How Can You Be Sure About Your Career Direction

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  • 8/13/2019 How Can You Be Sure About Your Career Direction


    How Can You Be Sure About Your Career Direction?

    Lets say that you want to reach the level of Director, or V.P. or maybe even get to a C-Level

    chair. As much as you say you want to follow thistrajectory you have doubts. You question

    whether or not this is the right path and you look for evidence to prove, to yourself, you know

    what you want. You can lose confidence and berate yourself because youresupposedto

    know what you want. After all yourean adult. Thatswhat adults do, right?

    The truth is very few people know what they want with such depth that what they know about

    themselves carries them throughout their lives without any deviation. My wife Judith Sherven

    and I have worked with a wide range of executives from CEO down and they love their jobs. But

    they often tell us they didntplan to be where they are. In a very real way not only did they find

    themselves in their new roles, they discovered who they were and what they were capable of in

    their current roles.

    Granted some told us that they wanted the position they are in and navigated consciously to get

    there. But they were in the minority.

    So how can you be sure youremoving in the right direction even if you donthave a clear

    picture of where you ultimately want to be?

  • 8/13/2019 How Can You Be Sure About Your Career Direction


    To Begin You Must Start Where You AreIf you want clarity itsbest to stay in the present. Memory can be foggy and inaccurate because

    we lay on our past/memory an interpretation from the conscious and unconscious points of view

    of where we are now which can distort and rewrite what you believed then. That risk makes

    memory essentially risky to this task. And whatever you hope for or imagine what will be in the

    future has not yet occurred and as we all know what you hope for now will be different when it is


    The first step is to be clear about what youredoing now. Describe in detail what you are doing

    in your work life. You may think you already know so this step would be redundant. But when

    you commit to the task of putting it on paper, i.e. making it objective, the process itself will reveal

    to you detail you may not have considered. Your commitment itself will bring things to mind that

    otherwise might remain in the shadows and unavailable.

    Are You Fulfilled in Your Current Position?

    What is fulfillment? Like all psychological/spiritual concepts it is very difficult if not impossible to

    answer the question in precise terms. But you can closely approximate that precision by lookingat the qualities that are part of the experience of fulfillment.

    Think of it this way. Use your experience of fulfillment, to the degree that you are fulfilled, as

    evidence that you are at the right place, in the right role. For the time being you are contained,

    no longer reaching. This doesntprevent you from wanting more, but that next level is in the

    future. How can you be sure itsright for you? You cantknow until yourein the role but you can

    know that youreon the right path. You can trust your ambition and the picture youveimagined

    for yourself. For the purpose of determining a sense of surety stay focused within the frame of

    where you are right now. Ask yourself:

    Does what I do express my abilities and represent who I am?

    In my current role do I feel in alignment with who I see myself to be?Are my values supported by what I do?

    Do I have a sense of purpose?

    Are my expectations met?

    Am I achieving what I predicted?

    Do I confidently accept who I am at this time?

    Warning:do not put the burden on yourself of having to be perfect. There will always be

    moments of dissatisfaction, frustration, and even bewilderment, but they are moments and to be

    expected. Whatsimportant is that your picture of you and where you are now in the context of

    where you want to go is the platform on which you stand to build you surety.

    Do you receive pleasure from what you do?

    For this assessment understand pleasure to mean something you prefer in other words your

    preference, so that what you do is grounded in your own choices. If what youredoing is not

    reflective of your will and desire theresno way you can derive pleasure from it. The deepest

    level of pleasure is that you are doing what you want to do. Pleasure is a big part of fulfillment.

    So ask yourself:

  • 8/13/2019 How Can You Be Sure About Your Career Direction


    Am I content with where I am now? This is not to say you dontwant more, but again stay in

    the present. The task here is to gain surety for your career trajectory. Dontcomplicate it.

    Do I feel a sense of generosity from what I do? For example do I, for the most part, enjoy my

    colleagues? Do I trust them? Can I depend on them? Do I appreciate them? Am I generous to

    them and they to me?

    Do I feel an ease with regard to collaborating with them? Do we have a mutually accepted

    goal that focuses us and creates a unified purpose?

    Is it fun doing what I do with those I do it? Do we laugh? Can we be playful?

    Answering these questions in detail will allow you to shape the working conditions you need in

    order to assure your excellence.

    Your answers may not directly open a window on your career direction but if your answers are

    Yesin some form in the majority of your answers you can trust that the path youreon is


    Do you receive recognition for your work?

    Is what you do visible to others? Do you receive public acknowledgment for your work?Acknowledgment is essential not only to a good life but as a demonstration that you are in the

    right place. Otherwise you may be on the wrong path heading in a negative direction or just

    spinning your wheels.

    Do you believe that recognition when you get it or do you dismiss it? Another way of saying

    this is does the recognition feed you? Do you feel more secure as a result, more confident of

    who you are?

    Is curiosity part of your daily life? Are you growing? If not than whatever picture you have of

    where you want to go is not only static itsregressing. Desire and ambition must be fed or they

    will die.

    Do you prize what youredoing? What value does it contain for you? In what ways are youdeveloping so you can identify your growth?

    All of these questions have to do with self-awareness without which you can never develop a

    clear and meaningful picture of where you want to go. Does what you do help you know yourself



    Surrendering to or going with who you are right now can fill out the picture of your path.Without

    your willingness to accept yourself you will be in internal conflict and that will only produce a

    confused, frustrating, and ultimately powerless picture of what you want for your career.

    But for now, all that you are has in it the germinating seeds of what you will become. Listen toyourself. Listen to those around you. Listen to the quality of your work. Listen to your ability to

    collaborate. Your depth is speaking to you in all these ways and itsin your depth that the

    clearest, most sure picture of where your career is going will be expressed and discovered.

    Your career trajectory is emerging every day. If yourenot sure of it, pay attention to whats

    around you and whatsinside of you. Thatswhere you will discover your true career trajectory.