Hopkinsville Kentuckian. (Hopkinsville, KY) 1904-02-02 [p...

F t > y a 1 = = 1 H 111111 0 T = C u VIj j Jw irf 3 jn v ItIe tuhtt1Ht1- UJ t dFn1ty needs p o I = g Jl t 3 AS 1MuIE bv M Ii < i fUiISCRIPTION b 1EAk IN ACYA1- y i v l eaUreadlnif aotfa r trots er Unei Special locals S cekttt tine each Insertion t RcUa tor standing idrertisetiieflts hiraisheJ tfaappHcaUon OffStCEjl SOUTH MAIN STREET- S II e EBRUARY2 19Qb x bere are renewed rumors of w a So Columbia and it 14 predicted tfcaut in less than a month 10000 urea Will be on the isthmusI MrrisWO Qf Brooklyn NY wou the three national speed skat int championships on Verona ikaice JN J Saturday There was a heavy snowfall tthrouglibat Northern Georgia Alabama and Mississippi last week Such weather has not been ex ¬ perienced ttithia the last twenty five years in that section of the > country The sortage in the accounts ol Cashier Henry Burkhold of the Franklja flank of Cincinnati hps Ifswad to be 241000 The boa been made good by th ribeen df SJurkholds securities and be no prosecution J wory session of the Legislature produces at least One leader who is pushed into state prominence by his abiHty his eloquence or hi ddnscqtf character Six years ago tit was South Trimble our years iage it was N W TJtley two year agc < it was George Hickman an tthie time it is Campbell Cantrill Caratrill is the most powerful an influential leader the General As lSenllttybas had since Goebel Madame Adeliaa Patti Ba Sroness Cedarstrom filled an en nighL t probably really and truly her last American tour but she has been making farewell tours for the last twenty years The famous diva isI new more than 60 years old The wearing of a red necktie in Lermum is more Ijjtipld who wore one to a school picnic was freyereijr criticised b J nit local diaper as im lIupr perpelu toI teach the youth ot the city ieacbtr brought a damage suit and the court baa just decided the tale Hgainbt the ulaiuliff justifying tbei edltor for crSffcuihiog neckwear that considered indicate revolution kiry principles Mrs bloretice Ma brick forme- rly KlortDce Chaoler of New Alb ay Ind has been released from t jprition in England where she ha b been serving a life sentence for tie murder cf her husband Tins con > dition is attached to her rbat she will not appear on tk public stage or write a bvokuf der experiences and shall in uo wjty endeavor to attract public atleotion to herself Arrangements for the Goebel memorial day exercises lOJDorrO- AhaVc been completed by the corn mittees in charge of the work At 30 oclock Wednesday morning there will be addresses in the halt of the House of Representatives b- all who desire to speak At 23 p m there will be services at the grave At night Hon Wm J I Aryan who will arrive at noon wilt deliver a memorial addrebs a the oPera bouse He will be intro- dUced ¬ by Gov Beckbam There willbe no other speaking at night State Toledo sgLucas Frank Cheney makes oath that fie is tjfefclor partner of the firm o- fF J Ofieney Co doing busioeb- in the Toledo county an state aforesaid and that said firm cilJ pay the sum of One Hundred Dollars for eackand every case uf I catarrh that cannot becured by the use of Hallls < atarrh Cure FRANK J CUENEY Sworn to before me and sub ¬ scribed in my presence This 6th of December AD 1886 I ISeal A W GLEASON v Notary Public Malls Catarrh Cureis taken in ¬ ternally and acts directlyon UK Wood and mucous surfact o the system Send for tebtimoual 4r ie F Cheney Co ToTe y a Soldrib t rPro Take galls Family JPI ftQICqJ il i ti xtlon 1f J v r Cc f rp r iix tt Jflbr t iFf M nl nn Gerthe st Out of Your Food You dont und cant If your stomach is weak A weak stomach does hot di est all is < taken into U Rflts tiredeiisiand What it tulB digest is feasted i4 Amoog the signs of n oak stoma cli isera uncasincS3 after gating fits of ner headache and disit rrocable belch ¬ Inn 1 have tnVcn Hoods Saisnpnrllla nt- dltterenUlinos for stoma htrouble3 and a run down condition ol the ayaoni and boro been greatly benefited by Its use I would not be without it Ip my family I afn trou ¬ bled especially in eummerw1th went stom nch ahd nausea Srtrll JaTaluable E B HICKMAN WChester P Hoods Sarsaparilla and Pills Strengthen and tono the etomach and the whole digestive sYstom r apt rte yr + ar Il faLYY I p 9 Personal fiossip L a scyca tr I MissMary Bronaugh is visiting in Indianapolis Ind Dr R H Perryti of Dawson IS here on a visit to his parents Miss Lucy Harrison of Hock port Ind is the guest of friends here Dr Geo N Campbell of Toledo 0 visited his relatives here last weekMisses Annabel McGill and Nora Anderson of Owensboro are visit- iogMrs ¬ R C Hardwick eDtr P C Richardson sad Arife have returned from Hot Springs Ark The History and Literature Club will meet every Thursday afternoo- ns February with Mrs Meacham Misses Lucile Ellis and Mary- S Jones spent several days of last week with Mrs W J Glover in Princeton visid t Bowlingd