How can Parliamentarians contribute to a Positive Investment Climate? by Rainer Geiger Senior...

How can Parliamentarians contribute to a Positive Investment Climate? by Rainer Geiger Senior Regional Advisor, OECD 3rd Global Conference of Parliamentarians against Corruption Kuwait, 17-20 November 2008 The presentation reflects the personal views of the author

Transcript of How can Parliamentarians contribute to a Positive Investment Climate? by Rainer Geiger Senior...

How can Parliamentarians contribute to a Positive Investment Climate?

by Rainer GeigerSenior Regional Advisor, OECD

3rd Global Conference of Parliamentarians against Corruption

Kuwait, 17-20 November 2008

The presentation reflects the personal views of the author



The role of investment as a factor of growth and development globally and within the MENA region

The Policy Framework for Investment and the MENA-OECD Investment Program

The Role of Integrity and Responsible Business Conduct

Strengthening the Role of Parliaments in Investment Policy Reforms and Private Sector Development

Recent trends and challenges in the MENA region

Increase in FDI and intraI-regional investment Progress in the modernisation of legislation Employment and economic diversification as

key challenges Boosting productive investment as a response

to the financial crisis


An integrated policy approach to investment and private sector


Ten key policy areas for enhancing the business climate

Multilateral and regional frameworks for investment

The MENA-OECD Investment Program


The role of transparency and responsible business conduct

The interaction between public and corporate governance

Responsible Business Conduct as a factor of competitiveness

The Anti-corruption and Transparency Network (ACTNET) for the MENA region 


A Business Climate Development Strategy for the MENA region

A key ingredient of the MENA-OECD Investment Program

Jointly developed by the OECD, the World Bank and partner countries

A tool for evaluation, priority setting, action and advice for implementation

A means for communication


The value of indicators

to perform a gap analysis to evaluate the quality of reform programs to serve as a tool for assessment and

comparison to form part of strategy design and action


Performance indicators for Anti-corruption and responsible business


to measure Government and company performance

to highlight Government responsabilities in the areas of awareness raising, prevention and remedies

to develop yardsticks for company performance in transparency, accountability and risk management


The role of Parliaments in fostering Economic Development

Strategic debate Legislation Monitoring enforcement Controls and investigations


Conditions for credibility and efficiency

Integrity and prevention of conflicts of interests

Restricting the cumulation of mandates Adequate financial and human resources for

Parliaments Effective rules and procedures for

parliamentary debates


Effective organisation of the legislative process

Forward planning Regulatory impact analysis Public hearings Codes of conduct for lobbying activities Procedures for commission and plenary



Providing a sound basis for parliamentary action

Adequate budgetary resources Competent staff Documentation and research facilities Training programs 


Parliamentary controls on implementation

Monitoring of enforcement action  Regular reports by implementing agencies Budget and audit controls Commissions of enquiry


International and regional co-operation

Regional workshops for parliamentarians on common issues of economic legislation and regulatory impact analysis

Twinning programmes and exchange of staff A MENA Network of parliamentary commissions,

e.g. on legislation, economy and finance? Parliamentary initiatives against corruption and

financial crime Strengthening the action of GOPAC in the

implementation of regional and international anti-corruption instruments. 14