus hard on his head and yelled,

“Go away, Gruffus.

I’m sick and tired of you hanging around me all the time.”

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Gruffus thumped Roughus in the face and bellowed,

“This is hurting me much more than it’s hurting you.”

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Biting, punching, and kicking each other,

Roughus and Gruffus plunged off the edge of the cliff.

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Max climbed down the castle wall.

He leaned over the edge of the cliff and said,

“Well, that’s the end of Roughus and Gruffus!

Who said two heads are better than one!”

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Then Max went into the castle.

He found the room in which Princess Maria was imprisoned and forced open its door.

“Greetings, Princess Maria.

Roughus and Gruffus are dead. You are free.”

The lovely princess stared at Max and blushed.

“How handsome he is!” she thought.

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Max and Princess Maria rode back to the royal palace,

much to the delight of the people of Prosperus.

King Alexus was delighted.

He arranged for Max to marry Princess Maria.

After the marriage, he made Max the crown prince.

And they all lived happily ever after.

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About the author

I'm a writer who believes in the healing power of stories.

You can find all my e-books here:

1. 200 Humorous Tweetable Quotations

2. How Merry Jones Married Princess Mercy: An Illustrated Adventure Fairy Tale for Children

3. Prince Merrifix and the Two Wizards: How They Got the Magic Ring from Horrifix, the Fearsome Ogre

4. The Secret of the Black Knight: An Illustrated Adventure Fairy Tale for Children

5. Kosey and the Four Tigers: An Illustrated Adventure Story for Children

6. The Secret of the King’s New Clothes—An Illustrated Story for Children

7. How Lucky Max Defeated Two Giants and a Dragon

8. How King Goldwish Became King Goldheart—An Illustrated Fairy Tale for Children

For more details about me, check out my blog:

Connect with me:

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Twitter: @rohishetty

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Goodreads: rohishetty

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How Lucky Max Defeated Two Giants and a Dragon

Meanwhile, smile at everyone and laugh at everything.

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About This Book

Copyright © 2014 Rohi Shetty

Published by Happywriter Books

First edition

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Any part of this e-book may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in any database or retrieval system without the prior written permission of Happywriter Books. In short, please share this e-book with anyone and everyone.

This story is based on an ancient English fable. It celebrates the courage and ingenuity of a poor young village boy.

The pictures in this book have been adapted from vintage public domain comic book images.

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The Secret of the Black Knight

An Illustrated Adventure Fairy Tale

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