Mr W R Putman of the Board of Tax Supervisors is sick with meibles at his boarding house in- the city Miss Katie B Casey who had been the guest of friends in the city for two weeks returned to her home in Franklin Saturday Mr and Mrs Jas K Hojser have returned from a bridal tour of ten days and are boarding with Mrs Hjosers parents Mr and Mrs N B EdmundsMr Cooper left last night or Washington with Messrs CH Fort F G Ewing and J E Wash ¬ ington of Springfield as a commit Ue from the Gutbrie tobacco con ttonMiss Louise Schank of Evans villea gifted vocalist who took pats in the concert at Hotel Latham Friday night sang asolo at the Baptist Sunday School Sunday morning Miss Annabel McGill of Okvenbboro sang in the choir at the morning service at the Baptist Church LECTURE POSTPONED Prof Heink Will Appear In Hop 9C The Heink lecture concert ad vcr feed for last night had to be pot poned Mr Heiuk is suffering from a severe cold contracted a fev days ago hence the postponement He will appear at Hollands opera bousenext Tuesday night Feb 9 under the auspices of the Epworth League This distinguished Ger ¬ man composer lecturerpianist and singer is high y endorsed by the Musical Courier the leading musi ¬ 0cal journal of the United States and while this will be the great artists first public appearance in Hopkinsville he will doubtless be- t greeted with a full bouse DEATH OF MR PENDLETON Prominent Pembroke Passes Away Mr R Y Pendletona prominent Pembroke farmer and much re ¬ yesterdad y morning of pneumonia He was born in Christian county Dec 7 1828 and lived near Pembroke all his life a He leaves a large estate and is survived by several children A Mr and Mrs J C Buckner en- tertained ¬ the Main Street Flinch Club Thursday evening at the home ol Mr and Mrs Thos W Long It Vas one of tbfe pleusantest and most largely attended meetings of the aefteti The next meeting will be Mrs Jouett Henry to morrow even iug I I L VICTIM OF CONSUMPTION Mrs W vireo Passes Away After Protracted Illness v v tvifeow MrL G atfr home on Ea f Thi rte rhh Saturday aftejaprotra1ediltnes- of s consumption gar p She was about thirty v earsprd and a member of the r e byteriatf church She is survived by a bus ¬ bind and three children r tita e funeral at the residence S ay af ¬ ternoon and the interment took place in Hopevell cemetery Suicide Prevented r The startling announcement the a preventive of suicide bad been discovered will interest many A run down system or despondency invariably precede suicide an something has been found that will prevent that condition which makes suicide likely At the first takeElectric tonic and nerving will strengthen the nerves and build up the sys tem Its also a great stomach liver and kidney regulator Only 50c Satisfaction guaranteed by R C Hardwick druggist MRS CLARDY DEAD Host Estimable Woman a Victim of Consumption Latayette Ky Jan 29 Mrrf Annie Clard MI Clardy of near Weavers Stqredied Wednesdayafternoon of pnemnpnia She was about 38 ears old Jand a S3eleavea besides many friends and relatives to niourn her death Vf > > C I STRICKEN WITH PAR4I LYSIS And Died Without Ever Regain ing Consciousness if Amanda Clement rot aged 55 years died Saturday at the home of her soninlaw Fletcher Warder on East First street of paralysis She was stricken Friday morning and died without regaining con ¬ sciousness Goes Into Insurance Business Mr J Garland Cooper has ac ¬ cepted a position with the Provi- dent Savings Ufe insurance Comp pany and will to a large extent have charge if the agencies of sur rounding towns with headquarters here His office will be in the Plant- ers ¬ Bank building c- Blood k Feed pale girlon Scotts Emulsion We do not need to give all the reasons why Scotts Emulsion restores the strength and flesh arid color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil rich in nutrition full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does Scotts Emulsion presents Cod u Liver Oilat its best i tulle t in strength least in taste Young women in thei curen It d of the peculiar disease of the bloodwhich shows itself in nalenessweakriessandnervousta t with Scotts Emulsion It is a true bloodfoodan is naturally adapted to thecure of the blood sickness from whichso many young women surfer We will be glad to send a sample to any sufferer fle lurethat tilt picture la the ot a lal l t on th V ofev 1xlIlc ot EmuUion you SCOTT d BOWINIE Chprn stn 4CKj heart StI N4wYur 1 THE < fREHOHISLAW sI St Pleriie and MJquelon 4 Would Liketo join United States i Ii Important rl klnK ettiemeMtH OK theCoaetofNenQnadiaadWhiehAre tulnglaad Only 11 miles from the southern coast of Newfoundland there He two islands St Pierre and Mlquelpn which belong to the French but which might have been In the possession of the British gov ¬ ernment but for toe shortsightedness of her statesmen ota century ago At ¬ tention Is directed to these two little Islands at this time by tho growing apntl