Househusbands' Progress Report

Mara-ninel Deganos Sheel Lamar Abigayle Peralta Micah San Andres Michelle Silungan


Group 5's progress report

Transcript of Househusbands' Progress Report

Page 1: Househusbands' Progress Report

Mara-ninel DeganosSheel Lamar

Abigayle PeraltaMicah San AndresMichelle Silungan

Page 2: Househusbands' Progress Report

Based on the Proposal Pretest

◦Researchers will interview 2 husbands◦Appointment based on the availability of

husband◦Interview will take place at participant’s home

or vicinity of choice for comfortability purposes Actual

◦Researchers will interview 8 husbands◦Separate appointments based on the

availability of husband◦Interview will take place at participant’s home

or vicinity of choice for comfortability purposes

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Based on actual data gathering◦ Pretest

2 researchers interviewed first participant on June 30th, 2012

3 researchers interviewed second participant on July 9th, 2012

Participants referred by family and friends Both interviews conducted inside the participant’s


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Based on actual data gathering◦Actual procedure

Participant #1 interviewed on July 17th, 2012(2 researchers present)

Participant #2 interviewed on July 19th, 2012( 3 researchers present)

Participant #3 interviewed on July 22nd, 2012( 2 researchers present)

Participant #4 interviewed on July 23rd, 2012( 3 researchers present)

Participant #5 interviewed on July 25th, 2012( 3 researchers present)

Participant #6 and #7 interviewed on July 30th, 2012( 2 researchers each)

Participant #8 interviewed on July 31st , 2012( 2 researchers present)

Participants referred by family and friends All interviews conducted inside the participant’s home

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1) Interview Protocol2) Consent Form3) Cover Letter

Revisions of instrument◦ Probing questions added given the context of

answers given by each husband◦ Removed repetitive questions◦ Interview guide for children not relevant for most


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Result of pretest in terms of procedure◦ Ask more probing questions◦ Fix technical difficulties◦ Make sure the husband is settled in first

Revisions in procedure◦ Make sure consent form signed at the beginning

of interview◦ Cover letter more efficient when conducted by

interviewer than participant filling form out

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• What facilitated our data gathering- Our interest in the study- Preparation: learning from pre-test

• What hindered our data gathering– Interviewees who were not as open or willing to

share/expound on experiences– The weather– Location of participant

• How we solved those hindrances– Build rapport– Continued to stay calm and collected by probing– Come up with back-up plans

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Week Date Output

1 June 11 – June 16 - Contact pre-test participants- Contact participants for actual data gathering- Translate interview guide

2 June 17 – June 23 - Get back translated copy of the interview guide- Get approval from adviser regarding translated copy of interview guide- Back translate interview guide- Get back back translated copy of the interview guide

3 June 25 – June 30 - Waiting for feedback on pretest

4 July 2 – July 7 - Waiting for feedback on pretest

5 July 9 – July 14 - Conduct 2 interviews - Transcribe the interviews

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Week Date Output

6 July 16 – July 21 - Conduct 2-3 interviews (July 17 & 19)- Transcribe the interviews

7 July 23 – July 28 - Conduct 2-3 interviews (July 22, 23& 25)- Transcribe the interviews

8 July 30 – July 31 - Conduct 2-3 interviews (2 on July 30 & July 31)- Transcribe the interviews

9 August 1 – August 15 - Process and analyze the data with Dr. Apuan

10 August 15 – August 19 Start writing Chapter IIISend to Dr. Baybay and Dr. Apuan and get their feedback

11 August 20 – August 25 - Revise Chapter III

12 August 27 – September 1 - Start writing Chapter IV- Continue revising Chapter III

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Week Date Output

13 September 3 – September 8 - Revise Chapter IV- Send to Dr. Baybay and Dr. Apuan and get their feedback- Write Chapter V

