How beliefs are formed and transformed

BeliefWorks TM Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Results Changing Our Limiting Beliefs HOW BELIEF COACHING HELPS

Transcript of How beliefs are formed and transformed

PowerPoint Presentation

Changing Our Limiting BeliefsHow Belief Coaching Helps

BeliefWorks TM Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Results

Hi Im Wendy Watson Hallowell the belief coach. Today Im going to share with you how our limiting beliefs are formed, how they affect our lives, and how belief coaching helps to change them.1

Early Childhood Experiences

Early experiences had us make decisions about ourselves and the world. For instance, as babies, when we were hungry, or uncomfortable we learned that if we cried, someone came to help fill our needs. That experience had us decide that it is safe and fulfilling to ask for what we wanted. If we cried and no one came, we may have decided that asking for what we need doesnt get us what we want. 2


Thoughts we keep thinking until they become true for us



Vibrational Energy

Personal Field interacting with the Field of Consciousness

Life Experience

What we experience on a physical level in all aspects of our livesFormEarly Experiences

Have us make decisions about ourselves and the worldMatchManifests


How Our Beliefs Create Our Life ExperienceBeliefWorks TM

BeliefWorks TM Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Results

These early experiences helped us make decisions about what is true about ourselves and the world.

These thoughts about our selves and the world form into beliefs over time. Beliefs are just thoughts we keep thinking until they are true.

Many beliefs are helpful, yet our limiting beliefs can generate negative feelings inside us that show up in our vibrational energy field.

That energy field sends out signals to the larger field of consciousness which then manifests experiences that reflect how we feel inside.

Its like giving the universe instructions on what we want by telling it what we expect through our beliefs and feelings. Until we wake up to whats happening, It can be an endless cycle of generating the same internal experience, even if the circumstances change3

Limiting Beliefs That Hold Us Back Im not enough I dont matter I cant rock the boatI have to pay a priceBeliefWorks TM

Here are the top four limiting beliefs that I run across in my coaching work (Im not enough, I dont matter and I can rock the boat). They can only limit us if we believe they are true. (CLICK)


Limiting Belief - Im Not Enough

Empowering Belief:

I am just fine the way I am and have lots to offer myself, other people to help achieve greater impactsmart enough,experienced enough,important enoughfast enough,old enough,articulate enough, etc.

Im not enough: If I dont think Im enough (smart enough, experienced enough, important enough, fast enough, old enough, articulate enough, etc.), I may not feel worthy of sharing my knowledge, or that my insights are not of high enough value.

When we realize that this isnt really true, and that each of us are a work in progress like all human beings we can relax and start to offer our authentic and creative selves to any situation. What we are learning is of as much value is what we are teaching.


Limiting Belief - I Dont MatterEmpowering Belief:

I matter as much as anyone else does, and my needs, insights and contributions are important smart enough,experienced enough,important enoughfast enough,old enough,articulate enough, etc.

Others needs are more important than mine.

The limiting Belief that I dont matter: If I dont think I matter as much as others, it will be very hard to make my needs a priority in my life especially if I put others needs before my own as a way to be of value in the world.

Remembering that we are all equal and unique in our perceptions and expression allows us to question if this belief is really true. Each of us is of value exactly as we are and our insights, needs and contributions are important.


Limiting Belief - I Cant Rock the BoatEmpowering Belief:

It is safe and rewarding to be myself and contribute my ideas to the success of myself and otherssmart enough,experienced enough,important enoughfast enough,old enough,articulate enough, etc.Others needs are more important than mine

Its unsafe to express myself

The Limiting Belief that I cant rock the boat: When our ideas have run counter to our family, church, school or job culture, we learn that it is unsafe to express ourselves. We may have been ridiculed, shamed or made guilty for not supporting the party line. This belief can lead to indecisiveness and low risk taking as a general way of staying safe in life.

At some point, we have to decide that what we learned in our youth is no longer true, and that others reactions to us is about them, not a statement of who we are. Not rocking the boat may have been a smart strategy in our youth, yet we have the choice to create safety for ourselves now by focusing on how good it feels to honor our authentic expression. When we do, we change our experience and others respond in kind.


Limiting Belief - I Have to Pay a PriceEmpowering Belief:

I can always ask for what I want and say no to what I dont want when I remember my value


I have to pay a price: Many of us learned that we couldnt have what we wanted (acceptance, help or support, approval, love, authentic expression, pleasure, play, etc.) unless we paid a price. The price might have been; having to listen to someone complain, acting grown up, being made wrong, getting less than we asked for, being criticized, ignoring our values, getting grounded, dressing the part, etc. This left us feeling disappointed and powerless. To take our power back, we get to learn how to ask for what we want, and say no to what we dont want, clearly and kindly without attachment to the outcome. When we remember that we can get our needs met from the inside, instead of the outside (from others), we can stop giving our power away to others.


Limiting Beliefs

Thoughts we keep thinking until they become true for us

Negative Feelings


PositiveVibrational Energy

Personal Field interacting with the Field of Consciousness

PositivePhysical Experience

What we experience on a physical level in all aspects of our lives in our human form

UncoverTell The TruthManifestRelease

Empowering BeliefsThoughts we keep thinking until they become true for us

Positive FeelingsHopeAcceptanceCourageWillingness

BuildFlow Out EnergyCultivateMatch

Belief CoachingNew, Feel Good ExperiencesTransforming Limiting BeliefsBeliefWorks TM

Transforming our Limiting Beliefs

BeliefWorks TM Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Results

Through belief coaching, we uncover, challenge and change the limiting beliefs that are keeping you from your desires. We do that by supporting you to tell the truth about how it really is.

With a new awareness of the underlying beliefs, negative feelings naturally arise and the energy behind them is now free to flow out for good.

We work on replacing the limiting beliefs with ones that empower you

and these new beliefs cultivate positive feelings. Feelings of hope, acceptance, courage, willingness, peace, joy and eagerness.

Thee positive feelings flow out into the field of consciousness

and naturally return positive experiences to us that match the good feelings we are generating. New Beliefs, create new results9

Wendy Watson HallowellThe Belief [email protected]

BeliefWorks TM Root cause approachFocus is on changing limiting beliefsBuilds your skills to use on your own Limiting beliefs are hidden from our awarenessChallenge beliefs (is it true?) and release old energyClaim a transformed perspectiveChange your experience and your resultsBelief Coaching:

-Belief Coaching is a root cause approach to help you reach your goals.-Rather than focus on changing your behavior, we focus on changing the underlying beliefs that drive that behavior. -Belief coaching helps you to buildthe skills required to challenge and change the limiting beliefs that keep you from creating what you really want for yourself, for others and for the world.

-Changing limiting beliefs to ones that work in our favor can be tricky when those beliefs are deeply rooted and hidden from our conscious awareness.-Once we uncover and challenge a long-held belief by asking if its really true, the unexpressed energy linked to it can be released and we are free to claim a transformed perspective. -This new point of view creates an inner alignment between our goals and our new beliefs, naturally inspiring changes in our actions and behaviors -which easily translate into the results we seek

To learn more, feel free to contact me at the email address on the screen. We hope you will visit our website and use the resources and information there to begin transform your life by challenging and changing your own limiting beliefs.10