thet Four times St Pierre and Miquelon have been In the possession of England In 1T1S they were ceded to her with New ¬ conquestd were as a fishery depot and as a sort of sop to soothe her wounded feelings at the great losses In Canada The Islands were taken again by the English during the THE WHARF AT ST PIERRE troubles of 1778 but again restored to France in 1783 In 1793 England swept the Islands clean of the French but for a third time In 1802 France was given years ¬ land but since 1816 they have been In the undisputed possession of the French Mlquelon has an area of 45642 acres but is of little importance The island of St Pierre has an area of 6420 acres and at its southern extremity Is the city of St Pierre This Is the only important city on the islands and has a population of over 5000 DUring the cod fishing sea- son ¬ this Is Increased by fully 10000 fish ¬ ermen which come over from France According to the terms of the treatyof Utrecht the French were not to fortify them in any way but it is claimed that this agreement has been violated to some extent Certain it is that Franco sends over each year thousands of boys which are being trained for her navy They are called beach boys and help the ol 1men repairing tackle and netting he cape tin a small fish good for bait white the fishermen are away at the Banks These beach boys are an inter ¬ esting feature of St Pierre They are of an average age of 18 and are sent out frOm France under contract to act as helpers to the fisherman The govern ¬ ment pays them 30 for the season and furnishes transportation food clothing and shelter In return they are required lifter two or three years of apprentice- ship to enter the French navy This makes of the islands a sort of training ground for the French navy right under the nose of the English St Pierre is a quaint town with its low buildings of French architecture There are no street cars no sidewalks few horses no hotels as we understand them no dally newspaper no nothing that would suggest a city in America save the electric lights Think of It In this odd little fishing town finding tho ow oldfashioned houses lit with elec ¬ tricity The streets are long narrow and hilly and on them one sees the little rough carts drawn by dogs driven by A STREET SCENE IN ST PIERRE natives in Basque caps blouses and sabots There are also heavy ox teams proddingr About April every year the French fleet of fishing vessels arrives at St Pierre and then the busy season of the city begins In September the boats again assemble In the port preparatory to thojeturn to France The possession of these two islands is a source Of con tinual irritation of the British and com the fishing controversy which addittoid b the French hold by right of treaty the privilege to land at any point on the New ¬ foundland coast between Capo Bona viola and Cape Riche for the purpose of drying their fish The suggestion of the annexation of the islands to the United States Is ex ¬ ceedingly Interesting but it is very doubtful whether the latter country would entertain suph a proposition wltbI 1 eay7 u Stranger things than that have happened I r r i T c e Yl j t fi w Mw w W w Ny If dont Clothing from J T 3t buyt Clothing RIGHT J pI f r l Overcoat Sale Ii tt Jt Great Slicing of Prices it salei 1f i- f means hustle prices Smart refinedsafe i overcoats sUItable to wear any Ei J where at all times Correctin every IIReduced 25 Per Cent J Our coats with the popular 71 broad shoulders loose baOkhand 1 made throughout tailored in the II same high grade fashion as all of Our t clothing l 20 Coats for 15 i t J1 11650 U 1240i t 4 r 1500 1125 fiii12bO 1 I it 940i c t 4 ti I f 1050 750 1 tI < 75Qc s 570 f I I 500sc kl 375 J lI f t IS an Overcoat opportunity + J ISir that you should not let get away It you with at least twothirds of fi the the winter weather staring you in if j facl f i f I l 1 t4I- i S I r t t Watches Watches i g Watches Watches I j Prices and Quality our Salesmen 1 Some of the most attractive feat S ures of our well selected watch I g stock are the prices the l- land the value guaranteed in every m one Repairing a Specialty JAS H SKARRY 5 The Ninth Street Jeweler and Optician = eOrI O + Call On I J J K TWYMAM You Will Find Complete Line of Staple aid Fancy Groceries Country Produce BOUGHT AND SOLD f k Your Trade Appreciated Free Delivery 209 South Main Street Phone 27 Sm R D2R AGENTS YI AtjJED tn each town to take orders for our now nigh Grado Guaranwed Bicycloa New 19OS Models 875J11till l SIIerfanrA Beauty 1276 II NRiahwfjRoad Racer 1478 priceAnt want at onethird Usual guaranteeWoIBPP price Choice of any standard tires and best j ETRIAL DU 500 SeoontS HstHS WJCQS A < If ffjTA9 taken in traM bs our Chicago rotall stores i1 W g makes nod m c101stood rs now uafCOii n kvcto until oa iltC Iliin I r flmTlreaelUII1f1IiI jrt lt li oViL x < Ndorarofuli r Hwk rl Icy p + I n l > 4 j Mti r4 CJ r I i rw n l rial 7 y

