House Of The 2nd Passover House of Joseph House of The 1 ...

House Of The 2nd Passover House of Joseph House of The 1 st Born House of Aleph House of The Ark House of Taurus By DeborJah Taylor [email protected] The Judge Coming To Rule! The House of Taurus, called The House of Aleph or House of Shur in Hebrew, is the second house in the constellations. It is the house containing the ark, which takes the elect over the Jordan at the 2 nd Passover. This constellation originally marked the beginning of months at creation. Israel set the PATTERN for the ecclesia; therefore we must look carefully at Israel’s walk in order to understand the walk of the ecclesia. The ecclesia, just like Israel, failed to enter the Land of Dabar at the Feast of Tabernacles, thus had to wander through the Wilderness, not 40 years, but 40 jubilees. Her 40 jubilees of wandering is coming to a House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532 1

Transcript of House Of The 2nd Passover House of Joseph House of The 1 ...

House Of The 2nd Passover House of Joseph

House of The 1st Born House of Aleph

House of The Ark House of Taurus

By DeborJah Taylor [email protected]

The Judge Coming To Rule!

The House of Taurus, called The House of Aleph or House of Shur in Hebrew, is the second house in the constellations. It is the house containing the ark, which takes the elect over the Jordan at the 2nd Passover. This constellation originally marked the beginning of months at creation.

Israel set the PATTERN for the ecclesia; therefore we must look carefully at Israel’s walk in order to understand the walk of the ecclesia. The ecclesia, just like Israel, failed to enter the Land of Dabar at the Feast of Tabernacles, thus had to wander through the Wilderness, not 40 years, but 40 jubilees. Her 40 jubilees of wandering is coming to a

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


close and it is now time to enter the Land of The Living Word. Man is nearing the completion of the 6,000 years of the curse, a full circle since the fall in the Garden of Eden. The Wilderness walk is one of walking through the abode of the DEAD among Lucifer and his fallen angels. Many ancient books state that the fallen angels were thrown into the Wilderness and chained there until the time of their JUDGMENT.

The Book of Enoch X:4-7: Jahwah said to Raphael: Bind Azazel hand and foot, and cast him into the darkness, and make an opening in the WILDERNESS, which is in Dudael, and cast him therein. …COVER HIM WITH DARKNESS (represented by the moon, the counterfeit light that is chained to the earth) and let him abide there forever, and cover his face that he may not see light. And on the day of the great judgment, he will be CAST INTO THE FIRE.1

And heal the earth, which the fallen angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. The whole earth has been corrupted through the works that were taught by Azazel. To him ascribe ALL SIN. (The atonement goat is sent into the wilderness to Azazel laden with all of the sins of Jahwah’s people.) Proverbs 2:11-18: Discretion will watch over you, wisdom will guard you, To deliver you from the way of evil and the evil men, from men who speak perverse things and are liars, Men who forsake the paths of uprightness to walk IN THE WAYS OF DARKNESS, who rejoice to do evil and delight in the perverseness of evil, whose ways are not straight, and whose footsteps are turned to evil: You will be able to resist any immoral woman (adulteress) who tries to seduce you with her smooth talk (turn you away from the straight path), who is faithless to her own husband and forgets her sacred vows (the great Babylonian Whore). Her house inclines into the abode of the DEAD, and her paths unto the REPHAIM (descendants of the Nephilim - the fallen angels). Proverbs 9:17-18: Stolen waters are sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant.

1 Revelation 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


But he knows not that the REPHAIM are there; and that her guests are in the depths of Sheol.

The Wilderness Walk is the time designated by Jahwah to overcome Satan, the 2nd overcoming. The first overcoming was at Passover, which is that of overcoming the world. The third and final overcoming is that of our FLESH, i.e. the death of self so that Jahshuwah may rule over us as KING. There was no circumcision during the entire Wilderness Walk for the ecclesia, as patterned after Israel. That whole walk was among the DEAD, i.e., the Rephaim, the fallen angels, therefore the whole ecclesia must be cleansed before they can partake of Passover. This calls for a SECOND PASSOVER or a delayed Passover, in order to be cleansed.

Numbers 9: 6-11: Some of them could not celebrate the first Passover on that day because they were DEFILED ON ACCOUNT OF THE DEAD BODY OF A MAN.2 So they came to Moses and Aaron on that day,

And said to Moses, We are DEFILED BY THE DEAD BODY OF A MAN. Must we therefore be barred from presenting Jahwah’s offering at its APPOINTED TIME with the rest of the Israelites? Moses answered, Stand still, and let me hear what command Jahwah has for you. Then Jahwah spoke unto Moses, saying, Speak to the children of Israel, saying, If any one of you or of your DESCENDANTS is DEFILED THROUGH CONTACT WITH A DEAD BODY, or he is far away on a journey, he MUST KEEP A PASSOVER to Jahwah nonetheless. In that case, he is to prepare the victim in the SECOND MONTH (in the House of Taurus/Shur), at the going down of the sun on the fourteenth day. It must be eaten with UNLEAVENED BREAD and BITTER HERBS.

Passover is the only feast that has a provision for being observed at a delayed time. If Jahwah made a provision for a delayed Passover, one can be absolutely assured he is going to fulfill it on a higher spiritual realm. King Jeroboam tried to institute a delayed Feast of Tabernacles to be held in the eighth month to prevent the House of Israel from attending the feast at Jerusalem. He even went so far as to set up a non-Levitic priesthood. This feast and priesthood was illegal and not ordained by Jahwah, therefore the whole house of Jeroboam was destroyed from the face of the earth.

1 Kings 12:31, 32 & 13:34: And he made places for worship at the high places, and made priests, who were not Levites, from among all the people.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

32 For a detailed study on touching dead bodies read my article Rivers Or Drops of Living Water.

And Jeroboam ordained a feast in the eighth month, on the fifteenth day of the month, like unto the feast that is in Judah, and he went up unto the altar; so did he in Beth-el, sacrificing unto the calves that he had made: and he placed in Beth-el the priests of the high places that he had made. And this thing became sin to the House of Jeroboam, which caused it to be ABOLISHED AND DESTROYED FROM THE FACE OF THE EARTH.

Israel left Egypt on Passover, the exact same day they had entered; thus they entered Egypt on Passover and left Egypt on Passover – Exodus 12:41:

And at the end of four hundred and thirty years, TO THE VERY DAY, all the hosts of Jahwah went out from the land of Egypt.

Israel, called the ecclesia in the wilderness, leaves Egypt on Passover and enters the Land of Dabar on Passover at the end of 40 years in the wilderness. She refused to enter the land at the Feast of Tabernacles, which resulted in 40 years of wandering through the Wilderness, the abode of the DEAD.

Acts 7:37 & 38:- This is that Moses, who said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall Jahwah your Elohim raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear. This is he, who was in the ECCLESIA IN THE WILDERNESS with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sinai, and with our fathers, who received the lively oracles to give unto us.

Since Israel’s trek is the pattern set for the ecclesia, let’s take a look at her journey and see if the pattern is there. Jahshuwah’s death on the Taw delivered the ecclesia from Egypt, but she like Israel, refused to enter the Land of Dabar at the Feast of Tabernacles, thus she began her 40-jubilee wandering through the Wilderness. Two Thousand years later at a delayed Passover, she will finally enter the Land of Dabar. Does this call for the delayed 2nd Passover to be held in the House of Taurus? It certainly appears to be that higher spiritual fulfillment. Before proceeding, it is interesting to note that Israel received the manna in the wilderness on the first day of the delayed Passover, i.e. Feast of Unleavened Bread.

Exodus 16:1-5: They set out from Elim, and all the congregation of Israel came to the WILDERNESS OF SIN, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the FIFTEENTH DAY OF THE SECOND MONTH after they left the land of Egypt. There in the wilderness, they all complained to Moses and Aaron and said to them, We wish that Jahwah had killed us in Egypt. There we could at least sit down and eat meat and as much other food as we wanted. But you have brought us out into this desert to starve us all to death. Then Jahwah said to Moses, Behold, I will RAIN BREAD FROM THE HEAVENS FOR YOU; and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


Then Jahwah said to Moses, Now I am going to cause bread to rain down from the heavens for all of you. The people must go out every day and gather enough for that day. That way I can prove, WHETHER THEY WILL WALK IN MY TORAH INSTRUCTIONS OR NOT. On the sixth day, they are to bring in twice as much (a DOUBLE PORTION) as usual and prepare it.

This 2nd Passover was a time of testing Israel and the ecclesia to see if they would follow Jahwah’s Torah instructions. The sixth-day ecclesia (us) will receive the double portion promised to the firstborn son, which is Jahshuwah. This metaphor is again brought forth in the story of Elijah and Elisha. Elijah, symbolic of Jahshuwah, throws down his mantle/tallit to Elisha, the ecclesia, which gives her a DOUBLE PORTION. A good example of the delayed Passover is portrayed during King Hezekiah’s reign. The temple had become polluted and closed up since the reign of King Ahaz; therefore the anger of Jahwah had fallen on the people. Before partaking of Passover, the temple had

to be reopened and ALL the defiled things removed to the Brook of Kidron, the BROOK OF DARKNESS. The cleansing was not completed in time for the 1st Passover, so it was delayed until the 2nd month and the 2nd Passover. Let’s read and learn:

2 Chronicles 29:1-11: Hezekiah (Jahwah has made STRONG) began to reign when he was twenty-five years old, and he reigned twenty-nine years in Jerusalem. His mother was Abijah (Jahwah is my Father) daughter of Zechariah (Jahwah remembers). And HE DID RIGHT IN THE SIGHT OF JAHWAH, according to all that David his forefather had done. In the first year of his reign, in the first month, he OPENED THE DOORS OF THE HOUSE OF JAHWAH [which his father had closed] and repaired them. He brought together the priests and Levites in the square on the east, and said to them, Levites, hear me! Now sanctify (purify and make free from sin) yourselves and the House of Jahwah, the Elohim of your fathers. Remove all the filth from the Holy Place. For our fathers HAVE TRESPASSED3 and have done what was evil in the sight of Jahwah our Elohim, and they have forsaken Him and have turned away their faces from the dwelling place of Jahwah and have turned their backs. They have CLOSED THE DOORS of the porch and put out the lamps (the light, the Word, Jahshuwah), and they have not burned incense or offered burnt offerings in the place holy to the Elohim of Israel.4

3 See my article on Rivers or Drops of Living Waters.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


4 2 Kings 16:10-16

The exact same thing took place with the ecclesia. She closed the doors to the temple, the Body of Jahshuwah, the Torah made flesh; just like the Pharisees, she not only refused to enter but kept others from entering.

Luke 11:52: Woe be to you, religious scholars (teachers and interpreters of the Jahwah’s Word), for you have taken away the key of knowledge. You refuse to enter in yourself, and stop those who are trying to enter.

Or, "You're hopeless, you religion scholars! You took the key of knowledge, but instead of unlocking doors, you locked them.

Because of this closure of the temple and turning their back on Jahwah, the wrath of Jahwah came against all Israel. Remember Israel sets the pattern for the walk of the ecclesia – Jahshuwah gave her the key, which she took and locked the door to the body of Jahshuwah, refusing to let others enter. That is why Jahshuwah is standing outside the door knocking. He is locked outside the door.

