Hop Dong May Can 5 Gia Co Luu

E STEEL MANUFACTU.f<ER '" VINA ONE5TE~l MANu.fACTURING COR.PORAnON Voila Hnmlet,Long·-HieltVillage.len Luc'[)istvLongAn ProYince.Vie.tNom Tel:+$4.72.U«'106 -Rue: +a4.7'2.3n0900 Wabsite : www .vln aonesteel.co.m SALES CONTRACT Contract Number: SLB-VAVIE/2014..004 Contract Date: December 181"a, 2014 Between [ SELLER.~S=H=A=N__;G:::.::J'H=A=I:....::L::..:O=-=N__;G=RI::.::~ =-=C:..::.H::..:B=-:E=A=RI=-=-N:....::G:_C=-o::..:.:.r::,L=-=T=D~_---,- -__ 1 ADDRESS: 2505 BAOAN BUILDING, 800 DONGF ANG ROAD, PUDONG SHANGHAI 200122 CHINA. I ::~:t::~~61::.0~::::~~:~:.g.. I BUYER VINA ONE STEEL MANUFACTURING CORPORATION 1 .ADDRESS: VOl LAHAMLET, LONG HIEPVILLAGE, BEN LUC DISTRICT, LON~J AN PROVINCE, VIETNAM L.. r_rE_~I_J:_0_08_4_-0_7_2_3_8_90_9_0_1 __F_A_X~:~84_- __72_-_3_89_0_9_00 _j1 Represented by: MR. NGUYEN MINH PHUC - General Director :~% '.'~;'.(. ~.' .:-- ~ '. ~ ':~ -I j,~, ·~h " The parties named above have concluded this contract of sale as follows and agree to all terms as stated. , The buyer agrees and makes an irrevocable commitment to purchase following products: - Descripition Technical Specifications Quantity Unit Price Amount ' .. 1-- . ~ I.AGC Electronic Control 1 set System 2.HAGC Station 1 set I 1---. & Oil Cylinder I Five-stand 3.Main control panel 1 set I Tandem 4.Tensiometer 4 set' 1.00 USD USD 230,000.00 Electronic 5.Pressure Head 3 set 230,000.00 i Control System i 6.Weld Detection 1 Photoelectric , 1 set j , . Switch 1 lying Shear Electrical 1 set j Control ~L: -- .. I. ....Lr l_SE_.T _l__-=-U-=-SD=-· -=-23::_:0_:_;'0:"'::_0'::_;O'_ (Saying: Two himdred and thirty thousand USDollar~) ARTICLE 1 Equipment and parts that Buyer purchases and shipment terms are as detailed in technical pact and shipment list which are confirmed and signed by both parties. VINA ONE STEEL Page 1 of 5 pages


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Transcript of Hop Dong May Can 5 Gia Co Luu