Transcript of Hopkinsville Kentuckian. (Hopkinsville, KY) 1904-02-02 [p...

Page 1: Hopkinsville Kentuckian. (Hopkinsville, KY) 1904-02-02 [p ].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89j001/data/0085.pdf · 2013. 11. 13. · F t > y a 1 = = 1 H 111111 0 T = Jw C u VIj j irf 3

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v l eaUreadlnif aotfa r trots er Unei

Special locals S cekttt tine each Insertiont

RcUa tor standing idrertisetiieflts hiraisheJtfaappHcaUon



e EBRUARY2 19Qbx

bere are renewed rumors of w aSo Columbia and it 14 predictedtfcaut in less than a month 10000urea Will be on the isthmusI

MrrisWO Qf Brooklyn N Ywou the three national speed skatint championships on Veronaikaice JN J Saturday

There was a heavy snowfalltthrouglibat Northern GeorgiaAlabama and Mississippi last weekSuch weather has not been ex ¬

perienced ttithia the last twentyfive years in that section of the


The sortage in the accounts olCashier Henry Burkhold of theFranklja flank of Cincinnati hps

Ifswad to be 241000 Theboa been made good by thribeen df SJurkholds securities and

be no prosecution

Jwory session of the Legislatureproduces at least One leader who ispushed into state prominence byhis abiHty his eloquence or hiddnscqtf character Six years agotit was South Trimble our yearsiage it was N W TJtley two yearagc <it was George Hickman an

tthie time it is Campbell CantrillCaratrill is the most powerful aninfluential leader the General AslSenllttybas had since Goebel

Madame Adeliaa Patti BaSroness Cedarstrom filled an ennighL t

probably really and truly her lastAmerican tour but she has beenmaking farewell tours for the lasttwenty years The famous diva isInew more than 60 years old