Matthew 16:19: And I will give unto you the KEYS OF THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, and whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatsoever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Revelation 3:20: Behold, I stand at the door, and knock. If any man hears my voice, and OPENS/UNLOCKS THE DOOR, I will enter and WE WILL TAKE COMMUNION TOGETHER.

Continuing with 2 Chronicles 29:8:

Therefore THE WRATH OF JAHWAH WAS UPON JUDAH AND JERUSALEM, thus He has delivered them to terror, waste, and contempt, as you can see with your own eyes. This is why our fathers have fallen by the sword (the Word of Jahwah) and why our sons and daughters and our wives are in captivity (in the captivity of Satan). (the ecclesia has fallen by the very Word of Jahwah, also.) Now it is in my heart TO MAKE A COVENANT WITH JAHWAH, the Elohim of Israel, so that HIS FIERCE ANGER WILL TURN AWAY FROM US. My sons, do not now be negligent, for Jahwah has chosen you TO STAND in His presence, to serve Him, TO BE HIS MINISTERS, and to burn incense to Him.

It is imperative at this point for us to understand the necessity of entering the covenant to turn away Jahwah’s anger. We must get it through our heads just what the marriage covenant is. It was handed down at Mount Sinai; it is the Torah. The Renewed Covenant (mistakenly called the New Covenant) is the exact same covenant of laws/ instructions, the only difference being in how sin is removed. Instead of using animal sacrifices, the blood of Jahshuwah removes our sins. In the old covenant, no one could go into the Holy of Holies or touch the Ark containing the covenant. Now we can enter through the veil, THE FLESH OF JAHSHUWAH, the TORAH, and take hold of the Torah Covenant without being killed.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


Hebrews 10:19 & 20: Since then, brethren, we have free access to the Holy place through the blood of Jahshuwah, By a fresh/renewed and living way, which he has consecrated/dedicated/ RENEWED for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;

Continuing with 2 Chronicles 29:12:

Then the Levites arose, Mahath (to abolish, blot out, wipe out) the son of Amasai (the BURDEN), (the burden, which the overcomers have been carrying is removed), and Joel (Jahwah is El) the son of Azariah (Jahwah has helped), of the sons of the Kohathites (assemble); (Jahwah is the mighty one and has helped to assemble/gather), And of the sons of Merari (bitter, my bitterness), Kish (to set a trap, lay a snare) the son of Abdi (my servant), (My servant set a trap of bitterness. These are the bitter waters that we encounter at Marah.) and Azariah (Jahwah has helped) the son of Jehalelel (He will praise El), and of the Gershonites (an outcast) (Praise the mighty one of Jahwah, as he has helped by CASTING OUT), Joah (Jahwah is kindred/family) the son of Zimmah (plan or purpose), and Eden (Garden of appointed times) the son of Joah (Jahwah is kindred/family). (Jahwah’s plan for his family is in the Garden of appointed times.) Verse 13 And of the sons of Elizaphan (the treasure of El); Shimri (something preserved, my keeper), and Jeiel (El sweeps away, carried away by El),

The fleece represents the lost TREASURE of human innocence and righteousness that the cunning Serpent stole/CARRIED AWAY from man in the Garden of Eden, but has been PRESERVED in the fleece lamb covering of Jahshuwah. More on this subject will be brought forth in the House of Ausar/Cancer.

And of the sons of Asaph (the gatherer); Zechariah (Jahwah has remembered), and Mattaniah (Gift of Jahwah); (Jahwah, the gatherer/harvester has remembered his Gift.) Verse:14 And of the sons of Heman (right-handed and faithful, truth & trusted); Jehiel (El will save alive), and Shimei (those that hear and obey my report): and of the sons of Jeduthun (Lift your hands in praise); Shemaiah (Jahwah has heard and obeyed), and Uzziel (My STRENGTH/POWER is El). (The El of the right hand will save alive; Jahwah, my strength and power, will hear and obey those that hear and obey his instructions.) Verse 15: And they GATHERED THEIR BRETHREN, and sanctified themselves, and came, according to the commandment of the king, , TO


Absolutely the only way the temple can be cleansed and restored to working order is BY THE WORD OF JAHWAH. Don’t think for a moment Jahwah will allow anything House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


that is not according to His pattern, as He will simply not bless it. All the filth of the temple, not according to His pattern, is removed and cast into DARKNESS.5 That includes all of MAN’S TRADITIONS, not according to Jahwah’s pattern given on the Mount.

Verse 16: Then the priests went into the INNER PART OF THE HOUSE of Jahwah, to cleanse [it], and brought out all the uncleanness/filthiness that they found in the temple of Jahwah into the courtyard of the House of Jahwah. Then the Levites took it and carried it out to the BROOK of KIDRON - the Brook/Valley of Darkness. They began to cleanse on the first day of the first month, and on the eighth day of the same month they came to the PORCH (at the entrance of the temple, where the pillars of Boaz & Jachin are located) of the temple of Jahwah, then they purified the temple in eight days, and on the sixteenth day of the same month they finished what they had begun. 30:1-31:3: Hezekiah sent word to all Israel and Judah and also wrote letters to Ephraim (the United States) and Manasseh (Great Britain, Canada, & Australia), inviting them to come to the temple of Jahwah in Jerusalem and celebrate the Passover to Jahwah, the Elohim of Israel. The king and his officials and the whole assembly in Jerusalem decided to celebrate the Passover in the second month. They had not been able to celebrate it at the regular time because not enough priests had consecrated themselves and the people had not assembled in Jerusalem. The plan seemed right both to the king and to the whole assembly… Verse 6: At the king’s command, couriers went throughout Israel and Judah with letters from the king and from his officials, which read: People of Israel, RETURN TO JAHWAH, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, SO HE WILL RETURN TO YOU who are left (the remnant that is left from the overcomers who have not returned to Egypt)… Verse 7 Do not be like your fathers and brothers, who TRESPASSED against Jahwah, the Elohim of their fathers, who therefore gave them up to RUIN, as you can see. Do not be stiff-necked, as your fathers were; SUBMIT TO JAHWAH. Come to the sanctuary, which He has consecrated forever. SERVE JAHWAH your Elohim, so that HIS FIERCE ANGER WILL TURN AWAY FROM YOU.

Verse 9: For if you return again to Jahwah, your brethren, and children WILL FIND MERCY before those who have led them away captive. Then they will return to this Land of Dabar, for Jahwah your Elohim is merciful, and will not turn away his face from you, IF YOU RETURN TO HIM…

5 Matthew 25:30: And cast ye the good for nothing servant into OUTER DARKNESS. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


Verse 12: …the hand of Elohim was on the people to give them UNITY OF MIND to carry out what the king and his officials had ordered, FOLLOWING THE WORD/Dabar OF JAHWAH. (Jahwah is the ONLY one who brings unity to the Body of Jahshuwah. Calling on different gods, only brings division.) A very large crowd of people assembled in Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the SECOND MONTH. They REMOVED THE ALTARS in Jerusalem and cleared away the INCENSE ALTARS and threw them into the KIDRON BROOK – The Brook of Darkness. They slaughtered the Passover lamb on the fourteenth day of the second month. The priests and the Levites were ashamed and consecrated themselves and brought burnt offerings to the temple of Jahwah. Then they took up THEIR REGULAR POSITIONS as prescribed in the Law of Moses, the man of Elohim. The priests sprinkled the blood handed to them by the Levites. Verse 17: Since many in the assembly had not sanctified themselves [become clean and free from all sin], the Levites had charge of killing the Passover lambs FOR EVERYONE WHO WAS NOT CLEAN, in order to sanctify them to Jahwah. The majority of the people, many from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun, had not purified themselves, but ate the Passover CONTRARY TO WHAT WAS PRESCRIBED BY TORAH. But Hezekiah interceded for them as follows: May

Jahwah in His GOODNESS, PARDON Verse 19: EVERYONE WHOSE HEART IS SET ON SEEKING Elohim, Jahwah Elohim of his fathers, EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NOT OBSERVED THE RULES OF PURIFICATION for the sanctuary. JAHWAH HEARD AND OBEYED Hezekiah and HEALED THE PEOPLE. The Israelites who were present in Jerusalem celebrated the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days with great rejoicing, while the Levites and priests sang to Jahwah every day, accompanied by Jahwah’s instruments of praise. Hezekiah spoke encouragingly to all the Levites who had good understanding of Jahwah’s wisdom. So the people ate the seven-day appointed feast (ate their assigned portion), offering peace offerings, MAKING CONFESSION to Jahwah, the Elohim of their fathers. (Peace offerings are offered up to Jahwah by confessing our trespasses.) And the whole assembly took counsel to prolong the feast SEVEN MORE DAYS; thus they kept it another seven days with joy (simchah). …A great number of priests consecrated themselves.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


The entire assembly of Judah rejoiced, along with the priests and Levites and all who had assembled from Israel, including the aliens who had come from Israel and those who lived in Judah. There was GREAT JOY in Jerusalem, for since the days of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem. The priest and the Levites stood to bless the people, and Jahwah heard and obeyed them, for their prayer reached heaven, his HOLY DWELLING PLACE. When all this had ended, the Israelites, who were there, went out to the cities of Judah, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. They destroyed the high places (bamahs) and the altars throughout Judah and Benjamin and in Ephraim and Manasseh. After they had destroyed all of them, the Israelites returned to their own cities and to their own property. Hezekiah (the king) assigned the priests and Levites to divisions – each of them according to their duties as priests of Levites – to offer burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, to MINISTER, to give thanks and to sing praises at the GATES OF JAHWAH’S HOSTS/Jahwah’s MACHANEH/Jahwah’s Tabernacle. The KING CONTRIBUTED FROM HIS OWN POSSESSIONS for the morning and evening burnt offerings and for the burnt offerings on the Chodesh and Sabbaths, and the set-appointed festivals/times as written in the Torah of Jahwah. (Jahwah, the king furnishes all of the sacrifices from His own treasury in heaven.)

Let’s pause for a moment and take a look at the meaning of machaneh, as there is much hidden meaning in this word. Machaneh is a host of stars; from chana meaning to end or curve, denoting TABERNACLES ERECT IN A CIRCULAR LAYOUT.6

Joshua 10:6-10: The men of Gibeon (a high house or a house on a hill) sent word to Joshua (Jahwah Saves/rescues/avenges) - to the machaneh (host of stars) in Gilgal (in heaven) "Do not abandon us, sir! Come quickly! Surround us and deliver us for all KINGS OF THE AMORITES (mountain dwellers) dwelling in the MOUNTAINS ARE GATHERED TOGETHER AGAINST US.  

Ephesians 6:12: For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood - not against human enemies but against the principalities and ruling forces who are masters of the darkness in this world, the spiritual forces of evil in the HEAVENLY/HIGH PLACES (the 5 Amorite kings that live in the MOUNTAINS).

So Joshua departed from Gilgal (heaven), he and all the troops/tribes of war with him – all the MIGHTY HOSTS OF POWER - every host of giants/champions. Then Jahwah said to Joshua: Do not be afraid of them, for I have given them into your hands. Not a man of them will stand before you. So Joshua came upon the five kings suddenly, having marched all night from Gilgal.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

106 Theological Word Book of the Old Testament.

Jahwah made the Amorites panic at the sight of Israel's army. The Israelites slaughtered them at Gibeon and pursued them down the mountain pass of Beth Horon (house of the CONSUMER/destroyer), keeping up the attack as far south as Azekah (fenced around & plowed over) and Makkedah (the BRANDING/ MARKING place). As they fled before Israel on the road down from Beth Horon to Azekah, Jahwah hurled large hailstones down on them from the sky, and more of them died from the hailstones than were killed by the swords of the Israelites. On the day Jahwah gave the Amorites over to Israel, Joshua said to Jahwah in the presence of Israel:

O sun, stand still over Gibeon, O moon, over the Valley Aijalon.

So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jasher.

After the battles of Jericho and Ai, the covenant is erected at Shechem, then comes the harvest in Ruth. The Book of Ruth is always read at Shavuot.

J ericho



E chem

R uth Jasher means: righteous, just, straight, level, pleasing, correct, LAWFUL.

Genesis 32:1: And Jacob went on his way, and the ANGELS OF ELOHIM met him. And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is the Army/Host/Camp (machaneh) of Elohim and he called the name of that place Mahanaim (double camps from machaneh). Song of Solomon 6:1-4, 11 & 13: Most beautiful of women, where has your beloved gone? Tell us which way your beloved went, so that we can help you find him. My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed his flock in the gardens7, and to gather/glean the lilies. I am my Beloved's, and my Beloved is mine; He rules/tends the flock among the lilies. O my love, in8 Tirzah (the city that satisfies the debt, the restored city9), you are beautiful/BRIGHT and comely (naweh - to be at home). In10 Jerusalem (the restored city of perfection); you are to be feared more than all the STARS IN THE HEAVENS.

7 Septuagint 8 Bet in front of a word means in, or inside – Hebrew Word Pictures b Frank T. Seekings. 9 New American Standard Exhaustive Concordance

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

1110 Bet in front of a word means in or inside.

Jerusalem – Lightfoot Commentary: Abraham called Jerusalem Jahwah-jireh (Jahwah APPEARS, approves, becomes visible) Shem called it Shalem (perfect, whole, RESTORED); combined, it is Jireh Shalem = Jerushalsaem (Perfection/restoration appears, perfection is approved). Another definition for Jerusalem is Teacher of Restoration – the teacher that is perfect (denoting our perfect teacher, Jahshuwah, the Living Word).

Verse 11 I went down into the garden of nuts (the fruit of knowledge)11 to see the fruits of the NARROW VALLEY (the brook – fruits of the inheritance), and to see if the GRAPEVINE HAD BUDDED and if the POMEGRANATES were in bloom.

GRAPEVINE: In Psalms 128:3, a GOOD WIFE WAS LIKE A FRUITFUL VINE to her husband, while wisdom brought forth pleasant savour like the vine in Ecclesiasticus 24:17:  

I am like a vine I bring forth shoots of delight; my blossoms bear the fruit of glory and wealth.

In the Renewed Covenant, the vine became a symbol of the Kingdom of Jahwah and its fruit a part of communion. POMEGRANATE: The pomegranate stands for Jahwah’s highest mystery; a symbol of the ECCLESIA itself. The seeds are the symbol of divine perfection.12

Continuing with Song of Solomon 6:12:

Before I knew it, My blessed one set me in a chariot beside my prince (decan of Auriga). RESTORE, RESTORE, O Shulamite (the perfect, peaceful bride restored)! Return and RESTORE, that we may look upon thee. What will ye see in the Shulamite (What will you see in the restored bride?) We come as a DOUBLE/Mishnah MACHANEH (or, We will see her dancing among the Mishnah machaneh – camp/host of stars.)

The restored bride is in the Sukkot Ark dwelling in the sidereal calendar among the machaneh – among the starry hosts. .

11 The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

1212 The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols

The House of Shur signifies a NEW BEGINNING, and a nworld, as it is associated with Noah and the ark. It is the sign denoting the bull carrying the bride upon his back and transporting her over the great bridge to the other side.



The early patriots knew Jahwah’s Plan, as written in the stars, but it has come down to us mixed in pagan myths. One such myth about Taurus is in the story of the Zeus, Europa and their three children. In the Greek myths, Shur was the sign representing Zeus, who descended upon the earth in the form of a bull to choose a bride from among the virgins. He chose Europa and from this sexual union came three children: Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Sarpedon. Minos & Rhadamanthys were said to be the lawgivers, but Sarpedon’s name brings forth a most important key to this constellation. Sarpedon’s name literally means rejoicing in a WOODEN ARK and according to the legend, he was allowed by Zeus to live for THREE GENERATIONS of 40 years each or a total of 120 years.14 This points to the 6,000-year curse upon the earth, which is equal to 120 jubilees.

Eridanus River

13 The Gospel According To Hercules – Ronald G. Fanter, Ph.d.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

1314 The Gospel According To Hercules by Ronald G. Fanter, Phd.

The Eridanus River denotes Jahwah’s Wrath as a River of Fire pouring down upon the earth in judgment, which is brought out in Daniel 7:9-11, and Jahshuwah is the bridge that spans this fiery river:

As I was watching all this, the thrones were thrown/CAST DOWN and the Ancient of Days/Times sat down. His robes were white as snow, his hair was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, its wheels blazing. A SURGING RIVER OF FIRE FLOWED OUT FROM HIS PRESENCE. A thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood attending him. The court sat in JUDGMENT and the BOOKS WERE OPENED. I watched closely to see what would happen to this smaller horn because of the arrogant things it was saying. Then before my very eyes, the fourth beast (Nimrod’s beast government existing in the last days) was killed and its body was destroyed and THROWN INTO THE BURNING FIRE.

Balaam describes Jahwah’s power on behalf of His people, as that of the horns of the rheem – Numbers 23:22:

The El who brought them out of BESIEGED PLACES (Egypt) has the strength/power of a rheem.

Even though this verse speaks of bringing them out of the besieged places of Egypt, it also refers to the bringing of Israel out of the besieged places of the wilderness.

Deuteronomy 8:15: Who led you through THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE WILDERNESS, with its fiery serpents and scorpions and thirsty ground where there was no water… Jeremiah 2:6: And they said not, Where is Jahwah, who brought us up out of the land of BESIEGED PLACES/Egypt, Who led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and pits, through a LAND OF DROUGHT and of the SHADOW OF DEATH and DEEP DARKNESS, through a land that no man passes through and where no man dwells?

The Eridanus River and Nimrod’s Beast Government will be discussed in greater detail later in the article. The Hebrew Aleph also represents this constellation. Aleph is the title by which Jahwah revealed himself to us in Revelation 1:8:

I am the Aleph and the Taw, says Jahwah Elohim… Aleph means a family under ONE LEADER; an ox/bull, which symbolizes what is STRONG and what comes FIRST. The Chinese call this constellation by the name Ta Leang, which means, the great bridge. The zodiac of Denderah pictures a full-bodied bull. The Egyptians have several names

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


for this sign with meanings of Him Who Saves or Delivers, THE HEAD, and The Traveler Who Comes To Save. 15

The brightest star within this constellation is Dilgan, meaning Angel of Light; it points to Jahshuwah, the Angel of Jahwah who led Israel through the wilderness and into the Land of Dabar – the Word of Light rather than darkness.

Exodus 3:2: And the ANGEL OF JAHWAH appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. Exodus 23:20-24: Behold, I send an ANGEL before you, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not, FOR HE WILL NOT

PARDON YOUR TRANSGRESSIONS/REBELLION for My NAME is IN him. (Jahwah is in the name of JAH – shu – WAH, and Jahshuwah is the only one that can forgive sins.)

But IF you will indeed OBEY HIS VOICE, and do all that I speak THEN I will be an enemy unto your enemies, and an adversary unto your adversaries. For My Angel will go before you, and bring you in unto the Amorites, and the Hittites, and the Perizzites, and the Canaanites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites, and I will cut them off. Thou shalt not bow down to their gods of Lord, God, Jesus, Yahweh, Yeshuah, nor serve them, nor do after their works, but you must utterly overthrow them, and utterly break down their images. Numbers 20:16: And when we cried unto Jahwah, he heard our voice, and SENT AN ANGEL, and has brought us forth out of Egypt: and, behold, we are in Kadesh, a city in the uttermost of thy border:

That Angel was Jahshuwah, the Messiah: Exodus 14:19: And the ANGEL OF ELOHIM, which went before the camp of Israel, removed and WENT BEHIND THEM; and the pillar of the cloud went from before their face, and stood behind them. 1 Corinthians 10:4: And did all drink the same spiritual drink for they drank of that spiritual Rock that FOLLOWED THEM, and that Rock was Messiah.

The power of the LAWFUL will be exalted like that of the RHEEM (the House of Shur)- Psalm 92:10-13:

But my power/horn/dominion will thou exalt/lift up like [the horn of] a RHEEM/bull (or, You have given me the POWER/strength of a wild bull); I WILL BE ANOINTED WITH FRESH OIL.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

1515 The Heavens Declare by William D. Banks

I have seen the defeat of my enemies and heard the cries of the wicked (just as Noah heard after he had entered the ark). The LAWFUL will flourish/break forth/flourish like the palm-tree/Tamar; He will grow/INCREASE like a cedar on the White Mountain. (The LAWFUL will be like a PALM TREE/TAMAR in his strength; his growth/INCREASE will be as the wide-stretching trees of Lebanon.) Those that are transplanted/planted in the House of Jahwah will flourish in the courts of our Elohim.

Ruth 4:12: Through the offspring Jahwah gives you by this young woman, may your family be like that of Perez, whom Tamar/palm tree bore to Judah.

The rheem’s strength and speed were very great; it was so fierce that it did not spare man or beast when it caught sight of them. Toward the wicked world, Jahshuwah finally becomes the terrible rheem, but to His redeemed, the rheem becomes the means of transport into the Land of Dabar, Land of the Living Word.

Job 39:9-12: Will the rheem be willing to serve you? Will he remain permanently by your manger/feeding place/barn ?

The House of Ausar/Cancer is the house that contains the manger, the birthplace of the Body of Jahshuwah. Just like Jahshuwah, his body must be made flesh in a manger, the feeding place of the animals.

Can you imagine hitching your plow to a rheem and getting him to till your fields? Will you rely on him for his great strength? Will you leave your heavy work to him? Can you rely/depend/TRUST him (the rheem) to BRING HOME YOUR SEED/CHILD and gather it into your barn?

The tares are gathered into bundles to be burned, and the wheat is GATHERED INTO A BARN/sukkah/manger.

Matthew 13:30: Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them, but GATHER THE WHEAT INTO MY BARN/SUKKOT/MANGER.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


The House of Joseph House of the First-born Son

The whole scenario of Passover concerns the killing of all the FIRSTBORN OF EGYPT and their gods, but the saving of the FIRSTBORN OF ISRAEL. Keeping this in mind, we must understand how the House of Shur has the status of being the House of the FIRSTBORN. The first-born status originally belonged to Reuben, the firstborn son of Leah, but was taken away, because of the sin of incest with one of his father’s wives. This first-born status was then in turn given to Joseph, the firstborn son of Rachael.

1 Chronicles 5:1: Reuben was the oldest son of Jacob, but he lost his rights as the first-born son because he slept with one of his father's wives. The honor of the FIRST-BORN SON WAS THEN GIVEN TO JOSEPH.

