How can link building improves your search results


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Our link building e-book explains why and how you can still use link building in ways to help your search rankings. Oh yeah not to be left out of the discussion, bring in traffic to your site.

Transcript of How can link building improves your search results

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How Can Link Building Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

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About The Author

XO Digital Marketing aims to help main street businesses marketing themselves in the

digital age. Building a local online presence is not impossible & can be more affordable

than traditional marketing. It is far more interactive and allows the people and

personality of your business to shine through.

Providing a full range of solutions to help solve the technology & marketing gap for

entrepreneurs to focus on their people and products.

This e-book will explain the how & why link building is important in your search rankings.

We hope this gets your business on the right path to finding ways to get ranked for

those all important keywords that consumers use to find your product or service.

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How Can Link Building Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

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Table of Contents

How Does Link Building Fit into the SEO Equation? 4

What is the Affect of Link Building on Search Rankings? 5

How Do You Build Links? 6

What Will Link Building Do For My Site? 7-8

Conclusion 9

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How Can Link Building Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

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How Does Link Building Fit into the SEO Equation?

When search engines return results for a given search phrase or keyword term, ideally,

the ten most relevant results will appear on the first page. The idea behind this is that

the top three pages, returned during a search, are viewed by the search engine as the

most relevant resources available for that search.

By optimizing your website with certain keywords, you can improve the position in which

you rank for a certain keyword term; your rankings will appear within the search engine

results pages, also known as SERPs.

It's important to note that search engine optimization is the first step in the link building

process. You must optimize the pages first in order to build links to those pages with

anchor text that matches what the data on the page has been optimized for.

For example, if you wanted to rank higher in SERPs for the keyword term, "Surveillance

Camera Installations", you would first optimize your home page to link to your

Surveillance Camera Installations page and then edit your Surveillance Camera

Installations page with your targeted keywords in the title tag of the page, the Meta

description and the Meta keywords.

Once a page is optimized it has to be indexed and found by the search engine spiders

in order to begin to appear in search engine results. This can be done by obtaining a

link back to the page from another page that has already been indexed by the search


When a search engine spider comes to a site it will "crawl" the site for new information

and will follow any new links that have been added. When the site is crawled all of the

information there is added to the search engine index. Once the page is indexed it can

be found and returned as a result for a search query.

The new Digital Consumer wants to the ability to find you on Facebook, Google and

other related sites. The Digital Consumer also expects speed, professionalism and to be

convinced as to why they should do business with you instead of a someone else.

Effectively optimizing one's site can help you achieve that, thus appealing to the Digital

Consumer on a larger scale.

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How Can Link Building Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

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What is the Affect of Link Building on Search


To a search engine, links are seen as votes for a website. The more "votes" a site has,

the more search engines view it as relevant and popular. However, when it comes to

the links that point back to your site, there are two factors that are very important.

1. How relevant is the linking website to your site and 2. How popular is the site that the

link is coming from to your site?

When it comes to obtaining inbound links to your site, the quality of the site is always

more important than the quantity of links. One link from a great, relevant website can do

more for your rankings than 100 lower quality links. The relevancy of those links to your

site also plays a factor in how much they will help your rankings.

There is also the aspect of driving traffic to your website. If you can build links on sites

where you know your target audience is active, you can begin to get people clicking

through your links to your site. In this case, the strength of the site does not matter as

much as the amount of traffic the links on this site will send to your site.

An example of a site like this can be a business within your niche but not a direct

competitor. If the service you offer compliments their goods or services then the fit is

very natural and helpful for both parties.

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How Can Link Building Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

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How Do You Build Links?

Building links can be a tedious and time consuming process. Finding partnerships,

webmasters and bloggers to connect with can take up several hours of your day and the

results can be non-existent when you begin your link building process. But anything that

is worth doing is never easy. The results that you can achieve with a well planned and

well executed link building campaign can increase your SERPs rankings for the better

and the results are long lasting.