The wearing of a red necktie inLermum is moreIjjtipldwho wore one to a school picnicwas freyereijr criticised bJ nit local

diaper as im lIupr perpelu toIteach the youth ot the cityieacbtr brought a damage suit andthe court baa just decided the taleHgainbt the ulaiuliff justifying tbeiedltor for crSffcuihiog neckwear that

considered indicate revolutionkiry principles

Mrs bloretice Ma brick forme-rly KlortDce Chaoler of New Albay Ind has been released from t

jprition in England where she hab

been serving a life sentence for tiemurder cf her husband Tins con >

dition is attached to herrbat she will not appear on tk

public stage or write a bvokuf der

experiences and shall in uo wjtyendeavor to attract public atleotionto herself

Arrangements for the Goebelmemorial day exercises lOJDorrO-AhaVc been completed by the corn

mittees in charge of the work At30 oclock Wednesday morning

there will be addresses in the haltof the House of Representatives b-

all who desire to speak At 23p m there will be services at thegrave At night Hon Wm J


Aryan who will arrive at noon

wilt deliver a memorial addrebs a

the oPera bouse He will be intro-


by Gov Beckbam Therewillbe no other speaking at night

State ToledosgLucasFrank Cheney makes oath that

fie is tjfefclor partner of the firm o-

fF J Ofieney Co doing busioeb-

in the Toledo county anstate aforesaid and that said firmcilJ pay the sum of One HundredDollars for eackand every case uf

I catarrh that cannot becured bythe use of Hallls < atarrh Cure


Sworn to before me and sub ¬

scribed in my presence This 6thof December AD 1886


v Notary PublicMalls Catarrh Cureis taken in ¬

ternally and acts directlyon UK

Wood and mucous surfact o thesystem Send for tebtimoual 4r ie

F Cheney Co ToTe yaSoldrib trProTake galls Family JPI ftQICqJ il

iti xtlon 1fJ

v rCc f rp r iix tt Jflbr t


n n

Gerthe stOut of Your Food

You dont und cant If your stomachis weak A weak stomach does hot di

est all is < taken intoU Rflts tiredeiisiand What it tulBdigest is feasted i4

Amoog the signs of n oak stomacli

isera uncasincS3 after gating fits of nerheadache and disit rrocable belch ¬

Inn1 have tnVcn Hoods Saisnpnrllla nt-

dltterenUlinos for stoma htrouble3 and arun down condition ol the ayaoni and borobeen greatly benefited by Its use I wouldnot be without it Ip my family I afn trou ¬

bled especially in eummerw1th went stomnch ahd nausea SrtrllJaTaluable E B HICKMAN WChester P

Hoods Sarsaparillaand Pills

Strengthen and tono the etomach andthe whole digestive sYstom

rapt rte yr+ ar Il faLYYI p

9 Personal fiossipL a scyca tr IMissMary Bronaugh is visiting

in Indianapolis IndDr R H Perryti of Dawson IS

here on a visit to his parentsMiss Lucy Harrison of Hock port

Ind is the guest of friends hereDr Geo N Campbell of Toledo

0 visited his relatives here last

weekMissesAnnabel McGill and Nora

Anderson of Owensboro are visit-


R C Hardwick

eDtr P C Richardson sad Arife

have returned from Hot SpringsArk

The History and Literature Clubwill meet every Thursday afternoo-ns February with Mrs Meacham

Misses Lucile Ellis and Mary-S Jones spent several days of last

week with Mrs W J Glover in

Princetonvisid t

BowlingdMr W R Putman of the Board

of Tax Supervisors is sick withmeibles at his boarding house in-

the cityMiss Katie B Casey who had

been the guest of friends in the cityfor two weeks returned to her homein Franklin Saturday

Mr and Mrs Jas K Hojser havereturned from a bridal tour of tendays and are boarding with MrsHjosers parents Mr and Mrs NB

EdmundsMrCooper left last night

or Washington with Messrs CHFort F G Ewing and J E Wash ¬

ington of Springfield as a commitUe from the Gutbrie tobacco con

ttonMissLouise Schank of Evans

villea gifted vocalist who took patsin the concert at Hotel LathamFriday night sang asolo at theBaptist Sunday School Sundaymorning Miss Annabel McGill ofOkvenbboro sang in the choir atthe morning service at the BaptistChurch


Prof Heink Will Appear In Hop9CThe Heink lecture concert ad vcrfeed for last night had to be potponed Mr Heiuk is sufferingfrom a severe cold contracted a fevdays ago hence the postponementHe will appear at Hollands operabousenext Tuesday night Feb 9

under the auspices of the EpworthLeague This distinguished Ger ¬

man composer lecturerpianist andsinger is high y endorsed by theMusical Courier the leading musi ¬