The House of Shur was assigned to Joseph and his two sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. This is found in Moses’ blessing on the Tribe of Joseph in Deuteronomy 33:13-17:

And of Joseph he said, Blessed of Jahwah be his land, with the PRECIOUS GIFTS OF HEAVEN from the DEW, and from the WELLS/SPRINGS from the depths.

DEW: Proverbs 19:12: The king's wrath is as terrifying as the roaring of a lion,

but his ACCEPTANCE/FAVOR/PARDON is the DEW upon the grass. (Jahwah’s pardon comes as dew. The House Of Joseph is the House of Pardon.) Hosea 14:15: I will be as the DEW to Israel…(The dew represents Jahwah; Ephraim and Manasseh are the only tribes given the name of Israel.) Zechariah 8:11 & 12: But now I [will] not [be] unto the residue of this people as in the former days, saith Jahwah of Appointed Times For the seed [will be] prosperous; the vine shall give her fruit, and the ground will give her increase, and THE HEAVENS WILL GIVE THEIR DEW; then I will cause the REMNANT OF THIS PEOPLE TO POSSESS ALL THESE THINGS.

RIVERS OF WATER: Psalms 1:1-3: Blessed (happy, fortunate, prosperous, and privileged) is the person who walks and lives not in the counsel of the ungodly [following their advice, their plans and purposes], nor dwells/continues in the path/customs of THOSE RECKONED AS GUILTY/sinners, nor abide/sit in the seat with the mockers/those that

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


INTERPRET AND TEACH AND RIDICULE AGAINST THE HOLY THINGS OF JAHWAH. But his delight and desire are in the Torah Instructions of Jahwah, and on His Torah (the precepts, the instructions, the teachings of Jahwah) does he habitually meditate (ponder and study) day and night. Then he will be like a tree firmly planted [and tended] BY RIVERS OF WATER, ready to bring forth its fruit in its TIME; its leaf also will not fade or wither; and everything he does shall prosper. Ezekiel 47:12: And on the banks of the RIVER on both its sides, there will grow all kinds of trees for food; their leaf/branch will not fade nor will their fruit fall down/do foolishly/come to naught/be despised/be dishonored/fail to meet the demand. Each tree will bring forth NEW FRUIT16 ACCORDING TO ITS MONTH (chosdesh), [these supernatural qualities being] BECAUSE THEIR WATERS CAME FROM OUT OF THE SANCTUARY/HOLY PLACE. And their fruit will be for food and their LEAVES FOR HEALING. Jeremiah 17:7 & 8: Blessed/ [is] the person that trusts in Jahwah, and whose refuge is Jahwah. For he will be a tree planted by the WATERS that spreads out its roots by the RIVER; and it will not see nor fear when heat comes; but its leaf will be green/ prosperous. It will not be anxious and full of care in the year/shanah of drought/ destitution, nor will it cease yielding/producing fruit/offspring.

Continuing with Deuteronomy 33:14:

With the valuable revenue/fruit/income brought forth by/in SHEMESH (the House of the Sun) and the precious fruits cast forth by its CALENDAR MONTHS17. And for the chief things of the ancient mountains, and for the precious things of the lasting hills, And for the precious things of the earth and fullness thereof, and for THE ACCEPTANCE OF HIM who SHEKINAHED IN THE BUSH. Let the blessing come upon the HEAD OF JOSEPH (The House of Shur was originally, at creation, the head of the months of the year) and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren. Like a FIRSTBORN young bull is his GLORY, and his horns (power/ strength) like the horns of the rheem; with them, he will smite/push ALL the nations/peoples, to the ends of the earth. The tens of thousands from the tribe of Ephraim and the thousands from the tribe of Manasseh will be like this.

16 Bakar: to burst the womb, that is to bear or make early fruit (of woman or tree); also TO GIVE THE BIRTHRIGHT: - make firstborn, be firstling, bring forth first child (new fruit).

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

1817 Brown-Drivers-Briggs’ Hebrew Definitions

Or, Joseph has the strength/power of a bull, the horns of a wild ox. His horns are Manasseh's thousands and Ephraim's ten thousands. With them, he gores the nations, and pushes them to the ends of the earth. Or, In GLORY, he's like a firstborn bull, his horns the horns of a wild ox; He'll gore the nations with those horns, push them all to the ends of the earth. Ephraim by the ten thousands will do this, Manasseh by the thousands will do this.

This pushing down and overcoming Jahwah’s enemies is also brought forth in other Scriptures:

Psalms 44:5: Through You (Jahwah), we will PUSH DOWN OUR ENEMIES; through Your name, we will trample down those that rise up against us. Isaiah 13:11-15: I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; I will cause the arrogance of the proud to cease, And will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible… EVERY ONE THAT IS FOUND WILL BE GORED/THRUST THROUGH, and every one that is joined unto them will fall by the sword (the Word of Jahwah).

Now we begin to see the higher significance of the 2nd delayed Passover held in the House of Shur, the House of Joseph, which holds the status of DOUBLE blessings, and inheritance of the Firstborn Son. There is another transfer of firstborn status to be considered here and that is the transfer from the firstborn of all Israel to the Tribe of Levi. When Jahwah’s destroyer passed over the firstborn of Israel, he took all of her firstborn for himself:

Num 3:11-13: Then Jahwah said to Moses: Behold, I have taken the Levites from among the Israelites INSTEAD OF EVERY FIRSTBORN WHO OPENS THE WOMB AMONG THE ISRAELITES; and the Levites shall be Mine, For all the firstborn are Mine. On the day that I slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, I consecrated for Myself ALL THE FIRSTBORN IN ISRAEL, both man and beast; Mine they shall be. I am Jahwah.

Pleiades The Congregation of The Judge

Pleiades is a group of SEVEN stars gathered together on the back of the bull’s neck. Job, the oldest book in the Bible, speaks of Pleiades and Orion, two of the decans in this house:

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


Job 9:9: He fashioned the Bear/ASH (in the House of Cancer/Ausar), Orion and the PLEIADES, and the chambers/INNERMOST ROOMS OF THE SOUTH (the innermost rooms of the right hand).

The Pleiades was believed by many ancients to be the seal/MARK or the seat of IMMORTALITY. The center of this group is considered to be the great central Sun of the universe, around which all others revolve. In all the ancient myths and traditions this group of stars plays a most conspicuous part, and is ever associated with benignity (a kind or generous deed, gift, or manifestation) and blessedness. This next quote in Job brings forth an important clue regarding the two decans of Pleiades and Orion. He is asking if one can gather the congregation together into the constellation of Pleiades or loosen the cords of Orion. In order to gather the elect into Pleiades, the chains of Satan’s Nimrod government MUST BE BROKEN.

Job 38:31: Can you join/bind together the group in the PLEIADES, or LOOSEN THE CORDS OF ORION.

Pleiades is made up of SEVEN STARS. Anciently, these seven stars represented the seven who accompanied Noah in the ark. So from ancient times, this constellation was associated with the flood and judgment poured out on the wicked, while the righteous are preserved in safety. The astronomical symbol for Taurus is: Hieroglyphic authorities explain this as a SINGLE BOAT ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH, thus relating Taurus to the outpouring of Jahwah’s judgment in the great flood of Noah’s time,18 as well as the judgment that is yet to come upon the earth at the close of the age. The name Pleiades is located within the NECK of Taurus and means, the congregation of the JUDGE. Pleiades comes from the Geek word plein, which means, to sail. According to Euripides, who speaks of them five centuries before Jahshuwah, Pleiades was considered to be the TIMEKEEPERS of the heavens. The Syriac name for the Pleiades is SUCCOTH, which refers to Jahwah’s last feast, the Feast of Tabernacles. This is particularly significant as this is the feast in which Jahwah COVERS OVER the elect for protection during the Tribulation; also the feast that has not been prophetically fulfilled in Jahwah’s plan. The seven stars thus represent the SEVEN DAYS of the feast. This House of the 2nd Passover delivers the ecclesia from the wilderness and gives her entrance into the true Succoth, which gives us entrance into the Land of the Living

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

2018 The Heavens Declare by William D. Banks

Word. This is the house, which contains the BRIDGE that spans the Eridanus River of Fire, the River of Wrath and judgment (The River of Death), and allows the elect to cross over safely into the tabernacle that is COVERED OVER by Jahwah. Pleiades was also called Kimtu – The Family and Kimah – The Pile/Heap & the Seal.19 They were regarded as PROTECTORS OF THE HARVESTS. Many ancients believed that in the middle of the constellation was a hole, piercing the vault of Heaven. Some have taught that the most probable location of the THRONE OF JAHWAH IS TO BE FOUND DIRECTLY WITHIN THE CENTER OF THE PLEIADES CLUSTER. When Jahwah dwells among his people, His shekinah glory rests on the Mercy Seat between the cherubim; the Mercy Seat is considered to be His throne when dwelling with His people. The principal star in Pleiades is Alcyone, meaning the Center, which many astronomers, both ancient and modern, have regarded as the CENTER OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE. Other names for the star are: Temennu – Foundation Stone; Alwsat – The Centre or Foundation, Amba – The Mother. Another group of stars on the face of Taurus, known as The Hyades, has a similar meaning of the congregated. Other stars are named Plilicium (Hebrew), belonging to the judge and Al Thuraiya, the abundance.

The Eridanus River The Wrath of Jahwah Poured Out On His Enemies!

The bridge across the Eridanus River denotes Jahshuwah, as he is the bridge that allows Jahwah’s people to cross over the River of Death into the Land of Dabar, the Land of the Living Word. This river is Jahwah’s river of judgment. The ancient name of Eridanus even means RIVER OF THE JUDGE. The Jor-dan River also was know as the River of The Judge. Take special notice of the syllable of dan in the the name of both Eri-DAN-us and Jor-DAN, which in Hebrew also means JUDGE. It is interesting that the Tribe of Dan is the only Tribe that is eliminated in the gathering of the Tribes in Revelation chapter 7.

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2119 The Penguin Dictionary of Symbols

When Jahwah’s Kingdom comes to earth to reign, this river of fire flows forth from his throne. The Scriptures speak of this river of fire in several places:

Psalms 97:1-4: Jahwah reigns; let the earth rejoice;…

…JUSTICE and JUDGMENT are the HABITATION/FOUNDATION OF HIS THRONE (remember the star Alcyone, means “the FOUNDATION.”) A FIRE goes before him, and BURNS UP/CONSUMES HIS ENEMIES on every side. His bright flames/flashing sword lights up the world; the earth sees and trembles. Psalms 50:3 & 4: Our Elohim comes and does not keep silence; before Him is a DEVOURING FIRE, and round Him a mighty storm rages. He summons heaven and earth as witnesses to see him judge his people. Isaiah 30:27-33: Behold the Name of Jahwah comes from afar, burning with his anger, and the burden whereof is heavy. His lips are full of indignation, and his tongue as a devouring fire. His breath is as an overflowing stream that reaches even to the neck, TO SIFT THE NATIONS WITH THE SIEVE OF DESTRUCTION; and a bridle that leads to ruin will be in the jaws of the peoples. …The breath of Jahwah, like a river of brimstone, kindles it. Isaiah 66:15 & 16: For behold, Jahwah will come with FIRE, and with his

chariots like a whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and his rebuke with FLAMES OF FIRE. For by FIRE (judgment) and by His sword (the Word) will Jahwah plead with all flesh, and the SLAIN of Jahwah will be many. Nahum 1:5 & 6: The mountains quake before Him, and the hills MELT, and the earth IS BURNED AT HIS PRESENCE, yea, the work and all that dwell therein. Who can STAND before His indignation? And who can abide in the FIERCENESS OF HIS ANGER? His fury is POURED OUT LIKE FIRE, and the rocks are thrown down by him. 2 Peter 3:10: But the Day of Jahwah will come as a thief in the night in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements WILL MELT WITH FERVENT HEAT; the earth also and the works that are therein will be BURNED UP.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


The Shepherd The Power

The Protector of the Redeemed On The Day of Wrath!

