Horoscope Lesson

Aries / March 21 - April 20 (Овен) Positive Adventurous and energetic Enthusiastic and confident Авантуристички и енергичен Ентузијазам и самодоверба Negative Selfish and quick-tempered Impulsive and impatient Себична и брзо зацврстен Импулсивни и нетрпеливи Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each. I am: I am: I am: Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each. I am not: I am not: Taurus / April 21 - May 20 (Бик) Positive Warmhearted and loving Placid and security loving “топло срце” Спокоен и безбедност љубов Negative Jealous and possessive Resentful and inflexible

Transcript of Horoscope Lesson

Page 1: Horoscope Lesson

Aries / March 21 - April 20 (Овен)


Adventurous and energeticEnthusiastic and confident

Авантуристички и енергиченЕнтузијазам и самодоверба


Selfish and quick-temperedImpulsive and impatient

Себична и брзо зацврстенИмпулсивни и нетрпеливи

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Taurus / April 21 - May 20 (Бик)


Warmhearted and lovingPlacid and security loving

“топло срце” Спокоен и безбедност љубов


Jealous and possessiveResentful and inflexible

Љубоморен и посесивенОгорчен и нефлексибилни

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

Page 2: Horoscope Lesson

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Gemini / May 21 - June 21 (Близнаци)


Intellectual and eloquentYouthful and lively

Интелектуална и елоквентенМладешки и жив


Nervous and tenseCunning and inquisitive

Нервозни и напнатиЗајадлив и испитувачки

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Cancer / June 22 - July 22 (Рак)


Emotional and lovingIntuitive and imaginative

Page 3: Horoscope Lesson

Емоционална и сакањетоИнтуитивни и имагинативни


Changeable and moodyOveremotional and touchy

Променливото и премногу емоции

Премногу емоции и докачлив

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Leo / July 23 - August 22 (Лав)


Creative and enthusiasticBroad-minded and expansive

Креативни и ентузијастиШирок ум и експанзивна


Pompous and patronizingDogmatic and intolerant

Бомбастичен и изразениотДогматски и нетолерантен

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

Page 4: Horoscope Lesson

I am not:

I am not:

Virgo / August 23 - September 22 (Девица)


Modest and shy Intelligent and analytical

Скромно и срамежливоИнтелигентна и аналитички


Fussy and a worrier Perfectionist and conservative

Претрупан и воинПерфекционист и конзервативни

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Libra/ September 23 - October 22 (Вага)


Diplomatic and urbane Romantic and charming

Дипломатски и урбанаРомантична и шармантен


Indecisive and changeable Gullible and easily influenced

Нерешителен и променливиЛековерни и лесно влијание

Page 5: Horoscope Lesson

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Scorpio / October 23 - November 21 (Шкорпија)


Emotional and intuitive Powerful and passionate

Емоционална и интуитивенМоќна и страсна


Jealous and resentful Secretive and obstinate

Љубоморен и огорченТаинствени и самоглаво

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Sagittarius / November 22 - December 21 (Стрелец)


Optimistic and freedom-loving Intellectual and philosophical

Page 6: Horoscope Lesson

Оптимист и слободољубивиИнтелектуална и филозофско


Blindly optimistic and careless Tactless and restless

Слепо оптимист и безгрижноНетактичен и немирни

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Capricorn / December 22 - January 19 (Јарец)


Ambitious and disciplined Patient and careful

Амбициозни и дисциплинираниПациентот и внимателен


Pessimistic and fatalistic Miserly and grudging

Песимисти и фаталистички

Бедно и (...)

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

Page 7: Horoscope Lesson

I am not:

I am notЧ

Aquarius / January 20 - February 18 (Водолија)


Friendly and humanitarian Honest and loyal

Пријателски и хуманитарнаИскрени и лојални


Intractable and contrary Unemotional and detached

Непослушен и спротивноЕмоционални и одвоен

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not:

Pisces / February 19 - March 20 (Риби)


Imaginative and sensitive Compassionate and kind

Креативни и чувствителниВнимателна и пријатен


Escapist and idealistic Secretive and vague

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Бегајќи од реалноста и идеалистичкиТаинствени и нејасни

Which three traits do you think are true about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am:

I am:

I am:

Which two traits do you think are false about you? Please list and give a reason for each.

I am not:

I am not: