How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified...

How does CLA (carry look-ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005

Transcript of How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified...

Page 1: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

How does CLA (carry look-ahead adder) work?

Wei-jen Hsu

TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004

Modified fall 2005

Page 2: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

A simple one-bit full adder






It takes A, B, and Cin as input and generates S and Cout in 2 gate delays (SOP)

Page 3: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.


4-bit RCA


A3 B3


C4 (+)

A1 B1


A2 B2



A0 B0




• Work from lowest bit to highest bit sequentially.• With A0, B0, and C0, the lowest bit adder generates S0 and C1 in 2 gate delay.• With A1, B1, and C1 ready, the second bit adder generates S1 and C2 in 2 gate delay.• Each bit adder has to wait for the lower bit adder to propagate the carry.

Carry propagationforms a long sequentialwait chain, hence RCAIs slow!!

Page 4: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.


• The critical component each bit adder waits for is the carry input.

• Instead of generating and propagating carry bit-by-bit, can we generate all of them in parallel and break the sequential chain?

• This is exactly the idea of CLA (carry look-ahead adder).

Page 5: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

Carry Look Ahead Logic

• Now even before the carry in (Cin) is available, based on the inputs (A,B) only, can we say anything about the carry out?

• Under what condition will the bit propagate an outgoing carry (Cout), if there is an incoming carry (Cin)?

• Under what condition will the bit generate an outgoing carry (Cout), regardless of whether there is an incoming carry (Cin)?

Page 6: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

1-bit CLA adder




p g

• Instead of Cout, an 1-bit CLA adder block takes A, B inputs and generates p,g• p=propagator =>I will propagate the Cin to the next bit. p = A+B (If either A or B is 1, Cin=1 causes Cout=1)• g=generator =>I will generate a Cout independent of what Cin is. g = AB (If both A and B are 1, Cout=1 for sure)• p,g are generated in 1 gate delay after we have A,B. Note that Cin is not needed to generate p,g.• S is generated in 2 gate delay after we get Cin (SOP).

Page 7: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

4-bit CLA




p g



p g



p g



p g

CLL (carry look-ahead logic)

• The CLL takes p,g from all 4 bits and C0 as input to generate all Cs in 2 gate delay.• C1=g0+p0C0,• C2=g1+p1g0+p1p0C0,• C3=g2+p2g1+p2p1g0+p2p1p0c0,• C4=g3+p3g2+p3p2g1+p3p2p1g0+p3p2p1p0c0 (Note: this C4 is too complicated to generate in 2-level SOP representation)



Page 8: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

4-bit CLA


A0 B0


A1 B1


A2 B2


A3 B3

CLL (carry look-ahead logic)

p0 g0p1 g1p2 g2p3 g3

• Given A,B’s, all p,g’s are generated in 1 gate delay in parallel.


• Given all p,g’s, all C’s are generated in 2 gate delay in parallel.

S3 S2 S1 S0

• Given all C’s, all S’s are generated in 2 gate delay in parallel.

• Key virtue of CLA: sequential operation in RCA is broken into parallel operation!!

Page 9: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.


• The CLL block cannot be made too big (at most 4 bits) because if the equations for C’s are too long it cannot be evaluated in 2 gate delay.

• So how about long operands, say 16 bits?

• We add another layer of CLL and make a multi-level CLA.

Page 10: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

16-bit CLA

• Same as before, p,g’s are generated in parallel in 1 gate delay

• The second-tier CLL takes the P,G’s from first-tier CLLs and C0 to generate “seed C’s” for first-tier CLLs in 2 gate delay. (note that the logic for generating “seed C’s” from P,G’s is exactly the same to generating C’s from p,g’s!)

• With the seed C’s as input, the first-tier CLLs use Cin and p,g’s to generate C’s in 2 gate delay• With all C’s in place, S’s are calculated in 2 gate delay

Therefore, totally1+2+2+2+2=9 gate delayto finish the whole thing!!

• Now, without input carry, the first-tier CLL cannot generate C’s…… Instead they generate P,G’s (group propagator and group generator) in 2 gate delay P => This group will propagate the input carry to the group P=p0p1p2p3 G => This group will generate a output carry G=g3+p3g2+p3p2g1+p3p2p1g0

Page 11: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

Now, how about 64-bit CLA?

• You can visualize that in mind by yourself now, I guess.

Page 12: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

A bit more details


A0 B0


A1 B1


A2 B2


A3 B3

CLL (carry look-ahead logic)

p0 g0p1 g1p2 g2p3 g3



S3 S2 S1 S0

• Do all these 4 S’s (S3, S2, S1, S0) come together? Actually no! Since C0 is available from the beginning, S0 can be calculated in 2 gate delays (using original SOP expression for S bit in a single bit adder) (before S3,S2,S1)

Page 13: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.

A bit more details (Cont’d)

• Again, actually not all the S’s come together!• C0 is readily available, so S0 can be calculated in 2 gate delays.• Since C0 is readily available, the lowest first-tier CLL can generate C1, C2, C3 independent of the second-tier CLL. Since C1, C2, C3 are done earlier, so is S1, S2, S3. (in 5 gate delays. 1 for (p,g), 2 for (C1,C2,C3), 2 for S)• When we get C4, C8, C12, we can start to calculate S4, S8, S12 and get them in 2 more gate delays. That is the same time when we get the other C’s (purple guys) at 7 gate delays.• Timing for items generated (in terms of gate delay): black=already available (and special case for S0=4), orange=1, green=3, blue=5, purple=7, brown=9


Page 14: How does CLA (carry look- ahead adder) work? Wei-jen Hsu TA for EE457 at USC, fall 2004 Modified fall 2005.


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