The next decan to be considered in this house is Auriga, the shepherd carrying the sheep. In the Zodiac of Denderah, the man, instead of carrying sheep, is carrying a sceptre and is called Tum, which means POWER or sceptre. At the top of the sceptre is the head of a lamb, and the bottom portion is in the form of a CROSS. Here, we see life and salvation for the sheep of His flock when He comes to reign and rule in judgment.20

Isaiah 40:10-11: Behold Sovereign Jahwah is coming with POWER/MIGHT, coming to rule with a powerful arm. See, His reward is with him for those who have loved Him, and his RECOMPENSE/paybacks accompany Him for His enemies. Like a shepherd, He will tend His flock. He will GATHER THE LAMBS IN HIS ARMS, and will carry them in His bosom/close to His heart, and gently lead those that have young.

Psalms 37:39: Jahwah is the SAVIOUR/deliverer of the LAWFUL. He is their STRENGTH/stronghold/refuge in the TIME OF TRIBULATION. Ezekiel 34:22-24, 27 & 31: I will save My flock, and they will no longer be a prey! I will JUDGE the good sheep from the bad sheep. And I will raise up over them one Shepherd and he will feed them, even My Servant David; He shall feed them and HE WILL BE THEIR SHEPHERD. And I, Jahwah, will be their Elohim and My servant David their ruler; I, Jahwah have COMMANDED it…

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

2320 The Witness of the Stars by E. W. Bullinger

…My people will be secure in their land (in the land of Dabar, the Living Word), and they will be confident and know (understand and realize) that I am Jahwah, when I have BROKEN THE BARS OF THEIR YOKE and have delivered them out of the hand of those who enslaved them (Nimrod/Orion’s governments of Satan’s world)… You My flock, the flock of My pasture, are men, and I am your Elohim, saith Sovereign Jahwah.

Another Hebrew name appears in this constellation, Gedi, the Kids, which are pictured as following behind Auriga. This picture is a reminder of a saying in Jeremiah 23:4:

And I will set up shepherds over them, which will feed them, and they will FEAR NO MORE, nor be dismayed, neither will they be lacking, saith Jahwah.

Driver of The Mishnah Chariot

Auriga had several titles in Greece, which ALL meant a Charioteer. It was called Auriga in Latin, meaning The Conductor of the Reigns, A COACHMAN, a Charioteer. The Latin poets called it Aurigator, which also means the Charioteer. In England, it is called the Wagoner. The early Arabs called it Al Rakib, the Driver. The Akkadian Dilgan Iku, the Messenger of Light, known in Assyria as Iku, the Leader, i.e., of the year.21

Some of the stars in this decan have such meanings as The Pillar, The Heavenly Pool, The Lord of Created Beings, and The Tent.

The Tribe of Joseph is assigned to the House of Shur, and Auriga has also been identified with Joseph as driving a chariot.22 This description certainly brings into view the reward given to Joseph by Pharaoh in Genesis 41:38-45:

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

2421 Star Names, Their lore and Meaning by Richard Hinckley Allen

And Pharaoh said to his servants, Can we find this man's equal, a MAN IN WHOM IS THE SPIRIT OF ELOHIM… YOU WILL HAVE CHARGE OVER MY HOUSE, and all My people will be governed according to your word [with reverence, submission, and obedience]. Only in matters of the throne will I be greater than you are. Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, See, I have set you over all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh took off his SIGNET RING from his hand, and put it upon Joseph’s hand (Joseph = he will INCREASE), and arrayed him in a COVERING of fine/WHITE LINEN/cotton, and put a gold chain about his neck; And he made him to ride in the SECOND/ MISHNAH/DOUBLE chariot, which he had; and they cried before him, Bow the knee: and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt.

Or, He made him take his seat in the second chariot, and they went before him crying, Make way for Joseph! So he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt.

Moreover, Pharaoh said to Joseph, Though I am Pharaoh, yet without your permission no one will make a single move without your stamp of approval. Then Pharaoh called Joseph’s name Zaphnath-paaneah; and he gave him to wife Asenath (she will be hated; she has stored up) the daughter of Potipherah priest of On (vigor & strength). And Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt.

Joseph was given the firstborn status, which is given DOUBLE portions and rides in the Mishnah chariot. His Egyptian name, Zaphnath-paaneah, has various meanings: treasury of the glorious rest; the mighty one speaks and lives, the saviour of the world; a REVEALER OF SECRETS;

The Mishnah The Hebrew word, Mishnah, basically involves a DOUBLING of an original item, whether it be getting twice as much as originally or making a duplicate so as to have an exact copy, or having a second item or person, as second in rank. It comes from the word shanah, meaning: to repeat, to duplicate, do again, DOUBLE, given to change, disguise, return, DO THE SECOND TIME.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

2522 Star Names, Their lore and Meaning by Richard Hinckley Allen

Mishnah - 04932 hnvm:

Mem, sheen, noon, hey: Mem: continual flowing waters, continual fountain of wisdom; represents woman, mother, companion of man, that which is productive; Here is where we learn wisdom and the fear of Jahwah, which is the beginning of wisdom. Sheen: denotes DOUBLE POWER; preservation; shattering and rebuilding. The feminine form of shin is Shanah, meaning to study or repeat. Mem, sheen: Everything compact, gathered, a HARVEST. Sheen, noon: The name of every being and the sign which renders it knowable; a place and a time; Jahwah himself; GLORY, that which rises and shines. Noon: represents the son of man; the faithful soul. Hey: Separation or being set apart; Grace, Mercy, Freedom, liberation, presence, honor. The creation of something completely new; the symbol of universal life. Noon, hey: a guide, to kneel, patience, tenacity.

The Renewed (New) Covenant would be a Mishnah Covenant, which is written on our hearts and the minds; thus we become a MISHNAH/copy of the Torah. The 2nd Loaf of Bread or 2nd flock, the remnant of these last days, would be the Mishnah flock of Jahwah’s people. This is a reminder of the “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.”23 Jahshuwah is the MISHNAH Adam; his return to earth as King of Kings is his Mishnah/second appearance on earth. Joseph was chosen the Mishnah firstborn son, as the firstborn blessing was removed from Reuben and given to Joseph. The 2nd Passover, the delayed Passover would be the Mishnah Passover; the latter rains would be the Mishnah rains. In Zechariah 9:12 and Isaiah 61:7, Jahwah promises Israel a MISHNAH PORTION, the blessing and inheritance as the firstborn heirs:

Zechariah 9:9-16: Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, your King COMES TO YOU. He is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass, upon a colt, the foal of an ass. And I WILL CUT OFF THE CHARIOT… and the battle bow will be broken. He will proclaim peace to the nations. His rule will extend from sea to sea and from the River (the Eridanus in Taurus) to the ends of the earth.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

2623 Matthew 20:16

Jahwah says, As for you, because of the blood of My covenant with you, I will release and send forth your prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water (Jahwah’s Spirit or the Living Word). Return to your fortress, O prisoners of hope; even now I declare that I will render MISHNAH (double) unto you… Verse 14: Then Jahwah will be seen over them, and his arrow shall go forth as the lightning, and Sovereign Jahwah will blow the shophar, and will go with whirlwinds of the south (of the right hand). Then Jahwah of Appointed Times/Sebaoth will defend them, and they will devour, and subdue with sling stones. They will drink, and make a noise as through wine; and they will be filled like bowls (a double/Mishnah filling of the Ruwach ha’qodesh), and as the corners of the altar. Then Jahwah their Elohim will save them in that day as the FLOCK OF HIS PEOPLE (the Mishnah Flock) for they will be the stones of a crown, lifted up as an ensign upon his land. Isaiah 61:1-7: The Spirit of Sovereign Jahwah is upon me; because Jahwah has anointed and qualified me to preach the Gospel of good tidings to the meek, the poor , and the afflicted. He has sent me to bind up and HEAL the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison and of the eyes to those who are bound. To proclaim the Year of Jahwah’s PARDON, and the Day of Vengeance of our Elohim; to comfort all that mourn; To comfort all who mourn in Zion, to give unto them a fancy headdress instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the mantle/tallit of glory instead of spirit of darkness. They will be called trees of justice/righteousness, planted by Jahwah to GLORIFY HIM. Then they will repair/build the olam ruins, restoring sites long DESOLATE. They will repair the ruined cities, which have lain desolate for many generations… You will be called the Priests of Jahwah, the Ministers of our Elohim. You will enjoy the riches of the nations and will be exalted with their glory. Instead of their shame, My people will receive a MISHNAH PORTION, and instead of disgrace they will rejoice in their inheritance; as they will inherit a MISHNAH PORTION in their land, and olam joy (simchah) will be theirs.

The Hebrew Word used here for joy is simchah, an entirely different word for joy that is used in verse 3, sason. So what is the meaning of olam simchah? It means joy as in celebrating a FEAST.

Isaiah 35:10: And the ransomed of Jahwah will return, and come to Zion with songs and OLAM SIMCHAH (a concealed time of celebrating a feast) upon their heads; they will obtain joy and simchah, and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


The word Mishnah is also connected with the priesthood – 2 Kings 23:3 & 4 in connection with cleaning out the temple.

And the king stood by a pillar, and made a covenant before Jahwah, to walk after Jahwah, and to keep his commandments and his testimonies and his statutes WITH ALL THEIR HEART AND ALL THEIR SOUL, to PERFORM THE WORDS OF THIS COVENANT (the Torah) THAT WERE WRITTEN IN THIS BOOK. And all the people stood to join in the covenant. And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the

SECOND/Mishnah ORDER, and the keepers of the door, to bring forth out of the temple of Jahwah ALL THE VESSELS THAT WERE MADE FOR BAAL, and for the grove, and for all the host of heaven, and he burned them outside Jerusalem in the fields of Kidron, and carried the ashes of them unto Bethel.