With continued link building, you can continue to rank high for search terms by building

fewer and fewer links each month. Building your back link profile is something that

requires thought and strategy. The idea behind a link building campaign is quality not

quantity. One great link can do so much more for your website than 100 low quality


Start by taking an assessment of your current linkable assets. Do you currently have a

blog? Do you have a YouTube channel? Do you have any outside speaking

engagements scheduled or does your agency appear at any industry conventions?

Take stock in what you are already doing and what you can leverage into a link back to

your website, social media pages or blog.

Use these tools with discretion, not every piece of content you write on your blog, post

to your Facebook wall or Tweet needs to be a sales pitch. Remember people want to

read interesting content, not a brochure on your products or services.

Also, consider any existing relationships you may have already formed that could lead

to a back link for your site. This can be friends you have within a similar industry, local

organizations such as the Better Business Bureau or local chamber of commerce and

other civic organizations.

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How Can Link Building Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

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What Will Link Building Do For My Site?

Websites with a diverse link profile and a greater number of links are viewed by search

engines as more relevant and trustworthy than a site with fewer links from fewer

domains. Increasing the number of links you have into your site will ultimately help your

site rank higher in search engine results.

Building links to your site will have several benefits:

• Drive traffic to your site. Links drive traffic to your site and get your agency in

front of more people. More traffic equals a greater opportunity for conversion and

increased sales and revenue for your business.

• Building links lets search engines know what the pages of your site are all about.

Links with optimized anchor text improve your rankings by getting search engines to

associate keywords with the corresponding pages to your site. If you have ever clicked

through a link it was probably due to the anchor text. Rather than "click here", you want

your links to say "City, State Insurance", or whatever the keyword term you would like to

rank for.

• Links equal authority. To a search engine, the more links you have on industry

websites, the more authoritative your site appears. To a search engine your link on a

site means that you are a resource to that site.

Link Types:

Links can come in several different packages and building different types of links

can help you build that diverse link profile that I spoke about earlier. Here are a few

examples of some of tactics used to build links:

• PPC - Pay per click links are advertisements that are purchased on a pay per

click basis. A PPC campaign is a great way to appear at the top of SERPs with keyword

rich copy and a descriptive link back to your site. The PPC links will appear at the top of

the page, ahead of the organic search rankings. PPC links are used to drive traffic to

your site and you can target the clients you want to capture.

• Blog links - These are links within copy such as a blog post or another editorial

piece. Content links are very beneficial because they are one of the most natural ways

to go about link building. When a link with optimized anchor text can be naturally worked

















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How Can Link Building Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

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into copy it has a great chance to be clicked through, getting people directly to your

website. Also, the practice of forming relationships and writing on other blogs will help

you to be viewed as authority within your industry. Guest blogging can typically be

worked out where the blogger will post your content in exchange for link back to your


• Press Releases - Press releases work great for any type of newsworthy

information or breaking news about your agency. Oftentimes press releases will be

picked up into the news feed of a search engine. Using press release submission

services like PRWeb will get your press release syndicated out to several news


• Link Bait - Link baiting is the practice of creating something that will generate its

own links. This can be a useful tool that people can link to on their websites or

something that can be shared. Creating link bait is not an exact science and can be

tricky but is one of the most natural ways to build links.

In closing, links are viewed as the streets and roads of the internet and the more roads

you have leading back to your site the more opportunities you will have for people to

find you.

Undergoing a link building campaign requires planning a strategy and executing that

strategy but the benefits of link building are long lasting SEO success. A link building

campaign can take up to 12 months to be fully realized but like anything you get out of it

what you put into it.

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How Can Link Building Improve Your Search Engine Rankings?

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Link building is an integral part of your overall SEO strategy that has a few different but

equally important strategies.

If you are a small business trying to build a brand in today’s world, the time is now to

begin this journey to build your online presence to reach your consumers. Some of

these items in this e-book you may be able to tackle some of these on your own, others

you may want to hire others to do for you.

Visit our website at to see if there are ways in which we

can help you get started.

Responsive website design

Search Engine Optimization

Social Media Marketing

Or Digital Marketing Consulting, where teach you how to market yourself
