How depression impacts men


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Page 1: How depression impacts men

How Depression Impacts Men Believing that only women and weak men are victims of depression does not really hold true as

the number of male patients being diagnosed with the mental disorder is increasing by the day.

Anyone, including the strongest of men, can be affected by depression, which can have a long-

lasting impact on their physical and psychological well-being.

Although many men may not experience the usual signs of depression, it can easily be detected

by symptoms like loss of interest in work, family or hobbies, experiencing difficulties in sleeping,

grappling with feelings of anger, aggression, sadness and low self-esteem.

According to the

National Institute of

Mental Health (NIMH),

nearly 6 million

American men suffer

from depression every

year. However, men

usually refrain from

seeking help for most of

the mental disorders,

including depression, as

compared to women.

This is precisely why

most men end up

suffering silently for

prolonged periods of

time and are more prone

to commit suicide than women. “Men account for 3.5 times the number of suicides as women.

And depression is one of the leading causes of suicide,” said the report.

Moreover, the fact that men not only have to fight depression, but also the stigma attached to

it, prevents them from seeking any professional help. Also, the fear of being perceived as weak

or unmanly further aggravates the problem, restricting men from consulting psychiatrists.

Myths revolving around depression in men

It is unfortunate that most men fail to recognize, acknowledge, or seek professional help for their

depression due to various myths associated with the mental disorder. Some of the

misconceptions linked with depression are: Depression is a sign of weakness: Most people believe that depression is a woman's affliction.

On the contrary, it is a serious mental health condition faced by millions of men each year,

Page 2: How depression impacts men

especially in the United States. It is just like any other physical health condition, such as

hypertension or diabetes, and has nothing to do with personal or moral weakness.

Controlling feelings is a manly thing: Depression causes serious changes in one’s mood. Whether

it is a man or a woman, it is impossible to control the way one feels, but choosing how to react

when facing an unpleasant situation is certainly controllable.

Real men don’t ask for help: Traditionally, men are under pressure to display their strength and

valor, which often leads them to battle a mental health condition on their own. Thus, most men

refrain from consulting a mental health professional despite having an in-depth knowledge of

depression and related treatment options.

Talking about depression is of no use: Turning a blind eye to depression will certainly not drive

it away. People lose hope soon and tend to believe they are aware of the possible outcomes. But

on the contrary, what might seem as a big challenge could just turn out to be a minor problem

that can be overcome by talking to a close friend or a mental health professional.

Depression is a burden on society: Men often associate being mentally unstable as additional

stress and burden on family and society. Unfortunately, some men are always ready to lend a

helping hand to anyone in need, but fail to acknowledge their own need for help, especially when

they need it the most.

Leading a depression-free life is possible

Depression can affect a man at any stage of his life. But it is a completely curable mental illness.

Most of the people seeking treatment for depression respond positively to it and experience

relief from their symptoms.

Using a combination therapy that involves medication and psychotherapy is the best approach

to treat mental disorders such as depression. If you or your loved one is battling depression, the

Depression Treatment Centers of California can provide you with information about the best

depression rehab centers in California. You may call us at our 24/7 helpline number 855-678-

0400 for further information on depression treatment facilities in California.

For more information, please visit