How Domestic Companies Partner with Foreign...

How Domestic Companies Partner with Foreign Companies Ralph Hulseman Michelin Americas Research Company June 17, 2008

Transcript of How Domestic Companies Partner with Foreign...

How Domestic Companies Partner

with Foreign Companies

Ralph HulsemanMichelin Americas Research

CompanyJune 17, 2008

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Key PointsKey Points

Michelin Overview

Transition From Regional to Global R&D

Example Program

Some Ideas for Reforming the US Government Role

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Michelin OverviewMichelin Overview

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Our Mission:Our Mission:Contribute to the progress of mobilityContribute to the progress of mobility

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Demonstrating the mechanics of the

radial tire

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Skid Steer



TweelTM: Future of Mobility?

NASA Athlete Rover

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Transition From Regional to Global R&D

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Michelin R&D Michelin R&D CircaCirca 1995:1995:RegionalRegional OrientedOriented

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Michelin R&D 2008:Michelin R&D 2008:Unified Global StructureUnified Global Structure

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Impact on Michelin Americas R&DImpact on Michelin Americas R&DApprox. 1000 employees, on-site and distributed, in 2008

60% degreed scientists and engineers from 28 different countries

>20 families out on long term foreign assignment

>20 families in on long term foreign assignment

15 of 17 R&D senior managers have multi-year foreign assignment experience

> 200 engineers fluent in 2nd or 3rd language

Extensive use of international collaboration tools:culture and diversity training

telephone, email, web seminar, video conferencing, int. travel

Wide use of multi-country project teams

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Global R&D: The Main Challenges

Technical Management ChallengeDecision making: local versus global

Relationships ChallengeGlobal Distribution of Missions and Talents

People DevelopmentCultural awareness

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Example R&D Program: Mercedes R Class

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Customer view: DaimlerCustomer view: Daimler--BenzBenzVehicle R&D - Stuttgart, Germany

Vehicle production – Vance, Alabama

Vehicle track testing – Barcelona, Spain and Transvaal, South Africa

Vehicle sales in over 150 countries

Required 26 unique tire fitments

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Supplier view: MichelinSupplier view: MichelinTeam

– Project leader – Greenville, SC– Technical marketing leader – Karlsruhe, Germany– Project lead test driver – Clermont-Ferrand, France– Tire R&D – 2/3 USA, 1/3 France– Regulatory team – US, China, France, Japan– Weekly virtual team meetings; Bi-monthly meetings Barcelona,

Stuttgart, Vance, …Tire production –US, Can., France, Spain

> 75 country specific regulatory and safety compliance packages

Tire sales and support in over 150 countries

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Photo courtesy of NASA Jet Propulsion Lab, 2006

Some Ideas for Some Ideas for Reforming the US Reforming the US Government RoleGovernment Role

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Securing Our FutureSecuring Our FutureInternational experience for STEM graduates– 6 months abroad for MS, PhD

Level global R&D playing field– competitive incentives

Leadership in global standards and regulationsMove from closed to open R&D practices on a global scale

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SummarySummaryCompanies that partner R&D on a global scale will be the future winners

US R&D competitiveness could be enhanced:– International experience for STEM graduates

– Competitive incentives

– Standards and regulatory leadership

– Open collaboration world-wide
