How Are Muscle Spasms Treated

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  • 8/12/2019 How Are Muscle Spasms Treated


    How are muscle spasms treated?

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    Preventionis the key to most skeletal muscle spasm episodes. Since they are

    often associated with dehydration and electrolyte disturbances, it is importantto keep the body well hydrated. f the fluid loss is due to an illness with fever

    or vomitin!and diarrhea, controllin! the symptoms will help limit fluid loss and

    prevent spasms. Similarly, for those who work or e"ercise in a hot

    environment, drinkin! enou!h fluids to keep hydrated is very important.

    #uscles should also be prepared for the activity that they are e"pected to do.

    $ust as athletes stretch and warm up before the !ame, nonathletes should

    warm up before heavy labor, includin! %obs like rakin!, mowin!, and shovelin!


    Should a lar!e skeletal muscle !o into spasm &often referred to as a charley

    horse', the initial treatment is to !ently stretch the muscle back to len!th to

    break the spasm cycle and resolve the acute situation.

    (urther treatment will depend upon the underlyin! cause of the muscle

    spasms. (or muscles that have been dama!ed or strained, medications may

    be re)uired for short*term pain relief, includin! anti*inflammatories &ibuprofen

    +dvil, #otrin-', narcotics, and muscle rela"ants.

    he treatment of smooth muscle spasm also depends upon the underlyin!

    cause. /ften, pain control will occur simultaneously with the care providers

    efforts to make the dia!nosis.

    1octurnal le! cramps are difficult to control and treat. istorically, )uininehas

    been prescribed to help with the muscle spasms, but this dru! can have side

    effects includin! abnormal bleedin! problems. /ther medications includin! 3*

    comple" vitamins, !abapentinand diltia4em, may be helpful.

    here is no one effective treatment for the dystonias. #edication may used to

    try to restore balance to the brains neurotransmitters. he decision as to

    which medication to use depends upon the patients presentation. t may take
  • 8/12/2019 How Are Muscle Spasms Treated


    trial and error to find the ri!ht medication in the ri!ht dose to control


    nti*Parkinsonism dru!s, like trihe"yphenidyl Cl &rtane' andben4tropine mesylate&Co!entin', decrease acetylcholine levels.

    #uscle rela"ants like dia4epam&5alium' and baclofen&6ioresal' affect

    73 receptors.

    6evodopa &Sinemet' and reserpine&armonyl' affect dopamine levels.

    Carbama4epine &e!retol', a sei4ure*control dru!, may be useful in

    some patients.

    3otulinum to"in type &3oto"' may be in%ected into a specific muscle to

    paraly4e it and relieve the muscle spasm. his was initially used for

    blepharospasms but is now able to be used where other muscles are


    How are muscle spasms diagnosed?

    #ost people have e"perienced a skeletal muscle spasm due to overe"ertion,

    especially in a warm environment, and are able to self*dia!nose. owever, if

    the spasms are severe, last a lon! time, and keep recurrin!, the patient may

    present to a health*care professional for evaluation.

    he dia!nosis usually be!ins with a history and physical e"amination. t is

    helpful to know the circumstances surroundin! the muscle spasms.

    8hen did they be!in9 ow lon! do they last9 ow fre)uently do they

    occur9 re they rhythmic or more random9 s it always the same muscle

    !roup of the body involved9

    /ther information that is helpful includes whether there have been any

    recent illnesses or whether any medications have been taken, includin!

    prescription, over*the*counter, and food supplements.
  • 8/12/2019 How Are Muscle Spasms Treated


    Past medical history may !ive a clue as to the reason for the muscle

    cramps. hese may include a history of diabetes, hypothyroidism, kidney

    disease, and spinal cord in%ury.

    8ork or e"ercise history may be of importance.

    Sometimes the physical e"amination may be normal since the muscle spasms

    may not occur durin! the visit. owever, the physical e"amination may useful

    in detectin! underlyin! medical issues that may be helpful in makin! the

    dia!nosis. (or e"ample, if the patient is complainin! of le! muscle spasm, the

    e"amination may include palpatin! or feelin! for pulses in the feet.

    therosclerosis, or hardenin! of the arteries, may be associated with the loss

    of arterial pulse in the involved e"tremity.

    (or those havin! pain from smooth muscle spasm, the pain may be severe

    enou!h to present to an emer!ency department. he history and physical

    e"amination will be directed to findin! the source of the pain, while at the

    same time tryin! to control the symptoms. :idney stone pain &renal colic' and

    !allbladder painsometimes re)uire anti*inflammatory narcotic pain

    medication. hey are often associated with nausea and vomitin! and these

    symptoms may also re)uire treatment. Some patients with irritable bowelcondition may also present with si!nificant intestinal spasm.

    (or patients with recurrent muscle spasm where the cause is not easily

    dia!nosed by history and physical e"amination, testin! may be needed to !ive

    direction as to potential causes.

    3lood tests may or may not be indicated dependin! upon the situation and

    whether or not the dia!nosis can be ade)uately attained by history and

    physical e"amination. ests may include a complete blood count&C3C'

    lookin! for anemia, electrolytes &especially sodium, potassium, calcium and

    ma!nesium', !lucose, and creatinine &to check for kidney function'. hyroid

    function tests may also be considered.

    f muscle spasms are prolon!ed and on!oin! and there is concern that muscle

    breakdown and dama!e is occurrin!, a creatine phosphokinase &CP:' blood
  • 8/12/2019 How Are Muscle Spasms Treated


    test can be used to detect this. t is an en4yme released into the bloodstream

    by irritated or dama!ed muscle tissue.

    f there is concern that the spasms are due to a nerve or muscle disorder,electromyo!raphy&;#7' may be done to determine whether there may be an

    abnormality of the muscle, of the nerves, or both.

    f there is concern about the potential for peripheral artery disease, tests of

    blood flow to the le!s may be considered, includin! an ankle*brachial inde"

    &3' which compares blood pressures in the arms and le!s and ultrasound

    and an!io!raphy &often usin! Cor #R' to directly assess the blood vessels.

    f nocturnal le! cramps are thou!ht to be associated with a sleep disturbance,

    sleep studies mi!ht be indicated

    What are the symptoms and signs of muscle spasms?

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  • 8/12/2019 How Are Muscle Spasms Treated


    &5entolin, Proventil, ccu1eb, 5oSpire, Proir' used for the treatment of

    asthmaand medications used to treat attention deficit disorder&dderall' may

    be associated with twitchin!. hese twitches are considered beni!n


    owever, muscle twitchin! may also be associated with neurolo!ic disorders

    such as muscular dystrophy, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and myopathy&a

    primary muscle illness'. 8ith these dia!noses, associated symptoms include

    weakness, muscle wastin! with loss of muscle si4e, and chan!e in sensation.

    Smooth muscle spasm will cause colicky pain that comes and !oes. he

    symptoms will depend upon the or!an involved.