2 Chronicles 31:1-12: After the festival ended, all the people of Israel went to every city in Judah and broke the stone pillars, cut down the symbols of the goddess Asherah, and destroyed the altars and the pagan places of worship. They did the same thing throughout the rest of Judah, and the territories of Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh; then they all returned home. King Hezekiah REESTABLISHED THE ORGANIZATION OF THE PRIESTS AND LEVITES, UNDER WHICH THEY EACH HAD SPECIFIC DUTIES. These included offering the burnt offerings and the fellowship offerings, taking part in the Temple worship, and giving praise and thanks in the various parts of the Temple. From his own flocks and herds the King (Jahshuwah) provided animals for the burnt offerings each morning and evening, and for those offered on the Sabbath, at the New Moon Festival, and at the other festivals, WHICH ARE REQUIRED BY THE LAW OF JAHWAH. In addition, THE KING TOLD THE PEOPLE of Jerusalem TO BRING THE OFFERINGS TO WHICH THE PRIESTS AND THE LEVITES WERE ENTITLED, so that they could give all their time to the Law of Jahwah. As soon as the order was given, the people of Israel brought gifts of their finest grain, wine, olive oil, honey, and other farm produce, and they also BROUGHT THE TITHES OF EVERYTHING THEY HAD. ALL the people who lived in the cities of Judah BROUGHT TITHES of their cattle and sheep, and they also brought large quantities of gifts which they dedicated to Jahwah their Elohim. The gifts started arriving in the third month and continued to pile up for the next four months. When King Hezekiah and his officials saw how much had been given, they praised Jahwah and praised his people Israel. The king spoke to the priests and the Levites about these gifts,

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


and Azariah (Jahwah has helped) the High Priest, a descendant of Zadok (cleansed and justified/just) , said to him, "Since the people started bringing their gifts to the Temple, there has been enough to eat and a large surplus besides. We have all this because Jahwah has blessed his people." On the king's orders they prepared storerooms in the Temple area, and faithfully brought in the holy gifts and tithes over which Cononiah (Jahwah has sustained) the Levite became ruler, and Shimei (Hear and Obey) his brother was the MISHNAH (the second in command). 2 Kings 22:14: So Hilkiah (Jahwah’s Portion) the priest, Ahikam (my brother HAS RISEN), Acbor (attacking), Shaphan (to conceal as a valuable treasure), and Asaiah (Made by Jahwah) went to Huldah (a fleeting portion of time) the prophetess, the wife of Shallum (requital, recompense, reward) son of Tikvah (hope), the son of Harhas (the shining sun), keeper of the Temple COVERING--now she dwelt in Jerusalem, in the MISHNAH QUARTER--and they talked with her. Deuteronomy 17:14-18: When YOU ENTER THE LAND, Jahwah your Elohim is giving you… Be sure to appoint over you the KING Jahwah your Elohim chooses… When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he must write for himself a

MISHNAH OF THIS TORAH made from the scroll that is in the custody of the Levitical priests. (This denotes Jahshuwah writing the renewed Mishnah covenant on the hearts and minds of Jahwah’s people.)

This is exactly the thing being done at this very moment. The King of Kings is writing a MISHNAH Torah upon our hearts and our minds.

The Year of Canceling Debts Freeing the Slaves In Bondage

Slaves are only committed to serve 6 years (6,000 years curse upon the earth); upon completion of the 6 years of bondage, by the command of Torah, they are freed on the 7th year.

Deuteronomy 15: 1,2, 12-17: Every seven years, YOU MUST CANCEL DEBTS/make a release from debt. This is the Word for the release of debt (shemittah – to let drop the debt): every creditor must release that which he has lent unto his neighbor; he must not exact it of his neighbor and his brother; because Jahwah’s release/shemittah has been proclaimed.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


Verse 12: If your brother, a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman, is sold to you and serves you six years, you MUST LET HIM GO FREE from you on the seventh year … But if your servant says to you: I do not want to leave you, because he loves you and your family and is well off with you, Then take an AWL AND PUSH IT THROUGH HIS EAR LOBE INTO THE DOOR, and he will become your SERVANT FOR LIFE. Do the same for your maidservant.

The piercing of the ear was an ancient custom in the east. It symbolized the servant’s obligation to have his or her ear always open to hear the MASTER’S VOICE. The boring of a slave’s ear by his consent was the token of life-long SURRENDER and OWNERSHIP. The entrance to a private house was a sacred spot. According to primitive thinking, the gods, whose function it was to GUARD THE HOUSE and its occupants against the entry of such things as disease, dwelt by the door/entrance into the house. It was natural that the ceremony of attaching the slave permanently to the master's household should be performed in the presence of the household gods. The boring of the ear of slaves was a common practice in antiquity, which symbolized the duty of obedience, as the ear was the organ of hearing.

John 10:7: Verily, verily, I, the Torah made flesh, say unto you, I AM THE DOOR of the sheep.

After serving Jahwah in bondage for 6,000 years, if his people love Him and want to remain with Him forever, their ear must always be open to hear and obey His voice. His ear is nailed to Jahshuwah, the Torah door.

Tefillin The tefillin ordinance is of the utmost importance, and up to now, Jahwah has not it given to us. This ordinance applies Jahwah’s mark on the head and hand of the firstborn and the Passover. Out of the 613 mitzvot, only three are considered to be signs or marks representing the eternal bond between Jahwah and His people. These three marks are:

1. Circumcision 2. The Sabbath 3. Tefillin

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


We have been circumcised and the trespasses removed. We have kept the true Sabbath for over a year; now it is now time to don the Tefillin. TEFILLIN SIGNIFY OUR BETROTHAL TO THE WORD – Torah – Jahshuwah. This is how WE CONNECT AND BECOME A PART OF JAHSHUWAH’S BODY. Jahwah established parameters to limit his people’s conduct and appearance both to keep them separate and to bear witness through their lifestyle that they were his chosen peculiar people, a testimony that they are Jahwah’s alone. Tellifin means Frontlets, bands or marks; it means BENDING TOWARDS THE LIGHT; the SIGN/mark of the activities of light.24

The word is always plural, and denotes a MARK or sign

placed on the forehead between the eyes as a memorial. The placing of frontlets upon the forehead is always associated with making “signs upon your hand.” A COMMON MEANS OF IDENTIFYING


The tefillin are like a WEDDING RING, expressing mutual commitment between two parties. The arm tefillin actually form a RING on the finger as an act of betrothal. Remember how Pharaoh gave Joseph his signet ring when he made him ride in the Mishnah chariot. When two people get married, THEY SEAL THEIR

COMMITMENT WITH A SIGN, the wedding ring. When putting on the tefillin one recites:

I will betroth you to Me forever, and I will betroth you to Me with righteousness, justice, faithfulness, and MERCY.

Betroth in Hebrew means to gather together, ASSEMBLE BY APPOINTMENT; TO MEET AT AN APPOINTED TIME; TO AGREE. Keeping the marriage vows is to keep the APPOINTED FEASTS – Nahum 1:15:

Perform your marriage vows/promises and KEEP your appointed feasts, O Worshipers of Jahwah THEN the wicked will NO MORE PASS THROUGH YOU. He is UTTERLY CUT OFF.

The only two things in the Torah that are described as a mark on both the hand and the forehead are Jahwah’s tefillin and the mark of the beast. If we understand the meaning of the tefillin as the MARK OF JAHWAH, then we will understand the mark of the beast as a COUNTERFEIT of what the tefillin represent. The Mark of the Beast is the

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

3124 The Dictionary of Torah Names and Words.

observing of pagan festivals, a non-Torah calendar and abandoning the Creation Calendar and Jahwah’s Torah. Tellifin were a WAY OF MARKING ISRAELITES AS JAHWAH’S SERVANTS, who were to be identified by allowing the Torah to permeate their thoughts and actions. The literal marking was based on Jahwah’s commandments regarding the tefillin – the statutes of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Exodus 13:1-10), the regulations of the firstborn (Exodus 13:11-16), and the overall stipulations of the Mosaic covenant (Deuteronomy. 6:8; 11:18). This article will concentrate on how they are associated with the pass over of the Firstborn. Again we hear the words “when you come into the land.” The tefillin are only worn AFTER Jahwah’s people come into the Land of Dabar. Since the ecclesia has been wandering through the wilderness for 40 jubilees, there has been no donning of the tefillin.

Exodus 13:1-10: And Jahwah spake unto Moses, saying, Sanctify/Set apart to me all the FIRSTBORN. The first offspring of every womb among the children of Israel belongs to me, whether man or animal. Then Moses said unto the people: Remember this day, in which you came out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage; because Jahwah brought you out of it with a mighty hand. Eat nothing containing yeast/eat no leavened bread. This day you came out in the month of Abib.

And it must be WHEN JAHWAH BRINGS YOU INTO THE LAND of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, which he SWORE (to SEVEN ONSELF) unto thy fathers to give thee, a land flowing with milk and

honey, that YOU MUST KEEP THIS SERVICE/RITE IN ANOTHER25 CHODESH/renewed time cycle. (Almost all translations have THIS month, but the Hebrew word” zeh” also means ANOTHER.) (When Israel left Egypt they left by the moon; when they arrived at Mount Sinai, they received the true creation calendar [according to the sun, the moon, and the stars], but refused to keep it, so Jahwah gave them a calendar that led to death.)

Deuteronomy 16:1 & 2: Even mark/wait for the month of green ears, then prepare the Passover unto Jahwah thy Elohim, for in the month of green ears, Jahwah thy Elohim brought you out of Egypt by night (by the light of the moon). Then you must sacrifice/offer the Passover Sacrifice to Jahwah thy Elohim from the flock or the herd IN THE TABERNACLE/room/house,


House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

3225 Brown - Driver – Brigg’s Hebrew Definitions

Seven days you MUST eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day you must hold A FEAST TO JAHWAH. Unleavened bread must be eaten during those seven days; and there will no leavened bread be seen among you, neither will there be leaven seen among you in all our quarters. Tell your son: I do this because of what Jahwah did for me when I came out of Egypt. It (the Feast of Unleavened Bread) MUST SERVE YOU AS A SIGN/MARK UPON YOUR HAND, AND FOR A MARK ON YOUR FOREHEAD (or, it must be kept in view like a badge worn), so that Jahwah’s TORAH will be in your mouth,26 for with a strong hand has Jahwah brought you out of Egypt. Then you must keep this ordinance at its APPOINTED TIME from year to year. Exodus 13:11-16: And IT SHALL BE WHEN JAHWAH BRINGS YOU INTO THE LAND of the Canaanites, as he swore to you and to your fathers, and gives it to you, That YOU MUST SET APART UNTO JAHWAH all that opens the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males [shall be] Jahwah’s. (When we enter the Land of Dabar, the firstborn are to be set apart.) And every firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb; and if thou wilt not redeem it, then thou shalt break his neck, and all the FIRSTBORN of man among thy children you must redeem. And it shall be when your son asks you in time to come, saying, What [is] this? that you will say to him, By strength of hand Jahwah brought us out from Egypt, from the House of Bondage: And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that Jahwah slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to Jahwah all the beasts that opens the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem. This rite must serve as a MARK BRANDED ON THE HAND (or, this rite will identify you as Jahwah’s people), and for A MARK ON YOUR FOREHEAD, because by strength of hand Jahwah brought us forth out of Egypt. Revelation 7:1-3: And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal (a stamp impressed as a MARK of genuineness/authenticity) of the living Elohim, and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea,

26 Deuteronomy 30:14: But the word [is] very nigh unto thee, IN THY MOUTH, and in thy HEART, so YOU WILL DO IT.

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Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have STAMPED/sealed (to stamp with a private mark or signet) the servants (slaves as in a sense of subjection or subserviency) of our Elohim in their foreheads.

