How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Transcript of How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Page 1: How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Page 2: How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The impact of new media technologies…New media technology refers to any device that allows users to digitally transfer and edit information. This could be anything from CD-ROMS to a piece of computer editing software. However things that are considered ‘old media’ such as televisions, films or paper-based products, are not part of ‘new media technology’.

In recent years there has been a proliferation in technology and with it, new ways of constructing media products. The tiniest of technological developments can completely change the way in which films are produced, so in another 10 years the media industry will almost certainly look completely different to how it does now.

It is fact that we are moving on from the Web 2.0 (which included more user based content such as Wikis and blogs and of course social media) to the Web 3.0, which involves software and hardware that is able to interact with the user and let them find, share and combine information more easily.

Click this link to find out more about the Web 3.0:

Page 3: How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

What are the trends?It is becoming more popular to carry portable devices around and check various things such as your emails rather than doing this by a computer. It is clear that the miniaturization of hardware is affecting society on a number of levels, due to the fact that it has become so easy to simply check your Twitter feed when in a cinema.

Page 4: How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

What is the impact on audiences and the media industry?New media technology has completely changed the way in which audiences consumer content. It is no longer necessary to have to sit in one place to watch a film on your computer, since a Smartphone allow users to be on the move while watching. While audiences consumption habits have evolved, so has the media industries way of getting information to customers. Content can now be shared a lot more faster, meaning that mobile device users can be specifically targeted. Since audiences are watching more content via their mobile devices, going to the cinema to watch the film has inevitably become something of a chore for those who find the comfort of their own phone easier. This is having a big impact on the media industry and the profits of films.

Page 5: How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

The effects of digitalization?Digitalization has completely restructured the way in which the media industry operates. There are two main key concepts which define this.

Media convergence – This refers to the way in which technologies are coming together. For example a mobile phone is no longer used just to make call son, but can be utilized to do a whole number of other tasks such as take photos, watch videos or be used as an internet device to use social media.

This means that when data is digital it can be passed through a number of different devices. For example a film can be watched on a tablet, Smartphone or games console. Thus media industries and companies are converging so that different they can offer products which can be placed across the different platforms. For example a multinational conglomerate that had its own production and distribution company would be able to produce and distribute a film without any outside help. This in turn means that the media industry has become a monopoly, because certain companies can create widespread content.

Synergy – This is the process where ideas and concepts are created which can be placed across different media platforms. For example the Harry Potter series spawned merchandise such as board games, video games, toys etc.

Page 6: How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Advantages of New Media Disadvantages of New Media

Allows people to be more creative, as visions can now be realized using CGI software

It is making people lazy – rather than reading a book to research something, someone could search online for what they want

Content can be shared easily It is making the film-going experience less impactful – since people who watch content on their mobile device have a small screen

People can access information from anywhere

It is becoming harder to protect information

It is easy for anyone to create content, such as a film, and share it online

Social media is making people less social because they are not actually speaking with someone face to face.

Page 7: How did you use new technology in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Process Technology

Research When researching about short films and the action genre I was able to use an extensive range of websites to collect information that was very specific and detailed. I was able to read ‘Little White Lies’ issues on my mobile phone to analyse their style in preparation for writing for own piece.

Planning Technology helped me to plan the film as it enabled my group to communicate using social media to send important documents like scripts and shot lists to one another. Software such as Microsoft Word enabled me to write out these documents in a professional manner.

Construction Of course technology helped at the stage extensively. From allowing us to shoot our film digitally and upload it to a computer straight away to using Final Cut Pro X to edit our shots, technology played a vital part in the construction of Serum. Not forgetting the variety of CGI software we used in post-production such as Adobe After Effects and Cinema 4D.

Evaluation Technology has helped me to evaluate my film, poster an review by allowing me to share these items and receive feedback as well create visual answers on my blog to questions I was asked.