0cal journal of the United Statesand while this will be the greatartists first public appearance inHopkinsville he will doubtless be-

t greeted with a full bouse


Prominent PembrokePasses Away

Mr R Y Pendletona prominentPembroke farmer and much re ¬yesterdad ymorning of pneumonia He wasborn in Christian county Dec 71828 and lived near Pembroke allhis life a

He leaves a large estate and issurvived by several children A

Mr and Mrs J C Buckner en-


the Main Street FlinchClub Thursday evening at the homeol Mr and Mrs Thos W Long ItVas one of tbfe pleusantest and most

largely attended meetings of theaefteti The next meeting will beMrs Jouett Henry to morrow eveniug




Mrs W vireo Passes Away AfterProtracted Illness


vtvifeowMrL G atfrhome on Ea f Thi rte rhhSaturday aftejaprotra1ediltnes-of

sconsumption gar pShe was about thirty v earsprd

and a member of the re byteriatfchurch She is survived by a bus ¬

bind and three children rtita e

funeral at the residence S ay af¬

ternoon and the interment took

place in Hopevell cemetery

Suicide Prevented r

The startling announcement thea preventive of suicide bad beendiscovered will interest many A

run down system or despondencyinvariably precede suicide ansomething has been found that willprevent that condition whichmakes suicide likely At the first

takeElectrictonic and nerving will strengthenthe nerves and build up the system Its also a great stomachliver and kidney regulator Only50c Satisfaction guaranteed byR C Hardwick druggist


Host Estimable Woman a Victim

of Consumption

Latayette Ky Jan 29 MrrfAnnie ClardMIClardy of near Weavers StqrediedWednesdayafternoon of pnemnpniaShe was about 38 ears old Jand a

S3eleaveabesides many friends and relativesto niourn her death Vf> > C


And Died Without Ever Regain

ing Consciousnessif

Amanda Clement rot aged 55

years died Saturday at the homeof her soninlaw Fletcher Warderon East First street of paralysisShe was stricken Friday morningand died without regaining con ¬


Goes Into Insurance BusinessMr J Garland Cooper has ac ¬

cepted a position with the Provi-

dent Savings Ufe insurance Comp

pany and will to a large extenthave charge if the agencies of surrounding towns with headquartershere His office will be in the Plant-ers


Bank building


kFeed pale girlon Scotts

EmulsionWe do not need to give all

the reasons why ScottsEmulsion restores the strengthand flesh arid color of goodhealth to those who sufferfrom sick blood

The fact that it is the bestpreparation of Cod Liver Oilrich in nutrition full of healthystimulation is a suggestion asto why it does what it does

Scotts Emulsion presentsCod u Liver Oilat its best i

tulle t in strength least intaste

Young women in theicurenIt dof the peculiar disease of thebloodwhich shows itself in


with Scotts EmulsionIt is a true bloodfoodan

is naturally adapted to thecureof the blood sickness fromwhichso many young women

surferWe will be glad to send

a sample to any sufferer

fle lurethat tilt picture lathe ot a lal l t on thV ofev1xlIlc otEmuUion you


Chprn stn4CKj heart StI N4wYur 1


St Pleriie and MJquelon 4 Would

Liketo join United States

i IiImportant rl klnK ettiemeMtH OK



Only 11 miles from the southern coastof Newfoundland there He two islandsSt Pierre and Mlquelpn which belongto the French but which might havebeen In the possession of the British gov ¬

ernment but for toe shortsightednessof her statesmen ota century ago At¬

tention Is directed to these two littleIslands at this time by tho growing apntlthetFour times St Pierre and Miquelonhave been In the possession of EnglandIn 1T1S they were ceded to her with New¬conquestdwereas a fishery depot and as a sort of sop tosoothe her wounded feelings at the greatlosses In Canada The Islands weretaken again by the English during the


troubles of 1778 but again restored toFrance in 1783 In 1793 England sweptthe Islands clean of the French but fora third time In 1802 France was givenyears¬

land but since 1816 they have been In theundisputed possession of the French

Mlquelon has an area of 45642 acresbut is of little importance The islandof St Pierre has an area of 6420 acresand at its southern extremity Is the cityof St Pierre This Is the only importantcity on the islands and has a populationof over 5000 DUring the cod fishing sea-


