How Do We Replace the Dental Implant

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  • 7/29/2019 How Do We Replace the Dental Implant



    HOW TO replace Tooth with DENTALIMPLANT

    Compiled by :

    Group 4

    Adrian Stephen Mulyadi (04011002)

    Alodia Pangestu Irawan (04011006)

    Andrew Putra (04011013)

    Angelina Desyana (04011014)

    Arvina Alvian (04011020)

    Danny Sebastian (04011036)

    Faculty of dentistry



  • 7/29/2019 How Do We Replace the Dental Implant




    Most people know about the technology of dental implant, but still many of them only

    know the existence of the word, they do not know about the detail of dental implant.

    Nowadays, dental implant changes the way people live. The dental implant sis designed to

    provide a foundation for replacement teeth which look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

    People who have lost teeth regain the ability to eat virtually anything, knowing that teeth

    appear natural and facial contours will be preserved. Patients with dental implant can smile

    with confidence.

    Dental implant substitute missing teeth or broken teeth with artificial teeth to repair the

    function and esthetic in mouth. Own a small titanium implant posts, embedded in the jawbone,

    they act as anchors for a replacement tooth, also known as a crown, or a full set of replacement

    teeth. Besides that, implants also help preserve facial structure, prevent bone deterioration

    that occurs when teeth are missing.

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    Dental implant brings us to a new way of repairing teeth and consider as a new technology so

    this research has some purposes. Firstis to describe the preparation for having dental implant,

    secondis to grasp the advantages and disadvantages of dental implant.


    Because dental implants require one or more surgical procedures, you must have a thorough

    evaluation in preparation for the process. The process involves:

    At the first appointment, the dentist or oral surgeon performs a thorough examination to

    determine whether implants are appropriate to replace the missing teeth. Often, x rays are

    necessary to discover the state of the jawbone, particularly if the teeth have been lost for some

    time. This information is used to determine if implants are appropriate and, if so, what

    particular type of implant would be best for the clinical situation. The planning process may

    involve a variety of dental specialists, including an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, a doctor who

    specializes in conditions of the mouth, jaw and face; and a periodontist, a dentist who works

    with the structures that support teeth.

    There are two solutions commonly used if the initial examination indicates that the bone in the

    area where the implant is to occur is too resorbed to support the implant. The first is bone

    grafting. This involves undergoing a procedure that moves bone from one place in the body to

    another to enlarge the bone structure at the implant site. Often, bone can be moved from one

    place in the mouth to another. Sometimes a graft from a donor or an animal or artificial bone

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    can be used if bone from the patient is not available. Grafting usually is done four to eight

    months before the implant procedure, to allow the graft a chance to heal before it is disturbed

    with the implant process.

    A second solution is the use of subperiosteal implants that ride above the bone but beneath the

    gum. These types of implants are not placed in the bone. A CT scan is commonly used to obtain

    a model of the bone structure and then the implant fixture is molded to precisely fit the bone


    Be sure to tell your doctor about any medical conditions you have and about any medications

    you take, including prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements. If you

    have certain heart conditions or orthopedic implants, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics

    before surgery to help prevent infection.

    You will be given some form of anesthesia for pain control during surgery. Anesthesia options

    include local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia. Talk to your dental specialist about

    which option is best for you. Your dental care team will instruct you about eating and drinking

    before surgery, depending on what type of anesthesia you have. If you're having general

    anesthesia, plan to have someone take you home after surgery and expect to rest for theremainder of the day.

    Most dental implants are successful. Sometimes, however, the bone fails to fuse sufficiently to

    the metal implant. Smoking, for example, can contribute to implant failure and complications.

    If the bone fails to fuse sufficiently, the implant is removed, the bone is cleaned up, and you can

    try the procedure again in a month or two.

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    1. Dental implants are very durable

    Dental implants, composed of titanium metal that "fuses" with the jawbone through a

    process called "osseointegration", willnever decay. Therefore,with a proper care, the

    implants will last a lifetime.

    2. Improving speech

    A person without the tooth cannot speak fluently and clearly. It willoften sound like a

    mumble, because the form of the mouth can determine speech. Therefore, the dental

    implants can retrieve the form of the mouth to its natural form so it can recover speech.

    A denture cannot revive the ability to speak as perfectly as dental implant because the

    tooth become unstable and loose when the dentures assembles with it, so the ability to

    speak does not recover perfectly.

    3. Eating easier

    Chewing is difficult with dentures that slide. Since implants are designed to fuse with

    bone, they function like your own teeth and make eating your favorite foods enjoyable


    4. Lower risk of losing bone tissue

    The human body reproduces bone tissue as a part of its natural processes. This also

    involves the renewal of the bone tissue surrounding the tooth. Therefore, the human

    body does not lose any bone tissue, unless the natural processes are disturbed when a

    tooth is lost. Gradually, a cavity will develop in the bone tissue instead of the missing

    root and the bone tissue will start deteriorating, which is known as atrophy of the bone.