The very first words that Jahwah spoke to the people after bringing them out of Egypt were: Sanctify unto Me all the FIRSTBORN. Just as the FIRSTBORN represented the deliverance of the people from Egypt, so the FIRSTBORN represents the separation unto Jahwah. Exodus 13:1-10 is the very first section that is put in the tefillin. The next section is Exodus 1:11-16 and these two Scriptures center on the concept of belonging to Jahwah: “You Are Mine.” “You are separated unto Me.” The mark of the tefillin is given to those who are not strangers to Jahwah. They are given to those who are protected and sheltered by Jahwah, to those who will NEVER RETURN TO EGYPT. They are related to the manifested Presence of Jahwah and His protection. Tefillin are given to those exiting Egypt, to those Jahwah takes out from bondage in order to serve Him. They are directly related to those who DO NOT SERVE false Elohim and serve Jahwah alone. The tefillin are associated with ENTERING THE LAND OF DABAR. They are given to the OWNERS OF THE PROMISED LAND, a land pre-built and ready to inhabit. The tefillin contain the DIVINE NAME many times and are placed on the forehead. Revelation reveals this tefillin mark on the forehead in several places.

Revelation 7:1-3: After this I saw four angels stationed at the four corners of the earth, firmly holding back the four winds of the earth so that no wind should blow on the earth or sea or upon any tree.27 Then I saw a second angel coming up from the east (the rising of the sun) and carrying the seal/STAMP of the living Elohim. And with a loud voice he called out to the four angels who had been given authority and power to injure earth and sea, Saying, Harm neither the earth nor the sea nor the trees, until we have MARKED the bondservants of our Elohim on their FOREHEADS. Revelation 9:4: They were told not to injure the herbage of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree, but only [to attack] such human beings as do not have the MARK OF ELOHIM ON THEIR FOREHEADS. Revelation 14:1, 4 & 5: And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty [and] four thousand, having his FATHER'S NAME WRITTEN IN THEIR FOREHEADS. These are they, which were not defiled with women for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes. These were redeemed from

27 Zechariah 6:5: The angel answered: These are the four winds of heaven, which originate with the Master/Owner of the whole earth.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


among men, being the firstfruits/FIRSTBORN (in Hebrew the words firstfruit and firstborn have exactly the same characters) unto Jahwah and to the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of Jahwah.

Study of the tefillin would not be complete without the story of the prodigal son, who was given two important things to show his return to the Father – Luke 15:10–24:

Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of Jahwah over ONE SINNER THAT REPENTETH. Then he said, A certain man had two sons: The younger one said to him: Father, give me my share of the estate now. So the man divided his property between his two sons. Not long after that, the younger son packed up everything he owned and left for a foreign country, where he squandered all his inheritance in riotous/

LAWLESS living. And when he had spent it all, there arose a mighty famine in that country; and he began to be in want. He went to work for a man in that country, and the man sent him out to take care of his pigs. He longed to fill his belly with the husks, which the swine were eating; but no one gave him a thing. Finally, he came to his senses and said: My father's workers have plenty to eat, and here I am, starving to death! I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him: Father, I HAVE SINNED against heaven and against You. I am no more worthy to be called Your son. Make me as one of Your hired servants. So he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. Then the son said unto the Father: I have SINNED against heaven, and against You, and am no more worthy to be called Your son. But the father said to His servants: Bring forth the BEST TALLIT and put it on him; and put a RING on His hand, and shoes on his feet… Let us eat and be merry For this My son was DEAD, and is alive again. He was lost, and now is found…

Here is a son who quits being lawless and returns to his father’s house and his father’s ways. As a token of his return, his father gives him a TALLIT to wear and a TEFILLIN

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RING for his hand. As long as he was lawless, he was DEAD. Once he returned to the laws of his Father, he was made alive. This teaching is extracted right out of the Torah Instructions. Then all the peoples of the earth will see that you are called by the NAME of Jahwah.

The Warrior The Hunter

The Mighty Man In Rebellion Against Jahwah

Cush begat Nimrod; he began to be a MIGHTY ONE/GIANT on the earth. He was a mighty/STRONG hunter AGAINST Jahwah. Therefore it is said, "Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter against Jahwah” – Genesis 10:8 & 9.

Taurus, the bull, is charging toward Orion, the mighty man and

his government in rebellion against Jahwah, which was begun by Nimrod, the mighty hunter against Jahwah. The River of Fire, representing the Wrath of Jahwah is swiftly approaching the Nimrod governments of this world. In fact, Orion has jerked his left foot out of the fiery flames. The Jews called him Gibbor, the Giant, as he was considered to be Nimrod bound to the sky for rebellion against Jahwah, from whence came the Bands of Orion. The Greek Myths claim that Orion boasted that he would RID THE EARTH OF ALL WILD BEASTS AND MONSTERS. This goes along with the image portrayed by Nimrod, the mighty hunter. He wears a girdle from which hangs a sword; on its handle is the head and body of the Lamb, denoting the slaying of the Lamb of Jahwah on the Taw. His left hand is holding the head of a lion, again denoting the slaying of Jahshuwah, the Lion of Judah. In Genesis 10:8 & 9, quoted above, Cush means terror, to COVER OVER, or to HIDE or to NUMBER, and Nimrod means WE WILL REBEL. Just like in the Garden of Eden, man has covered himself with a fig leaf covering and is hiding from Jahwah. Part of the hiding includes keeping a false calendar, as Jahwah’s true calendar contains the appointed times that He promises to meet with His people. Orion means: One Coming Forth As Light; this, of course, gives insight as who he is serving – 2 Corinthians 11:14:

…For Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


The Hebrew word for Orion is Kesil, meaning stupid, foolish, the ARROGANT ONE, the fool. This certainly describes the government of Satan here on earth, as they have disowned Jahwah completely and thrown all of His laws in the garbage. Many Bible scholars bring forth Orion as being symbolic of Jahshuwah, which is absolutely ridiculous, as he would never be described as stupid, foolish or arrogant. Many of the star names in this constellation bring forth Orion’s identity, such as:

Al Gebor – The Mighty One, giant:

Genesis 10:8 & 9: Cush begat Nimrod; he began to be a MIGHTY ONE/GIANT on the earth. He was a mighty/STRONG hunter AGAINST Jahwah…

Rigol – the foot that crushes.

Daniel 7:7: After this I saw in the night visions, and behold, a fourth beast - terrible, powerful and dreadful, and exceedingly strong. And it had great iron teeth; it devoured and crushed and TRAMPLED WHAT WAS LEFT WITH ITS FEET. And it was different from all the beasts that came before it, and it had ten horns

Bellatrix, swiftly destroying:

Jeremiah 51:25: Behold, I am against thee, O DESTROYING MOUNTAIN saith Jahwah, which destroys all the earth: and I will stretch out mine hand upon thee, and roll thee down from the rocks, and will make thee a burnt mountain. Isaiah 14:17: Are you the one, Who (Lucifer) made the world a wilderness and DESTROYED its cities, who would not permit his prisoners to return home?

Al Nitak, the wounded one:

Revelation 13:3: And I saw one of his heads as it were WOUNDED TO DEATH. His deadly wound was healed, and all the world wondered after the beast. Revelation 13:12 & 14: And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose DEADLY WOUND was healed… And he does great wonders, so that he makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceives them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the WOUND by a sword, and did live.

Al Rai, who BRUISES, who breaks:

Genesis 3:15: And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it will bruise your head, and you (the serpent/Satan) will BRUISE his heel.

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Al Nagjed, the prince: Ephesians 2:2: Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience:

Nimrod was the original founder of a GOVERNMENT that was contrary to Jahwah’s Torah Government. Antiquities of the Jews by Josephus describes it this way:

Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of G-d. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. HE PERSUADED THEM NOT TO ASCRIBE IT TO G-D, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was THEIR OWN COURAGE which procured that happiness. He also GRADUALLY CHANGED THE GOVERNMENT INTO TYRANNY, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of G-d, but to BRING THEM INTO A CONSTANT DEPENDENCE ON HIS POWER. He also said he would be revenged on G-d, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! And that he would avenge himself on G-d for destroying their forefathers!

The governments of this world do indeed bring all peoples to depend on their power rather than that of Jahwah. Nimrod gathered mankind together in open rebellion against Jahwah, as brought forth by Hislop in the Two Babylons:

Not content with delivering men from the fear of wild beasts, he set to work also to emancipate them from that fear of the L-rd which is the beginning of wisdom, and in which alone true happiness can be found. For this very thing, he seems to have gained, as one of the titles by which men delighted to honour him, the title of the "Emancipator," or "Deliverer." The era of Phoroneus is exactly the era of Nimrod. He lived about the time when men had used one speech, when the confusion of tongues began, and when mankind was scattered abroad. He is said to have been the FIRST THAT GATHERED MANKIND INTO COMMUNITIES, the first of mortals that reigned, and the first that offered idolatrous sacrifices. This character can agree with none but that of Nimrod. Now the name given to him in connection with his "GATHERING MEN TOGETHER," and offering idolatrous sacrifice, is very significant. Phoroneus, in one of its meanings, and that one of the most natural, signifies the "APOSTATE." (From Pharo, also pronounced Pharang, or Pharong, "to cast off, to make naked, to apostatize, to set free.) That name had very likely been given him by the uninfected portion of the sons of Noah. But that name had also another meaning, that is, "TO SET FREE"; and therefore his own adherents adopted it, and glorified the great "Apostate" from the primeval faith, though he was the first that abridged the liberties of mankind, as the grand "Emancipator!" And hence, in one form or other, this title was handed down to this deified successor as a title of honour. All tradition from the earliest times bears testimony to the apostasy of Nimrod, and to his success in LEADING MEN AWAY FROM THE PATRIARCHAL FAITH, and delivering their minds from that awe of G-d and fear of the judgments

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of heaven that must have rested on them while yet the memory of the flood was recent. And according to all the principles of depraved human nature, this too, no doubt, was one grand element in his fame; for men will readily rally around any one who can give the least appearance of plausibility to any doctrine which will teach that they can be assured of happiness and heaven at last, THOUGH THEIR


This is an exact description of modern day Babylon. They have thrown away the Torah Instructions, which give the DEFINITION of sin. So how can a heart be changed toward Jahwah, if it continues to rebel against Jahwah and His Torah government?