this Is Increased by fully 10000 fish ¬

ermen which come over from FranceAccording to the terms of the treatyofUtrecht the French were not to fortifythem in any way but it is claimed thatthis agreement has been violated tosome extent Certain it is that Francosends over each year thousands of boyswhich are being trained for her navyThey are called beach boys and help theol 1men repairing tackle and nettinghe cape tin a small fish good for bait

white the fishermen are away at theBanks These beach boys are an inter ¬

esting feature of St Pierre They are ofan average age of 18 and are sent outfrOm France under contract to act ashelpers to the fisherman The govern ¬

ment pays them 30 for the season andfurnishes transportation food clothingand shelter In return they are requiredlifter two or three years of apprentice-ship to enter the French navy Thismakes of the islands a sort of trainingground for the French navy right underthe nose of the English

St Pierre is a quaint town with itslow buildings of French architectureThere are no street cars no sidewalksfew horses no hotels as we understandthem no dally newspaper no nothingthat would suggest a city in Americasave the electric lights Think of It Inthis odd little fishing town finding thoow oldfashioned houses lit with elec ¬

tricity The streets are long narrowand hilly and on them one sees the littlerough carts drawn by dogs driven by


natives in Basque caps blouses andsabots There are also heavy ox teamsproddingr

About April every year the Frenchfleet of fishing vessels arrives at StPierre and then the busy season of thecity begins In September the boatsagain assemble In the port preparatoryto thojeturn to France The possessionof these two islands is a source Of continual irritation of the British and com

the fishing controversy whichaddittoidb

the French hold by right of treaty theprivilege to land at any point on the New¬

foundland coast between Capo Bonaviola and Cape Riche for the purpose ofdrying their fish

The suggestion of the annexation ofthe islands to the United States Is ex ¬

ceedingly Interesting but it is verydoubtful whether the latter countrywould entertain suph a proposition

wltbI1 eay7u

Stranger things than that havehappened




T c

e Yl j t fiw Mw w W w NyIf dont Clothing from J T3tbuytClothing RIGHT J pIf r

lOvercoat Sale Iitt

Jt Great Slicing of Prices itsalei 1fi-

f meanshustle prices Smart refinedsafei overcoats sUItable to wear any Ei Jwhere at all times Correctin every

IIReduced 25 Per CentJ Our coats with the popular

71 broad shoulders loose baOkhand 1

made throughout tailored in theII same high grade fashion as all of Our

t clothingl 20 Coats for 15


J1 11650 U 1240it 4

r 1500 1125fiii12bO 1 I it 940i c

t 4 ti I

f 1050 750 1

tI < 75Qc s 570 f

II 500sc kl 375JlI ft IS an Overcoat opportunity + J

ISir that you should not let get away Ityou with at least twothirds offi the

the winter weather staring you in if j

facl f if I

l 1 t4I-i




Watches Watches ig

Watches Watches Ij Prices and Quality our Salesmen 1

Some of the most attractive featS ures of our well selected watch Ig stock are the prices the l-

land the value guaranteed in everym one Repairing a Specialty

JAS H SKARRY5 The Ninth Street Jeweler and Optician =eOrI O

+ Call OnIJ

J K TWYMAMYou Will Find Complete Line of

Staple aid Fancy Groceries

Country ProduceBOUGHT AND SOLD f k

Your Trade Appreciated Free Delivery

209 South Main Street Phone 27Sm

R D2R AGENTS YIAtjJEDtn each town to take orders for our now nigh GradoGuaranwed Bicycloa

New 19OS Models875J11tilllSIIerfanrA Beauty 1276II NRiahwfjRoad Racer 1478priceAnt want at onethirdUsual

guaranteeWoIBPPprice Choice of any standard tires and best j

ETRIALDU 500 SeoontS HstHS WJCQS A < IfffjTA9 taken in traM bs our Chicago rotall stores i1 W gmakes nod m c101stood rs nowuafCOii n kvcto until oa iltC Iliin I rflmTlreaelUII1f1IiIjrt ltli oViL


< Ndorarofulir Hwk


p +


n l > 4 j Mti r4 CJr

I irw nl

rial 7y