14 September 10 – September 15

- Send Chapter V get feedback from Dr. Baybay and Dr. Apuan

15 September 17 - September 22

- Revise Chapter V- Revise Chapter III & IV

16 September 24 – September 29

- Revise Chapters I – V

17 October 1 – October 6 - Compile Chapters I – V for defense approval

18 October 8 – October 13 - Possible defense week

19 October 15 – October 20 - Revisions after defense

20 October 22 – October 27 - Possible submission of unbound copy of thesis

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“The interviews we did were really an immersion in such a way that we went to a different place and had to adapt to the family. It was somehow a struggle going to different places because of the weather but it was a good experience because I was able to show my skills in doing an interview because some of the househusbands we interviewed were really shy so some of the questioning I did was repetitive just to clarify things.The overall lesson was to be patient,confident and critical in asking questions.”

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“I had no idea what to expect when we start interviewing the househusbands. I just had an impression that they would rather be with their friends than their children. I also had this impression that they did not get along with their mother in law. Although, for one of the househusbands that we interviewed that is the case.

Now that we have finished interviewing the househusbands, my little knowledge of them has now been enlightened. Most of them did not go running off to look for a new girl when their wives left. This knowledge has in fact restored my faith in marriage. I wouldn't say that I would want to marry a man, but it made me we them in a different light. And how they took care of their children was heartwarming it was as if they were the center of their universe. I have to say that my view of them is under a new light.”

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“The data gathering process was an adventure! It was quite difficult to travel all around the Metro while carrying bags of food and equipment in such terrible weather. But at the end of the day it was all worthwhile. Every time we go out for an interview, we come home with so much knowledge and learning.

The fathers that we met were such an inspiration to us. They have proven to society that they will face any challenge, from burnt dinner to a deteriorating self-esteem, for as long as they can fulfill their duties to their families. The children also served as an inspiration as well. It was an eye-opening experience to hear some of them refer to themselves as househusbands. Someone even coined the term inatay: ina na tatay pa. This shows that they have somewhat accepted this growing phenomenon.

If not all, most of the children said that it is hard to have a parent away from home but they understand that it is for their own good and that they are thankful for such amazing parents. It made me think of my own parents and my own life. I am fortunate enough to be provided all that I ever wanted and needed without even asking for it. This experience will be a constant reminder for me to stay humble and grateful for being blessed.

In terms of group work, it made me realize how important communication is. I also learned that you can’t always get what you want. Sometimes in order to make things work, adjustments must be made by both parties. I was fortunate enough to be grouped with the other four members. Each one was cooperative and understanding. We all did our best to make it on time BUT it was definitely not a rushed effort. We managed to lay out a plan ahead of time and worked towards it efficiently. Indeed, it did not feel like a requirement but a journey.”

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“It was challenging going to our respondent's houses and also due to the unforgiving weather it made it harder. But our respondent's were very welcoming and eager to start the interview. I love listening to them, each of their stories different from the other. It was interesting to know and hear their struggles, how they cope each day and how they keep the family intact. Actually this experience made me think about a career in research, who knows right?. Also it made me appreciate my parents more. They don't have to go out of the country to work and leave us to take care of ourselves. They are here with me and my siblings, spending quality time with us and making sure to talk to us every night, which I took for granted. But hearing the struggles and longing for a complete family of our respondents, I truly am blessed.

Also this experience tested our group's team work and effort to get our data and make this thesis the best we can. We worked together as a team and made our data gathering as stress free as possible. Everyone did what is asked of them and support the group in anyway we can. 

Hopefully our team work and team effort helps us finish on time and hopefully present our thesis in Stanford.”

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“The data gathering process was a very eye opening experience and very different from what I expected. I enjoyed traveling with my group and viewing how the husbands and their family live their life. This was educational not only for research but for my personal life as well. I learned how the Filipino language was used in a different context. I also learned many techniques to use during an interview. I actually think that I overcame some fears about traveling to places of the lower socio-economic class because thankfully I’ve never been in that situation. Moreover, I am very grateful and appreciative to my thesis groupmates because they didn’t mind that I didn’t speak much during the interviews. My group works very hard and efficiently and I’m ecstatic that we are on time.”