How did you attract/address your target audience?


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Transcript of How did you attract/address your target audience?

Page 1: How did you attract/address your target audience?
Page 2: How did you attract/address your target audience?
Page 3: How did you attract/address your target audience?
Page 4: How did you attract/address your target audience?

The front cover I found was critical in attracting and addressing my

target audience. As the front cover is the first thing that they would

see and it must give off a good impression. The coverlines and

feature articles are also a great way to attract my target audience . I

made sure that the coverlines appealed to my audience by

featuring their favourite bands/artists. This was based on the

questionnaire I had created to help me decide on what was going

to be on the cover. The cover image was also very much important

to attracting and addressing the target audience. I made sure that

the artist I was using to be my front cover looked directly into the

camera. This is called direct address. In the questionnaire potential

buyers of the magazine said they would pay between £2-£3 for the

magazine so I set the price of £2.60.

Page 5: How did you attract/address your target audience?

On my contents page I had used a variety of images as in my

audience research they wanted to see lots of images. I used

images which I had taken from previous concerts. I also

carried on the colour scheme to the contents page to keep the consistency and to make the magazine professional. I

kept the contents page simple and easy to follow. To draw

peoples attention I put bold numbers on the images to show

what page the story was on which related to that image.

Page 6: How did you attract/address your target audience?

To attract and address my audience well , I used an artist who is

quite well know up and down the country. I thought by doing this the

audience would be very interested and want to read the article. I

also used a very clear image of Chipmunk and it stood out from the

other images I had used. I took the image at his concert. Another

way to attract my audience was with the smaller image which broke

up the text. The headline and subline is also very eye catching and it

should catch the audiences attention.