How did my products appeal to my target


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Transcript of How did my products appeal to my target

Page 1: How did my products appeal to my target



Music video, digi-pack & music advertisement.

Page 2: How did my products appeal to my target

MY TARGET AUDIENCE The target audience for my products are teenagers and young adults from the age of 10 to 30’s. I believe this is because the pop genre is a mainstream genre and because it is usually chart music most people of all ages are aware of this genre and that pop is a popular music genre with everyone. Pop is mostly listened to by the younger generation because if is reflexive of their own lives. This is where Blumler & Katz (Uses and Gratifications Theory) comes in to practice because teenagers will watch pop music videos and media texts to conform to narratives and make a link between their own lives and that of the artists to make themselves feel normal. The narrative and performance elements of pop videos are what makes teenagers appeal to this genre because the narratives used in pop genres reflect the lives of the teenagers themselves.

Page 3: How did my products appeal to my target

MY MUSIC VIDEO My music video will appeal to teenagers because of it’s love narrative and the break down of a relationship and because it features both a male and female protagonist in it which then both genders can relate to my music video. I also use real life scenarios within my music video about certain things that could potentially happen in a relationship so this is why teenager audiences can conform to my narrative because it will make them feel normal and appreciated. Also my music video has edits in it that are bright and star like which teenagers will be intrigued by because they’re different and interesting as my target audience explained how the editing and narrative are what made my music video interesting. My music video appeals to my target audience through the use of a narrative (Svein Carlsson) as my music video has a clear narrative and performance aspect a mixture of both categories which is allowed in music videos. So my target audience will find my music video interesting and intriguing and they can connect with my narrative which will make them want to consume my product.

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Page 5: How did my products appeal to my target

MY MUSIC ADVERTSocial media is mentioned and my target audience of teenagers will use mobile phones and the mention of social media will appeal to them because they will want to search my artist on social media.

My artist used was the same age as my target audience which will appeal to my audience because they will be able to engage and make links with the artist and with their own lives.

Using a star-rating will appeal to my target audience because they will understand the rating and be intrigued by the rating and will persuade them to listen to the song and album and my target audience will be influenced by the rating.

Page 6: How did my products appeal to my target


The use of the artist again will appeal to my target audience because she is of their age and they can link back to her which will be effective and make them want to consume my product.

The use of bright and colourful imagery throughout my digi-pack will appeal to a teenage target audience because it is eye-catching and will make them want to listen to the music. From audience feedback I realised that the colours used was what my audience loved about my ancillary products.

The track list and two cd’s will appeal to my target audience because it allows them to have a song cd and a dance/sing a long version. This is effective because the pop genre usually includes this and my target audience will engage with these features.

Page 7: How did my products appeal to my target

REVIEW Overall, I believe that the combination of all my products appeal to my target audience through the strong narrative and bright colours and imagery used because teenagers enjoy things that are eye-catching and different so they can engage with these things.