How is feminism shown through mama

Aya Khaireh I’m interested in the world of finance and business. The reason why I became so interested in the subject so early on in life, was because of my father, and how he had to overcame the many barriers in his life, such as leaving his home country of Somali amidst the civil war, he gave up on everything so that I could have an education and build a great stable career from it, so that I would never lose as much as he did during the civil work. Inspired by my father, I would like to help others create a stable life through my knowledge of finance and business. Without the knowledge gained from studying finance and business, we would not have a stable economy with economic growth. Studying Finance has allowed me to explore the ways in which efficient personal finance can help you build a stable future; such as saving for the future and unforeseen circumstances (positive or negative), which can have an impact on your income, I’ve also learnt about the ways in which the government can help individuals with low income, through the welfare system, which includes a variety of benefits which a divest range of people apply for from different ages and different circumstances. Learning about the financial industry and how it can impact our economy locally and globally has opened my mind to the possibilities of what I can become. What I hope to gain from studying about business and finance is to have the capability of understanding the decisions made by the government. My Knowledge of the financial sector has been expanded by talking to representatives of Barclays and Lloyds bank in my school. I was able to ask a variety of individuals who work in different areas of the bank about their career choice and how they achieve that role. What impressed me so much and inspired me even more to work in the financial industry was the way they were promoting females from different backgrounds and ethnicities to enter the world of finance, so that the financial sector could have different viewpoint, attitudes and skills from many different perspectives to help improve the world of finance. As I come from and grew up in two different backgrounds with two different cultures, I know that the financial industry is lacking in diversity of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Also to gain further knowledge about the financial sector and what’s happening in our economy right now, I read in a daily bases the Economist magazine.

Transcript of How is feminism shown through mama

Page 1: How is feminism shown through mama

Aya Khaireh

I’m interested in the world of finance and business. The reason why I became so interested in the subject so early on in life, was because of my father, and how he had to overcame the many barriers in his life, such as leaving his home country of Somali amidst the civil war, he gave up on everything so that I could have an education and build a great stable career from it, so that I would never lose as much as he did during the civil work. Inspired by my father, I would like to help others create a stable life through my knowledge of finance and business.

Without the knowledge gained from studying finance and business, we would not have a stable economy with economic growth. Studying Finance has allowed me to explore the ways in which efficient personal finance can help you build a stable future; such as saving for the future and unforeseen circumstances (positive or negative), which can have an impact on your income, I’ve also learnt about the ways in which the government can help individuals with low income, through the welfare system, which includes a variety of benefits which a divest range of people apply for from different ages and different circumstances. Learning about the financial industry and how it can impact our economy locally and globally has opened my mind to the possibilities of what I can become. What I hope to gain from studying about business and finance is to have the capability of understanding the decisions made by the government.

My Knowledge of the financial sector has been expanded by talking to representatives of Barclays and Lloyds bank in my school. I was able to ask a variety of individuals who work in different areas of the bank about their career choice and how they achieve that role. What impressed me so much and inspired me even more to work in the financial industry was the way they were promoting females from different backgrounds and ethnicities to enter the world of finance, so that the financial sector could have different viewpoint, attitudes and skills from many different perspectives to help improve the world of finance. As I come from and grew up in two different backgrounds with two different cultures, I know that the financial industry is lacking in diversity of people from different backgrounds and cultures. Also to gain further knowledge about the financial sector and what’s happening in our economy right now, I read in a daily bases the Economist magazine.

Living and studying in London, the world’s leading financial centre has enabled me to visit a variety banks insight apprenticeship. To learn more about different careers in the financial sector. I went on Barclays and Lloyds Insight apprenticeships where I got the opportunity to gain more knowledge about investment banking, retail banking and commercial banking by going to observe and speak to people with a career in those sectors right now, enhancing my knowledge about the atmosphere in the financial sector. The experience of going on the insight apprenticeships established to me that in my future I may want to work in the area of banking (accounting,) business management or in insurance, as I enjoy helping people with their income.

Studying finances has enabled me to learn more about the economy and how it is still developing. By studying finance in A-level it has allowed me to study about subjects that will be useful in my future such as debt management, taxation, personal finance as well as the welfare system which relates to me personally. By learning about personal finance it has allowed me to learn how you can save for your future aspiration (short term and long term) by budgeting or creating a financial forecast so that you can see if you have any surplus (income left over). This subject has made me become more aware of what is going on in the economy by using resources like BBC News in my own time to get statistics and facts from, by doing this in my own time it has made me become more independent and has enchants my research skills and my knowledge of what is happening in the world right now.

Page 2: How is feminism shown through mama

Aya Khaireh

A-level media studies, has expanded my knowledge of how social learning is applied through the media, by observing behaviour from different media sources such as the news and multiple adverts which are played on a specific channel or after a specific show where target audiences will be on, to help seek the right attention from the aimed audience. The world of business uses a diverts range of media products to get there goods and services known to the public. Social learning is that behaviour is learned through the environment by the development of observational learning. Using this process through the media has help our economy become the world’s leading financial industry, this is because of the uses of new media products such as facebook and twitter, now you can learn more about target audiences such as specific age ranges, gender as well as the most dominant language spoken by the key target audience. What this does is help accommodate businesses with key information of what products people want, which will provide a better return of investments to businesses.

Studying A-level fine art has made me become more independent, observational, creative and resourceful. As I have to learn how to research information about multiple artist, some widely known and some not. This has enabled me to become more patient when researching so that I can get the accurate and correct information needed. Also by studying fine art in A-level has allowed me to become more observational to my surroundings and to what people find appealing to look at or to hear about helping me know what the public want using my creative eye from the study of art. Art reflects different theories and ways that people saw and see in the world, through culture, religion and beliefs. What this has done is improve and develop my critical thinking, helping me with different circumstances, as a result of this I have knowledge of how subtle differences and similarities can affect and individual’s needs and wants.

On July 2015 I travelled to Somalia which is still an unstable country while I was there I volunteered to help teach underprivileged children from Somalia, as I felt the desire to share my knowledge and help people which are less fortunate than me. I also volunteered to help teach English and maths to girls in Noradin high girl’s secondary school for a month throughout the day for thoughts who wanted extra tuition to improve on their skills, these sessions was completely free. As I felt the need to help them achieve their future aspirations, as their main aims now of becoming fluent in English can help them full fill their future goals as English is an international language which can help you to peruse a career outside of Somalia which can also open a lot of doors in career wise nationally and internationally. Another reason why this was my main priority was because I wanted to help young people that are in the same situation my father was in. I would reflect my need for helping people is from my father and the way he gave up on everything including putting his career on hold as well as moving to another country for my education and me so that I can peruse my aspirations.

Outside school I enjoy interacting with others as well as travelling and exploring new places I haven’t been before. Also in my free time I enjoy going to the cinema to watch new releases. I would consider myself as a very sociable person as I enjoy talking to people. As well as being sociable I would consider myself as charitable as I enjoy giving money to charity as well as racing money for charity in my sixth form I took part in a lead role in the ‘charity drive’ in raising money for ‘right to play’ by organising a bake sale as well as a sponsored walk for a course of two weeks. I enjoyed taking part in the charity drive and it also ended up being very successful. In my free time I also enjoy taking part in community events.