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Frequently  Asked  Ques0ons  


Jennifer  Jones  Newbill      Director  Global  Employment  Branding  Dell  

How  Dell  Measures  its  Employment  Brand  Progress  

Breaking down your employment brand data Jennifer Jones Newbill, Global Director Employment Brand

What you can expect from this session

Learn about Dell’s move from no employment branding to a global team and strategy

Relationship with in-house creative agency

Social media strategy and content calendar

Embracing transparency and candidate experience

How measurement became a part of our overall plan and objectives

Defining our strategy or What did we want to be when we grew up?

An overview of key branding events

2010 Our online presence

Careers website, SEO

2013 Monitoring and

Measuring Sentiment Tell Dell, Glassdoor

2011 Our “1st’s”

In house Recruiting campaign, EVP, multimedia

2012 Creating Dell Champions

2014 Candidate experience

Surveying/data, Candidate Commitments

2015 Storytelling

Blogging, Instagram takeovers

2016 Largest

Technology Acquisition!

@CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell

Our team @CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell


Our value proposition

Attract Engage Experience

Insert icon or image here

Insert icon or image here

Insert icon or image here

•  Manage, monitor and protect Dell’s reputation as an employer •  We’re storytellers – we share our brand and employee stories with humility and authenticity

supported by our value proposition, CultureCode, Legacy of Good •  As a result - - we impact the company brand perception both internally and externally

New Campaign and assets

Content from around the world

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

India SM/BE Lead UR + FUN+IG* Work Culture/Site

Feature Diversity Recruiter Tip

APJ SM/BE Lead Recruiter Tip UR + FUN+IG* Work Culture/Site

Feature Diversity

EMEA SM/BE Lead Diversity Recruiter Tip UR + FUN+IG* Work Culture/Site



Work Culture/Site Feature Diversity Recruiter Tip UR + FUN+ IG*

Day Theme/Category

Monday UR

Tuesday Functional

Wednesday Diversity

Thursday Work Culture

Friday Fun/Blogs

Saturday CSR

Sunday Other/Site Features

Our social content schedule

Monitoring feedback and sentiment

Internal External Sentiment Awareness

Our Candidate Commitments – help us measure CX

Measurement landscape

Recruitment Mktg Conversions/CPC

Traditional Time to Fill

Cost Per Hire


Social Engagement Followers



Sentiment Internal, External

Insights Quality of Hire

Predictive Analytics

Employee Engagement Social Activity

eNPS score

Anecdotal What are leaders saying?

@CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell

Short term Long term


My company has a formal list of recruitment data that we measure and report out on a routine basis


Sort of

Are you kidding?

Traditional data

Time to Fill Can monitor trend lines Can use as a part of a bigger picture discussion *Challenge – Regions prefer to use TTF differently based on circumstances in region

Cost per Hire Once a CPH formula is agreed on company-wide can track over time *Challenge – Difficult to compare to competitors

Source Reflects HOW your recruiting function is performing/operating Can be used to determine ROI *Challenge – Today’s technology still struggles to track moment of decision to apply v. influencers

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@CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell

Note: Traditional data is still relevant but only when combined with other, non-traditional data to tell a story

Google Analytics dashboard to measure digital Data we can review: •  Page views •  Apply clicks •  Visitors •  Time spent on this site •  Referral source •  Keywords •  Devices used •  Browsers

Monitoring recruitment campaign digital traffic




















3/1/2015 4/1/2015 5/1/2015 6/1/2015 7/1/2015 8/1/2015 9/1/2015 10/1/2015 11/1/2015 12/1/2015

Apply clicks Page views

Campaign launch 3k page views 388 apply clicks

Monitoring success and ROI of paid posts


Content posted on social media (paid or organic) can drive two different behaviors and therefore measurements should reflect the goals of each either short-term goals (clicks – more than likely to a job or group of jobs resulting in an application) or brand awareness/engagement

@CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell

Followers Total number of people that have at one point in time made the decision to follow your company/content *Challenge – Not all followers remain engaged

Impressions The number views your social post or ad was seen *Challenge – Are viewers engaging? Are they even noticing the content?

Engagement Comments, likes and even better, clicking CTA’s *Challenge – See note below – goals of posts need to be clearly defined – is this to elicit brand awareness or a click/apply into a job

33k users reached

1,661% increase in traffic to

Brazil's job page

274k users reached

Attracted 700 students by

using Avature link

@CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell Social campaign example

Try A/B testing with your social content Takeaway: Test your content and measure reach and engagement

Creating insights @CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell

Attrition Data



We can predict – when ratings for Sr. Leader and C&B drop, there will be a followed increase in voluntary attrition

Talent Insights = bi-annual report of key data (Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Universum, Candidate Experience)

Employee Engagement

Certification Amplification

The Dell team currently uses an amplification tool called EveryoneSocial


Our reach on EveryoneSocial

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@CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell

Commons stories shared include: IoT, Big Data, Digital Transformation, Dell news, Culture, Employee Features

11,332 users 11,697 trained The Dell SMaC team trains and ‘certifies’ Dell team members globally


Why data like eNPS matters

Customer Satisfaction (Sales)

eNPS leads to better cNPS

Top half eNPS = 68 cNPS Bottom half eNPS = 16 cNPS

Products & Services More likely to recommend our products and services

98% fav. promoters 68% fav. detractors

Candidate Referrals

Candidate referrals more likely to be hired

Attrition Less likely to quit (voluntary attrition)

52% hires from promoters 18% hires from detractors

6% vol. term promoters 13% vol. term detractors

eNPS drives

Anecdotal @CareersAtDell @JenniferNAtDell

“To identify the right cultural DNA for your business, ask for feedback from team members of all levels. Employee feedback sites like Glassdoor are also good resources to identify areas for improvement.”

“Look at any HR or employment website these days and you’ll see article after article advising job-seekers to carefully take a company’s culture into account. What we heard from tens of thousands of our own team members on this front was inspiring and greatly informed the development of what we proudly call today our Culture Code.”

Active engagement by our leaders

Summary - data sources and tools

In summary

Takeaway 2: Look at data points together (and with context) not separately

Time to Fill Leader Satisfaction

Quality of Hire

Takeaway 1: Tell a story

Takeaway 3: Measure what matters! (To your organization)



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