How A Teacher Should Be?


Transcript of How A Teacher Should Be?

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The education system goes through a drastic change as the days passes in the techno world, everything seems moving with the speed of a wind that devastates all that is along the way.

Well in a fast moving world education also swings in all its directions even though like a wind there are so many hazards come along the way at times education system itself finding hard for survival but with lots of newness with various methods it continue to serve the human society.

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It modifies itself according to the needs of the time; as a result we could experience some of the important elements like paying wholesome growth of the child is left out.

In our time, the image of the teacher has become so thoroughly the product of a professionalized, highly result oriented, institutionalized context that is increasingly difficult to imagine radically different alternatives of what a teacher might be.

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A teacher has a class room, has a certain member of students, has an advanced degree, has a supervisor, across nations and cultures, we can envision this archetype in mind’s in eye.

Recent changes especially changes in technology, bringing to shake up these assumption about where, when, and how teaching takes place.

Yet even here there is often a tendency to assimilate those new possibilities back into the assumptions about the nature of teaching with which we are families and comfortable.

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Today education is more typically couched in the language of scientific result and job oriented.

In the process, teaching in many schools is becoming less and less creative, personal, and rewarding.

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The scope of options for teachers is becoming more constrained, their subject matter and purpose more determined by the decisions of others, their outcomes measured more mechanically and impersonally.

This misses the fundamental point of such examples, which is that being a teacher means something different in all of these cases.

It is not simply a matter of different teaching methods, but different relations of teacher to student, different settings, and different criteria of success.

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When we look at this scenario of today teaching requires a lot more commitment from every one and making teaching more relevant to the needs of time is the need of the hour.

Few thoughts and introspection would help if you are able to understand how teaching could be more interesting and few methods could be sued as an effective teacher.

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1. The first is questioning or disputation typically applied in causes where the interlocutor is either hostile or simply slow to make a connection.

2. Introspection will make your teaching more powerful.

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2. Second type is more discursive, straight forward. It combines moral teaching calling forth that asks for

a response.

Make students to respond to the questions create in them a love for learning.

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3. Third kind of teaching is classified as proverbs.

It gives some insight into human conduct or character.

Use proverbs, quotes that give lot of inspiration to children that motivate them for better learning.

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4. Forth type is using of stories - which help the listeners to interpretation – Give them thought provoking, inspirational and meaningful stories that would create in them deep desire for extra effort for learning.

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5. Ability to tolerate and appreciate students and going to their understanding level. You as a teacher must be ready to walk along with students make them feel at ease with you make them like you, and then you see the subject that you teach will reach them better.

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6. A teaching requires having exceptional confidences in slow learners make them learn better.

As an effective teacher you must not only pay attention to the good and bright learners, but more of your attention should be on everyone in the class and given them a confidence that “I can…”

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7. Attention and concern for the individual persons.

It is very important that you as teacher must pay individual attention to everyone in the class.

Find out what type of talent the child is gifted with and make them grow and develop that talent.

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8. An eighth type of teaching is having compassion for the rejected and children who feel low themselves and give them kind of confidence.

Even, so called slow learner can be made best learners if only the teacher in the class show them and teach them with compassion with little more love and concern and make the child to feel that they care for them. Be sure they do learn the subjects easily.

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9. Creating in the children to face the future challenges with courage.

10. In the school days itself the children need to be taught what are the future challenges that they would face and prepare a child for the face future with confident.

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10. Being firm with concern in correction, make children understand what is good for their growth.

Never compromise anything which you feel is not good for the child.

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11. Create in them a great zeal for the cause they stand for.

Every child should be taught at the young age onward to choose between good and bad.

They should learn to stand for good not because the crowd does, I too do. Such attitude should not get into the child’s mind.

They need to be taught they should stand for the right cause.

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These are the few aspects of the present senior that stand as undying challenges for the educators of today.

As teachers you are all called to adapt these aspects of the having human understanding, care and concern in being teachers today.

You held a great responsibility in making the nation.

If every teacher puts heart and soul this is an easy target which could be reached easily.

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Make every child to grow with human