How great was the boon conferred by Nimrod on the human race, in the estimation of ung-dly men, by EMANCIPATING THEM FROM THE IMPRESSIONS OF TRUE RELIGION, and PUTTING THE AUTHORITY OF HEAVEN TO A DISTANCE FROM THEM, we find most vividly described in a Polynesian tradition, that carries its own evidence with it. John Williams, the well known missionary, tells us that, according to one of the ancient traditions of the islanders of the South Seas, "the heavens were originally so close to the earth that men could not walk, but were compelled to crawl" under them. "This was found a very serious evil; but at length an individual conceived the sublime idea of ELEVATING THE HEAVENS TO A MORE CONVENIENT HEIGHT. For this purpose he put forth his utmost energy, and by the first effort raised them to the top of a tender plant called teve, about four feet high. There he deposited them until he was refreshed, when, by a second effort, he lifted them to the height of a tree called Kauariki, which is as large as the sycamore. By the third attempt he carried them to the summits of the mountains; and after a long interval of repose, and by a most prodigious effort, HE ELEVATED THEM TO THEIR PRESENT SITUATION." For this, as a mighty benefactor of mankind, "this individual was deified; and up to the moment that Christianity was embraced, the deluded inhabitants worshipped him as the 'ELEVATOR OF THE HEAVENS.'" Now, what could more graphically describe the position of mankind soon after the flood, and the proceedings of Nimrod as Phoroneus, "The Emancipator," than this Polynesian fable? While the awful catastrophe by which G-d had showed His avenging justice on the sinners of the old world was yet fresh in the minds of men, and so long as Noah, and the upright among his descendants, sought with all earnestness to impress upon all under their control the lessons which that solemn event was so well fitted to teach, "heaven," that is, G-d, must have seemed very near to earth. To maintain the union between heaven and earth, and to keep it as close as possible, must have been the grand aim of all who loved G-d and the best interests of the human race. But this implied the restraining and discountenancing of ALL VICE AND ALL THOSE "PLEASURES OF SIN," after which the natural mind, unrenewed and unsanctified, continually pants. This must have been secretly felt by every unholy mind as a state of insufferable bondage. "The carnal mind is enmity against G-d," is "not subject to His law," neither indeed is "able to be" so. It says to the Almighty, "DEPART FROM US, FOR WE DESIRE NOT THE KNOWLEDGE OF THY WAYS." So long as the influence of the great father of the new world was in the ascendant, while his maxims were regarded, and a holy atmosphere surrounded the world, no wonder that those who were alienated from G-d and godliness, felt heaven and its influence and authority to be intolerably near, and that in such circumstances they

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


"COULD NOT WALK," BUT ONLY "CRAWL,"--that is, that THEY HAD NO FREEDOM TO "WALK AFTER THE SIGHT OF THEIR OWN EYES AND THE IMAGINATIONS OF THEIR OWN HEARTS." From this bondage Nimrod emancipated them. By the apostasy he introduced, by the free life he developed among those who rallied around him, and by separating them from the holy influences that had previously less or more controlled them, he helped them to PUT G-D AND THE STRICT SPIRITUALITY OF HIS LAW AT A DISTANCE, and thus he became the "elevator of the heavens," making men feel and act as if heaven were afar off from earth, and as if either the G-d of heaven "could not see through the dark cloud," or did not regard with displeasure the breakers of His laws. Then all such would feel that they could breathe freely, and that now they could walk at liberty. For this, such men could not but regard Nimrod as a high benefactor… According to the system, which Nimrod was the grand instrument in introducing, men were led to believe that A REAL SPIRITUAL CHANGE OF HEART WAS

UNNECESSARY, and that so far as change was needful, they could be REGENERATED BY MERE EXTERNAL MEANS…it is evident that he led mankind to seek their chief good in SENSUAL ENJOYMENT, and showed them HOW THEY MIGHT ENJOY THE PLEASURES OF SIN, without any fear of the wrath of a holy G-d.

Guess What! It was exactly the same in days of the early ecclesia and it is exactly the same today! It is all right to talk about having faith in Jahshuwah, but don’t start talking about changing the code of conduct, having self-control, and judgment prescriptions, because man is claiming the same old thing. Jahwah’s Torah has been abolished, and it is unnecessary to keep it now. Doing what is right in our own eyes is ever the shout today as it was in the days of Nimrod.

Acts 24:24 & 25: Some days later Felix came with his wife Drusilla, who was a

Jewess, and sent for Paul. He LET HIM talk to him about FAITH in Messiah Jahshuwah,

BUT when the discussion TURNED to questions of MORALS, SELF-CONTROL, and the COMING JUDGMENT/punishment/penal decisions, Felix

became alarmed and exclaimed: That’s ENOUGH for now! When I

find it CONVENIENT, I will send for you again. (Or, WHEN I FIND TIME, I'll send for you again.")

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


Building The Temple of Jahwah The Tabernacle of Appointed Times, Jahwah’s temporary dwelling, was set up in the wilderness by Moses in FIRST HOUSE of the sun, but the temple, Jahwah’s permanent dwelling, was began in the SECOND HOUSE of the Sun and completed in the 7th House of the Sun.

Exodus 40:1 & 2: And Jahwah spake unto Moses, saying, On the first day of the FIRST MONTH you will set up the Mishkan of the Tabernacle of Appointed Times.

Many people are looking to Jerusalem for the building of Jahwah’s temple, but Jahshuwah’s Body is that temple and it is being erected at this very moment.

John 2:19-21: Jahshuwah answered and said unto them, Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. Then said the Jews, Forty and six years was this temple in building, and wilt thou rear it up in three days? But he spake of the TEMPLE OF HIS BODY. 1 Corinthians 6:19: Know ye not, that your body is the temple of the Ruwach Ha’ qodesh…

The ecclesia is the Body and temple of Jahshuwah.

Colossians 1:18: And he is the head of the body, the ecclesia… Solomon began to build the temple in the 2nd month (the mishnah month), the House of Taurus/Shur, the House of the Second Passover.

2 Chronicles 3:1: Then Solomon began to build the temple of Jahwah in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah (Chosen by Jahwah), where Jahwah had appeared to his father David. It was at the threshing floor of Ornan (strength/POWER), the Jebusite (threshing place), the place provided by David. He began building on the SECOND (mishnah) day of the SECOND (mishnah) MONTH in the 4th year of his reign.

The short for Solomon is Sol, which means sun, and alludes to the purity of the celestial body. In Hebrew, Solomon comes from shalom (7965-Strong’s) which means safe, rest, quiet, complete, tranquility, prosperity, health, and peace; from shalam (7999-Strong’s), meaning restore, finished, restitution, reward.

2 Chronicles 4:15 & 16: …All the vessels did Huram (white linen – to be white) make for King Solomon for Jahwah’s HOUSE.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


THE KING SET THE VESSELS DOWN IN THE CIRCULAR/ROUND LOAF/plain (kikar) of Jordan (the River of Judgment/death) in the thick soil of the Adamah Covenant Land WITHIN SUCCOTH in the midst WHERE THE ADVERSARY RULES (Zeredathah).

Jahwah’s remnant are His vessels in the temple and the 2nd (mishnah) loaf of bread. This loaf of bread is put into Jahwah’s sukkah at the Feast of Tabernacles for protection when judgment pours out upon the earth. During the tribulation, this sukkah is located in the middle of where the adversary rules.

Isaiah 1:2-10: Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for Jahwah has spoken, I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me. Oxen know their owners, and donkeys know where their masters feed them, but Israel doesn't know or recognize Me, its owner. My people don't understand where their Master feeds them. Ah, sinful nation, a people loaded with iniquity, offspring of evildoers, sons who deal corruptly! They have forsaken Jahwah, they have despised and shown contempt and provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger. They have become utterly estranged/alienated. (They have gone backwards and committed adultery.) Why do you keep on rebelling? Do you want to be punished even more? Your whole head is diseased/infected, and your whole heart and mind are sick. From head to foot, there is not a healthy spot on your body. You are covered with open wounds, bruises and putrefying sores. Your wounds haven't been cleansed, bandaged, or soothed with oil. Because of your detestable disobedience, your country has been devastated, and your cities are burned to the ground. While you look on, FOREIGNERS TAKE OVER YOUR COUNTRY AND BRING EVERYTHING TO RUIN. (This is happening right now in the United States.)

And the Daughter of Zion is left as a SUKKAH/tabernacle in a garden, as a temporary dwelling in a garden of cucumbers, a PRESERVED HIDDEN OBEDIENT CITY in the middle of desolation. If Jahwah of Armies hadn’t left us a very small remnant (the little flock- the 2nd/mishnah loaf of bread), we would have been like Sodom (burnt) and Gomorrah (gathered into bundles to be chastised). (All but the little flock is gathered like tares into bundles to be BURNED. The little flock is gathered into Sukkoth.) Hear and obey the Word/Dabar of Jahwah, you rulers of Sodom; give ear unto the Torah of our Elohim, you people of Gomorrah. Psalms 31:18-20: Let the lying lips be silenced, which speak insolently against the righteous with pride and contempt. How great is Your goodness, which You have stored up/HIDDEN for those who fear You, which You have MADE for those who take refuge/flee for protection in You, before the sons of men!

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


You keep them concealed in the hiding place of your presence from the snares/plots/conspiracies of man; you will cover them over/hide them in a

SUKKAH from contentious men.


In order to understand the walk of the ecclesia, one must examine the walk of Israel, as it was the pattern set down by Jahwah. Israel failed to enter the Land of Dabar at the Feast of Tabernacles and was made to walk through the wilderness for 40 years; the ecclesia did exactly the same. It refused to enter the land at the Feast of Tabernacles and was made to wander through the wilderness, not 40 years, but 40 jubilees. This walk through the wilderness is a walk through the abode of the DEAD, the fallen angels, the Rephaim – descendants of the Nephilim in the days of Nimrod; therefore just like Israel, the ecclesia is defiled. There was no circumcision on the ecclesia during the entire 2,000-year walk through the wilderness; therefore upon entering the Land of Dabar, the very first thing that must be accomplished is circumcision of the ears and the heart. The trespasses in our lives must be dealt with.28

Israel entered Egypt on Passover and left Egypt on Passover. They left Egypt on the 1st Passover and entered the Land of Dabar 40 years later at a delayed or 2nd Passover. The ecclesia left Egypt, the world, on the 1st Passover and will enter the Land of Dabar at a delayed or 2nd Passover. The Passover is the only feast that gives the ecclesia a second chance to clean trespass out of her life. The delayed, 2nd, or Mishnah Passover is brought forth in the story of King Hezekiah and his cleansing of the temple and the people. Due to these TRESPASSES, Jahwah’s wrath was upon His people and He had delivered them to terror, waste, and contempt. The king ordered the priests to clean out the temple and restore it according to THE WORD. They had not finished the sanctification by the first Passover, so they waited and partook of the delayed Mishnah Passover. Even by the Mishnah Passover, many of the people were still not cleansed, but still partook of the Passover, which was contrary to the Torah. The king interceded and asked for their pardon and Jahwah heard his prayer and healed the people. The House of Shur is the House of Judgment upon the world. It is the house in which the river of fire pours down on Nimrod’s governments of this world. But on the back of the

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532

4328 For further study on trespasses read my article on Rivers or Drops of Living Water.

bull is the ark of safety for Jahwah’s little flock; he is the bridge that spans the mighty Eridanus River of fire. Jahshuwah is the ONLY bridge of safety over this mighty river. It is the House of the Joseph, the Mishnah Firstborn son. The Firstborn of Jahshuwah are separated into this house. Succoth – The Feast of Tabernacles – Pleiades is perched upon the back of the mighty rheem. Succoth is Jahwah’s gathering and covering over of His people, during the Tribulation. The Eridanus River is the wrath and judgment of Jahwah poured out on His enemies. Auriga is the Shepherd, the protector of the redeemed on the Day of Wrath. Orion is the mighty man in rebellion against Jahwah. He denotes Nimrod and the original government that was established in rebellion against Jahwah’s Torah Government. The Whole House of Shur is concerned with the Day of Jahwah’s Wrath upon the earth, and the redeeming of his people. It is time for Jahwah’s people to enter the Ark, the Body of Jahshuwah, the Word made flesh.

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532


Are You Going To Hear The Call And Enter?

House of Shur By DeborJah Taylor – May 5, 2004 P. O. Box 545, Moab, UT 84532