Hot desking

Hot Desking 4 students from my media class

Transcript of Hot desking

Hot Desking4 students from my media class

What genre of music would you say this promotional package is for and why?

Indie/Rock Pop or maybe country music Indie/Rock Indie but not nice indie, edgy indie

Do you think there is a clear brand identity? If so what would you say it is? Yes, the title and colour Yes, it’s conveyed well by the images and title which

is very recognisable Yes, the images used and the way they are laid out

gives it a solid identity Images are the same and so is the font, I feel like this

album might be quite personal to the artist possibly from what I see

Do you think this works as a promotional package? As in, is it clear that these aren’t separate pieces of advertisement

Yes because the photograph for the cover of the Digipak is the same as the Advert

Yes, the same font, colours and images tie the two together well

Yes, the images and theme are definitely carried across and linked

Yeah it’s clear due to the same pictures and font.

What is your opinion on the black and white shape background?

I think it works really well because it shows what the genre is and tells the audience what is expected

I like it and it works well with the images It’s a nice image and works well with the rest of the

package I think they are ok not too sure on the splodges but I

think the other shapes work better

What’s your overall opinion on the design of the advert and digipak?

I think it is really good and creative especially with the front cover of the digipak and the advert and also the black and white background

I like it but the image of the shoes is a bit boring. The colours work well though, and the song list page is really good.

I’d try making the reviews rotate to follow along the titles close to them, see if it looks nice to have them parallel, otherwise the colours, images and composition is really nice

Yes I think it works the best bits are the title and the name of the album

Lastly, what improvements would you suggest?

Maybe with the photographs of the shoes and the hands edit the colour to make it go together/fit with the front cover. You could even use the yellow background where you have added a text and put a quote or thank you note in maybe but overall I really like it

Change some of your images and maybe include a word from the band or something to increase what fans get with a digipak

Possibly add in some artist input, so a message or quote or image related to them, and possibly reconsider the shoe image as I’m not sure how well it fits, really nice images though

Maybe have more variety in the digipak there are 3 close ups and you could have something from the artist

Suggested Improvements

I did three improvements which were suggested to me. Firstly I added the note from the band, which I was going to add anyway but hadn’t gotten around to it by the time the hot desking happened. I then changed the bottom left picture to a medium close up of the models from behind, I think I prefer the image of the feet as it hides the identity of the models more- they aren’t a part of the band so I’ve chosen to hide their identity as much as possible so they aren’t associated with the band only the music video. I added the ‘warming filter (85)’ onto all the images apart from the front cover to make them softer compared to the front cover, meaning the front cover stands out a little bit more. It also means the images suit each other better and create a softer overall look.