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    One of the consequences of this process is the alteration in the structure of the

    jawbone. This can be experienced by patients who have to have their dentures modified

    frequently due to atrophy worsening. This process can seriously impair the patients

    dental health and even result in rapid ageing due to the jaw losing shape and causing

    the face to droop. Fitting dental implants into the bone allows the body to continue the

    natural renewal of the bone tissue.

    5. Natural appearance

    If the treatment is of a high quality, the implant should look naturally and match the

    patients healthy teeth. Dentures, on the other hand, frequently loosen when used for a

    longer period of time and are likely to differ in appearance from the patients other

    teeth. Bridges are kept in place with metal constructions that result in the tooth

    appearing darker and thus unnatural. Therefore, dental implants are the best solution

    for achieving the most natural look.

    6. Dental implants do not require removing healthy teeth

    In the case of using dental bridges for tooth replacement, the healthy teeth surrounding

    the gap have to be used for supporting the structure. If the artificial structure is

    damaged in any way, this may result in the need to remove completely healthy teeth

    that have been used to support the bridge. In the case of dental implants, surrounding

    teeth are not used in the process and cannot experience any damage.

    7. Easier dental hygiene

    Dental implant closely resemble natural teeth and do not require any other special

    forms of attention apart from brushing and flossing, which are a normal part of

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    everyones oral hygiene, and regular dentist checkups. Dental implants do not need

    extra attention, while bridges and dentures have to be removed from the mouth in

    order to be cleaned

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    1. Dental Implant can be expensive

    One of the disadvantages of a dental implant is the cost. Compared to other alternatives

    for replacing a missing tooth or teeth, cost can be quite high. With the average cost of a

    dental implant being about $3600, dental implants can be a costly alternative for

    replacing a single tooth. Included in the price is the surgical placement of the dental

    implant and its restoration with a crown.

    2. The Long Duration of Healing Process

    Another disadvantage of a dental implant is the length of time required from initial

    dental implant placement to implant restoration. The treatment time can vary from

    approximately three months to six months. This depends on the area where the implant

    is placed, the necessity for adjunct procedures like bone grafting, the quality and

    quantity of healthy bone and overall health of the dental implant recipient.

    3. Damage to dental implantsAnother problem is a structural failure of a dental implant. After the dental implant has

    fully integrated with bone and complete healing has occurred a dental implant can

    fracture partially or completely if there is excessive pressure exerted on it. This can

    occur during a traumatic episode such as a blow to the face or excessive forces exerted

    on the dental implant over a period of time. A crown that is not properly calibrated or

    teeth grinding can cause excessive and destructive forces. These forces can be

    detrimental to implants as well as natural teeth.

    4. Damage to the sinus cavitiesThe sinus cavity which is connected to the sinuses is also directly linked to the bone that

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    the dentist uses to secure the dental implant. If the dentist is not careful enough, the

    patient might risks their sinus tissue damaged in the process of drilling.

    5. Limited usageAfter undergoing the procedure of fixing dental implants, the patient might not treat the

    new implant with appropriate care and act like having completely healthy natural teeth.

    However, the patient should take extra precautions for the few weeks while the implant

    is healing, for example, not use the artificial tooth for vigorous biting. There is a bigger

    risk of overworking the dental implant if it is supporting two or more teeth. If at all

    possible, it is advised that each denture is supported by a separate root implant, since it

    most closely resembles the natural conditions of dental.

    6. May trigger an allergic reaction

    Most dental implant used today is made out of titanium alloy. Titanium is a non-toxic

    substance, which can trigger an allergic reaction in certain people. As a result of a

    production process, titanium alloy contain traces of nickel. This can potentially cause

    health problems, including hypersensitivity reaction, which can be falsely attributed to

    titanium. Only about 4 percent of individuals tested will show signs of an allergic

    reaction to titanium. The hypersensitivity reaction may show a range of symptoms, from

    red and itchy affected area to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. The MELISA

    test is the only

    scientifically-proven test which can objectively diagnose titanium allergy. If you are

    planning to have a hypersensitivity test before having titanium dental implant placed, it

    is advised to find out the exact composition of the implant.

    7. Decementation of a dental implant

    Decementation of a dental implant supported crown, although very rare, can also be

    encountered. The main reason for a dental crown displacement is improper positioning

    of a dental implant in the bone. Biting forces or occlusal forces place pressure on the

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    crown in areas that do not have proper support. This causes the crown to eventually

    come off. If the implant crown is displaced, a new one will need to be fabricated. This

    can be quite expensive since an average cost of a dental implant crown is about 1800


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    Dental implants are frequently the best treatment option for replacing missing teeth or having

    an injured ordisease at his/her tooth. Rather than resting on the gum line like removable

    dentures, or using adjacent teeth as anchors like fixed bridges, dental implants are long-term

    replacements places in the jawbone.Composed of titanium metal that "fuses" with the

    jawbone; dental implants never slip or make embarrassing noises that advertise the fact that

    you have "false teeth," and never decay like teeth anchoring fixed bridges. Because dental

    implants fuse with the jawbone, bone loss is generally not a problem. Furthermore, if properly

    cared for, dental implants can last a lifetime. Despite ofits disadvantages, dental implant should

    be consideredforreplacing tooth.

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